صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The Setting Sun


GOLDEN sun of even,

Lovely is thy ray,

In bright clouds of heaven Dying slow away.

I have loved thy glory
All my life to see,
Gentle thoughts and holy
Thou dost bring to me.

In the far west sinking,
When I saw thee die,
Memory was thinking
Of our God on high.

Then from thee returning
My poor heart to view,
Greater proof discerning
Of His love so true.

For our God most holy
Made both in our day:
Thee in robe of glory,
Me in garb of clay.


Translation or Petrarca's Sonnet.

"I'vo piangendo i miei passati tempi."

I GO, bewailing my departed years,

Which I have spent in love of earthly things,
Not soaring up on high, though I had wings,
Better, perchance, to show than now appears.
Thou, who dost see my worthless life, my fears,
Invisible, Immortal, King of kings,

Succour the frail and erring soul that clings
To Thee, and with Thy grace dispel its tears.
So, if I've lived in tempest and in war,
In peace, in port I'll die—and if my song

Were vain, at least my end were better far. Through this small span of life, that is not long, And at my death, may Thy kind Hand be nigh; Thou knowest well, no other hope have I.

A Legend of Nazareth.


AT Joseph's door, one sultry day,
Some little children played,
While Blessed Mother Mary plied
Her distaff in the shade.

And ever and anon she gazed,
With fond maternal care,
Upon that little joyous group,
For her own Boy was there.

And oh! how fair a Child was He,
So radiant in His mirth :
Beauty like His was never seen
On this dull, darksome earth.

Star-bright His eyes, His golden hair
Curled from His open brow:

Light from each ringleţ tip shone forth,
Like sunlight upon snow.

And Mary loved Him, as no heart
Of mother loved before;

Blest that her dearest One on earth,

As God, she might adore.

The children played at many a game

As children do to-day :

At length they set them down to mould

Small sparrows out of clay.

They made them wings, they made them bills, They made them straight and neat :

But the Child Jesus had forgot

To give His sparrows feet.

The older children laughed and mocked,

Because these could not stand :


Then Jesus smiled an angel smile,
And clapped His little hand.

And high in air those sparrows flew,
Formed of the earthen clod,

And chirped, and twittered with glad voice
A song of praise to God.

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