صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ar ran ging (år råne' jing), par. of Arrange, to put in proper order; to put in place.

As sign (as sine'), v. to appoint, fix; to mark out; to transfer. As sume (ås sume'), v. to undertake; to take upon one's self; to claim unjustly, to arrogate; to promise. [alluring. At trac tion (åt tråk' shûn), n. the power or act of drawing or Be lie ver (bè lèè' vûr), n. one who believes.

Com ple ted (kom plẻ' têd), pre. of Complete, to finish; to perfect: a. perfect, full; finished, ended; entire.

Con fi ding (kon fl' ding), par. of Confide, to trust in fully; to rely on.

Cre a ted (krẻ à' têd), part. a. produced, brought into existence : pre. of Create, to bring into existence, to produce; to cause, to make; to form.

Crowd ed (kroud' ed), pre. of Crowd, to press close together; to urge; to be numerous and confused: n. a multitude, a throng; the populace. [a forsaking. De par ture (de pår' tshùre), n. a going away; death, decease; Des ti nies (dés' tè 'niz), n. plu. of Destiny, condition appointed, invincible necessity; ultimate fate; doom.

Dis ci pline (dis' sè 'plin), n. cultivation, improvement, education; correction, chastisement; rule, order: v. to educate, instruct; to correct, regulate; to reform; to chastise.

Dis ease (diz èèze'), n. distemper, malady; sickness: v. to afflict with sickness or disease; to pain.

Dis po sed (dis pozd'), pre. of Dispose, to adjust, arrange; to bestow; to give; to place, prepare; to sell; to incline. Eigh ty-five (a' tè-five), a. eighty and five united.

E lect (è lêkt'), v. to choose for any office; to prefer, determine
in favor of; to select: a. chosen; taken by preference.
En coun ter ed (ên kỏủn' tûrd), pre. of Encounter, to meet with,
to engage in conflict, combat, or battle; to attack; to op-
pose: n. battle; single fight; duel; engagement.
En su ed (ên sude'), pre. of Ensue, to follow, to succeed.
Ex pi red (êks pird'), pre. of Expire, to die; to emit or breathe
the last; to breathe out, exhale.
[Roman consul.
Fa bri cian (få brish' ân), a. relating to Fabricius, a celebrated
Fame, n. celebrity, renown; reputation; report; rumor.
Fea tures (fè' tshůrez), n. plu. of Feature, the form, cast, or
make of the face; any lineament or outline.

Fee bly (fèè blė), ad. weakly, without strength; faintly.
Feel ing ly (feel' îng 'lè), ad. with great sensibility; tenderly.
For got ten (for gåt' tn), per. par. of Forget, to lose memory of;
to neglect, to slight.

Fred er icks burg (frêd' êr `íks bûrg), n. prop. the name of a place. [prophecy or promise. Fål fil', v. to accomplish, perform; to complete; to answer any Func tions (fungk' shûnz), n. plu. of Function, discharge, performance; office; employment; power.

Ga zed (gázd), pre. of Gaze, to look intently and earnestly: n. a look of eagerness or wonder.

Glo ries (gld' riz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Glory, renown, honor ; brightness, splendor; praise: v. to boast, exult.

Gov ern ment (gûv' ûrn 'mênt), n. a system or civil constitution for ruling or controlling a nation; legal authority; direction; control; management; executive power.

Has ten (ha' sn), v. to make haste, to hurry; to push forward, make speed.

Heaven's (hev' vnz), n. prop. posses. case of Heaven, the Supreme Power: the habitation of God, the place of the blessed; the regions above, expanse of the sky. Hum ble (um' bl), a. modest, meek, submissive; low, lowly, not proud: v. to make submissive; to bring low, abase; to subdue; to mortify. [life without end. Im mor tal i ty ('îm mỏr tål' lè 'tè), n. exemption from death, In ter rupt ed (în têr rûpt' êd), pre. of Interrupt, to hinder or stop by interference. [gistrate. Ma gis tra cy (maj' îs `trå sẻ), n. the office or dignity of a maMal a dy (mål å de), n. disease, distemper; sickness, disorder. Man sion (mân' shûn), p. residence, place of abode; a dwelling



Ma tron (må' trun), n. an elderly woman; an elderly married Ma tron's (ma' trunz), n. posses. case of Matron.

Ne ces sa ri ly (nês' sês `så rẻ lẻ), ad. indispensably, from necessity; inevitably, by fate.

Or ga ni za tion (3r `gå nè zà' shûn), n. the act or process of forming or arranging; act of systematizing the parts of any thing, or a proper construction of parts.

Past, part. a. gone by or through; not present or future. På ter nál, a. fatherly, pertaining to a father; hereditary. Pre die tions (prẻ dik shûnz), n. plu. of Prediction, prophecy, a foretelling. [necessary; qualifying; introductory. Pre par a tor y (prẻ pâr' å tûr rẻ), a. antecedent, or previously Pres i dent (prez' è `dênt), n. the chief magistrate or officer of the United States; one at the head of others, a chief officer of a society, corporation, &c.

Prey ed (pråde), pre. of Prey, to waste gradually; to plunder;

to feed by violence: n. something to be devoured; plunder, spoil; booty. Prom is es (prom' îz 'îz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Promise, a declaration which binds any one: v. to assure one; to make declaration; to give hopes. [most innocent, &c. Pu' rest, a. most genuine, least polluted; clearest, least mingled; Rav a ges (râv ij 'îz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Ravage, waste, ruin; spoil, plunder: v. to waste, lay waste, to ruin; to spoil, to plunder. [to slacken; to remit; to divert; to ease. Re lax ed (rẻ låkst'), pre. of Relax, to abate or make less firm ; Re pair ed (rẻ párd'), pre. of Repair, to go to; to restore after injury, decay, &c.; to make amends: n. restoration; reparation, supply of loss, &c.

Rest' éd, pre. of Rest, to lean, abide; to remain; to sleep, to be still: n. ease, peace, quiet, repose; that which remains. Re tra cing (rẻ trå' sing), par. of Retrace, to trace back; to reTime' worn, a. impaired by time.


Top' most, a. highest, uppermost. Tor tu ring (tor' tshů 'ring), part. a. giving great pain; tormenting: par. of Torture, to inflict extreme pain, excruciate; to torment: n. violent pain; anguish, torment. Tri umph (trl' umf), n. conquest, victory; joy or pomp for suc cess: v. to exult, rejoice for, or celebrate a victory. U na nim i ty ('yù nå nîm' è 'tẻ), n. agreement of a number

of persons in opinion. [ence; to be regarded with awe. Ven er a ble (vên' er å bl), a. worthy of veneration or reverVir gin i a (ver jîn' è 'å), n. prop. the name of one of the United Vi tals (vi' tâlz), n. plu. parts essential to life. [States Wårn, v. to give notice, admonish; to caution; to inform. Wept, pre. of Weep, to shed tears; to lament, express sorrow; to bewail. [twist, to curl, convolve. Wreath ed (rééthd), pre. of Wreath, to encircle, wind about; to


Washington's Love to his Mother.

1. IMMEDIATELY after the organization of the present government, General Washington repaired to Fredericksburg to pay his humble duty to his mother, preparatory to his departure for New York. An affecting scene ensued. The son feelingly remarked the ravages which a torturing

disease had made upon the aged frame of his mother, and thus addressed her:

2. "The people, madam, have been pleased, with the most flattering unanimity, to elect me to the chief magistracy of these United States; but, before I can assume the functions of my office, I have come to bid you an affectionate farewell. As soon as the public business, which must necessarily be encountered in arranging a new government, can be disposed of, I will hasten to Virginia, and"



3. Here the matron interrupted. "My son, you will see me no more. My great age, and the disease which is fast approaching my vitals, warn me that I shall not be long of the world. I trust in God, I am somewhat prepared for a better. But go, George, fulfil the high destinies which Heaven appears to assign you: go, my son, and may that Heaven's, and your mother's blessing, be with you always."

4. The president was deeply affected. His head rested

upon the shoulder of his parent, whose aged arm feebly, yet fondly, encircled his neck. That brow, on which fame had wreathed the purest laurel, virtue ever gave to created man, relaxed from its lofty bearing. That look which could have awed a Roman senate in its Fabrician day, was bent in filial tenderness upon the time-worn features of the venerable matron.

5. The great man wept. A thousand recollections crowded upon his mind, as memory, retracing scenes long past, carried him back to the paternal mansion, and the days of his youth, and there the centre of attraction was his mother; whose care, instructions, and discipline, had prepared him to reach the topmost height of laudable ambition; yet how were his glories forgotten while he gazed upon her from whom, wasted by time and malady, he must soon part, to meet no more.

6. The matron's predictions were true. The disease which so long had preyed upon her frame completed its triumph, and she expired at the age of eighty-five, confiding in the promises of immortality to the humble believer.

QUESTIONS.-What is this lesson about? Who was General George Washington? Was he a good man? Why? To what place did he repair? For what? Is it not one of the greatest proofs that Washington was a good man that he so much loved and revered his mother? Can any one be a great or good man who does not respect his mother and treat her with kindness? What ensued when Washington met his mother at Fredericksburg? What did he remark? What did he say he had come to do? What did his mother then say to him? For what did she say she was prepared? What did she request him to do? Who was deeply affected? What relaxed its bearing? What was bent in filial tenderness? Who wept? What crowded upon his mind? Who prepared Washington to reach the topmost height of laudable ambition? When were his glories forgotten? What completed its triumph? How o'l was Washington's mother when she died? In what did she confide?


An gels (åne' jêlz), n. plu. of Angel, a divine messenger, a celestial spirit; a very beautiful person: a. resembling angels, angelical.

Blazing, part. a. flaming; publishing far and wide: par. of Blaze, to flame, to burn; to publish, make known; to be conspicuous: n. a flame, the light of a flame; publication: light.

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