If fondly thou dost not mistake, And all defects for graces take; Persuad'st thyself that jests are broken, When she hath little or nothing spoken; Know this, Thou lov'st amiss, And to love true, Thou must begin again, and love anew. Thou lov'st amiss, And to love true, Thou must begin again, and love anew. Thou lov'st amiss, And to love true, Thou must begin again, and love anew. That thou art no perfect lover; And, desiring to love true, Thou dost begin to love anew, Know this, Thou lov'st amiss, And to love true, Thou must begin again, and love anew. SONG. "TIS now, since I sat down before That foolish fort, a heart, (Time strangely spent !) a year and more, And still I did my part. Made my approaches, from her hand And did already understand Proceeded on with no less art, When this did nothing, I brought down A thousand thousand to the town, I then resolv'd to starve the place, To draw her out and from her strength, And brought myself to lie, at length, When I had done what man could do, The enemy lay quiet too, And smil'd at all was done. I sent to know from whence, and where, A spy inform'd, honour was there, And did command in chief. March, march (quoth I); the word straight give, Let's lose no time, but leave her; That giant upon air will live, And hold it out for ever. To such a place our camp remove I hate a fool that starves her love, ANONYMOUS. SONG. Do confess thou'rt smooth and fair, And I might have been brought to love thee; But that I found the slightest pray'r That breath could move, had power to move thee; I do confess thou'rt sweet, but find The virgin rose, that untouch'd stands, Such fate, ere long, will thee betide, And I shall sigh, while some will smile. Hath brought thee to be lov'd by none! COWLEY. THE MOTTO. "Tentanda via est, &c." WHAT shall I do to be for ever known, And make the age to come my own? Whilst others great, by being born, are grown; In this scale gold, in th' other fame does lie, If I, her vulgar stone, for either look, Out of myself it must be strook. Yet I must on; What sound is 't strikes mine ear? It sounds like the last trumpet; for it can Unpast Alps stop me; but I'll cut them all, Hence, the desire of honours or estate, Hence, Love himself, that tyrant of my days! Come, my best friends, my books! and lead me on; 'Tis time that I were gone, Welcome, great Stagyrite! and teach me now Thy scholar's victories thou dost far out-do; He conquer'd th' earth, the whole world you. Welcome, learn'd Cicero! whose blest tongue and wit Preserves Rome's greatness yet: Thou art the first of Orators; only he Who best can praise thee, next must be. But you have clim'd the mountain's top, there sit ODE. OF WIT. TELL me, O tell, what kind of thing is Wit, Thou who master art of it? For the first matter loves variety less; London, that vents of false ware so much store, For men, led by the colour and the shape, And sometimes, if the object be too far, Hence 't is a Wit, that greatest word of fame, And Wits by our creation they become, |