صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

And thereto hath a truth as just,
As had Penelope the fair;

For what she saith, ye may it trust,
As it by writing sealed were.
And virtues hath she many moe
Than I with pen have skill to show.

I could rehearse, if that I would,
The whole effect of nature's plaint;
When she had lost the perfect mould,
The like to whom she could not paint.
With wringing hands how she did cry!
And what she said I know it, I:

I know she swore, with raging mind,
Her kingdom only set apart,
There was no loss by law of kind,
That could have gone so near her heart;
And this was chiefly all her pain,
She could not make the like again.

Sith Nature thus gave her the praise,
To be the chiefest work she wrought;
In 'faith, methinks, some better ways
On your behalf might well be sought,
Than to compare (as ye have done)
To match the candle with the sun.


FROM Tuscane came my Lady's worthy race;

Fair Florence was sometime their ancient seat; The Western Isle, whose pleasant shore doth face Wild Camber's cliffs, did give her lively heat; Fostered she was, with milk of Irish breast: Her Sire an earl, her Dame of princes' blood; From tender years in Britain she doth rest With King's child, where she tasteth costly food.

Hunsdon did first present her to my eyne; Bright is her hue, and Geraldine she hight: Hampton me taught to wish her first for mine; Windsor, alas! doth chase me from her sight. Her beauty' of kind, her virtue from above; Happy is he that can obtain her love!


me e'en where the Sun doth parch the green, Or where his beams do not dissolve the ice; In temperate heat, where he is felt and seen; In presence press'd of people, mad or wise; Set me in high, or yet in low degree; In longest night, or in the shortest day; In clearest sky, or where clouds thickest be; In lusty youth, or when the hairs are grey; Set me in heaven, in earth, or else in hell," On bill or dale, or on the foaming flood: Thrall'd, or at large; wherever so I dwell, Sick, or in health; in evil fame, or good; Her's will I be, and only with this thought, Content myself, although my chance be nought.


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LAS! so all things now do hold their peace,
Heaven and earth disturbed in nothing;
The beasts, the air, the birds their song do cease;
The night's chair now the stars about doth bring;
Calm is the sea, the waves work less and less!
So am not I; whom Love, alas! doth wring,
Bringing before my face the great increase
Of my desires; whereas I weep and sing,
In joy and woe, as in a doubtful case:

For my sweet thoughts, some time do pleasure bring
But, by and by, the cause of my disease
Gives me a pang that inwardly doth sting;
When that I think what grief it is, again,

To live and lack the thing should rid my pain.



Y lute, awake, perform the last
Labour that thou and I shall waste,
And end that I have now begun :
And when this song is sung and past,
My lute be still, for I have done.
The rocks do not so cruelly
Repulse the waves continually,
As she my suit and affection:
So that I am past remedy,

Whereby my lute and I have done.
Proud of the spoil which thou hast got
Of simple Hearts through Love's shot,
By whom (unkind!) thou hast them won
Think not he hath his bow forgot,
Although my lute and I have done.
Vengeance shall fall on thy disdain
That makest but game on earnest pain:
Think not alone under the Sun
Unquit to cause thy Lover's plaine,
Although my lute and I have done.
May chance thee lie withered and old
In winter nights that are so cold,
Plaining in vain unto the moon;
Thy wishes then dare not be told,
Care then who list, for I have done.
And then may chance thee to repent
The time that thou hast lost and spent,
To cause thy Lover's sigh and swoon;
Then shalt thou know beauty but lent,
And wish and want as I have done.

Now cease, my lute: this is the last
Labour that thou and I shall waste,
And ended is that we begun ;
Now is this Song both sung and past,
My lute be still, for I have done.


SINCE love will needs that I must love,
Of very force I must agree:

And since no chance may it remove,
In wealth and in adversity,

I shall always myself apply,
To serve and suffer patiently.

Though for good-will I find but hate,
And Cruelty my life to waste,

And though that still a wretched state,
Should pine my days unto the last,
Yet I profess it willingly,

To serve and suffer patiently.

There is no grief, no smart, no woe,
That yet I feel, or after shall,

That from this mind may make me go;
And, whatsoever, me befal,

I do profess it willingly,
To serve and suffer patiently.

YOUR looks so often cast,

Your eyes so friendly roll'd,
Your sight fixed so fast,
Always one to behold;
Tho' hide it fain ye would,
It plainly doth declare,
Who hath your heart in hold,
And where good-will ye bear.
Fain would ye find a cloak
Your burning fire to hide,
Yet both the flame and smoke
Breaks out on every side.
Ye cannot love so guide
That it no issue win;
Abroad needs must it glide
That burns so hot within



A Man may live thrice Nestor's life,

Thrice wander out Ulysses' race,

Yet never find Ulysses' wife;

Such change hath chanced in this case! Less age will serve than Paris had,

Small pain (if none be small enow) To find good store of Helen's trade; Such sap the root doth yield the bough! For one good wife, Ulysses slew

A worthy knot of gentle blood: For one ill wife, Greece overthrew

The town of Troy. Sith bad and good Bring mischief, Lord let be thy will To keep me free from either ill!


See there is no sort

Of things that live in grief,

Which at some time may not resort,
Whereas they find relief.

The chaced deer hath soil,

To cool him in his heat;

The ass, after his weary toil,

In stable is up set.

The coney hath its cave,

The little bird its nest,

From heat and cold themselves to save,

At all times as they list..

The owl, with feeble sight,
Lies lurking in the leaves;

The sparrow, in the frosty night,
May shroud her in the eaves.

But, woe to me, alas!

In sun, nor yet in shade,

I cannot find a resting-place
My burthen to unlade.

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