صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

§ 3. To receive Reports:

1. From the District Superintendent, as to the condition of the work under his charge,

and concerning his own work as District Superintendent.

2. From each Pastor, as to the religious condi tion of his Charge, his pastoral labors, the benevolent collections and the circulation of our Church periodicals and books.

3. From each Local Preacher, according to the form prescribed in ¶ 217.

4. From each Exhorter, including a statement of the Prayer Meetings he has held, and other work done, especially in destitute places and among the sick and the poor. T221.

5. From each District Steward, as to the temporal affairs of the Charge he represents. 6. From each Sunday School Superintendent, as to the condition of the Sunday Schools of the Charge he represents.

7. From each President of an Epworth League Chapter, as to the condition of the Chapters of the Charge he represents.

8. From each President of the Methodist Brotherhood, as to the condition of the Chapters of the Charge he represents.

9. From each President of a Ladies' Aid Society, as to the condition of the Societies of the Charge she represents.

10. From each Class Leader, as to the condition of the Classes of the Charge he represents.

11. From the President of each Auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and of the Woman's Home Missionary Society, as to the condition of the Auxiliary she represents.

12. From each Committee.

§ 4. To inquire concerning Local Preachers:

1. Are there any Charges or formulated Com-

2. Who shall have their Licenses renewed?
3. Who shall be Licensed to Preach?

4. Who shall be recommended for Ordination?
5. Who shall be recommended for Recognition

of Orders?

6. Who shall be recommended for Reception on Trial in the Annual Conference?

7. What work is assigned to each Local Preacher?

§ 5. To inquire concerning Exhorters:

1. Who shall have their Licenses renewed?

2. What work is assigned to each Exhorter?

§ 6. To fix the seat of the next District Conference. § 7. To transact other appropriate business.

§ 8. The order of business may be varied, and the business interspersed with such literary and religious exercises as the District Conference may direct.

III. Discontinuance

101. The provisions for District Conferences shall be of force and binding only in those Districts in which the Quarterly Conferences of a majority of the Pastoral Charges shall have approved the same by asking the District Superintendent to convene a District Conference, as herein provided. A

District Conference may be discontinued by a vote of a majority of the members present at any regular session, notice thereof having been given at a previous session, with the concurrence of a majority of the Quarterly Conferences in the District.



I. Organization and Duties

102. The Quarterly Conference shall be composed of all the Traveling Ministers, Local Preachers, Exhorters, Stewards, Class Leaders, Trustees, first Superintendents of Sunday Schools, Presidents of Epworth League Chapters, Superintendents of Junior Leagues, Presidents of Chapters of the Methodist Brotherhood, Presidents of Ladies' Aid Societies, Presidents of Auxiliaries of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Presidents of Auxiliaries of the Woman's Home Missionary Society, and Deaconesses employed within the charge; provided, that said Class Leaders, Trustees, Superintendents, Presidents, and Deaconesses are members of our Church in the Charge, and are approved by the Quarterly Conference for membership therein; also any lay member of the Church sent to any of our Missions by the Board of Foreign Missions, or by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, who is assigned to said Quarterly Conference and regularly appointed to definite work by the Bishop in charge. -· 103, § 1. The District Superintendent shall pre

side in the Quarterly Conference; or, he may appoint a Traveling Elder to preside. In the absence of the District Superintendent, and of the Traveling Elder so appointed, the Pastor shall preside.

§ 2. The Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Secretary, who shall take minutes of the proceedings thereof, and transmit them to the Recording Steward.

¶ 104, § 1. In those Districts in which District Conferences shall be held the powers given to the District Conferences shall not be exercised by the Quarterly Conferences. In all other cases the powers of the Quarterly Conferences shall remain as hereinafter provided.

¶ 105. The regular business of the Quarterly Conference shall be:

§ 1. To hear formulated complaints, and to receive and try charges as directed in ¶¶ 262-268.

§ 2. To take cognizance of all Local Preachers and Exhorters in the Circuit or Station, as provided in ་་།། 213-217.

§ 3. To receive the annual report of the Trustees; to elect Trustees where the laws of the State permit; and, at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Trustees who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge, but who were elected otherwise than by the Quarterly Confer


§ 4. To elect Stewards for the Charge, and to elect one of these as District Steward and one as Recording Steward.

§ 5. To have oversight of all the Sunday Schools within the bounds of the Pastoral Charge, and to inquire into the condition of each; to confirm or reject Sunday School Superintendents nominated by

the Sunday School Board; at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Superintendents who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge; and to remove any Superintendent who may prove unworthy or inefficient.

§ 6. To have general oversight of the Epworth League Chapters and other organizations of young people; to confirm or reject Presidents of the Epworth League elected by the Chapters, and Junior League Superintendents nominated by the Pastor; at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Epworth League Presidents and Junior League Superintendents who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge; and to remove any Epworth League President or Junior League Superintendent who may prove unworthy or inefficient.

§ 7. To have general oversight of the Methodist Brotherhoods, and other organizations of similar character, to confirm or reject Presidents elected by them; at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Presidents who are members of the Church within the Charge; and to remove any President who may prove unworthy or inefficient.

§ 8. To have general oversight of Ladies' Aid Societies and other organizations of similar designation and purpose; to confirm or reject Presidents elected by these Societies; at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Presidents who are members of the Church within the Charge; and to remove any President who may prove unworthy or inefficient.

§ 9. To have general oversight of the Auxiliaries

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