صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Declaring when the Act of the 31st. GEO: III. shall have effect in

the Provinces of UPPER and LOWER-CANADA.


GEORGE the THIRD, by the Grace of GOD, of Great

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Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, and fo forth.To all our loving fubjects whom thefe prefents may concern, GREETING.-Whereas We have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, by Our order in Council, dated in the Month of Auguft laft, to order that our Province of Quebec fhould be divided into two diftinct Provinces, to be called the Province of UpperCanada and the Province of Lower-Canada, by feparating the faid two Provinces according to the following line of division, viz. "to commence at a ftone boundary "on the North bank of the Lake St. Francis, at the Cove Weft of Pointe au Bodét, "in the limit between the Township of Lancaster and the Seigneurie of New Longueuil, running along the faid Limit in the Direction of North thirty-four Degrees "Weft to the weftermoft Angle of the faid Seigneurie of New Longueuil, thence along the North-western boundary of the Seigneurie of Vaudreuil, running "north twenty-five Degrees, Eaft, until it ftrikes the Ottowas River, to afcend the "faid River into the Lake Tomifcanning, and from the Head of the faid Lake by a line "drawn due north until it ftrikes the boundary line of Hudson's Bay, including all "the territory to the weftward and fouthward of the faid line to the utmost extent "of the Country commonly called or known by the name of Canada." WHEREAS by an Act paffed in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, "Act to repeal certain Parts of an Act paffed in the fourteenth Year of His Majes ty's Reign, intituled, an Act for making more effectual provifion for the Govern"ment of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to make further Provifion for the Government of the faid Province," it is provided, that by reafon of the Distance of the faid Provinces from Great-Britain, and the Change to be made by the faid Act in the Government thereof, it may be neceffary that there fhould be fome interval of time between the notification of the faid Act to the faid Provinces refpectively, and the Day of its commencement within the faid Provinces refpectively; and that it fhould be lawful for Us, with the Advice of our Privy Council to fix and declare, or to authorize the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of our Province of Que bec, or the Perfon adminiftering the Government there, to fix and declare the day of





Qui declare le temps ou l'Acte de la 31me, de GEO : III, aura eflet dans

les Provinces du HAUT et du BAS-CANADA. ~


EORGE TROIS par la Grace de DIEU, ROI de la Grande


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Bretagne, de France et d'Irlande, défenfeur de la Foi, &c. &c. &c-A tous nos affectionés fujets que ces présentes peuvent concerner,-SALUT.-Ayant jugé conve nable par et de l'avis de notre Confeil privé par notre ordre en Confeil daté du mois d'Août dernier, d'ordonner que notre Province de Québec foit divifée en deux Provinces diftinctes, qui feront appellées, la Province du Haut-Canada, et la Province du BasCanada, féparant les dites deux Provinces conformément à la ligne de divifion fuivante, favoir, "à commencer à une borne en pierre fur le bord nord du Lac St. François, à la "Baie oueft de la Pointe au Bodêt, dans la limite entre la Jurifdiction (ou Township) "de Lancaster en la feigneurie de la Nouvelle Longueuil, courant le long de la dite limi "te dans la direction de nord trente quatre dégrés oueft jufqu'à l'angle le plus oueft "de la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle Longueuil, de là le long de la borne nord-ouest "de la Seigneurie de Vaudreuil, courant nord vingt cinq dégrés eft, jufqu'à ce qu'elle "tombe fur la riviere des Ottawas pour monter la dite riviere jufqu'au Lac Tomifcanning, et du haut du dit Lac par une ligne tirée vrai nord jufqu'à ce qu'elle touche la ligne bornée de la Baye d'Hudson, renfermant tout le territoire à l'oueft et fud de la “dite ligne jujqu'à l'étendue la plus reculée du pays communément appellée ou connue fous le nom de Canada,"-Et vû que par un Acte paffé dans la derniere Séance du Parlement, intitulé, "Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un acte paffé dans la qua"torzieme année du regne de fa Majefté, intitulé, Acte qui pourvoit plus efficace"ment pour le Gouvernement de la Province de Québec dans l'Amérique du Nord; et "qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province," il eft pourvu que par raifon de la diftance des dites Provinces de la Grande Bretagne et du changement à faire par le dit Acte dans le Gouvernement d'icelles, il pourroit être néceffaire qu'il y eut quelqu'intervalle de temps entre la notification du dit Acte aux dites Provinces refpectivement, et le jour de fon commencement dans les dites Provinces refpectivement, et qu'il feroit légal pour Nous, de l'avis de notre Confeil privé de fixer et déclarer ou d'autorifer le Gouverneur ou le Lieutenant Gouverneur de notre Province de Québec, ou celui qui aura l'administration du Gouvernement dans icelle, de fixer et

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the commencement of the faid Act within the faid Province refpectively, provided that fuch Day fhall not be later than the thirty-fift Day of December one thousand feven hundred and ninety-one. And whereas in pursuance of the faid Act, we have thought fit by an other order in Council, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of August laft, to authorise our Governor, or in his abfence our Lieutenant Governor or the perfon adminiftering the Government of our faid Province of Quebec, to fix and declare fuch day as he fhould judge moft advifeable for the commencement of the faid act within the Province of Upper-Canada and the Province of Lower-Canada respectively and to that effect have by our warrant to our right trufty and well beloved, GUY LORD DORCHESTER, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over our faid Province of Quebec, or in his abfence to our Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief of our faid Province for the time being, under our fignet and Royal fign ma nual bearing date at St. James's the twelfth day of September laft, fignified our will and pleasure that he take the neceffary Measures accordingly, KNOW YE THEREFORE that our trufly and well beloved ALURED CLARKE, Efquire, our Lieutenant Gover nor of our faid Province of Quebec, in the absence of our faid Governor thereof, hath judged it moft advisable to fix upon Monday the twenty-fixth Day of December next for the Commencement of the faid Act within the Provinces aforefaid 'respectively, and it is accordingly hereby declared, that the faid Act of Parlament, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain Parts of an A&t passed in the fourteenth Year of His Maje "ty's Reign, intituled, an Act for making more effectual Provifion for the Govern "ment of the Province of Quebec in North America, and to make further Provifion "for the Government of the faid Province," fhall commence within the faid Provinces of Upper-Canada and Lower-Canada respectively, on Monday the faid twentyfixth day of December in this present year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, OF WHICH, all our loving Subjects, and all others concerned, are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great feal of our faid Province of Quebec to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS our trufty and well-beloved ALURED CLARKE, Efq our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our faid Province of Quebec, Major General commanding our forces in North America, &c. &c. &c. at our Castle of St. Lewis, in the City of Quebec, this eighteenth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and ninety-one, and in the thirty-fecond year of our Reign.


A. C.

PROCLAMATION, dividing the Province of LowER-CANADA, into Counties, Cities and Towns.


EORGE the THIRD by the Grace of God of


Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all Our


déclarer le jour du commencement du dit Afte dans les dites Provinces refpectivement, pourvu que tel jour ne fera pas plus tard que le trente-unieme jour de Decembre, mil fept quatre vingt onze, Et vû que, en conféquence du dit Acte, nous avons jugé à propos par un autre Ordre en Confeil, daté le vingt quatrieme jour d Août dernier, d'autorifer notre Gouverneur ou en fon abfence notre Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou celui qui aura l'adminiftration du Gouvernement de notre dite Province de Quebec, à fixer et déclarer tel jour qu'il jugeroit le plus convenable pour le commencement du dit Acte dans la Province du Haut-Canada et la Province du Bas-Canada refpectivemert, et ayant à cet effet par notre WARRANT à notre très-fidèle et bien aimé GUY LORD DORCHESTER Capitaine général et Gouverneur en Chef dans notre dite Province de Québec, ou en fon abfence à notre Lieutenant Gouverneur ou Commandant en Chef de notre dite Province pour le temps d'alors, fous notre fceau et feing royal manuel, daté à St. Jacques le douzieme jour de Septembre dernier, fignifier notre volonté et plaifir qu'il prenne les moyens néceffiires pour s'y conformer, SACHEZ en conféquence que notre fidèle et bien aimé ALURED CLARKE, ECUYER, notre Lieutenant Gouverneur de notre dite Province de Quebec, en l'ablence de notre dit Gouverneur, d celle a jugé le plus convenable de fixer Lundi le vingt fixieme jour de Décembre prochain pour le commencement du dit Acte dans les Provinces ci-devant mentionnées refpectivement et il eft conformément par ces préfentes déclaré que le dit acte de Parlement, intitulé, "Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un acte pallé dans la quatorzieme année du regne "de fa Majefté, intitulé, Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement de "la Province de Quebec dans l'Amerique du Nord, et qui pourvoit plus amplement au "Gouvernement de la díte Province," commencera dans les dites Provinces du HautCanada et du Bas-Canada refpectivement, Lundi le dit vingt fixieme jour de Décembre dans cette préfente année, mil fept cent quatre vingt onze. Dont et du tout tous nos affectionnés fujets et tous autres concernés prendront connoiffance et s'y conformeront. En FOI de QUOI nous avons ordonné que nos préfentes Lettres foient Patentes et que le grand Seau de notre dite Province de Quebec y foit appofé. TEMOIN notre fidèle et bien aimé ALURED CLARKE, ECUYER, notre Lieutenant Gouverneur et commandant en Chef de notre dite Province de Quebec, Major général Commandant nos forces dans l'Amérique du Nord &c. &c. &c. A notre Château de St. Louis dans la ville de Quebec, ce dix huitieme jour de Novembre dans l'année de notre Seigneur mil fept cent quatre vingt onze et dans la trente deuxieme année de notre Regne,


Traduit par ordre de fon EXCELLENCE,.


A. C

PROCLAMATION, qui divife la Province du BAS-CANADA, en Comtés, Cités

et Villes.



EORGE TROIS, par la grace de Dieu Roi de

Grande Bretagne, de France et d'Irlande, défenfeur de la foi, &c. A tous nos


loving Subjects whom thefe prefents may concern. WHEREAS in pursuance of an Act of Parliament lately made and provided, paffed in the Thirty first Year of Our Reign and of Authority by Us given for that purpose, Our late Province of Quebec is become divi. ded into the two Provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, and Our Lieutenant Governor of the said Province of Lower Canada by Power from Us derived, is authorized in the absence of Our Right Trusty and Well beloved GUY LORD DORCHESTER, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Our faid Province of Lower Canada to divide the faid Province of Lower Canada into Diftri&s, Counties, Circles or Towns and Townfhips for the purpole of effectuating the intent of the faid Act of Parliament, and to declare and appoint the number of Reprefentatives to be chofen by each to ferve in the Affembly of the laid Province. KNOW YE THEREFORE, that Our Trufty and Well beloved ALURED CLARKE, Our Lieutenant Governor of Our faid Province of Lower Canada, in the abfence of Our faid Governor in Chief, hath and by this Our Proclamation doth divide the faid Province of Lower Canada into Counties, Cities, and Towns, and declare and appoint the number of the Reprefentatives of them and each of them to be as herein after limited, named, declared and appointed, that is to fay, that the first of the faid Counties be all that part of the faid Province on the Southerly fide of the River of St. Lawrence, now called the District of Gaspé, as described in Our Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal of Our late Province of Quebec, bearing date the twenty fourth day of July in the twenty-eighth year of Our Reign; and that the fecond of the faid Counties to be called Cornwallis, fhall comprehend all that part of Our said Province on the fame fide of the River St. Lawrence between the faid County of Gafpé and a line running South-eaft from the wefterly angle of a tract of land commonly called the Seigniory of M. Lauchlan Smith or S. Ann's, together with the Islands of St. Barnaby and Bic, and all other Iflands in the faid River nearest to the faid County, and in the whole or in part fronting the fame; and that the third of the faid Counties to be called Devon, fhall comprehend all that part of Our faid Province on the fame fide of the faid River of St. Lawrence between the wefterly fide of the laid County of Cornwallis and a line parrallel thereto running from the wefterly angle of a tract of land commonly called the Seigniory of the River du Sud, together with all the Iflands in the River St. Lawrence nearest to the said County, and in the whole or in part fronting the fame; and that the fourth of the faid Counties to be called Hertford, fhall comprehend all that part of Our faid Province on the foutherly fide of the faid River St. Lawrence between the wefterly fide of the faid County of Devon and a line parallel thereto, running from the northeasterly angle of a tract of land commonly called the Seigniory of Lauzon or the Seigniory of Point Levy together with all the Ilands in the faid River St, Lawrence nearest to the faid County, and in the whole or in part fronting the fame; and that the fifth of the faid Counties to be called Dorchester shall comprehend all that part of Our faid Province on the foutherly fide of the faid River St. Lawrence, between the wefterly fide of the faid County of Hertford and a line parallel thereto, running from the wefterly angle of the aforefaid tract of land called the Seigniory of Lauzon or the Seigniory of Point Levy, together with all the Islands in the faid River St. Lawrence nearest to the faid County, and in the whole or in part fronting the fame ; and that the fixth of the faid Counties to be called Buckinghamfhire, fhall comprehend all that part of Our faid Province on the foutherly fide of the faid River St. Lawrence between the wefterly fide of the faid County of Dorchefter and a line parallel thereto, running from the northealterly angle of a tract of land commonly called the Seigniory of Sorel, together with all the lands in the faid River St.


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