صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

3. No public sewerage.

4. See ordinance appended.

5. Board of health, the town council.

6. Health officers not appointed.

7. As required by law, school children are vaccinated by physicians at school houses.

8. Undertakers have promptly sent in their returns of death.

H. B. PERRY, Town Clerk.


It is ordained by the Town Council of the Town of South Kingstown, as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall attend the Public Schools of this town as teacher, pupil, or in any other capacity, if such person resides in, or has resided in any house, tenement or family, in which there is or has been a case of small-pox, varioloid, cholera, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough or measles, within the period of four weeks from the commencement of the last existing case, in such house, tenement or family of any such disease.

SEC. 2. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any teacher in the Public Schools, that any pupil is in attendance in violation of the preceding section, the said teacher shall forthwith forbid such attendance and give notice immediately of the occurrence, to the Health Officer.

SEC. 3. Every person violating the provisions of either of the preceding sections, shall be fined not exceeding five dollars for every day of such violation. H. B. PERRY, Clerk.

A true copy,


Charles H. Fisher, M. D., Secretary State Board of Health, Rhode Island:

DEAR SIR-Your postal of the 27th instant, requesting our report for 1889, if printed, or if not the extensions and number of persons supplied during and at end of 1889, received.

Our plant, which covers an area of about 14 miles of piping, was only completed December 30, 1889. Up to and at that time, we had 130 taps in use; the number of persons supplied I am unable to say, as the taps are made for dwellings, stores, offices, &c.

[blocks in formation]

4. Nothing new in abatement of nuisances or sanitary improvement.

[blocks in formation]

1. Only the usual work for the promotion of public health contemplated by the town authorities during the year.

2. Do not know the proportion of the population supplied with public water at the end of the year.

3. No public sewerage.

5. Board of health, the town council.

6. H. W. Rose, Superintendent of Health, Benjamin York, Health Officer. 7. Gratuitous vaccination was provided during the past year. The proportion of the population vaccinated, according to my best knowledge, was about 900.

8. As a rule, undertakers promptly send in their returns of death.

W. HOXSEY, Town Clerk.


WESTERLY, R. I., March 28, 1890.

Charles H. Fisher, Secretary State Board of Health, Providence, R. I.:

DEAR SIR-Your communication of the 27th inst. at hand. In reply would state that we do not print a public report. Our extensions in 1889 were 1,617 feet. As near as I can estimate, 2,000 persons are daily using water supplied by this concern.

Yours very truly,

EVERETT BARNES, Superintendent.





In order to ascertain what degree of interest was taken in the work of sanitary inspection, and what had been accomplished in the different towns by the Health Officers of the same during 1889, the following circulars were sent at the close of the year:



PROVIDENCE, Dec. 26, 1889.

To the Health Officer of

DEAR SIR :-An important feature of the Annual Reports of the Rhode Island State Board of Health is that of giving a connected history of the occurrence of contagious and epidemic diseases from year to year, as they may have prevailed in the different towns, whether epidemically or in a less degree, together with the location in the town (village or otherwise), and season of the year.

If the proportion of the fatal cases to the whole number of cases of the same disease could be given, the value of such reports would be very much enhanced. Such proportion can be ascertained only in such towns as by town ordinance require physicians to report all cases of such diseases as come within their charge. An approximate proportion can, however, be given, after the subsidence of the disease, by inquiry of persons living in the immediate neighborhood of the prevalence of such disease as to the number of the sick, or by house to house visitation where the sickness occurred, with same inquiry, and by the comparison of the deaths with recoveries as so ascertained.

Another feature of the Reports is a yearly record of the sanitary improvements made in the towns, in relation to water supply, drainage, abatement of nuisances, better methods of heating and ventilating public buildings, and such new ordinances as may have been adopted, having in view the improvement of the public health, the data for which is mainly obtained from the town and city clerks.

It is for the purpose of ascertaining additional and supplementary information that the questions in the inclosed circular are sent to the various Health Officers of the State,

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