صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

were divided into 12 hordes, each governed by its own chief, but all, in Strabo's time, subject to one king. Among their tribes were the Legae (Anya), whose name is still preserved in Leghistan, and Gelae (гñAa) in the mountains on the N. and NW. (Strab. p. 503), and the Gerrhi (réppo) on the river Gerrhus (Ptol.).

The Albanians worshipped a deity whom Strabo identifies with Zeus, and the Sun, but above all the Moon, whose temple was near the frontier of Iberia. Her priest ranked next to the king: and had under his command a rich and extensive sacred domain, and a body of temple-slaves (iepódovλoi), many of whom prophesied in fits of frenzy. The subject of such a paroxysm was seized as he wandered alone through the forests, and kept a year in the hands of the priests, and then offered as a sacrifice to Selene; and auguries were drawn from the manner of his death: the rite is fully described by Strabo.

The origin of the Albanians is a much disputed point. It was by Pompey's expedition into the Caucasian regions in pursuit of Mithridates (B. C. 65) that they first became known to the Romans and Greeks, who were prepared to find in that whole region traces of the Argonautic voyage. Accordingly the people were said to have descended from Jason and his comrades (Strab. pp. 45, 503, 526; Plin. vi. 13. s. 15; Solin. 15); and Tacitus relates (Ann. vi. 34) that the Iberi and Albani claimed descent from the Thessalians who accompanied Jason, of whom and of the oracle of Phrixus they preserved many legends, and that they abstained from offering rams in sacrifice. Another legend derived them from the companions of Hercules, who followed him out of Italy when he drove away the oxen of Geryon; and hence the Albanians greeted the soldiers of Pompey as their brethren. (Justin. xlii. 3.) Several of the later writers regard them as a Scythian people, akin to the Massagetae, and identical with the Alani; and it is still disputed whether they were, or not, original inhabitants of the Caucasus. [ALANI.]

Of the history of Albania there is almost nothing to be said. The people nominally submitted to Pompey, but remained really independent.

Ptolemy mentions several cities of Albania, but none of any consequence except Albana (Derbend), which commanded the great pass on the shore of the Caspian called the Albaniae or Caspiae Pylae (Pass of Derbend). It is formed by a NE. spur of Caucasus, to which some geographers give the name of Ceraunius M., which Strabo applied to the E. part of Caucasus itself. It is sometimes confounded with the inland pass, called CAUCASIAE PYLAE. The Gangara or Gaetara of Ptolemy is supposed to be Bakou, famous for its naphtha springs. Pliny mentions Cabalaca, in the interior, as the capital. Respecting the districts of Caspiene and Cambysene, which some of the ancient geographers mention as belonging to Albania, see the separate articles. (Ukert, vol. iii. pt. 2, pp. 561, &c.; Georgii, vol. i. pp. 151, &c.)

[P. S.]


ALBANUM (Αλβανόν), 2 town of Latium, situated on the western border of the Lacus Albanus, and on the Via Appia, at the distance of 14 miles from Rome. It is still called Albano. There is no trace of the existence of a town upon this spot in early times, but its site formed part of the territory of Alba Longa, which continued long after the fall of that city to retain the name of " Albanus

Ager." (Cic. de Leg. Agr. ii. 25.) During the latter period of the republic, it became a favourite resort of the wealthy Roman nobles, who constructed villas here on a magnificent scale. We read of such as belonging to Pompey, to Clodius- who was killed by Milo close to his own villa-to Brutus and to Curio. (Cic. Or. in Pison. 31, pro Mil. 10, 19, 20, Ep. ad Att. vii. 5, ix. 15, de Orat. ii. 55; Plut. Pomp. 53.) Of these the villa of Pompey, called according to the Latin idiom "Albanum Pompeii," appears to have been the most conspicuous, and is repeatedly alluded to by Cicero. It fell after the death of Pompey into the hands of Dolabella (Cic. Philipp. xiii. 5), but appears to have ultimately passed into those of Augustus, and became a favourite place of resort both with him and his successors. (Suet. Ner. 25; Dion Cass. liii. 32, lviii. 24.) It was, however, to Domitian that it owed its chief aggrandisement; that emperor made it not merely a place of retirement, but his habitual residence, where he transacted public business, exhibited gladiatorial shows, and even summoned assemblies of the senate. (Suet. Domit. 4, 19; Dion Cass. lxvi. 9, lxvii. 1; Juv. Sat. iv.; Orell. Inscr. No. 3318.) Existing remains sufficiently attest the extent and magnificence of the gardens and edifices of all descriptions with which he adorned it; and it is probably from his time that we may date the permanent establishment there of a detachment of Praetorian guards, who had a regular fortified camp, as at Rome. The proximity of this camp to the city naturally gave it much importance, and we find it repeatedly mentioned by succeeding writers down to the time of Constantine. (Ael. Spart. Caracall. 2; Jul. Capit. Maximin. 23; Herodian. viii. 5.) It is doubtless on account of this fortified camp that we find the title of “ Arx Albana" applied to the imperial residence of Domitian. (Tac. Agric. 45; Juv. Sat. iv. 145.)


We have no distinct evidence as to the period when the town of Albanum first arose, but there can be little doubt that it must have begun to grow up as soon as the place became an imperial residence and permanent military station. We first find it mentioned in ecclesiastical records during the reign of Constantine, and in the fifth century it became the see of a bishop, which it has continued ever since. (Nibby, vol. i. p. 79.) Procopius, in the sixth century, mentions it as a city (wóλoμa), and one of the places occupied by Belisarius for the defence of Rome. (B. G. ii. 4.) It is now but a small town, though retaining the rank of a city, with about 5000 inhabitants, but is a favourite place of resort in summer with the modern Roman nobles, as it was with their predecessors, on account of the salubrity and freshness of the air, arising from its elevated situation, and the abundance of shade furnished by the neighbouring woods.

There still remain extensive ruins of Roman times; the greater part of which unquestionably belong to the villa of Domitian, and its appurtenances, including magnificent Thermae, an Amphitheatre, and various other remains. Some fragments of reticulated masonry are supposed, by Nibby, to have belonged to the villa of Pompey, and the extensive terraces now included in the gardens of the Villa Barberini, between Albano and Castel Gandolfo, though in their present state belonging undoubtedly to the imperial villa, may probably be based upon the "insanae substructiones" of Clodius alluded to by Cicero. (Pro Mil. 20.) Besides

[blocks in formation]

it was originally designed, is carried under the ridge that forms the western boundary of the lake near Castel Gandolfo, and which rises in this part to a height of 430 feet above the level of the water; its actual length is about 6000 feet; it is 4 feet 6 inches wide, and 6 feet high at its entrance, but the height rapidly diminishes so as in some places not to exceed 2 feet, and it is, in consequence, impossible to penetrate further than about 130 yards from the opening. The entrance from the lake is through a flat archway, constructed of large blocks of peperino, with a kind of court or quadrilateral space enclosed by massive masonry, and a second archway over the actual opening of the tunnel. But, notwithstanding the simple and solid style of their construction, it may be doubted whether these works are coeval with the emissary itself. The opposite extremity of it is at a spot called

Among the most interesting remains of antiquity still visible at Albano may be noticed three remarkable sepulchral monuments. One of these, about half a mile from Albano on the road to Rome, exceeding 30 feet in elevation, is commonly, but erroneously, deemed the sepulchre of Clodius: another, on the same road close to the gate of Albano, has a far better claim to be regarded as that of Pompey, who was really buried, as we learn from Plutarch, in the immediate neigh-le Mole, near Castel Savelli, about a mile from bourhood of his Alban villa. (Plut. Pomp. 80.) The third, situated near the opposite gate of the town on the road to Aricia, and vulgarly known as the Sepulchre of the Horatii and Curiatii, has been supposed by some modern antiquarians to be the tomb of Aruns, son of Porsena, who was killed in battle near Aricia. It is, however, probable that it is of much later date, and was constructed in imitation of the Etruscan style towards the close of the Roman republic. (Nibby, l. c. p. 93; Canina in Ann. dell' Inst. Arch. vol. ix. p. 57.) For full details concerning the Roman remains at Albano, see Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, p. 88-97; Riccy, Storia di Alba Longa, 4to. Rome, 1787; Piranesi, Antichità di Albano, Roma, 1762. [E. H. B.] ALBA'NUS. [ALBANIA.]

ALBA'NUS LACUS, now called the Lago di Albano, is a remarkable lake of Latium, situated immediately beneath the mountain of the same name (now Monte Cavo), about 14 miles S. E. of Rome. It is of an oval form, about six miles in circumference, and has no natural outlet, being surrounded on all sides by steep or precipitous banks of volcanic tufo, which rise in many parts to a height of three or four hundred feet above the level of the lake. It undoubtedly formed, at a very early period, the crater of a volcano, but this must have ceased to exist long before the historical era. Though situated apparently at the foot of the Mons Albanus, it is at a considerable elevation above the plain of Latium, the level of its waters being 918 feet above the sea: their depth is said to be very great. The most interesting circumstance connected with this lake is the construction of the celebrated emissary or tunnel to carry off its superfinous waters, the formation of which is narrated both by Livy and Dionysius, while the work itself remains at the present day, to confirm the accuracy of their accounts. According to the statement thus transmitted to us, this tunnel was a work of the Romans, undertaken in the year 397 B. C., and was occasioned by an extraordinary swelling of the lake, the waters of which rose far above their accustomed height, so as even to overflow their lofty banks. The legend, which connected this prodigy and the work itself with the siege of Veii, may be safely dismissed as unhistorical, but there seems no reason for rejecting the date thus assigned to it. (Liv. v. 15-19; Dion. Hal. xii. 11-16, Fr. Mai; Cic. de Divin. i. 44.) This remarkable work, which, at the present day, after the lapse of more than

Albano, where the waters that issue from it forn a
considerable stream, now known as the Rivo Albano,
which, after a course of about 15 miles, joins the
Tiber near a spot called La Valca. Numerous
openings or shafts from above (" spiramina”) were
necessarily sunk during the process of construction,
some of which remain open to this day. The whole
work is cut with the chisel, and is computed to
have required a period of not less than ten years for
its completion: it is not however, as asserted by
Niebuhr, cut through "lava hard as iron," but
through the soft volcanic tufo of which all these
hills are composed. (Gell, Topogr. of Rome, p. 22
-29; Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, vol. i. p. 98-
105; Westphal, Römische Kampagne, p. 25; Abeken,
Mittel-Italien, p. 178; Niebuhr, vol. ii. pp. 475,
507.) Cicero justly remarks (de Divin. ii. 32)
that such a work must have been intended not only
to carry off the superfluous waters of the lake, but
to irrigate the subjacent plain: a purpose which is
still in great measure served by the Rivo Albano.
The banks of the lake seem to have been in ancient
times, as they are now, in great part covered with
wood, whence it is called by Livy (v. 15) "lacus
in nemore Albano." At a later period, when its
western bank became covered with the villas of
wealthy Romans, numerous edifices were erected on
its immediate shores, among which the remains of
two grottoes or "Nymphaea" are conspicuous.
One of these, immediately adjoining the entrance of
the emissary, was probably connected with the villa
of Domitian. Other vestiges of ancient buildings
are visible below the surface of the water, and this
circumstance has probably given rise to the tradition
common both in ancient and modern times of the
submersion of a previously existing city. (Dion.
Hal. i. 71; Niebuhr, vol. i. p. 200, with note by
the translators.)
[E. H. B.]

ALBA'NUS MONS (тd 'Aλ6avov opos, Strab.;
Monte Cavo) was the name given to the highest
and central summit of a remarkable group of
mountains in Latium, which forms one of the most
important physical features of that country. The
name of Alban Hills, or Monti Albani, is commonly
applied in modern usage to the whole of this group,
which rises from the surrounding plain in an isolated
mass, nearly 40 miles in circumference, and is
wholly detached from the mountains that rise above
Praeneste on the east, as well as from the Volscian
mountains or Monti Lepini on the south.
this more extended use of the name appears to have


the Mons Albanus in the singular, as designating the highest peak. The whole mass is clearly of volcanic origin, and may be conceived as having once formed a vast crater, of which the lofty ridge now called Monte Ariano constituted the southern side, while the heights of Mt. Algidus, and those occupied by Rocca Priore and Tusculum continued the circle on the E. and NE. Towards the sea the original mountain wall of this crater has given way, and has been replaced by the lakes of Albano and Nemi, themselves probably at one time separate vents of volcanic eruption. Within this outer circle rises an inner height, of a somewhat conical form, the proper Mons Albanus, which presents a repetition of the same formation, having its own smaller crater surrounded on three sides by steep mountain ridges, while the fourth (that turned towards Rome) has no such barrier, and presents to view a green mountain plain, commonly known as the Campo di Annibale, from the belief-wholly unsupported by any ancient authority-that it was at one time occupied by the Carthaginian general. The highest of the surrounding summits, which rises to more than 3000 feet above the level of the sea, is the culminating point of the whole group, and was occupied in ancient times by the temple of Jupiter Latiaris. (Cic. pro Mil. 31; Lucan. i. 198.) It is from hence that Virgil represents Juno as contemplating the contest between the Trojans and Latins (Aen. xii. 134), and the magnificent prospect which it commands over the whole of the surrounding country renders it peculiarly fit for such a station, as well as the natural site for the central sanctuary of the Latin nation. For the same reason we find it occupied as a military post on the alarm of the sudden advance of Hannibal upon Rome. (Liv. xxvi. 9.)

There can be no doubt that the temple of Jupiter Latiaris* had become the religious centre and place of meeting of the Latins long before the dominion of Rome: and its connection with Alba renders it almost certain that it owed its selection for this purpose to the predominance of that city. Tarquinius Superbus, who is represented by the Roman annalists as first instituting this observance (Dion. Hal. iv. 49), probably did no more than assert for Rome that presiding authority which had previously been enjoyed by Alba. The annual sacrifices on the Alban Mount at the Feriae Latinae continued to be celebrated long after the dissolution of the Latin league, and the cessation of their national assemblies: even in the days of Cicero and Augustus the decayed Municipia of Latium still sent deputies to receive their share of the victim immolated on their common behalf, and presented with primitive simplicity their offerings of lambs, milk, and cheese. (Liv. v. 17, xxi. 63, xxxii. 1; Cic. pro Planc. 9, de Divin. i. 11; Dion. Hal. iv. 49; Suet. Claud. 4.)

rius Maso, who was consul in B. c. 231: a more illustrious example was that of Marcellus, after the capture of Syracuse, B. c. 211. Only five instances in all are recorded of triumphs thus celebrated. (Val. Max. iii. 6. § 5; Liv. xxvi. 21, xxxiii. 23, xlii. 21; Fast. Capit.)

The remains of the temple on the summit of the mountain were still extant till near the close of the last century, but were destroyed in 1783, when the church and convent which now occupy the site were rebuilt. Some of the massive blocks of peperino which formed the substruction may be still seen (though removed from their original site) in the walls of the convent and buildings annexed to it. The magnificence of the marbles and other architectural decorations noticed by earlier antiquarians, as discovered here, show that the temple must have been rebuilt or restored at a comparatively late period. (Piranesi, Antichità di Albano; Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, vol. i. pp. 112, 113.) But though the temple itself has disappeared, the Roman road which led up to it is still preserved, and, from the absence of all traffic, remains in a state of singular perfection. The polygonal blocks of hard basaltic lava, of which the pavement is composed, are fitted together with the nicest accuracy, while the "crepidines" or curb-stones are still preserved on each side, and altogether it presents by far the most perfect specimen of an ancient Roman road in its original state. It is only 8 feet in breadth, and is carried with much skill up the steep acclivity of the mountain. This road may be traced down to the chesnut woods below Rocca di Papa: it appears to have passed by Palazzolo, where we find a remarkable monument cut in the face of the rock, which has been conjectured to be that of Cn. Cornelius Scipio, who died in B. c. 176. (Nibby, l. c. pp. 75, 114, 115; Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 32.)

Numerous prodigies are recorded by Roman writers as occurring on the Alban Mount: among these the falling of showers of stones is frequently mentioned, a circumstance which has been supposed by some writers to indicate that the volcanic energy of these mountains continued in historical times; but this suggestion is sufficiently disproved by historical, as well as geological, considerations. (Daubeny on Volcanoes, p. 169, seq. [E. H. B.]

A'LBICI, a barbaric people, as Caesar calls them (B. C. i. 34), who inhabited the mountains above Massilia (Marseille). They were employed on board their vessels by the Massilienses to oppose Caesar's fleet, which was under the command of D. Brutus, and they fought bravely in the sea-fight off Massilia, B. C. 49 (Caes. B. C. i. 57). The name of this people in Strabo is 'Aà¤ieîs and 'AXGioikot (p. 203); for it does not seem probable that he means two peoples, and if he does mean two tribes, they are both mountain tribes, and in the same mountain tract. D'Anville infers that a place called Albiosc, which is about two leagues from Riez, in the department of Basses Alpes, retains the traces of the name of this people. [G. L.]

Another custom which was doubtless derived from a more ancient period, but retained by the Romans, was that of celebrating triumphs on the Alban Mount, a practice which was, however, resorted to by Roman generals only when they failed in obtaining the honours of a regular triumph at Rome. The first person who introduced this mode of evading the authority of the senate, was C. Papi-mination of the Carnic or Julian Alps on the confines

Concerning the forms, Latiaris and Latialis, see Orell. Onomast. vol. ii. p. 336; Ernest. ad Suet. Calig. 22.

AL'BII, ALBA'NI MONTES (тà “Aλbia upη, Strab. vii. p.314; тò 'Aλ¤avòv ŏpos, Ptol. ii. 14. § 1), was an eastern spur of Mount Carvancas, and the ter

of Illyricum. The Albii Montes dip down to the banks of the Saave, and connect Mount Carvancas with Mount Cetius, inclosing Aemona, and forming the southern boundary of Pannonia. [W. B. D.]

ALBINGAUNUM. [ALBIUM INGAUNUM.] ALBINIA, a considerable river of Etruria, still called the Albegna, rising in the mountains at the back of Saturnia, and flowing into the sea between the Portus Telamonis and the remarkable promontory called Mons Argentarius. The name is found only in the Tabula; but the ALMINIA or ALMINA of the Maritime Itinerary (p. 500) is evidently the same [E. H. B.] ALBINTEMELIUM. [ALBIUM INTEMELIUM.] ALBION. [BRITANNIA.]


dora, about 10 m. further S. Nearly opposite to
Albenga is a little island, called GALLINARIA IN-
SULA, from its abounding in fowls in a half-wild
state: it still retains the name of Gallinara. (Varr.
. c.; Columell. viii. 2. § 2.) [E. H. B.]

LIUM (AX6ion IVTeμéЛiov, Strab.; 'AλGivteμń-
Alov, Ptol.: Vintimiglia), a city on the coast of
Liguria, situated at the foot of the Maritime Alps,
at the mouth of the river Rutuba. It was the
capital of the tribe of the Intemelii, and was distant
16 Roman miles from the Portus Monoeci (Monaco,
Itin. Marit. p. 502). Strabo mentions it as a city
of considerable size (p. 202), and we learn from
Tacitus that it was of municipal rank.
It was
plundered by the troops of the emperor Otho, while
resisting those of Vitellius, on which occasion the
mother of Agricola lost her life. (Tac. Hist. ii. 13,
Agr. 7.) According to Strabo (l. c.), the name of
Albium applied to this city, as well as the capital
of the Ingauni, was derived from their Alpine situ
ation, and is connected with the Celtic word Alb or
Alp. There is no doubt that in this case also the
full form is the older, but the contracted name
Albintemelium is already found in Tacitus, as well
as in the Itineraries; in one of which, however, it is
corrupted into Vintimilium, from whence comes the
modern name of Vintimiglia. It is still a consider-
able town, with about 5000 inhabitants, and an
episcopal see: but contains no antiquities, except a
few Roman inscriptions.

It is situated at the mouth of the river Roja, the RUTUBA of Pliny and Lucan, a torrent of a for

author "cavus," from the deep bed between precipitous banks which it has hollowed out for itself near its mouth. (Plin. l. c.; Lucan. ii. 422.) [E.H.B.]

ALBUCELLA ('Aλbóкeλa: Villa Fasila), a city of the Vaccaei in Hispania Tarraconensis (Itin. Ant.; Ptol.), probably the Arbocala (Apsovkáλn) which is mentioned by Polybius (iii. 14), Livy (xxi. 5), and Stephanus Byzantinus (s. v.), as the chief city of the Vaccaci, the taking of which, after an obstinate resistance, was one of Hannibal's first exploits in Spain, B. C. 218. [P.S.]

ALBIS (Axis or "AXBios: die Elbe), one of the great rivers of Germany. It flows from SE. to NW., and empties itself in the Northern or German Ocean, having its sources near the Schneekoppe on the Bohemian side of the Riesengebirge. Tacitus (Germ. 41) places its sources in the country of the Hermunduri, which is too far east, perhaps because he confounded the Elbe with the Eger; Ptolemy (ii. | 11) puts them too far from the Asciburgian mountains. Dion Cassius (lv. 1) more correctly represents it as rising in the Vandal mountains. Strabo (p.290) describes its course as parallel, and as of equal length with that of the Rhine, both of which notions are erroneous. The Albis was the most easterly and northerly river reached by the Romans in Germany. They first reached its banks in R. C. 9, under Claudius Drusus, but did not cross it. (Liv. Epit. 140; Dion Cass. I. c.) Domitius Ahenobarbus, B. C. 3, was the first who crossed the river (Tacit. Ann. iv. 44), and two years later he came to the banks of the lower Albis, meeting the fleet which had sailed up the river from the sea. (Tacit. I. c.; Vell. Pat. ii. 106; Dion Cass. lv. 28.) After that time the Romans, not think-midable character, appropriately termed by the latter ing it safe to keep their legions at so great a distance, and amid such warlike nations, never again proceeded as far as the Albis, so that Tacitus, in speaking of it, says: flumen inclutum et notum olim; nunc tantum auditur. [L. S.] A'LBIUM INGAUNUM or ALBINGAUNUM CAλ6yavvov, Strab., Ptol.: Albenga), a city on the coast of Liguria, about 50 miles SW. of Genua, and the capital of the tribe of the Ingauni. There can be no doubt that the full form of the name, Albiam Ingaunum (given by Pliny, iii. 5. s. 7, and Varro, de R. R. iii. 9. § 17), is the correct, or at least the original one: but it seems to have been early abbreviated into Albingaunum, which is found in Strabo, Ptolemy, and the Itineraries, and is retained, with little alteration, in the modern name of Albenga. Strabo places it at 370 stadia from Vada Sabbata (Vado), which is much beyond the truth: the Itin. Ant. gives the same distance at 20 M. P., which is rather less than the real amount. 3. A small river or stream of sulphureous water (Strab. p. 202; Ptol. iii. 1. § 3; Itin. Ant. p. near Tibur, flowing into the Anio. It rises in a 295; Itin. Marit. p. 502; Tab. Peut.) It ap- pool or small lake about a mile on the left of the pears to have been a municipal town of some im- modern road from Rome to Tivoli, but which was portance under the Roman empire, and was occupied situated on the actual line of the ancient Via Tiburby the troops of Otho during the civil war between tina, at a distance of 16 M. P. from Rome. (Tal. them and the Vitellians. (Tac. Hist. ii. 15.) At Peut.; Vitruv. viii. 3. § 2.) The name of Albula a later period it is mentioned as the birthplace of is applied to this stream by Vitruvius, Martial (i. 13. the emperor Proculus. (Vopisc. Procul. 12.) The 2), and Statius (Silv. i. 3.75), but more commonly modern city of Albenga contains only about 4000 we find the source itself designated by the name inhabitants, but is an episcopal see, and the capital of Albulae Aquae (7à *Aλ6ouλa üdara, Strab. p. of a district. Some inscriptions and other Ronan 208). The waters both of the lake and stream are remains have been found here: and a bridge, called strongly impregnated with sulphur, and were in great the Ponte Lungo, is considered to be of Roman con- request among the Romans for their medicinal prostruction. The city is situated at the mouth of the perties, so that they were frequently carried to Rome river Ceuta, which has been erroneously supposed for the use of baths: while extensive Thermae were to be the MERULA of Pliny: that river, which still erected near the lake itself, the ruins of which

A'LBULA. 1. The ancient name of the Tiber. [TIBERIS.]

2. A small river of Picenum, mentioned only by Pliny (iii. 13. s. 18), who appears to place it N. of the Truentus, but there is great difficulty in assigning its position with any certainty, and the text of Pliny is very corrupt: the old editions give ALBULATES for the name of the river. [PICENUM.]

ascribed, but without authority, to Agrippa. The waters were not hot, like most sulphureous sources, but cold, or at least cool, their actual temperature being about 80° of Fahrenheit; but so strong is the sulphureous vapour that exhales from their surface as to give them the appearance alluded to by Martial, of "smoking." (Canaque sulphureis Albula fumat aquis, l. c.) The name was doubtless derived from the whiteness of the water: the lake is now commonly known as the Solfatara. (Plin. xxxi. 2. s. 6; Strab. I. c.; Paus. iv. 35. § 10; Suet. Aug. 82, Ner. 31; Vitruv. l. c.) No allusion is found in ancient authors to the property possessed by these waters of incrusting all the vegetation on their banks with carbonate of lime, a process which goes on with such rapidity that great part of the lake itself is crusted over, and portions of the deposit thus formed, breaking off from time to time, give rise to little floating islands, analogous to those described by ancient writers in the Cutilian Lake. For the same reason the present channel of the stream has required to be artificially excavated, through the mass of travertine which it had itself deposited. (Nibby, Dintorni di Roma, vol. i. pp. 4-6; Gell, Top. of Rome, pp. 40, 41.)

It has been generally supposed that the Albunea of Horace and Virgil was identical with the Albula, but there appear no sufficient grounds for this assumption and it seems almost certain that the "domus Albuneae resonantis" of the former (Carm. i. 7. 12) was the temple of the Sibyl at Tibur itself, in the immediate neighbourhood of the cascade [TIBUR], while there are strong reasons for transferring the grove and oracle of Faunus, and the fountain of Albunea connected with them (Virg. Aen. vii. 82), to the neighbourhood of Ardea. [ARDEA.] [E. H. B.]

ALBUM PROMONTORIUM (Plin. v. 19. s. 17), was the western extremity of the mountain range Anti-Libanus, a few miles south of ancient Tyre (Palai-Tyrus). Between the Mediterranean Sea and the base of the headland Album ran a narrow road, in places not more than six feet in breadth, cut out of the solid rock, and ascribed, at least by tradition, to Alexander the Great. This was the communication between a small fort or castle called Alexandroschene (Scandalium) and the Mediterranean. (It. Hieros. p. 584.) The Album Promontorium is the modern Cape Blanc, and was one hour's journey to the north of Ecclippa (Dshib or Zib). [W. B. D.] ALBURNUS MONS, a mountain of Lucania, mentioned in a well-known passage of Virgil (Georg. iii. 146), from which we learn that it was in the neighbourhood of the river Silarus. The name of Monte Alburno is said by Italian topographers to be still retained by the lofty mountain group which rises to the S. of that river, between its two tributaries, the Tanagro and Calore. It is more commonly called the Monte di Postiglione, from the small town of that name on its northern declivity, and according to Cluverius is still covered with forests of holm-oaks, and infested with gad-flies. (Cluver. Ital. p. 1254; Romanelli, vol. i. p. 418; Zannoni, Carta del Regno di Napoli.)

We find mention, in a fragment of Lucilius, of a PORTUS ALBURNUS, which appears to have been situated at the mouth of the river Silarus, and probably derived its name from the mountain. (Lucil. Fr. p. 11, ed. Gerlach; Probus, ad Virg. G. iii. 146; Vib. Seq. p. 18, with Oberlin.) [E. H. B] ALCO'MENAE('Aλkouevaí: Eth. 'AλKoμeveús).

1. A town of the Deuriopes on the Erigon, in Paconia in Macedonia. (Strab. p. 327.) 2. [ALALCOMENAE, No. 2.]

ALCYO'NIA (Aλкvovía), a lake in Argolis, near the Lernaean grove, through which Dionysus was said to have descended to the lower world, in order to bring back Semele from Hades. Pausanias says that its depth was unfathomable, and that Nero had let down several stadia of rope, loaded with lead, without finding a bottom. As Pausanias does not mention a lake Lerna, but only a district of this name, it is probable that the lake called Alcyonia by Pausanias is the same as the Lerna of other writers. (Paus. ii. 37. § 5, seq.; Leake, Morea, vol. ii. p. 473.)



ΑΤΕΑ ('Αλέα: Eth. ̓Αλέος, ̓Αλεάτης), a town of Arcadia, between Orchomenus and Stymphalus, contained, in the time of Pausanias, temples of the Ephesian Artemis, of Athena Alea, and of Dionysus. It appears to have been situated in the territory either of Stymphalus or Orchomenus. Pausanias (viii. 27. § 3) calls Alea a town of the Maenalians; but we ought probably to read Asea in this passage, instead of Alea. The ruins of Alea have been discovered by the French Commission in the middle of the dark valley of Skotini, about a mile to the NE. of the village of Buyáti. Alea was never a town of importance; but some modern writers have, though inadvertently, placed at this town the celebrated temple of Athena Alea, which was situated at Tegea. [TEGEA.] (Paus. viii. 23. § 1; Steph. B. s. v.; Boblaye, Recherches, fc., p. 147; Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 383.)


ALE'RIA or ALA'LIA ('Aλăλín, Herod.; 'AλAaλía, Steph. B.; 'Aλepía, Ptol.: 'Aλλaλiaîos, Steph. B.), one of the chief cities of Corsica, situated on the E. coast of the island, near the mouth of the river Rhotanus (Tavignano). It was originally a Greek colony, founded about B. C. 564, by the Phocaeans of Ionia. Twenty years later, when the parent city was captured by Harpagus, a large portion of its inhabitants repaired to their colony of Alalia, where they dwelt for five years, but their piratical conduct involved them in hostilities with the Tyrrhenians and Carthaginians; and in a great sea-fight with the combined fleets of these two nations they suffered such heavy loss, as induced them to abandon the island, and repair to the S. of Italy, where they ultimately established themselves at Velia in Lucania. (Herod. i. 165–167; Steph. B.; Diod. v. 13, where Káλapis is evidently a corrupt reading for 'Aλapía.) No further mention is found of the Greek colony, but the city appears again, under the Roman form of the name, Aleria during the first Punic war, when it was captured by the Roman fleet under L. Scipio, in B. c. 259, an event which led to the submission of the whole island, and was deemed worthy to be expressly mentioned in his epitaph. (Zonar. viii. 11; Flor. ii. 2; Orell. Inscr. no. 552.) It subsequently received a Roman colony under the dictator Sulla, and appears to have retained its colonial rank, and continued to be one of the chief cities of Corsica under the Roman Empire. (Plin. iii. 6. s. 12; Mela, ii. 7; Diod. v. 13; Seneca, Cons, ad Helv. 8; Ptol. iii. 2. § 5; Itin. Ant. p. 85.)

Its ruins are still visible near the south bank of the river Tavignano: they are now above half a

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