صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

conensis, on the high road from Emerita to CaesarAugusta, 22 M. P. NE. of Complutum (Alcalá). The distance identifies it with Guadalajara, on the Henares, where the bridge across the river is built on Roman foundations. As to the variation in the name, it is said that one MS. of the Itinerary has the form Caraca. (Ukert, i. 2. p. 429.) [P. S.] ARSA (Apoa: Eth. 'Aporaîos: Azuaga), a city of the Turduli, in the district of Baeturia in Hispania Baetica, belonging to the conventus of Corduba. It lay in the Sierra Morena (M. Marianus), and is mentioned in the war with Viriathus. (Ap. pian. Hisp. 70; Plin. iii. 1. s. 3; Ptol. ii. 4. § 14; Steph. B. s. v.) Its site is identified by ruins with inscriptions. (Florez, ix. p. 20.) [P. S.]

ARSA or VARSA ("Apσa, Ovapra), a district of India intra Gangem, in the N. of the Panjab. It was that part of the country between the Indus and the upper course of the Hydaspes which lay nearer to the former river, and which contained the city of Taxila (τà Táğıλa or Taşíaλa), the capital, in Alexander's time, of the Indian king Taxiles. (Ptol. vii. 1. § 45.) [P.S.]


ARSADA, or ARSADUS, a town of Lycia, not mentioned, so far as appears, by any ancient writer. The modern site appears to be Arsa, “a small village overlooking the valley of the Xanthus." (Spratt's Lycia, vol. i. p. 293.) There are rock tombs, on two of which Lycian inscriptions were observed. "There are several Greek inscriptions; in two of them mention is made of the name of the place." One inscription is given in Spratt's Lycia (vol. ii. p. 291), from which it appears that the ancient name was not Arsa, as it is assumed in the work referred to, but Arsadus, or Arsada (like Arycanda), as the Ethnic name, which occurs twice in the inscription, shows (Apradewv 8 dnuos, and Aporadea, in the accusative singular.) The real name is not certain, because the name of a place cannot always be deduced with certainty from the Ethnic name. The inscription is on a sarcophagus, and records that the Demus honoured a certain person with a gold crown and a bronze statue for certain services to the community. The inscription shows that there was a temple of Apollo at this place. [G. L.]


ARSA'NIAS ('Apoavías: Myrád-chái), an affluent of the Euphrates according to Pliny (v. 24, vi. 31; comp. Tac. Ann. xv. 15; Plut. Lucull. 31). Ritter (Erdkunde, vol. x. pp. 85, 98, 101, 646, vol. xi. p. 110) considers it to be the S. arm of the Euphrates (St. Martin, Mém. sur l'Armenie, pp. 50, 51, 171). [E. B. J.]

ARSANUS, an affluent of the Euphrates according to Pliny (v. 24), but mentioned in no other writer. [E. B. J.]

ARSENA'RIA (Itin. Ant. p. 14; 'Apo evapía Koλwvía, Ptol. iv. 2. § 3; Arsennaria Latinorum, Plin. v. 2. s. 1; Arsinna, Mela, i. 6. § 1: Arzew, Ru.), an important city of Numidia, or, according to the later division, of Mauretania Caesariensis, 3 M. P. from the sea, between Quiza and the mouth of the Chinalaph (a few minutes W. of the meridian of Greenwich). That it was a place of considerable importance is proved by its ruins, among which are the cisterns for collecting rain-water, which extended beneath the whole town. There are also several Roman inscriptions. (Shaw, pp. 29, 30, or p. 14, 2nd ed.; Barth, Wanderungen, &c. p. 59.) [P. S.] ARSE'NE ('Apoŋvý: Ván), a large lake situated

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in the S. of Armenia. Strabo (xi. p. 529) says that it was also called Thonitis (Owvitis), which Groskurd corrects to Thospitis (@wonitis, comp. Ptol. v. 13. § 7; Plin. vi. 27. s. 31). The lake Arsissa, which Ptolemy (l. c.) distinguishes from Thospitis has been identified with Arsene, and the name is said to survive in the fortress Arjish, situated on the N. of the lake (St. Martin, Mém. sur l' Armenie, vol. i. p. 56). On the other hand, Ritter (Erdkunde, vol. ix. p. 786) identifies Arsissa with the Mantiane of Strabo, and Lake Ván. It must be recollected that till lately this district has been a terra incognita, and but little yet has been done for the illustration of ancient authors. Till further evidence therefore has been collected, it would be premature to come to any distinct conclusion on these points. Strabo (l. c.) describes Arsene as abounding in natron, so much so as to remove stains from cloth: the water was undrinkable. The Tigris, he adds, flows through it with such rapidity that the waters do not commingle; hence it has been inferred that Arsene is the same as the Arethusa of Pliny (vi. 31, comp. Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. x. p. 90; Ersch and Gruber's Encyclopaedia). Lake Ván is of an irregular shape, in extreme length from NE. to SW. about 70 miles, and in extreme breadth from N. to S. about 28 miles. The level is placed at 5467 feet above the sea. water is brackish, but cattle will drink it, particularly near the rivers. Kinneir, Travels, p. 384 ; London Geog. Journ. vol. iii. p. 50, vol. x. pp. 391, 398, 410.) [E. B. J.]


ARSE'SA (Aponoa: Arjish), a town and district of Armenia, on the NE. of Lake Ván; the district is probably the same as that of Arsia ('Aporía) mentioned by Ptolemy (v. 13. § 13). In the 10th century it was called "Apoes or "Apes (Const. Porph. de Adm. Imp. c. 44. p. 144. ed. Meurs.), and was then in the possession of the Mussulman princes. In A. D. 993 it was recovered by the Empire; but, A. D. 107, was taken by the Seljuk Turks soon after its capture by the Georgians, A. D. 1206, it fell into the hands of the Mongols. (St. Martin, Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. i. p. 136; London Geog. Journal, vol. x. p. 402.) [E. B. J.]

AʼRSIA, a small river of Istria, still called Arsa, which became the boundary between Italy and Illyricum, when Istria had been annexed by Augustus to the former country. (Plin. iii. 5. s. 6, 19. s. 23; Tab. Peut.) Florus represents it as having been at an earlier period the limit between the Illyrians and Istrians (ii. 4). It flowed into the Flanaticus Sinus (Golfo di Quarnero), on the E. coast of Istria, just beyond the town of Nesactium (Castel Nuovo). The existence of a town of the name "Civitas Arsia," rests only on the authority of the geographer of Ravenna (iv.31), and is probably a mistake. [E.H.B.]

A'RSIA SILVA, a wood on the confines of the Roman and Veientine territories, where a battle was fought between the Roman consuls Brutus and Valerius Poplicola and the exiled Tarquins, supported by the Veientines and Tarquinians, in which Aruns, the son of Tarquin, and Brutus, were both slain. (Liv. ii. 6; Val. Max. i. 8. § 5; Plut. Popl. 9, who writes the name Oiprov aλoos.) The name is never again mentioned: it was probably nothing more than a sacred grove. Dionysius calls it dpuuòs iepòs pwos 'Opárov (v. 14); but the last name i probably corrupt. [E. H. B.]

ARSIANA (Amm. Marc. xxiii. 6), a town of Susiana. It may be, perhaps, the same as the Tareiana (Tapetáva) of Ptol. (vi. 3. § 5). [V.]

ARSINA'RIUM PR. ('Aprivdpiov aкpov), a headland on the W. coast of Libya Interior, placed by Ptolemy (iv. 6. § 6) in 8° long., and 12° N. lat., between the two great rivers Daradus (Senegal) and Stacheir (Gambia); a position exactly answering to that of C. Verde, the westernmost point of the whole continent of Africa. It is true that Ptolemy gives points on the W. coast of Africa more to the W., his westernmost point being the Pr. Cotes, at the mouth of the Straits, which he places in long. 6° [AMPELUSIA]; for he mistook the whole shape of this coast, especially in its N. portion. But still his Pr. Arsinarium is the westernmost point of the coast for a long distance on both sides of it. The geographers who place this cape N. of C. Blanco have not given Ptolemy sufficient credit for the accuracy of his longitudes.

corn and the usual cereals and vegetables of the Nile valley, it abounded in dates, figs, roses, and its vineyards and gardens rivalled those in the vicinity of Alexandria. Here too alone the olive repaid cultivation.

The Arsinoite nome was bounded to the west by the Lake Moeris (Berket el kerún) watered by the Canal of Josepl. (Bahr Jusuf), and contained, besides various pyramids, the necropolis of the city of Crocodiles, the celebrated labyrinth, which together with the Lake are described under Moeris. Extensive mounds of ruins at Medinet-el-Fyoom, or el-Fares represent the site of Arsinoe, but no remains of any remarkable antiquity, except a few sculptured blocks, have hitherto been found there. In the later periods of the Roman empire Arsinoe was annexed to the department of Arcadia, and became the chief town of an episcopal see. (Strab. xvii. p. 809, seq.; Herod. ii. 48; Diod. i. 89; Aelian. H. A. x. 24; Plin. v. 9. s. 11, xxxvi. 16; Mart. Capell. vi. 4 ; Belzoni's Travels, vol. ii. p. 162; Champollion,

[P. S.] ARSI NOE ('Aprivón, Strab. p. 804; Plin. v. 11. s. 12, vi. 29. s. 33; Steph. B. p. 126; Mart. Capell. 6. § 677: Eth. 'Apoiotτns, or 'Apoioeus), the name of several cities which derived their appellation from Arsinoe, the favourite sister of Ptolemy Phila-Egypte, vol. i. p. 323, seq.) delphus, who erected or extended and beautified them, and dedicated them to her honour or memory. Their erection or improvement consequently dates between B. C. 284-246. Each of these cities apparently occupied the site of, or included, previously existing


1. A city at the northern extremity of the Heroopolite gulf, in the Red Sea. It was the capital of the Heroopolite nome, and one of the principal harbours belonging to Egypt. It appears to have been also denominated Cleopatris (Strab. p. 780) and Arsinoites (Plin. v. 9. § 9; Orelli, Inscr. 516). It is also conjectured to have stood on the site of the ancient Pihachiroth (Exod. xii. 2, 9; Numb. xxxiii. 7; Winer, Biblioth. Realwörterb. ii. p. 309). The modern Ardscherúd, a village near Suez, corresponds to this Arsinoe. It was seated near the eastern termination of the Royal canal which communicated with the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, and which Ptolemy Philadelphus carried on from the Bitter Lakes to the head of the Heroopolite bay. Arsinoe (Plin. v. 12) was 125 miles from Pelusium. The evenues of the Arsinoite nome were presented by that monarch to his sister, and remained the property of successive queens or princesses of the Lagid family. The shortness of the road across the eastern desert and its position near the canal were the principal advantages of Arsinoe as a staple of trade. But although it possessed a capacions bay, it was exposed to the south wind, and the difficulties which ships encountered from reefs in working up the gulf were considerable. Arsinoe, accordingly, was less eligibly situated for the Indian traffic than either Myos Hormos or Berenice. In common, however, with other ports on the Red Sea Arsinoe improved in its commerce after the conquest of Egypt by the Romans. One hundred and twenty vessels annually sailed from Egyptian havens to bring from western India silk, precious stones, and aromatics (Gibbon, D. and F. ch. vi).

2. In the Heptanomis, was the capital of the Dome Arsinoïtes, and was seated on the western bank of the Nile, between the river and the Lake Moeris, south-west of Memphis, in lat. 29° N. In the Pharaonic era Arsinoe was denominated the city of Crocodiles (Kpokodeiλwv wóλis), from the peculiar reverence paid by its inhabitants to that animal. The region in which Arsinoe stood the modern El

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3. A city in the Regio Troglodytica upon the western coast of the Red Sea between Philoteras (Kosseir) and Myos Hormos. (Strab. xvi. p. 769.) It was previously called Olbia (Steph. B. s. v. 'Apawón). According to Agatharchides (de Rub. Mar. p. 53), there were hot springs in its neighbourhood. Arsinoe stood nearly at the point where the limestone range of the Arabian hills joins the Mons Porphyrites, and at the southern entrance of the Heroopolite Gulf.

4. A city in Aethiopia, north of Dirè Berenices, and near the entrance of the Red Sea (Bab-elMandeb). (Strab. xvi. p. 773; Mela, iii. 8; Plin. vi. 34; Ptol. iv. 5. § 14.) [W. B. D.]

5. A town of Crete assigned to Lyctus. (Steph. B.) Berkelius (ad loc.) supposes that an error had crept into the text, and that for AUKTOV We should read Avkías.

Its existence has been confirmed by some coins with the types and emblems peculiar to the Cretan mints. (Eckhel, vol. ii. p. 304.)

6. A town in the E. of Cyprus, near the promontory of Acamas (Strab. xiv. p. 682; Ptol. v. 14. § 4), formerly called Marion (Mápiov; Steph. B. s. v.; comp. Scylax, s. v. Cyprus). Ptoleiny Soter destroyed this town, and removed the inhabitants to Paphos (Diod. xix. 89). For coins of Marion see Eckhel, vol. iii. p. 86. The name of Arsinoe was given to it in honour of the Aegyptian princess of that name, the wife and sister of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Hierocles and Const. Porphyr. (Them. i. 15) place it between Paphos and Soloi. The modern name is Polikrusoko or Crisophou, from the gold mines in the neighbourhood. According to Strabo (l. c.) there was a grove sacred to Zeus. Cyprus, from its subjection to the kings of the Lagid family, had more than one city of this name, which was common to several princesses of that house.

Another Arsinoe is placed near Ammochostus to the N. of the island (Strab. p. 683). A third city of the same name appears in Strabo (l. c.), with a harbour, temple, and grove, and lies between Old and New Paphos. The ancient name survives in the present Arschelia (D'Anville, Mém. de l'Acad. des Inscrip. vol. xxxii. pp. 537, 545, 551, 554, Engel, Kypros, vol. i. pp. 73, 97, 137; Marati, Viaggi, vol. i. p. 200). [F. B. J.]

7. One of the five cities of the Libyan Penta

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8. A place on the coast of Cilicia, mentioned by Strabo (p. 670) as having a port. Leake places it at or near the ruined modern castle, called Sokhta Kalesi, below which is a port, such as Strabo describes at Arsinoe, and a peninsula on the east side of the harbour covered with ruins. (Asia Minor, p. 201.) This modern site is east of Anemurium, and west of, and near to, Cape Kizliman. (Beaufort's Karamania). [G. L.]

9. [PATARA.]

10. In Aetolia. [CONOPE.]

ARTABIA, ARTABIUS. [ARABIS.] ARTABRI (Apтаspоi, 'Apoтpébai, Arrotrebae), a people in the extreme NW. of Hispania Tarraconensis, about the promontory Nerium (C. Finisterre), and around a bay called by their name [ARTARRORUM SINUS], on which there were several sea-port towns, which the sailors who frequented them called the Ports of the Artabri ('Aprá6pwv Aquévas). Strabo states that in his time the Artabri were called Arotrebae. He places them in Lusitania, which he makes to extend as far as the N. coast of the peninsula. We may place them along that part of the coast of Gallicia, which looks to the NW. between C. Ortegal and C. Finisterre (Strab. iii. pp. 147, 153, 154; Ptol. ii. 6. § 22). Strabo speaks of the Celtici, in connection with the Artabri, as it the latter were a tribe of the former (p. 153); which Mela expressly states (iii. 1. § 9; but the text is doubtful). Ptolemy also assigns the district of the Artabri to the Gallaeci Lucenses (Kaλλaïkŵv NovKnyoiwv, i.e. having Lucus Augusti for their capital: ii. 6. §§ 2, 4).

Pliny (iv. 20, 22. s. 34, 35) places the Arrotrebae, belonging to the conventus of Lucus Augusti, about the promontory Celticum, which, if not the same as the Nerium of the others, is evidently in its immediate neighbourhood; but he confuses the whole matter by a very curious error. He mentions a promontory called Artabrum as the headland at the NW. extremity of Spain; the coast on the one side of it looking to the N. and the Gallic Ocean, on the other side to the W. and the Atlantic Ocean. But he considers this promontory to be the W. headland of the estuary of the Tagus, and adds that some called it Magnum Pr., and others Olisipone, from the city of Olisipo (Lisbon). He assigns, in fact, all the W. coast of Spain, down to the mouth of the Tagus, to the N. coast; and, instead of being led to detect his error by the resemblance of name between his Artabrum Pr. and his Arrotrebae (the Artabri of his predecessors, Strabo and Mela) he perversely finds fault with those who had placed about the promontory Artabrum a people of the same name, who never were there (ibi gentem Artabrum quae nunquam fuit, manifesto errore. Arrotrebas enim, quos ante Celticum diximus promontorium, hoc in loco posuere, litteris permutatis: Plin. iv. 22. s. 35; comp. ii. 118. s. 112).

Ptolemy (. c.) mentions Claudionerium (KAavdiovéptov) and Novium (Nooútov) as cities of the Artabri.

Strabo relates, on the authority of Posidonius, that, in the land of the Artabri, the earth on the surface contained tin mixed with silver, which, being carried down by the rivers, was sifted out by the women on a plan apparently similar to the "goldwashings" of California (Strab.iii. p.147). [P.S.]

ARTABRORUM PORTUS ('Αρταβρῶν λιμήν. a sea-port town of the Artabri (Gallaeci) S. of Pr. Nerium. (Ptol. ii. 6. § 22; Agathem. i. 4). Strabo (iii. p. 153) uses the name in the plural for the sea-ports of the Artabri further N. on the Bay of Ferrol and Coruña. [AKTABRI.]

ARTABRORUM SINUS, a bay on the coast of the Artabri, with a narrow entrance, but widening inwards, having on its shore the town of ARDOBRICA, and receiving four rivers, two of which were not worth mention; the other two were the Mearus and the Ivia or Juvia (Mela iii. 1. § 9). This description answers exactly to the great bay on the coast of Gallicia, between La Coruña on the S. and C. Friorino, SW. of El Ferrol, on the N.; which divides itself into the three bays of Coruña, Betanzos, and El Ferrol, and receives the four rivers Mero, Mendo, Eume, and Juvia. Of these the first and last, whose estuaries form respectively the bays of Coruña and El Ferrol, correspond in name with Mela's rivers; but the other two, which fall into the estuary of Betanzos, are quite as important in respect of their size. The bay is completely land-locked ; its coasts are bold and lofty; but the rivers which fall into it form those secure harbours, which the ancient writers mention (see preceding article), and which have been celebrated in all ages.

Notwithstanding some confusion in the numbers of Ptolemy, this is evidently his Magnus Portus (8 μéyas Ain) on the coast of the Gallaeci Lucenses (ii. 6. § 4). [P.S.]

A'RTABRUM PROM. [ARTABRI] ARTACANA. [ARIA CIVITAS and ARTAEA.] ARTACE ('Αρτάκη: Eth. Αρτακηνός, Αρτάκιος, 'Apтakeús: Artaki or Erdek), a town of Mysia, near Cyzicus (Herod. iv. 14), and a Milesian colony. (Strab pp. 582, 635.) It was a sea-port, and on the same peninsula on which Cyzicus stood, and about 40 stadia from it. Artace was burnt, together with Proconnesus, during the Ionian revolt, in the reign of Darius I. (Herod. vi. 33.) Probably it was not rebuilt, for Strabo does not mention it among the Mysian towns: but he speaks (p. 576) of a wooded mountain Artace, with an island of the same name near to it, the same which Pliny (v. 32) calls Artacaeum. Timosthenes, quoted by Stephanus (s. v. 'Apтákn), also gives the name Artace to a mountain, and to a small island, one stadium from the land. In the time of Procopius, Artace had been rebuilt, and was a suburb of Cyzicus. (Bell. Pers. i. 25.) It is now a poor place. (Hamilton, Researches, vol. ii. p. 97.) [G. L.] ARTACE'NE, or ARACTENE. [ARBELITES.] ARTACOANA. [ARIA CIVITAS.]

ARTAEA (Apraia, Steph. B. Eth. "Apraio), a district of Persia, where, according to Hellanicus (Hellan. Fragm. No. lxiii. p. 97, Sturz), Perseus and Andromeda founded several cities (S'eph.) It is probably connected with the Parthian Artacana of Ptolemy (vi. 5. § 4). Herodotus (vii. 61) states the native name of the Persians was Artaei; Stephanus and Hesychius (s. v. 'Aprás) say that it was a particular epithet given in the vernacular dialect to the heroes of ancient Persian romance (Rawlinson, Asiat. Journ. xi. pt. i. p. 35), no doubt nearly connected with the ancient name of the Medes, Arii, with the Zend Airya, and the Sanscrit Arthya (Pott, Forschung. &c. p. lxix.) [V.]

ARTAGEIRA, a city of Inner Libya, placed by Ptolemy on the N. side of the river Geir, in 440 long., and 18° N. lat. (Ptol. iv. 6. § 32). [P.S.]

ARTAGE'RA ('Apтaynpai, Strab. xi. p. 529; Aprάyeipa, Zon. x. 36; Artagera, Vell. Pat. ii. 102), a town of Armenia, supposed to be the same as the Artagigarta of Ptolemy ( prayıyaрта, v. 13. § 22) and the Artogerassa of Amm. Marcellinus (xxvii. 12). It is called by the Armenian writers Artagêr (Ardakers?) (St. Martin, Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. i. p. 122.) Before the walls of this city C. Caesar, grandson of Augustus, received the wound from the effects of which he died. The site would appear to have been between Arsamosata and Tigranocerta, if it be assumed that it is the same place as the Artagigarta of Ptolemy. [E. B. J.]

A'RTAMIS (Apraμs, Ptol. vi. 11. §§ 2, 3; Artamis, Amm. Marc. xxiii. 6), a river of Bactria, which flowed into the Zariaspis (or river of Balkh). Wilson (Ariana, p. 162) conjectures that it is the Dakash, which flows NE. in the direction of Balkh. The name itself is probably of Persian origin. [V.] ARTANES (Aprávns), also written Artannes and Artanos, a small river of Bithynia, placed by Arrian (p. 13) 150 stadia east of Cape Melaena, with a haven and temple of Venus at the mouth of the river. [G. L.]

ARTANISSA ('Aprávioσa: Telawe?), a city of Iberia, in Asia, between the Cyrus and M. Caucasus (Ptol. v. 11 § 3). It was one of Ptolemy's points of recorded astronomical observations, having the longest day 15 hrs. 25 min., and being one hour E. of Alexandria (viii. 19. § 5). [P.S.]

ARTAUNUM ("ApTavvov), is generally believed to be the fort which Drusus erected on mount Taunus (Tacit. Ann. i. 56), and which was afterwards restored by Germanicus. (Ptol. ii. 11.) Some find its site in Salburg, near Homburg. [L. S.]

ΑΒΤΑΧΑΤΑ (Αρτάξατα, Αρταξιάσατα, ΑρTakiaora: Artaxata sing, and plur., Plin. vi. 10; Juv. ii. 170; Tac. Annal. ii. 56, vi. 32, xiii. 41, xiv. 23: Eth. 'Apratarηvós), the ancient capital of Armenia, situated on a sort of peninsula formed by the curve of the river Araxes. (Strab. xi. p. 529.) Hannibal, who took refuge at the court of Artaxias when Antiochus was no longer able to protect him, superintended the building of this city, which was so called in honour of Artaxias. (Strab. p. 528; Plut. Lucull. 31.) Corbulo, A. D. 58, destroyed the town (Dict. of Biog. s. v.), which was rebuilt by Tiridates, who gave it the name of Neronia in honour of the Emperor Nero, who had surrendered the kingdom of Armenia to him. (Dio. Cass. Ixiii. 7.) The subsequent history, as given by the native historians, will be found in St. Martin (Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. i. p. 118). Formerly a mass of ruins called Takt Tiridate (Throne of Tiridates), near the junction of the Arus and the Zengue, were supposed to represent the ancient Artaxata. Col. Monteith (London Geog. Journal, vol. iii. p. 47) fixes the site at a remarkable bend in the river, somewhat lower down than this, at the bottom of which were the ruins of a bridge of Greek or Roman architecture. [E. B. J.] ARTEMI'SIUM ('Apreμíoιov). 1. The name of the northern coast and of a promontory of Euboea, immediately opposite the Thessalian Magnesia, so called from the temple of Artemis Proseoa, belonging to the town of Histiaea. It was off this coast that the Grecian fleet fought with the fleet of Xerxes, B. C. 480. (Herod. vii. 175, viii. 8; Plut. Them. 7; Diod. xi. 12.)

2. A mountain forming the boundary between Argolis and Arcadia, with a temple of Artemis on its summit. It is 5814 feet in height, and is now called

the Mountain of Turniki. (Paus. ii. 25. § 3, viii. 5. § 6; Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 203.)

3. A fortress in Macedonia, built by the emperor Justinian, at the distance of 40 miles from Thessalonica, and at the mouth of the river Rechius. (Procop. de Aedif. iv. 3.) The Rechius, as Tafel has shown, is the river, by which the waters of the Lake Bolbe flow into the sea, and which Thucydides (iv. 103) refers to, without mentioning its name. (Tafel, Thessalonica, pp. 14, seq., 272, seq.)

4. A promontory of Caria, with a tempie of Artemis on its summit, forming the northern extremnity of the bay of Glaucus (Strab. xiv. p. 651), called by others PEDALIUM (Mela, i. 16; Plin. v. 28. s. 29.) 5. A town in Spain. [DIANIUM.] 6. An island off Etruria. [DIANIUM.] 7. A mountain near Aricia. [ARICIA.] ARTEMITA. 1. (Apréura, Strab. xi. p. 519, xvi. p. 744; Ptol. vi. 1. §6; Steph.; Isid. Char. p. 5 ; Artemita, Plin. vi. 26; Tab. Peutinger), a city of Assyria, or perhaps more strictly of Babylonia (Strab. xi. p. 519), in the district of Apolloniatis (Isid. Char); according to Strabo (xvi. p. 744) 500 stadia (Tab. Peuting. 71 mill.) E. of Seleucia, and 8,000 stadia N. of the Persian Gulf. (Strab. xi. p. 519.) According to Tacitus (vi. 41) it was a Parthian town, in which Stephanus (on the authority of Strabo, though that geographer does not say so) coincides with him. Pliny (vi. 26) places it wrongly in Mesopotamia. It was situated on a river called the Sillas. The modern Sherbán is supposed to occupy its site. [V.]

2. (Ván), a town of Armenia (Ptol. v. 13. §21), founded, according to the national traditions, by Semiramis. A canal, which in some maps has been converted into a river, under the name of Sheniram Sú, is attributed to this reputed foundress of Ván. Mr. Brant (London Geog. Journal, vol. x. p. 389) speaks of a small village of the name of Artemid, at no great distance from Ván. He was told that no inscriptions were to be found, nor were there traces of any buildings of antiquity. D'Anville (Geog. Anc. vol. ii. p. 324; comp. Kinneir, Trav. p. 385) has identified it with the large and important town of Ván, which St. Martin (Mém. sur

Armenie, vol. i. p. 138) considers to be the same as the Buana (Bováva) of Ptolemy (v. 13. § 21). Ván was considered one of the strongest places in Armenia, and is frequently mentioned by the native chroniclers in connection with their history. (St. Martin, l. c.) [E. B. J.]


ARTEMITA. [ECHINADES.] ARTENA. 1. A city of the Volscians, known only from the account in Livy (iv. 61) of its siege and capture by the Romans in B. c. 404. It appears that it had a very strong citadel, which held out long after the town had fallen, and was only taken by treachery. Both town and citadel were destroyed, and the name never again occurs. and Nibby have supposed the remains of ancient walls found on the summit of the hill above Monte Fortino, still called La Civita, to be those of Artena; but they are regarded by Abeken, with more probability, as belonging to the far more important city of Ecetra. (Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 110; Nibby, Dintorni, vol. i. pp. 263-265; Abeken, Mittel Italien, p. 75.) [ECETRA.]

2. From the same passage of Livy we learn that there was another small town of the name in Etruria, between Caere and Veii, and a dependency of the

former city. It was destroyed by the Roman kings, and no other trace of its existence preserved. The positions ascribed to it by Gell and Nibby (ll. cc.) are wholly conjectural. [E. H. B.]

ARTIGI, two cities of Hispania Baetica. 1. In the N., on the high road from Corduba to Emerita, 36 M. P. from Mellaria and 32 from Metellinum. Its site seems to be at or about Castuera. (It. Ant. p. 416.)-2. ARTIGI JULIENSES (Plin. iii. 1.s. 3, where the common text has Astigi : 'Apriyís, Ptol. ii. 4. § 11: Alhama), one of the chief inland cities in the S. of Baetica, belonging to the district of Bastetania and the conventus of Corduba. It stood in the heart of M. Ilipula (the Sierra Nevada), and commanded one of the chief passes from the Mediterranean coast to the valley of Granada. In the Moorish wars it was celebrated as one of the keys of Granadu; and its capture by the Christians, Feb. 28, 1482, was a fatal blow to the Moors, whose feelings are recorded in the "very mournful" Arabic and Spanish ballad, "Ay! de mi Alhama”—“ Alas! for my Alhama :"well known by Byron's translation. (Ford, Handbook of Spain, p. 122.) [P. S.]

ARTISCUS ('Apriσkós), a tributary of the Hebrus in Thrace, flowing through the land of the Odrysae. (Herod. iv. 92.)


ARUALTES (& 'Apováλτns õpos), a mountain of Inner Libya, placed by Ptolemy a little to the N. of the Equator, in 33° long, and 3° N. lat., in a part of Central Africa now entirely unknown. In it were the peoples Nabathrae (Nasá@pai) and Xulicces (EvXikkels Aitiones), the latter extending to M. Arangas. (Ptol. iv. 6. §§ 12, 20, 23.) [P. S.]

ARUCI (Apoûk). 1. A city of the Celtici, in Hispania Baetica, in the neighbourhood of Arundax and Acinipo, in the conventus of Hispalis; identified by inscriptions with Aroche. (Ptol. ii. 4. § 15; Plin. iii. 1. s. 3, where Sillig gives the true reading from one of the best MSS.; others have Aruti, Arunci, Arungi, in fact the copyists seem to have confounded the consecutive words Arunda and Aruci: Florez, Esp. S. ix. p. 120; Gruter, p. 46; Ukert, ii. 1. p. 382)-2. (Moura), a city of Lusitania, 30 M. P. E. of Pax Julia. (It. Ant. p. 427). [P.S.]

ARUNDA (Apoûvda: Ronda), a city of the Celtici, in Hispania Baetica, in the conventus of Hispalis (Ptol. ii. 4. § 15; Plin. iii. 1. s. 3, ed. Sillig, comp. ARUCI, Inser. ap. Muratori, p. 1029, No. 5.). Some writers place Arunda at Ronda la vieja, which is usually taken, on the authority of inscriptions there, for ACINIPO; on the ground that the inscriptions at Ronda bearing the name of Arunda, have been brought from the ruins at Ronda la vieja (Ford, p. 98); but both Pliny and Ptolemy make Acinipo and Arunda different places. [P.S.]

ARU'PIUM (It. Ant.: Arypium, Tab. Peut.; 'Aрouπivoι, 'Apоumivos, Strab.: Eth. Avpovæîvoi, App.; Auersperg? or nr. Mungava), a town of the Iapydes in Illyricum, which was taken by Augustus, after it had been deserted by its inhabitants. (Appian, Ill. 16; Strab. iv. p. 207, vii. p. 314.)

ARUSI'NI CAMPI. [BENEVENTUM.] ARVA (Alcolea, Ru.), a municipium of Hispania Baetica, on the right bank of the Baetis (Guadalquivir), two leagues above Corduba (Cordova), The river is here crossed by a fine bridge of dark marble. There are considerable ruins, with numerous inscriptions, one of which runs thus: ORDO MUNICIPII. FLAVII. ARVENSIS. (Gruter, p. 476,


No. 1.) There are coins of A va extant, inscribed ARVA. and M. ARVEN. (Eckhel, vol. i. pp. 14, 15.) Pliny mentions Arua among the Celtic towns in the conventus of Hispalis (iii. 1. s. 3). [P.S.] ARVAD. [ARADUS.]

ARVARNI ('Apoúapvoi), a people of India intra Gangem, W. of the river Maesolus along the river Tyna, and as far N. as the Orudi M.; having, among other cities, the emporium and royal residence Malanga (Má\ayya), which some suppose to be Madras. (Ptol. vii. 1. §§ 14, 92.) [P.S.]

ARVERNI ('Apovépvoi, Strab. p. 190), a nation of Celtica, and in Caesar's time one of the most powerful of the Gallic nations, and the rival of the Aedui for the supremacy (B. G. i. 31). In the great rising of the Galli under Vercingetorix, B. C. 52, the Eleutheri Cadurci, Gabali, and Vellauni are mentioned (B. G. vii. 75) as being accustomed to yield obedience to the Arverni. It is doubtful if Eleutheri is a qualification of the name Cadurci: it is probable that under this corrupt form the name of some other people is concealed. The reading Vellauni is also doubtful: the people are called Vellavi in Strabo's text (p. 190; Walckenaer, Géog. des Gaules, fc., vol. i. p. 339).

On the SE. Caesar makes the Mons Cebenna (Cévennes) the boundary of the Arverni, and their neighbours on this side were the Helvii in the Provincia, afterwards called Gallia Narbonensis (B. G. vii. 8). But the proper territory of the Arverni did not extend so far, for the Vellavi and the Gabali lay between them and the Helvii. Strabo makes their territory extend to the Loire. They seem to have possessed the valley of the Elaver (Allier), perhaps nearly to its junction with the Loire, and a large part of the highlands of central France. The name is still perpetuated in that of the mountain region of Auvergne. Their neighbours on the E. were the Aedui, on the W. the Lemovices, and on the NW. the Bituriges. The Cadurci were on the SW. Their actual limits are said to coincide with the old dioceses of Clermont and S. Flour, a determination which is only useful to those who can consult the maps of the old diocesan divisions of France. The Arverni are represented by Strabo as having extended their power as far as Narbonne and the frontiers of Marseille; and even to the Pyrenees, the Rhine, and the Ocean. (Strab. p. 191.) If this statement is true, it does not represent the extent of their territory, but of their power or influence when they were the dominant people in Gallia. In Caesar's time, as we have seen, the states in subjection to them were only those in their immediate neighbourhood. Their pretended consanguinity with the Romans (Lucan, i. 427)—if it means any thing at all, and is not a blunder of Lucan-may merely indicate their arrogance before they felt the edge of the Roman sword. Livy (v. 34) mentions Arverni among those who accompanied Bellovesus in the Gallic migration into Italy.

The position of the Arverni is determined with some precision by that of their capital Augustoneinetum, which Strabo calls Nemossus, which is now Clermont, the chief town of the Auvergne. Caesar does not mention this place. In his time the capital of the Arverni was Gergovia (B. G. vii. 36), which he unsuccessfully besieged.

When Hasdrubal passed into Gallia on his road to Italy, to join Hannibal, the Arverni received him in a

friendly way. (Liv. xxvii. 39.) Whether any of them joined him does not appear. A king of the

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