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7. The Truth frees us from the slavish Fear of Death........
8. Funeral Eulogium on Dr. Franklin.......
9. The Speech of a Roman Officer to his Soldiers.....
14. On the Importance of Time to Man...
15. Speech of Richard Henry Lee in Congress, 5th of June,
1776, in favour of the Declaration of Independence...... 87
16. Speech of Patrick Henry before the Virginia Convention of
Delegates, March, 1775......
17. Supposed Speech of John Adams in favour of the Declaration
of Independence.......
18. Specimen of the Eloquence of James Otis........
19. Vindication of Spain, (pronounced during the Debate on the
Seminole War, in Congress, 1819).............
20. Close of an Oration on the Death of John Adams and
Thomas Jefferson..
24. Hymn of the Moravian Nuns at the Consecration of Pu-
laski's Banner...
25. Extract from a Speech of G. Morris, in Congress, on the
Navigation of the Mississippi....
26. Gen. Washington to his Troops, (delivered before the Battle
of Long Island, 1776).....
27. Extract from the Address of the American Congress to the
Inhabitants of Great Britain, 1775...
28. Character of Blannerhassett.
29. Extract from Mr. Hayne's Speech in the Senate of the United
33. Speech of Salathiel in favour of resisting the Roman Power. 120
34. Extract from a Speech of Patrick Henry in the Legislature
of Virginia, in favour of permitting the British Refugees to
return to the United States..
35. Extract from a Speech of John Randolph in the Convention
of Virginia, in 1829-1830...
43. Extract from a Speech of Mr. G. Morris on the Judiciary
47. On the Works and Attributes of the Almighty....
48. On the Beauties of Nature....
..... 145
49. On Autumn....
50. Extract from a Speech of James Wilson, in the Convention
for the Province of Pennsylvania, in Vindication of the
Colonies, January, 1775.......
51. The Soldier's Dream...
52. Extract from a Speech of Patrick Henry, on the Expediency
of adopting the Federal Constitution, (delivered in the
Convention of Virginia, June 5, 1788)..
53. Second Extract from the same..
54. Third Extract from the same..
55. Fourth Extract from the same.
56. Fifth Extract from the same...
57. The Battle of Busaco......
58. Boadicea, an Ode......
59. On the Downfall of Poland
60. On ancient Greece.
61. Loudhon's Attack-a Hungarian War-song.
62. The Day of Judgment..
63. Extract from a Speech of Edmund Randolph, on the Expe-
diency of adopting the Federal Constitution, (delivered in
the Convention of Virginia, June 6, 1788).......... 169
$4. Second Extract from the same...
65. Third Extract from the Speech of Edmund Randolph....... 175
71. Extract from a Speech of Robert G. Harper, on the Necessity
of resisting the Aggressions and Encroachments of France,
(delivered in the House of Representatives, May 29, 1797) 183
72. Song of Outalissi..
73. The Burial of Sir John Moore.
74. Battle Hymn.........
75. Extract from a Speech of James A. Bayard, on the Judiciary
Act, (delivered in the House of Representatives of the
United States, February 19, 1802)
76. Extract from a Speech of John Randolph, in Committee of the
whole House of Representatives, on Mr. Gregg's Resolution
to prohibit the Importation of British Goods into the United
States, March 5, 1806...
77. Second Extract from the same.
78. Dress and Armour of Sir Hudibras.
84. Extract from a Speech of John Randolph, (delivered in the
91. Extract from Roderick, the last of the Goths.
92. The African Chief...
93. The Greek Partisan.....
94. Speech of John C. Calhoun, in the House of Representatives
of the United States, December 12, 1811...228
95. Conclusion of the Speech of John C. Calhoun..
101. The Example of the Northern to the Southern Republics of
02. Close of the Speech of Daniel Webster on the Greek Ques-
tion, in the House of Representatives of the United States,
January, 1824..
103. Mr. Poinsett's Speech on the same Question.............. 252
104. Conclusion of Mr. Clay's Speech on the same Question.... 259
105. Extract from a Speech of John Randolph on the same Ques-
106. Second Extract from the same Speech.....
107. An Indian at the Burying-place of his Fathers............ 270
114. Extract from Mr. Webster's Speech, at the Dinner in honour
of the Memory of Washington, in the City of Washington,
February 22, 1832....
115. Extract from Mr. Hayne's Speech on the Tariff Bill, in Con-
118. Scene in the burning of Rome by Nero....
119. Extract from Mr. Webster's Speech on the Trial of J. F. Knapp 290
120. The Value of the Bible.
121. The Pleasures and Pains of the Student.
122. Mary Anna Gibbes; the young Heroine of Stono.......... 298
123. The first Crusaders before Jerusalem..
124. James Oglethorpe......
125. Address of Daniel Webster to the Survivors of the Battle of
Bunker Hill, (delivered at the laying of the Corner-stone
of the Bunker Hill Monument)........
129. Extent of Country not dangerous to the Union...
130. Extract from President Jefferson's Inaugural Address...... 319
131. Nature.......
132. Extract from Mr. M'Duffie's Speech on Corruption........ 322
133. On the Measure of the Irish Union..
134. Speech of Robert Emmett, at the close of his Trial for High
137. Mr. Clay's Speech on Occasion of introducing his Public
Lands Bill
138. Extract from Sir James M'Intosh's Speech on the Trial of
148. Influence of great Actions dependent on their Results.
152. Noble Burst of Judicial Eloquence. - Delivered in the cele-
brated Case of the King against John Wilkes........... 355
153. Speech of Lord Chancellor Thurlow in the House of Lords,
in Reply to the Duke of Grafton..
154. Conduct of La Fayette in the American Revolution....... 358