صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

III. And be it further enacted and ordained by the faid authority, that all landholders and others who, by their tenures and the laws of the country are compellable to make and repair roads, do immediately after every fall of fnow, carefully beat the King's high roads with fleds and cariols only affixed as aforefaid, continuing in other refpects to fet beacons, make, repair and uphold the faid roads agreeable to the law and ufage of the Province.

IV. And be it enacted and ordained by the authority aforefaid, that in the winter all high-roads in future within one league of the fuburbs of the towns of Quebec and Montreal, fhall run on each fide of beacons to be fet up between them in one ftraight line as exactly as may be, and that all travellers and carriages fhall take the right of the beacons in going to and coming from the towns of Quebec and Montreal aforefaid, under the penalty of five fhillings for the neglect of erecting fuch beacons by those whofe duty it is at prefent to erect beacons, and of ten fhillings for wantonly not pursuing the route above prescribed.

V. And whereas by the ancient usage and police of the Province, the public winter roads along the rivers on the ice, were ufually made by the fame perfons as were compellable to make the land-roads: and the roads acrofs the faid rivers, leading to the towns of Quebec, Montreal and Three-rivers, by the inhabitants of the country parishes who had occafion for them to go to those towns: be it therefore further enac ted by the fame authority, that the neceffary and convenient public winter-roads acrofs the River St. Lawrence, leading to the towns of Quebec, Three-rivers and Montreal, fhall be traced, made, kept up, and beaconed by the inhabitants accuftomed to make the fame; and all other winter-roads across the river St. Lawrence, and other rivers, shall be made, kept up and beaconed, by the inhabitants according to ancient cuftom. And all winter-roads on the ice along the faid river or any other river in the Province, fhall be traced, made, kept up and beaconed, by the perfons who are compellable to make the land-roads along the faid river or rivers; and under the fame infpection, and under the fame fines, penalties and forfeitures on default, as are imposed by the ordinance of the feventeenth of his present Majesty, chap. 11.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the feveral fines, forfeitures and penalties before-mentioned, fhall be recoverable by the judgment of any one of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace with cofts, and the fale of, at public auction, the effects of the offender by diftrefs, and returning the overplus to the owner, on a fummary hearing, and the teftimony of any one credible witness or other fatisfactory proof, one half of each of which penalties and forfeitures fhall be paid to fuch underfurveyor of roads, infpector of police, clerk of the market, mafter of provincial pofthouse and officer of militia, as fhall bring forward the complaint for any offence against this Act, and the other half to his Majefty's ufe, and it fhall be the duty of the faid officers to attend vigilantly to the due execution thereof, and every of them fhall incur the penalty of fifteen fhillings for every inftance of his wilful negligence, to be recovered in due form of law in the Court of Common Pleas of the diftrict where fuch penalty may incur.

VII. And be it also enacted by the fame authority, that the feveral fines and forfei tures referved by this ordinance to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, for the public ufes of this Province and the government thereof, fhall be paid to the Receiver-general of the Province, to be accounted for to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, or to the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treasury for the time being, and audited by his Majefty's Auditor-general for the plantations or his deputy,


de ménoires, fous peine de vingt fhellings fur l'ouvrier, et de dix fhellings fur le propriétaire, et de confifcation de toutes traines, tous traineaux ou carioles qui ne fe-ront point conftruits conformément à cet Acte.

III. Et qu'il foit encor ordoné et ftatué, par la dite autorité, que tous propriétaires de terres, ou autres qui, par leurs poffeffions et loix de ce païs, font obligés de faire et réparer les chemins du Roi, les bateront foigneufement et immédiatement après chaque bordée de neiges, avec des traînes ou carioles, arrangées comme ci-dessus, en continuant à mettre des balifes, réparer et entretenir les dits chemins, fuivant les loix ⭑ et ufages de cette Province.

IV. Et qu'il foit statué et ordòné par la dite autorité, que pendant l'hiver, dans tous les grands chemins, à l'avenir, dans l'espace d'une lieue des faubourgs des villes de Québec et Montréal, il y aura deux chemins et au milieu un rang de balifes, aussi droit que poffible, et que les voyageurs et les voitures prendront leur droite en allant ou venant à, et des dites villes de Québec et Montréal, fous peine de cinq fhellings pour négligence de pofer telles balifes par ceux qui doivent actuellement le faire; et de dix fhellings contre ceux qui refuferont de prendre le chemin ci-deffus prefcrit.

V. Et comme fuivant les anciens ufages et police de cette Province, les chemins publics d'hiver fur la glace, le long des riviéres, font ordinairement faits par les mêmes particuliers qui font obligés à ceux par terre, et que les routes fur les dites riviéres qui conduifent aux villes de Québec, Montréal et Trois Riviéres, font faits par les habitaas des paroilles qui ont befoin d'aller à ces villes, qu'il foit de plus ftatué, par là. même autorité, qu'étant néceffaire et convenable que les chemins publics en hiver traverfant le fleuve St. Laurent, foient tracés, faits et entretenus, ainfi que balifés par les habitans accoutumés à les faire, et que tous autres chemins en hiver traverfant le fleuve St. Laurent et autres riviéres, feront faits, entretenus et balifés fuivant l'ancienne coutume, et que tous chemins d'hiver fur la glace le long du dit fleuve, ou toutes autres riviéres dans la Province, feront tracés, faits, entretenus et balifés par ceux qui font obligés de faire les chemins de terre le long du dit fleuve ou riviéres, et fous la même infpection, les mêmes amendes, peines ou confifcations, pour négligence, telles qu'elles font infligées par l'ordonance de la dix-feptiéme année du régne de fa Majefté, chap. 11.

VI. Et qu'il foit encor ftatué, par la dite autorité, que les diférentes amendes, peines ou confifcations ci-devant mentionées, feront prélevées par jugement d'aucun des Juges à paix de fa Majefté, avec les frais et dépens, et la vente publique fe fera des effets du contrevenant par exécution, en rendant le furplus au propriétaire, fur une expofition fomaire du fait et fur-ie témoignage d'un témoin digne de foi, ou fur toute autre preuve fatisfaifante; et que moitié de telles amendes et confifcations fera payée à tels fous-voyer des chemins, maitres de poftes, infpecteurs de police, clerc du marché, et oficiers des milices, qui porteront leurs plaintes d'une telle contravention contre cet Acte, et l'autre moitié à l'ufage du Roi; et il fera du devoir de tel's oficiers de veiller à l'exécution de cette ordonance, et chacun d'eux encourra une amende de quinze fhellings pour chaque fois qu'il l'aura volontairement négligé, qui fera légalement récouvrée dans la Cour des Playdoyers-comuns du Diftrict, dans lequel telle amende aura été encouruë.

VII. Et qu'il foit encor flatué, par la même autorité, que les diférentes amendes et confifcations infligées par cette ordonance refervées à sa Majefté, ses héritiers et fucceffeurs, pour l'ufage public de cette Province et fon Gouvernement, feront payées

[blocks in formation]

Continuation of the two former Ordinances.


Enacted and Ordained by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Great
Seal of the Province, at the Council-chamber in the caftle of St. Lewis, in the city of
Quebec, the thirtieth day of April, in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of Great-Britain,
France and Ireland King, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our
LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight.

By His Excellency's Command,




CA P. I.


For the Relief of the Poor, in the Loan of Seeds for Corn and other



To strengthen certain Deeds and Writings in the District of Heffe. [This Ordinance is no longer of force in Lower Canada, the District of Heffe in con sequence of the divifion of the late Province of Quebec, being now part of Upper-Canada.]



To continue the Ordinances regulating the Practice of the Law, and to provide more effectually for the difpenfation of Justice, and especially in

the New Districts.

E it enacted by His Excellency the Governor and the Legislative Council, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that the Act, intituled, "An Or"dinance to regulate the proceedings in the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to efta"blish Trials by Juries in actions of a commercial nature, and perfonal wrongs, to "be compenfated in Damages," paffed in the twenty-fifth year of His Majefty's


au Receveur-général de la Province pour en compter à fa Majefté fes héritiers et fuc-
ceffeurs, ou aux Comiffaires du tréfor de sa Majefté, pour lors, et éxaminées par l'Au-
diteur-général de sa Majesté, pour les plantations, ou fon député.

Statué et Ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Seau Public de la Pro-
vince, en la Chambre du Confeil au Château St. Louis en la ville de Québec, le tren-
tiéme jour d'Avril, dans la vingt-huitième année du Règne de notre Souverain
Seigneur GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi de la Grande Bretagne,
de France, et d'Irlande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &c. et dans l'année de notre Sei-
gneur mil fept cens quatrevingt-huit. Par ordre de Son Excellence,

[blocks in formation]




CA P. I.


Qui aide le Pauvre dans le Prêt des Semences de Bled et autres Grains né-




Pour valider certains Actes et Contrats dans le District de Heffe..

[Cette ordonance n'eft plus en force dans le Bas-Canada, le District de Heffe, en conféquence de la divifion de la Province, faifant actuellement partie du Haut-Canada.]

[blocks in formation]

Qui continue les Ordonances qui reglent les formes de procéder, et qui pourvoient plus efficacement à l'administration de la Juftice, et spéciale

ment dans les Nouveaux Districts.



ances antérieures.

U'II, foit ftatué par fon Excellence le Gouverneur et le Confeil Législatif, et il eft par ces préfentes ftatué par la dite autorité, que l'Acte, intitulé, "Or- des deux Ordon "donnance qui régle les formes de procéder dans les Cours de Jurifdiction ci"vile et qui inftitue les procès par jurés, en action de nature de Commerce et "de torts perfonels qui doivent être compenfés en dommages, paffés dans la vingt"cinquiéme

Qualification of Jurors in the five New Diftricts.

Powers of the First Judge for

the District of Helle.

On criminal profecutions in

the New Ditrias Execution to be

fufpended when, &c.

Copies of the Proceedings to be Governor.


[ocr errors]

together with the Act continuing the fame with additional Regulations," palled in the twenty-feventh year of His Majefty's reign, be continued until the thirtieth day of April, which will be in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and no longer.

II. And the better to adapt the general provifion to the prefent condition of the Province, lately divided into the five New diftricts of Gafpé, Luneburg. Mecklenburg, Naflau and Heffe, be it further enacted by the fame authority, that it fhall be no exception or challenge to a Juror on any Inqueft or Trial in either of the faid New Diftricts, that he is not a Free-holder, if fuch Juror, being otherwife qualified, fhall have been for one year the actual occupant of one hundred acres of land under the permiffion or authority of the Government, within the District for which he is fummoned, and fhall have had a certificate thereof figned by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, or under the fignature of the Surveyor General or Depity Surveyor General, or any Deputy of them or either of them.

III. And be it allo enacted by the fame authority, that until the Bench of the Court of Common Pleas for the District of Heffe, fhall have three Judges duly ap pointed to officiate thereon, all the powers and authorities of the whole number fhall be vefted in fuch perfon as fhall have a Commiflion to be the firft Judge thereof; any other Law, A&t or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.

IV. And on account of the remoteness of the faid New Diftricts, and for the fecurity of the fubject, and to prevent long imprifonments, and to leffen the public charges in criminal profecutions, be it further enacted by the fame authority, that on all trials to be had in either of the New Districts before Commiffioners of Oyer and Terminer, or general Gaol Delivery, when the Chief Juftice of the Province may happen not to be one, the execution of the Sentence or Judgment of the Court shall be ful pended until the pleasure of the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the time being, fhall be fignified thereon, by warrant under his Hand and Seal at Arms.

V. And to the end that the Government may have full information of the proceetranfmitted to the dings of the faid Courts of criminal Jurifdiction, be it it also enacted by the fame authority, that it fhall be the duty of the faid Courts, with all convenient fpeed, to transmit to the Governor, for the time being, not only copies of the indictment, information or charge, and of the plea and other proceedings in every caufe before them had, but of the written and parole teftimony read and given to the Jury, and -the scope and fubftance of the points ruled in Evidence, and of their charge to the Jury, and copy of the Verdict, and of every material tranfaction in the caule, toge ther with fuch obfervations as they may think proper to make on every fuch caufe and trial, and the whole under the fignatures of the majority of the Judges before whom every fuch trial was had; provided always and be it nevertheleis enacted by the fame authority, that it fhall not be necessary to make fuch report of the proceedings, nor to flay the execution of the Sentence or Judgment in any cafe where it shall not extend to life or limb, nor to any greater fine, penalty or forfeiture than the fum of twenty-five, paunds flerling money of Great-Britain.


Cafes, where execution fball be

ftayed. upon fines, Gadjudged.



And wherever fo great a fum fhall be adjud,ed for a fine, forfeiture or penalty any Court of Seffions of the Peace to be held in either of the faid New Districts, execution fhall in like manner be flayed, until fuch information is given to the Government by the major part of the Juilices before whom the Trial was had, or Judgment given, as is above directed to be given by the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, except that it fhall not be neceffary in fuch Courts of Seflions to


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