صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني





The references indicate the several Bye-Laws under the authority of which the Regulations have been made. See also CHARTER, sec. 10. 11.

Admission of members by ballot.


1. Persons desiring to become members of the Society may be proposed by two members of the Society, by sending a proposal in writing to the Secretary according to the Form hereinafter mentioned, or by writing the proposal in a book to be kept for that purpose in the Hall; and the names of all persons so proposed shall afterwards be put up on an open board in the Hall and Club Room for fourteen days, and shall be inserted in the summons for the meeting of the Council next after the expiration of the said fourteen days, at which meeting the persons so proposed shall be balloted for, provided. there shall be seven or more members present; and if seven members shall not be present, the ballot shall take place at the first subsequent meeting at which seven members shall be present, and two black balls shall exclude; and no person shall be admitted a member of the Society until he shall have been approved by ballot as above, and shall have paid his

Accepting charter. admission fee and first annual subscription, and signed a copy

of the charter in the Secretary's hands, or some document to remain with the Secretary, engaging to conform himself to the charter, bye-laws, and regulations. — Bye-law 30.


We hereby, of our personal knowledge, certify, that Mr. who served his articles


[blocks in formation]

is a fit and proper person to become a member of this Society, and we propose him to the Council accordingly.

Dated the

day of

A. B., Proposer.
C. D., Seconder.


town members.

2. Members who take out town certificates shall pay two Subscription of pounds as their subscription to the Hall, Library, and Registry, for the current year ending the 31st day of December; and members who take out country certificates shall Subscription of pay one pound as their subscription to the Hall, Library, and Registry, for the current year ending the 31st day of December. Bye-laws 33, 34. 53.

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3. Whenever a person shall be elected a member, his subscription shall commence from the general Quarter Day preceding his election, and a proportion only of the Annual Subscription shall be paid for the remainder of the current year. Bye-laws 33, 34. 53.

4. Clerks serving under Articles, or who have served their Articles to Members of the Society, may be admitted to the Library, by order of the Council, on payment of an Annual Subscription of one pound. Bye-law 32.


Bye-law 32.

country members.

5. The Hall of the Society shall be open every day, from Hours of Hall. nine in the morning till ten at night, except Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and days of public fast and thanksgiving, and such other days as may hereafter be directed by the Council.

6. Strangers may be admitted into the front vestibule for Strangers. the purpose of seeing members, who are to be called by the



A book will be kept by the hall-keeper, in which members Appointment may enter appointments with each other, and the hours of their attendance in the Hall. Any person may leave, with the porter in the vestibule, letters or written messages addressed to members, but no post letters can be received unless the postage be paid.

7. Boxes are provided in the ante-room to the Hall, for Boxes. the use of members, on payment of 5s. for each annually, and also 5s. for the key, which is to be returned to the member on delivering up the same.

Hours of Library.

Regulations as to keeping order.

Injury to books


Bye-law 32.

8. The Library shall be open every day (except Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and days of public fast and thanksgiving, and such other days as may hereafter be directed by the Council,) from nine in the morning till ten in the evening, except from 1st September to 15th October, when it shall be closed at six o'clock; but on Saturdays throughout the year it shall be closed at 4 o'clock.

9. No person shall have access to the Library except members and subscribers admitted by the Council.

10. The member or subscriber so admitted to the Library shall be at liberty to take down books from the shelves; but after such books shall have been taken down, the same shall be left on the tables, and be replaced by the Librarian or his assistant.

11. Particular care is to be taken in refolding maps, plans, pedigrees, and other folding sheets.

12. No person on any pretence whatever shall take away any book out of the Library except in the cases mentioned in the next regulation.

13. In case any scarce book or books shall be wanted for professional purposes by any of the members to be produced in any of the Courts of Law or Equity, or before the Judges at Chambers, Masters in Chancery, Committees of the Houses of Parliament, or other place, application shall be made to the President, Vice-President, or two members of the Council, for permission to remove the same, and the Librarian, or one of the Clerks, shall in such case attend therewith, if such permission be given.

14. No book shall be taken to the fire-place.

15. If any injury shall be done to any of the books, the persons committing the injury shall either purchase a new copy of such book forthwith, or pay the value of it. 16. No conversation can be permitted in the Library. 17. The subscribers admitted by the Council are to occupy the tables on the left-hand side of the room from the

entrance and no others, and on no pretence whatever remove the chairs from any of the tables to the fire-place.

18. The Librarian is required strictly to enforce these rules, and immediately report any breach thereof, or any complaint, to the Council.


Bye-law 32.


19. The Registry Office shall be open from nine in the Hours of Registry morning till eight in the evening, every day except Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and days of public fast and thanksgiving, and such other days as may hereafter be directed by the Council.


20. The clerks of members may be admitted to the Re- Admission of gistry Office and the ante-room for clerks by the side-door


21. The following books will be kept for registering in- List of books for formation, with all necessary particulars and references :

1. Of professional partnerships, and practice to be
disposed of.

2. Of those wanted to be purchased.

3. Of clerks wanted.

4. Of clerks wanting situations.

5. Of monies wanted to be borrowed.

6. Of monies to be lent.

7. Of property to be sold.

8. Of property to be purchased.


22. The fee payable for each entry in such several books Fees.

shall be five shillings, to remain upon the books not exceed

ing three months.

23. Particulars of sale may be left by any person for dis- Particulars of sale. tribution to members and subscribers applying, on payment

of ten shillings; but no reference is to be made to the Society

in such particulars.

24. One copy of each particular shall be preserved for reference.

Lists of sittings and causes.

25. The following lists and papers will be placed in the Registry Office, at the earliest possible time; together with such other information as may appear to be useful:

The seal papers in equity.

The sittings and circuit papers.

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The lists of appeals, &c. in the House of Lords.
The cause lists, special papers, &c. in all the courts
of law, equity, and bankruptcy.

List of sheriffs, under-sheriffs, and coroners.

All new rules of court.

Lists of counsel attending the circuit and sessions according to their precedence and seniority.

Hours of Deposit

Rent of strong


Terms of letting.

Arrear of rent.


Bye-laws 32. and 41.

26. The Deposit Office shall be open every day, from ten in the morning till six in the afternoon, except on Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and days of public fast and thanksgiving, and such other days as may hereafter be directed by the Council.

27. The fire-proof rooms will be let to persons to be approved of by the Council, at a yearly rent for each room, to be fixed from time to time by the Council, and to be paid in advance; each party to have power to terminate the tenancy at six months' notice, to expire at any time.

28. A book to be kept in which the names of the parties taking such rooms, the terms, and every other necessary particular, will be entered, and signed by each party taking the rooms; and a receipt shall be given, on the back of which the regulations shall be printed.

29. If the rent be in arrear for more than one month after notice shall have been given to the renter by letter sent by the post according to the address he shall have left at the office, the renter shall be liable to pay double rent; and the Council, after the end of the year, shall be empowered to

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