صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act more effectually to provide for the maintenance of good order in Churches, Chapels and other places of Public Worship and for other purposes therein mentioned shall remain in force until the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four and no longer.


AN ACT to repeal in part and to amend an Act passed in the Thirty-fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, "An Act for the division of "the Province of Lower Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof "and for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned," in certain matters relating to the District of Three-Rivers.

(26th March, 1830.)


3, cap. 6, re

and amended.



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HEREAS in and by an Act of the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada, made and passed in the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King George the Third, intituled, "An Act for the division "of the Province of Lower Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, and Act 34, Geo." for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned," it is, among other things pealed in part enacted, "that there shall be held at the Town of Three-Rivers, for the Dis"trict of Three-Rivers, by two of the Justices of the Courts of King's Bench "for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, and the Provincial Judge to be appointed for the District of Three-Rivers, a Court of King's Bench to sit in "two Terms every year, that is to say; from the thirteenth to the last day of "each of the months of March and September, both days inclusive, (Sundays "and holy-days excepted) and during the four first juridical days of each of "the said Terms, the said two Justices and Provincial Judge, or any two of "them with the Chief Justice of the Province, or the Chief Justice of the "Court of King's Bench at Montreal, shall have cognizance of all crimes and "criminal offences, and during the remainder of each of the said Terms, the "said two Justices and Provincial Judge, or any two of them, shall have ori"ginal Jurisdiction, take cognizance of, hear, try, and determine, all civil "suits or actions, and where the King is a party in the said District, those "purely of Admiralty jurisdiction, and suits or actions wherein the value of "the matter in dispute shall not exceed the sum of ten pounds sterling, except"ed, unless the said suits or actions, not exceeding ten pounds sterling, shall "relate to any fee of office, duty, rent, revenue, or any sum or sums of money, payable to His Majesty, titles to lands or tenements, annual rents or such


Règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte pour pourvoir plus efficacement au "maintien du bon ordre dans les Eglisses, Chapelles et autres places de culte public et pour d'autres objets y mentionnés," demeurera en force jusqu'au premier jour de Mai, Mil huit cent trente-quatre, et pas plus longtems.



ACTE pour rappeller en partie et amender un Acte passé dans la trentequatrième année du Règne de feu Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte qui "divise la Province du Bas-Canada, qui amende la Judicature "d'icelle, et qui rappelle certaines Lois y mentionnées,” à l'égard de certains objets relatifs au District des Trois-Rivières.

(26e. Mars, 1830.)


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U que par un Acte du Parlement Provincial du Bas-Canada, fait et passé dans la trente-quatrième année du Règne de feu notre Souverain Seigneur le Roi GEORGE Trois, intitulé, "Acte qui divise la Province du Bas-Canada, qui "amende la Judicature d'icelle, et qui rappelle certaines Lois y mentionnées ;" "Il fut entr'autres choses statué qu'il serait tenu dans la Ville des Trois-Rivières, "pour le District des Trois-Rivières, par deux des Juges des Cours du Banc du Roi "des Districts de Québec et de Montréal, et par le Juge Provincial qui sera appointé pour le District des Trois-Rivières, une Cour du Bane du Roi qui siégera en deux termes parchaque année, savoir depuis le treizième jusqu'au dernier jour de chacun des mois de Mars et Septembre, les dits deux jours inclusivement, "les Fêteset Dimanches exceptés, et durant les quatre premiers jours juridiques "de chacun des dits termes, les dits deux Juges et le Juge Provincial ou deux "d'entr'eux, avec le Juge en Chef pour la Province, ou le Juge en Chef de la "Cour du Banc du Roi à Montréal, prendront connaissance de tous crimes et "offenses criminelles, et durant le restant des dits termes, les dits deux Juges "et le Juge Provincial ou deux d'entr'eux, auront une jurisdiction originelle "et seront compétens à entendre, procéder et déterminer tous procès ou actions "civils et dans lesquels le Roi est partie dans le dit District, (ceux purement "de jurisdiction d'amirauté et les procès ou actions où la valeur de la matière en litige n'excédera pas la somme de dix livres sterling exceptés,) à moins que les "dits procès ou actions n'excédant pas dix livres sterling ayent rapport à aucun "honoraire d'office, droit, rente, revenu ou aucune somme ou sommes d'argent payables à Sa Majesté, tîtres de terres ou immeubles, rentes annuelles ou telles "semblables matières ou choses dans lesquelles les droits à venir peuvent être Z2

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"like matters or things, where the rights in future may be bound; and the first "and every juridical day in each part of the said terms for criminal and civil causes, shall be return days for all writs and process, issuing from the "said court for criminal and civil causes respectively, and the said Court of King's Bench, to be held as aforesaid at Three-Rivers, and the Justices and "Provincial Judge composing the same, or any of them, shall have within that District, both in and out of Court the same powers and authorities, in all cases, as are granted by this Act to the Courts of King's Bench of the Dis"trict of Quebec and Montreal, and to the Justices thereof, or any of them, in "or out of Court, or out of Term:" and whereas in and by the said Act it is also enacted that there shall be appointed a Provincial Judge for the District of Three-Rivers, who shall hold a Provincial Court at the town of Three-Rivers in six Terms every year, that is to say: from the first to the tenth day, both days inclusive, in each of the months of February, April, June, August, October and December (the Sundays and holy-days in the said Terms excepted), which shall have cognizance of, hear, try and determine in a summary manner, without appeal, every civil suit or action, (those purely of Admiralty Jurisdiction excepted,) wherein the amount claimed shall not exceed the sum of ten pounds sterling Provided always, that if such suit or action shall relate to any fee of office, duty, rent, revenue, or any sum or sums of money payable to His Majesty, titles to lands or tenements, annual rents, or such like matters or things, where the rights in future may be bound, the defendant or defendants shall have the same right to form an exception to the jurisdiction of the said Provincial Court, and to require a removal of the suit or action into the Court of King's Bench to be held at Three-Rivers, in the same manner and under the same condition as are herein before provided for the removal of suits or actions from the inferior to the superior Terms of the Courts of King's Bench at Quebec and Montreal, and every juridical day in each term shall be a return day for all writs and process issuing from the said Provincial Court:" And whereas His Excellency Sir JAMES KEMPT, Administrator of the Government of this Province, by His Message sent to both Houses of this Provincial Parliament, hath recommended that the Provincial Judge of the said District of Three-Rivers be put on the same footing in every respect as the Justices of His Majesty's Courts of King's Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, and that provision be made for the due discharge of the duty of the said Judge in case of his illness or necessary absence: therefore, We Your Majesty's faithful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Council and Assembly of your Province of Lower Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled,


liés, et le premier chaque jour jurisdique dans chaque partie des dits termes pour causes Criminelles et Civiles, seront jours de retour pour tous writs et "procès émanant des dites Cours pour causes Criminelles et Civiles respective"ment; et la dite dite Cour du Banc du Roi qui sera tenue comme ci-dessus, aux Trois-Rivières, et les Juges et le Juge Provincial composant la dite Cour ou "aucun d'eux auront dans ce District, en Cour et hors d'icelle, les mêmes pou"voirs et autorités dans tous les cas, tels qu'accordés par cet Acte aux Cours "du Banc du Roi des Districts de Québec et de Montréal, et aux Juges "d'icelles ou à aucun d'entr'eux en Cour et hors d'icelle ou hors de terme;" et vu que par le même Acte il est aussi statué qu'il sera appointé un Juge Provincial pour le District des Trois-Rivières qui tiendra une Cour Provinciale dans la Ville des Trois-Rivières, en six termes par chaque année, savoir, depuis le premier jusqu'au dixième jour, les dits deux jours inclusivement, dans chacun des mois de Février, Avril, Juin, Août, Octobre et Décembre, les Fêtes et Dimanches exceptés, qui prendra connaissance, entendra, procédera et déterminera d'une manière sommaire, sans appel, tout procès ou action civil (ceux purement de jurisdiction d'Amirauté exceptés,) dans lesquels le montant reclamé n'excédera pas la somme de dix livres sterling. Pourvu toujours, que si tel procès ou action a rapport à aucun honoraire d'office, droit, rente, revenu ou aucune somme ou sommes d'argent payables à Sa Majesté, titres de terre ou d'immeubles, rentes annuelles, ou telles semblables matières ou choses dans lesquelles les droits à venir peuvent être liés, le ou les défendeurs auront le même droit de former une exception à la jurisdiction de la dite Cour Provinciale, et de requérir un renvoi du procès ou action dans la Cour du Banc du Roi qui sera tenue aux Trois-Rivières, de la même manière et sous les mêmes conditions, telles que pourvues ci-dessus par le présent Acte, pour le renvoi des procès ou actions des Termes Inférieurs des Cours du Banc du Roi à Québec et à Montréal, aux Termes Supérieurs d'icelles; et chaque jour jurisdique dans chaque terme sera jour de retour pour tous writs et procès émanant de la dite Cour Provinciale; et vû que Son Excellence Sir JAMES KEMPT, Administrateur du Gouvernement de cette Province, par son Message envoyé aux deux Chambres de ce Parlement Provincial, a recommandé que le dit Juge Provincial du District des Trois-Rivières soit mis sur le même pied sous tous les rapports que les Juges des Cours du Banc du Roi de Sa Majesté pour les Districts de Québec et de Montréal, et qu'il soit pourvu à ce que les devoirs du dit Juge puissent être convenablement remplis dans le cas où il serait malade ou absent par nécessité; c'est pourquoi nous les fidèles et loyaux sujets de Votre Majesté, le Conseil Législatif et l'Assemblée de votre Province du Bas-Čaanda, convoqués en Parlement Provincial supplions humblement Votre Majesté qu'il puisse être statué, et qu'il soit statué par la Très-Excellente Majesté du Roi, par et de l'avis et consentement du Conseil Législatif et de l'Assemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, constitués et assemblés en vertu et sous l'autorité d'un Acte

passé dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, intitulé, "Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte passé dans la quatorzième année du Règne de Sa

A a


From and

ing of this Act

above recited

"tuled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the after the pass- "Province of Quebec in North America," and 10 make further provision for the so much of the "Government of the said Province;" and it is hereby enacted by the authority Act as relates of the same, that from and after the passing of this Act, so much of the said ment of a Pro- above in part recited Act as relates to the appointment of a Provincial Judge for Judge the District of Three Rivers, and to the powers, jurisdiction, authority, duty, rank and pre-eminence of the said Provincial Judge shall be and the same is hereby repealed.

to the appoint


for the District

of Three-Ri

vers, repealed.

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II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that from and after the passing of this Act, the Provincial Judge appointed for the District of Three Rivers, under the authority of the said Act of the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, shall be to all intents and purposes, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench for the District of Three Rivers, and shall be called the resident Judge of the District of Three Rivers, and shall reside in the said District, and shall have and hold in the said District, all and singular the jurisdiction, powers, authority, rank and emolument, which by any law or laws in force in this Province, are vested in any one of the Justices of the Courts of King's Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, within the Districts respectively, and also all powers, jurisdiction, and authority now vested in the Provincial Judge of the District of Three Rivers by any law or laws in force in this Province.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the resident Judge of the District of Three Rivers, shall and may hold the Court of King's Bench in and for the said District, with the other Justices appointed by law to hold the same, as well for the cognizance of all crimes and criminal offences, as for hearing, trying, and determining suits and actions of a civil nature, according to the laws which now are, or which hereafter shall be in force in this Province.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that in lieu of the Provincial Court now required by law to be holden by the Provincial Judge of the District of Three Rivers, there shall be holden at the town of Three Rivers, by the resident Judge of the District of Three Rivers, six Inferior Terms of the Court of King's Bench for the said District of Three Rivers, at the respective times now appointed by law for holding the said Provincial Court, in which Inferior Term the Judge holding the same, shall have and exercise the same jurisdiction, powers, and authority, now vested by law in the said Provincial Court, and shall be subject to the same regulations, limitations, and restrictions to which the said Provincial Court is subject according to the laws now in force.

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