صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

degrees correction of the compafs (or magnetical variation) between bounded on the one fide, on


and on the other fide, on

and at each extremity of the

faid lands which in confequence of the faid titles ought to contain acres in front, I have planted and fixed a boundary mark of flone, of the length of from the furface of the earth, and laid and placed thereunder pieces of earthen ware (or brick or drofs of iron) from which boundaries fo placed, I have raised perpendiculars, running in depth on the point of the compass which I have measured to be at the distance



from the faid boundary marks fo placed: And this I have fo

done and performed in order to allot and lay out to the faid

the full quantity of land, mentioned and contained to be granted and conceded by his titles, making. fuperficial acres

executed, in the prefence of

refted; alfo in the prefence of

and of

Surveyed, done and the parties inteinhabitants of the faid parish of witneffes, or chain-carriers (or of by them named and chofen for this purpose (or, if one of the parties be abfent) in the abfence of no perfon appearing for him, altho' duly notified to attend the furvey


In teftimony whereof I have hereunto fubfcribed my name. and have alfo caufed the faid witnesses to subscribe their names, the day and year above-mentioned (or who have made their marks, after hearing these presents duly read unto them, and deciaring they did not know how to write) And I have delivered thefe prefents unto the faid for the purposes therein mentioned.


And if there fhould be found triangles in the furveying or measuring of lands by their refpective titles; the furveyor fo furveying, fhall particularly make mention of the fame, in the furvey and form of regiftry abovefaid. As alío of curvilineal or mixtlincal figures and defcriptions, and alfo of fuperficials, if it be neceflary. Alfo if there be one or more rivers running across or through a feigniory, every furveyor, farveying and measuring the fame, fhall make mention, in his furvey, of fuch rivers and their course, and also of the fide of the river on which he shall have begun his furvey.

VIII. That whofoever shall remove a boundary or land mark as above-mentioned, without lawful authority so to do, shall be subject to an action of damages, to be inftituted by the person injured, to recover fuch damages as the nature of the cafe may require, and also shall be liable to and pay a fine of twenty pounds; to be recovered by bill, plaint or information, in his Majesty's court of common pleas in the district where the offence may be committed. One moiety of fuch fine fhall be paid to the receiver general of the province, for his Majefty's ufe, and the other moiety, to the person who shall inform and fue for the fame.

IX. That all and every person who at prefent may act, or may be defirous to be lawfully appointed to act as a public land furveyor, fhall, within three months from the publication of this ordinance, tranfinit to the office of the furveyor general of this province, his christian and surname, with the date of the commiffion or authority under which he hath acted, and by whom granted, that thofe only may be published in the gazette and authorized to act, as fhall be approved of by the Governor, Licutenant-governor or commander in chief upon the report of the furveyor-general.

X. That on the death of any surveyor, his books of furvey, and other books and papers relating thereto, fhall be taken and confidered as public records, of the court of common pleas, of the district wherein he may have acted as a surveyor; and shall

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de la longueur de
hors de terre, et pofé deffous des morceaux de
terrines (de briques ou de machefer) defquelles bornes ainfi pofées, j'ai levé des perpendi-

culaires allant en profondeur fur le rumb de vent
que j'ai mefuré jufqu'à la diftance de
contenû des dits titres de

Le tout fait en présence de


et de

habitants de la dite paroiffe de


des dites bornes pour remplir le

arpens en fuperficie. parties intéreflées, et témoins ou porte-chaines par

eux nommés et choifis à cet effet. (Ou fi une des parties eft abfente) en l'absence de et perfonne pour lui, à ce düément interpellé pour se trouver au dit arpentage. En foi de quoi j'ai figné le préfent et fait figner les dits témoins avec moi. (ou qui ont fait leur marque aiant déclaré ne favoir écrire ni figner, de ce enquis) après lecture faite, et l'ai dépour lui valoir et fervir ce que de raison, les jour et

livré au dit

an fufdits.

Et s'il fe trouve dans les arpentages et mefurages des triangles, les arpenteurs en feront mention dans leurs procés verbaux, ainfi que des figures curvilignes et mixtilignes, et auffi des fuperficies, s'il eft néceffaire; s'il y a une ou plufieurs riviéres qui coupent un fief et feigneurie, ils feront mention de quel còté des dites riviéres ils opé


VIII. Que quiconque ôtera et changera une borne comme elle eft mentionée ci-desfus, fans autorité légale de le faire, fera fujet à une action de domages, qui fera pourfuivie par celui qui en fera lézé, pour recouvrer tels domages, fuivant la nature et les circonftances des cas. Et auffi fera fujet à paier une amende de vingt livres courans, qui fera prélevée par plainte ou information dans les Cours des Plaidoyers Communs de fa Majefté du diftrict, dans lequel la contravention aura été commife; la moitié de la dite amende fera paiée au Receveur-général de la Province, au profit de fa Majeflé, et l'autre moitié au dénonciateur ou au pourfuivant.

IX. Que qui que ce foit qui travaille actuellement, ou qui défirera d'être légalement comiffioné pour travailler, comm'Arpenteur public, tranfmettra au Bureau de l'Arpenteur-général de cette Province, dans trois mois de la publication de cette ordonnance, fon nom de batême et de famille, avec la date de la Comiflion, ou autorité, par laquelle il a travaillé, et par qui elle lui a été accordée. Que ceux feulement qui feront publiés dans la Gazette de Québec, feront autorisés à travailler, après qu'ils auront été approuvés par le Gouverneur, le Lieutenant-gouverneur ou Commendant en Chef, fur le rapport de l'Arpenteur-général.

X. Qu'en cas de décés d'aucun arpenteur. fes regîtres d'arpentage et autres regîtres et papiers qui y auront rapport, feront censés et confidérés comme regitres publics de la Cour des Plaidoiers Coinmuns du District dans lequel il aura travaillé comm'arpen


be thereafter depofited of record in the clerk's office of the faid court of common pleas, for the benefit of all his Majefty's fubjects, and to which they may, from time to time, freely have recourfe, and on demand, may have copies thereof granted by the refpective clerks of fuch courts, on payment of the legal and accuftomary fees. That in case of the decease of any furveyor, and of his books and papers being fo lodged as abovefaid, the widow or heirs of fuch furveyor fhall annually be entitled to have a juft account, and receive one half part of all fees for copies from the books and papers of fuch deceafed furveyor, and for and during the space of five years from his decease.

HENRY HAMILTON. 'Ordained and enacted by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Public Seal of the province, at the Council chamber in the castle of St. Lewis, in the city of Quebec, the thirtieth day of April, in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of our fovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our LORD one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-five.

By Command of his Honor the Lieutenant-governor,

[blocks in formation]

Ordinance, 27th.

Amended by Concerning Advocates, Attornies, Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more eafy collection of his Majefty's Revenues.

Gro. III. c 11th,

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HEREAS the welfare and tranquility of families, and the peace of individuals require, as an object of the greatest importance, that fuch perfons only 'fhould be appointed to act and practise as barrifters, advocates, attornies, folicitors, proctors and notaries, who are properly qualified to perform the duties of those refpective employments, and that, under certain neceffary and proper regulations, be it therefore ordained and enacted by his honor the Lieutenant-governor and commander in chief of this province, by and with the advice and confent of the Legiflative Council thereof, and by the authority of the fame, it is hereby ordained and enacted, that from and after the publication of this ordinance, no perfon fhall be commiffioned, appointed or permitted to practife in any of his Majesty's courts of civil jurifdiction in this province, as a barrifter, advocate, folicitor, attorney or proctor at law, who fhall not have, bona fide, ferved a regular and continued clerkship, for and during the space of five years, under a contract, in writing, for that purpofe made and entered into, with fome advocate or attorney duly admitted and practifing in the courts of civil judicature in this province; or in fome other part of his Majefty's dominions, or with fome clerk or register of any court of common pleas, or court of apppeals, within this province, for and during the fpace of fix years. Uniefs fuch perfon fhall have been already called to the bar, or intitled fo to be, and to practife as an advocate or attor ney, in fome court of civil jurifdiction, within fome part of his Majefty's dominions. Neither fhall any person so intitled to be commiffioned, or admitted to practife as aforefaid, be commillioned or admitted, to practise in any of the several capacities abovefaid, until after he shall have been examined by fome of the first and most able barrifters, advocates and attornies of the courts of judicature in this province, in the pre


teur; et feront à l'avenir dépofés dans les Greffes des dites Cours des Plaidoiers Co-
muns pour l'avantage de tous les fujets de fa Majefté, qui pourront de tems à autre y
avoir librement recours; et fur leurs demandes, les Grefiers des diférentes Cours leur
en doneront des copies, en par eux paiant les émolumens ordinaires et légaux. Que
dans le cas de decés ou démiffion d'aucun arpenteur, dont les régîtres et papiers feront
ainsi déposés comme ci-deffus, fa veuve ou héritièrs feront en droit d'avoir un jufle
compte et de recevoir la moitié de tous émolumens pour copies données de tels regîtres
et papiers de tel arpenteur décédé pendant le tems et efpace de cinq années, du jour de
fon décés.


Statué et Ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Sceau Public de la
Province, en la Chambre du Confeil au Château St. Louis en la ville de Québec, le tren-
tiéme jour d'Avril, dans la vingt-cinquième année du Règne de notre Souverain Seigneur
GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de DIEU, Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de France,
et d'Irlande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &c. dans l'année de notre Seigneur mil fept
·cens quatrevingt-cinq.

Par ordre de Son Honneur le Lieutenant Gouverneur,


Traduit par Ordre de Son Honneur,


A. GRAY, A. C. L. C.


Qui concerne les Avocats, Procureurs, Solliciteurs et les Notaires, et qui rend plus aifé le recouvrement des Revenus de fa Majefté.

Amendé par l'ordon. 27. Geo.

ETANT un objet de la plus grande importance pour le bonheur et la tranquilité II. Cap. 11.

des familles, ainfi que pour la paix de chaque individu, qu'il ny ait de commiffionés feulement, pour agir et pratiquer comme Avocats, Procureurs Solliciteurs, Praticiens et Notaires, que ceux qui feront véritablement capables de remplir les devoirs de ces diférentes profeffions, et ce, fous certains réglemens convenables et néceffaires, qu'il foit, à ces causes, ftatué et ordoné pár fon Honneur le Lieutenant Gouverneur et Commandant en Chef de cette Province, de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Législatif d'icelle, et par l'autorité d'icelui, il eft par ces préfentes ftatué et ordoné: que du jour, et après la publication de cette Ordonance, qui que ce foit, ne fera nommé, comiffioné, ou aura la permiffion de pratiquer dans aucune des Cours de Jurifdiction Civile de fa Majefié en cette Province, comme Avocat, Confeil, Solliciteur, Procureur ou Praticien en Loi, fans avoir préalablement fervi de bonne foi et réguliérement continué comme Clerc pendant le tems et efpace de cinq années, fur un contrat par écrit à cet effet, et enregistré, chés quelque Avocat ou Procureur duement admis et pratiquant dans les Cours Civiles de Judicature en cette Province, ou dans aucune autre partie des Domaines de fa Majefté, ou chés quelque Grefier d'aucune des Cours des Plaidoiers-comuns ou d'Apel en cette Province, pendant le tems et efpace de fix années, ou à moins que tels particuliers n'aient déjà pratiqué an Barreau, ou aient eu droit d'être et de pratiquer comm'Avocats ou Procureurs dans quelque Cour de Jurifdiction Civile dans quelque partie des Domaines de fa Majeflé. Ni que qui que ce foit ainfi en droit d'être comiffioné ou d'avoir la permiffion de pratiquer comme ci-deffus, ne fera commiffionné ou aura la permiffion de pratiquer dans aucunes des dites diférentes capacités, fans qu'il ait été auparavant examiné par quelqu'uns des plus habils avocats, confeils et procureurs des Cours de Judicature en



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C. 4. Anno vicefimo quinto GEORGII III. Regis. A. D. 1785.

fence of the chief justice, or two or more judges of fome of his Majefty's courts of coinmon pleas, and that such person, so examined, fhall be, by the faid chief juftice or judges, approved and certified to be of fit capacity and character to be admitted, to practife the law, in the feveral courts in this province.

II. That no perfon fhall hereafter, be commiffioned or appointed, a notary in this province, who fhall not have, bona fide served a regular and continued clerkship, for and during the fpace of five years, under a contract, in writing, for that purpose made and entered into, with fome notary, duly commiflioned and appointed, and practising as fuch. And until after fuch perfon fo ferving a continued clerkfhip fhall have been examined by fome of the eldeft notaries and practitioners in that fcience, in the prefence of the chief juftice or two or more judges of his Majefly's court of common-pleas of the diftrict, wherein fuch perfon may have fo ferved his clerkship, and be approved in manner abovesaid, as a person of fit capacity and character, to be commiffioned and admitted to act and practise as a notary, in this province. And all and every notary with whom any perfon may serve a continued clerkship as abovefaid, fhall give due proof, when required, of the fervice performed.

III. That from and after the publication of this ordinance, all and every notary is, and are hereby directed, to collect and place, in regular and due order, all and every the minutes of acts and contracts, that may have been, or may be palled before them, in the proper order of time in which fuch acts may have been, or may be paffed: And fball felect and put up the minutes and writings, of what nature foever, of every year's transactions and acts, in separate bundles, folded and covered with ftrong paper, in the manner of a register, and on the back of which shall be indorfed, the general contents of each bundle, and the year in which the fame may have been made or done.

And that the registers as abovefaid, of every notary, fhall be open, to legal infpection, for examining the legal ftate thereof. And if on fuch examination, to be made at reasonable periods, it fhall be found, that any notary hath neglected obedience to this article; or that his registers are irregular and imperfectly kept and preferved, he fhall be deprived of the office of notary, and held and confidered as difqualified to pass any future act.

IV. And all and every notary, are hereby required, ftrialy to comply with the an cient laws of this province, which refpect the palling of acts before them, or any of them, as notaries; and by which the validity of fuch their acts will be confidered and adjudged.

V. That from and after the decease of any notary, his minutes, regifters, books and acts, by him paffed and preferved, as and relating to the duties of a notary, thall be held and confidered as public records, of the court of common pleas, of the dil trict wherein he may have acted as a notary; and fhall be forthwith depofited in the clerk's office of the faid court of common pleas, of record, and for the benefit of his Majefty's fubjects, who may have legal intereft therein.


That upon the decease of any notary, as abovefaid, the clerk of the court of com mon pleas of the diftrict wherein the faid deceased notary fhall have refided, fhall repair to the office of fuch deceased notary, and demand the records abovefaid; Ahall upon delivery, take a regular account of the fame, and in an inventory thereof, to be by him made, fhall fpecify every particular minute, act, book, and paper by him received, and shall fign and record the fame, in the faid court of com mon pleas, and fhall deliver a copy of the faid inventory to the perfon from whom he may receive the feveral minutes, acis, books, and papers as abovesaid.


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