صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the bustle of inns. Now and then he stopped to take his meals and make his young companions suck a little milk. On opening the box, he sometimes found one of them dead. When this happened, he would throw the body by the road side and continue his journey with the remainder. On his arrival, he got a receipt for the goods delivered, without being answerable for accidents on the road."


The Hungarian Brothers.

THE illustrative plate to this volume is one of the very few we have been able to commend we might not, indeed, under other circumstances, have selected it for approbation; but we have expressed ourselves so little satisfied with Mr. Von Holst, that we are glad of any opportunity of giving him a good word. This edition has, it appears, been revised by the author; and, in explanation of the military accuracy of the work, Miss Porter says a few words, which we shall extract from the general preface, as having some touch of personal interest.


"It was my fortune to pass a whole winter once, nearly alone, in a country house far removed from neighbours. I was thrown principally upon my own resources for amusement during many a long evening: the small library had often before been gone through by me. found no books with which I was not familiar, except a formidable range of paper-backed volumes and pamphlets, which had been collected by a beloved member of my family, during a short visit to the Continent. They were the

productions of French, Italian, and German authors; all treating the same subject, though under different impressions: that subject was, the war which broke out directly after the French Revolution, and terminated in making Austria, Italy, and Prussia pass under the yoke of the Conqueror, who was himself, ere long, to be put under foot by England!

"Early enamoured of martial glory, I had, in my multifarious readings, already acquired a relish for such topics as were largely treated of in the volumes left on my brother's book-shelves. I went to their perusal full of recollections of ancient military victors: the new system of war excited in me the liveliest interest: a soul seemed now to be breathed into what was an inanimate engine of destruction: and had I been of the nobler sex, my enthusiasm would have carried me into the very scenes where I knew the greatest military geniuses were hazarding their bold experiments in support of, or against each other. As it was, I had no better channel to let my ardours run into, than that of following some imaginary hero through a few campaigns; and by making him speak and act as I thought a gallant and enlightened soldier ought to do, I flattered myself that even my humble romance might assist in exalting the military character in public opinion." p. vi-vii.

EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY, No. V. Polar Seas and Regions. 3rd edit. revised. Edinburgh, 1832. Oliver & Boyd.

THIS is as it should be. Here is consolatory evidence that trade criticism is now powerless. This volume was published at the moment when the Juvenile and National Libraries were first brought before the public. The National' is dead, and the ricketty 'Juvenile,' the worst series of volumes that ever disgraced literature, though five times noticed in the Literary Gazette within one month, did not survive three; while the 'Polar Seas and Regions,' one of the cheapest and neatest volumes of our time, dismissed in one eighth of a column in the Gazette, as interfering with the presumed interests of the proprietors, has arrived at a third edition. If any one desire

to see the bold daring of trade criticism, let them compare the reviews of the 'Juvenile' and the 'Polar Seas' in the Gazette, and judge by the result.

thing to make him smile in these little books, though the style is coarse, and many of the anecdotes otherwise than delicate.

Samouelle's Entomological Cabinet. London, 1832 For the Author; J. Andrews; Renshaw & Rush.

This third edition has some corrections and additions, and among the latter is a very interesting narrative of the preservation of part of the crew of the ship John, of Greenock. ENTOMOLOGY comes very powerfully recomThe Writer's and Student's Assistant; or, a Com-mended to our notice by the number, the value, pendious Dictionary of English Synonyms. 2nd the beauty, and variety of its subjects, which edit. London, 1832. Whittaker & Co. cross our path at all seasons of the year, and A nut-shell of a volume, and therefore doubly may be collected and studied in every rural walk. useful to those who have occasion for such a work. This first number contains six plates, neatly enTo this second edition has been added an index, graved and coloured, with corresponding lettercontaining every word in the book, affording an press, for 2s. 6d.; and our wonder is, that it can easy means of reference to all places where the be accomplished for the money. The various word wanted is mentioned. insects are described in language that will be perfectly understood by all; and the author deserves the support of the public for this new attempt to make his favourite study still more popular.

Ince's Outline of English History. London, Simpkin & Marshall; Dover, Batcheler. THIS is a well-digested little volume; but we doubt how far a brief, bold, collection of facts is likely to engage the attention of young people, and still more the use of such knowledge if we succeed in impressing it on their memories. But the world's judgment is with Mr. Ince.

The Progress of Reform in England. From the North American Review for January, 1832. London, Rich.

THE proof sheets of the Review must have been transmitted to England, for this pamphlet is published here at the same time as the Review in America. It is by the author of The Prospects of Reform in England,' an article that was republished in this country and made some stir, and therefore we announce this second pamphlet for the benefit of political readers, although

we have not had leisure to look into it.

Nights of the Round Table; or, the Stories of Aunt Jane and her Friends. By the Authoress of "The Diversions of Holly Cot,'' Clan Albin,' and 'Elizabeth de Bruce.' First Series. 1832. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd; London, Simpkin & Marshall.

This is a very handsome volume, and, what is far better, a very valuable one. It consists of seven instructive stories, which the young will read with pleasure and profit: nor are we sure that they would be thrown away upon the old and the wise. They are very characteristic, and worthy of the accomplished authoress; good sense and good feeling everywhere abound; there is much knowledge of human nature, and that practical wisdom which seeks to be useful and elegant. We have seldom met with a work, aiming only at instruction, in which there are so many attractions. The writer unites the affection of a mother, the vigilance of an aunt, and the skill of a governess, with the grace and elegance of a well-bred lady.

Adventures of a Dramatist. By B. Ererf, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1831. Groomridge. THE author of these volumes is on very good terms with himself: he condemns the practice of puffs, and desires the public, in no very decorous language, to come to such a decision on his merits as futurity will sanction. It is a question if these slight books will ever travel so far: no doubt the author imagines that the startling transitions of his narrative, its strange incidents, and hop-step-and-jump sort of style, will enable his adventures to win their way to the admiration of this age, and the esteem of all succeeding. We have our suspicions, that posterity will not be aware of the author's labours; yet, any one of the present day, who wishes to know how a young man, of small attainments and immeasurable vanity, endured disappointment and privation, in seeking fame as a playactor and fortune as an author, will find some

Of Pestilential Cholera, its Nature, Prevention, and Curative Treatment. By James Copland, M.D. London, 1832. Longman. It is not an easy matter at present to write a work on cholera, which, either by arrangement or the novelty of its doctrines, shall deserve to be particularly noticed. We believe that Dr. Copland may claim this merit, and therefore we recommend his work to the consideration of medical friends.

SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CLASSICS-Select Orations of Cicero, with English Notes, &c. London, 1832. Valpy.

THE editions in this useful series are of very unequal merit, and this is far from being one of the best; there are too many critical, and too few explanatory notes; but, notwithstanding these defects, this is the best school-edition of Cicero's Orations, that has yet come from the English press.

Maturini Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria Selecta. Editio Nova; a Georgio Milligan. Edinburgh, 1831. Oliver & Boyd.

A good edition of a bad book. Who, in the name of common sense, could suppose, that the dialogues of Cordery formed a school-book in the middle of the nineteenth century? It would be a waste of labour to show that, from its barbarous latinity and colloquial form, Cordery's volume is the very worst that ingenuity could devise for juvenile instruction, especially in a dead language; for, in two of the three kingdoms, his name has sunk intg unhonoured oblivion: but, if there be in Scotland those who still adhere to a system endeared by youthful reminiscence, we can safely recommend Mr. Milligan's edition as the best we have ever seen.


IT will be seen, among our advertisements, that it is intended to publish a very useful Member of Parliament's "Complete Assistant." We notice this valuable project, because we have long considered, that the business of the House of Commons, important as it is, is carried on with less clear cognizance of its managers than any other business in this kingdom. Bills creep through the house-motions are made-petitions are presented, and many members, and parties interested, are ignorant of the matters. Well and clearly conducted, this publication cannot fail to be every member's vade-mecum; and we trust all assistance will be rendered to the work, in the proper offices of the two Houses of Legislature. The Mirror of Parliament,' mirror like, represents only what is passing before it. But in this work, "Coming events cast their shadows before"-and the thing which is to be done, and the time at which it is to be done, is registered. We heartily wish the work success.

[blocks in formation]

Or the merits of Haydon much has been written, and more has been said: his friends, and they are many, have not left his fine genius unnoticed; while his un-friends, to use a northern phrase, and they are numerous, have dwelt more than was courteous on his defects. Nor has he been slack himself in making the world acquainted both with his labours and his sufferings. As he is not a common man, neither has he been treated in a common way: he has been lauded by critics and poets; noblemen have held out their hands to aid him; and many modes have been tried to make the world feel his genius and reward it accordingly. But the world is an obstinate world: in vain have men of talent and rank praised, patronized, and subscribed -all will not do: in truth, admiration must come of free-will: in vain is the world told that it lavishes its thousands and tens of thousands on men, and on women too, who have not a tithe of the talents of Haydon: the world smiles and squanders away, and there is no help for it. Those who desire to excuse the coldness of the public seek the reason in the artist: his vanity, say they, is equal to his skill; he will not allow his genius to have fair play-he is generally writing, and petitioning, and talking about it; he painted his name up, but then he set to work and talked and wrote it down, and other men of genius, more tractable and more conversant with the world and its ways, rose and reigned in his stead. There is, perhaps, some truth in this; but it is also true that his talents are of a high order, and that he is worthy of ranking with the most distinguished artists of the age.

The pencil of Haydon gave early notice of something more than common-indeed, the character of the man may be guessed from his compositions: he desired to be thought daring, and, selecting his subjects from history or from Scripture, showed an inclination to measure himself with the race of giants in art who had preceded him. It would be unjust to say, that his powers were wholly unequal to the task: like the vision in the Castle of Otranto, he showed the foot if he did not show the body of the giant. But it is one thing to grapple with a grand subject, and another thing to master it: those who examine the works of the

painter will find that he fails, not so much in the conception or the handling as in the propriety of action-in short, that he misses those subordinate, yet necessary delicacies, which contain beauty and character. There are, doubtless, portions of his pictures which justify the praise of those friends who call him a second Raphael; and he has a glow of colouring which sometimes equals the finest specimens of his native school of art. But he is often deficient in the dignified gravitythe severe serenity-which Scripture or history require; he also fails frequently in the action of his figures-they do everything with all their might, and seem to feel a difficulty in accomplishing a task which should be performed with ease. That his works were worthy of opening the doors of the Academy to Haydon, was the opinion of his friends: and it is but justice to say, that twenty out of the forty are not so good as he. It was natural too that he should look to the Royal Academy for approbation, if not for help: he followed the precepts of Reynolds and others who lectured on art: he studied Michael Angelo, and imitated Raphael-nay, to such a height did his devotion to the latter reach, that he is said to have affected the open collar and square-toed shoes of the illustrious Italian. Be that as it may, he devoted himself to that department of painting called the historical, yet he did not obtain the countenance of the Academy. In truth, the Forty are reckoned slow in holding out their hands: they must be wooed to be won; and when they yield, they yield, like women, less to real merit than to agreeable manners and courteous solicitation. Though Haydon, as a genius, would be an honour to any Academy, such was the difficult disposition of the man, or such the terror of his brethren for his powers of conversation and controversy, that his name to this day remains without any addition. It is the practice of the Royal Academy not to ask a man of talent to become a member: they cannot imagine that a brother may be too modest or too proud to express such a wish, and so the matter rests between them and those men of genius, who, like Martin and Haydon, have painted pictures rivalling those of Professors and Presidents.

No doubt an academic distinction would be useful to Haydon : it is like a degree taken at college in a question of learning, and confers a dignity in the eyes of the world which is not unbeneficial. As such he regarded it; and, when it could not be obtained, he considered himself deprived of what was justly his due, and more- that he was robbed of the pride of place and also of the rewards which he imagined belonged to it. He filled the town with complaints of neglected talent and public disregard for art; he pleaded, he criticised, he complained, and he importuned; and, when all these were unsuccessful, he petitioned the House of Commons. Now, when the labours of a man of genius fail of themselves to bring him bread and fame, he had better give up the contest with the world and try some more profitable profession : for may be assured, if he fails to rouse that drowsy monster, the Public, with what he can do, he will be less able to move it with what he can say. The complaints of authors and artists are unregarded things. Nay, such is the nature of the Public, that it dislikes a man the more for setting himself up



against its decisions: in proportion as he is presuming it is disdainful: it cared as much for Haydon as it cared for any one else; and, as Parliament is but a committee of the public, he was but appealing from the right hand to the left. That an artist should call upon Government to vote historical paintings for churches and public buildings, is scarcely to be credited. Government, for these hundred years, at least, have divorced themselves from genius; and neither Literature nor Art have been encouraged in our opulent isle half so much as they have by some of the petty kingdoms on the continent. A man of genius, in France or in Germany, has the consequence in the land which is due to his mind in England, he is nothing; or, the miserable pittance bestowed on him, when old, by the generosity of one king, may be withheld by the frugality of another.

For Haydon to propose that the Commons should vote the manufacture of historical works, could only arise from a belief that he could himself create whatever they commanded. He thought, perhaps, that his colours were equal to the brightest period of our national glory. We give him full credit for the sincerity of his opinion in his own powers, and likewise for his readiness to colour canvas, in a civil or religious way, according to the new Act, for promoting the manufacture. Nay, we are certain, from the proofs which he has in many instances given, that he would have executed a series of pictures not unworthy of public approbation: we only marvel that he thought of applying to the House of Commons. Individuals of that house-Sir Robert Peel, for instance,— have been munificent patrons of art; but the House, as a body, patronizes nothing which has its rise from genius. Painting, and Sculpture, and Architecture, were taken under royal favour when the Academy was founded; but we are not sure that they are much improved. What Art failed to do, Literature accomplished without fee or reward: works of genius, equal in mind and imagination to aught else of ancient or modern times, have been produced, without Acts of Parliament, in this country for centuries. We wish so well to Haydon, as to wish that he would choose canvas of a moderate size, and subjects of a character which include fireside sympathies; that he would give his genius fair play and work more in the spirit of his country. He would thus gain better bread, and obtain higher fame, than have hitherto fallen to his lot: nay, were he to practise a little courtesy of speech, he might be admitted into the Royal Academy, and so rest in peace.



Mr. Leitch Ritchie, of London, care of Messrs. Smith, Elder, & Co.,


Bristol, Fag-End Lane, 29th Dec., 1831.

SIR,--Being myself of the liberal profession of literature, and, moreover, belonging to that branch of it-namely, the scholasticalof which yours is only an off-shoot, I take leave to address you as herein set forth.

You are to know, good Sir, that I confined myself during the Christmas week to my parabystum (a Latin word, though of Greek extraction, which signifieth a truckle-bed),

partly on account of the turmoil and terrification of the Burning-partly as seeing that I had granted a vacation to my disciples-and partly for the sake of warmth, coals being really black diamonds now in regard of the price, as if the cholera, not contented with human symptoms, intromitted even with the bowels of the earth. In this situation, after a season, time began to hang heavy on my hands; and in my truckle, or trundle-bed (the former word expressing the circumstance of the wheels, rota lignea, and the latter that of the motion), instead of rest, I at length found only weariness.

Having read over my own library twice in the first three days, it was necessary to have recourse to that of my neighbours, and I accordingly employed the feminine, whose task it was to bring me vivres for the body, to look

out for nourishment for the mind. She suc-
ceeded on borrowing a book from a young
person, indeed, a pupil of my own, or disci-
pula (which termination, implying the gender,
I use on the authority of Pliny-s
-see x. 29,
De Luscinia), a tattered and antique-looking
volume, without length or breadth, but huge
thickness, and with the date and other parts
of the title-page torn away.

From what remained I found that the strange farrago (Horace) of the book was made up of" Confessions," and that you were the writer: but whether you are yourself, or somebody else under a feigned name, or whether you are a living man or a dead and bygone author, I cannot say. I only know that I was greatly struck with the singularity of an individual becoming acquainted with so many odd and surprising circumstances, occurring in real life and sometimes in the midst of events to which the whole country was witness. Reflecting, however, on the life, among others, of that unfortunate revenger 'William Jones,' and the poor young man 'John Williams,' the thought struck me, that perhaps it was not so much a particular destiny that had thrown the author into acquaintance with these and the like "strange bedfellows," as a habit of observation, which impelled him to take note of minute circumstances that escaped the wholesale optics of others. I at length began to task my own memory (escaping as Ï had just done from one of the most awful catastrophes in the history of this country), and I was proud to

behold rising up before me the " sleeping

images of things" (as Dryden beautifully ex-
presseth it), which seemed, to my eyes, to
arrange themselves into a show, or scene, not
dependent for its interest upon the general
picture. The affair I am about to relate I
witnessed with my own eyes from my cœna-
culum (or garret), but, being uncertain as to
whether this missive will reach you—or, in-
deed, as to whether you have not been dead
these hundred years, I shall curtail the anec-
dote as much as possible. If you print it in
your own collection, or otherwise obtain its
publication, I shall send you something more
worthy of the honour. In the meantime, you
may transmit me half-a-crown (in regard of
coals), which I hope you will consider mode-
rate. I am, dear Sir, your great friend, and
servant to command,
P. P.t

Having retired, as usual, early in the evening, to my parlour at the top of the house,

The half-crown sent, and the inclosed anecdote docked of its pedantry, by L. R.

I stood for a few minutes at the window to
enjoy the balmy twilight before lighting my
lamp. A lofty wall was before me, the blank
surface of which was only diversified by a
single window opposite mine. Below, the
narrow lane, being a populous thoroughfare,
was crowded with moving figures. The view
was not poetical; and the sight of the distant
crowd seemed rather to confirm than disturb
the idea of solitude—yet, like Numa, I had
evenhere an Egeria.


of Sally, whose window was opposite mine.
This was a young lass of the classical name
The view of her window had been my only
amusement for the last fifteen years.
the beginning of this period the apartment
was crowded with squalling children, all of
whom, to my great gratification, died off by
degrees excepting Sally. Sally grew, and
her auburn locks grew-first, in curls, then
in tangles, like the hair of Neæra. The two-
edged, small-teethed, white comb was laid
aside; the hair was clubbed up behind, and
curled before; the horn-combs gave place
to brilliant French shell-but this was only
of late. For many years her cheek was fresh
and rosy; but, by degrees, a kind of pearly
paleness mantled over this colour, without

removing it. Her cheek, although not so
red, looked warmer. Her eyes were less bril-
liant; but the light seemed only to have re-
treated from the surface, by way of a strata-
gem, to tempt the incautious gaze, which in-
continent it fixed and blinded. Her voice
lost in loudness, but you could hear it further
off, and it acquired the property of producing
an echo when the hearer had fallen asleep.
As ABC's had gradually given place to curl-
lentine letters. I hardly knew how it came
papers, so these in turn were rivalled by Va-
about, although I saw, and watched curiously,
every step of the process; but Sally, from a
dirty squalling child, became a beautiful girl,
the star of the young men, and the pride and
love of our alley.

It was owing, perhaps, to her having been
accustomed to my gaze from childhood that
Sally cared no more for the old pædagogus,
whose eye was for ever upon her, than if he

had been Providence itself: and thus she was
before me, day after day, like an open book.

whole lane that William and Sally were bespoken lovers.

At this moment a relation of the damsel died, and left her fifty pounds! Everything was thrown into sixes and sevens. Her father declared that all that had taken place between the two lovers had been only child's play-that Sally, in her quality of heiress, might now look beyond the alley, and, perhaps even into the doors of the neighbouring Custom House. Even Sally herself was moved for a moment-and no wonder! Poor William did not consider that the female

character is as unstable as the sea from

whence the Queen of Beauty is fabled to have arisen; and that the next day he would probably find his mistress recovered from the intoxication of sudden wealth. He took the change to heart at once-deserted his home


and business without an adieu-and went to Let me draw a veil over Sally's grief and despair. She refused steadily every offer that was made to her, and scarcely stirred out of her room from one month to another, but sat sewing by the window, as motionless, save in the fingers, as a statue. Six months had passed on in this way; and when, on the present occasion, I took my usual post at the

window, there she was at hers, working mechanically almost in the dark.

I had not stood long, till a sound, different from the common noises of evening, broke upon my ear. It was like the rushing and roaring of a mighty but distant torrent, and seemed to communicate some agitation to the figures moving in the lane below. The sound came nearer, and at last I could hear the national hurra! which, in England, shakes the air on every tumultuous occasion, whether of love or hate. It was now too by the tread and voices, that a crowd was dark to distinguish the figures; but I knew, rushing past the end of the lane towards the Custom House. I could not guess the meaning of the tumult, but stood stretching out of the window, and listening intently while the roar of the crowd became every minute more appalling. At last, as some gleams of light shot up into the sky from beyond the tall houses before me, a terrible suspicion darted across my mind, and I rushed down from my garret and into the street, to see with my

own eyes what was going on.

Although only twelve feet asunder, we had
never exchanged words in our lives; and yet
Guess my consternation to find the Custom-
I was the spectator of every event in her his-house and the neighbouring houses in flames;
tory, and the confidential depository even of and the crowd, like evil demons, fitting
her love secrets. The affair, to say the truth, through the burning piles, not to save but to
became burthensome at last; and had it not destroy! The fire was spreading rapidly. My
been for the interest I took, in spite of me,
first thought was of my library-containing
seven volumes—my papers, my pens—and I
rushed back again to save them. I was en-
tangled, however, in the crowd-the long
stairs, leading to my own garret, were choaked
up with furniture, which the alarmed inmates
were crushing down by main force-and it
was long before I reached the top of the

in one of the unsettled scores in her heart's
intromissions, I believe I should have changed
my lodgings.

There was a young lad, apprenticed to the
gentle craft of shoemaking, and a pupil of my
own in the humanities, who, like many
others, was early smitten with Sally. In
looks, as well as in Latin, he was far above
the other youth of our alley; and, I saw
clearly, that he must be the destined swain.
The paths of destiny however are dark and
tortuous, and in the course of my watchings
I was often amazed and bewildered. Pride,
anger, scorn, and every kind of uncharitable-
ness, seemed to enter into the composition of
Sally's love; and no eye but mine saw that the
storms of the morning subsided in showers
of tears in the evening. Cupid, however, at
length triumphed, and it was known to the

On opening the door, I found the room as light as day, and ran to the window. The wall of houses, that had stood dark and grim before me so short a time ago, was rent and shattered as if by lightning. In many places the roof had already fallen in. Sally's chamber alone seemed, by some strange accident, to have escaped; but the devouring flames were now gathering fiercely round it. Soon one of the party-walls fell before my eyes; and, in the sudden burst of light, I saw the un

fortunate girl, who had been alarmed too late, standing in the middle of the apartment like a statue of despair !

It was yet possible to save-or rather it was possible for her to have saved herself. A run-a leap, such as even I could accomcomplish, would have cleared the opening made by the fall of the party-wall, and landed her upon a spot comparatively free from the flames; from whence, by a path perilous but practicable, she might have gained the street. No one lower down than ourselves could have seen this; and perhaps even Sally did not see it all-for, after looking wistfully at the opening, and standing for a second as if in the act of leaping, she shrunk back. Although my side of the lane was untouched, and, probably, from the quarter of the wind, would remain so, it would have been impos

sible for me to have descended in time to be

of any use. All I could do was to lean out of the window, and endeavour to attract the attention of some men who still stood their ground in the lane below. I succeeded. I even made them comprehend the possibility of saving the unfortunate young woman. I saw them, with intense interest, provide themselves with ropes and blankets, and prepare to ascend the ruins; when, at that moment, a sea of fire, like the burning waters of hell, rushed roaring through the lane. This was the contents of the spirit-cellars of the Custom House that had taken fire, burnt their casks, and rolled in waves of flame along the street. All access was thus cut off to the devoted girl: my heart grew sick; and I covered my eyes with my hands. At this instant the door of my apartment was burst open, and a man, in a sailor's dress, rushed up to the window, seized hold of the sash, and, with one mighty effort, tore it away.

"Sally," said he, in a voice as calm as death, "be of good heart!" He sprang upon the window-seat, and, leaning out, tore from the roof, with the assistance of a hatchet that was slung by his side, a fragment of the wooden water-pipe which receives the eavesdrops. Holding it up perpendicularly, he allowed the further end to fall into Sally's window; while the other, resting on mine, he put it into my hands, commanding me in a calm but stern voice, to "hold fast." I saw that the timber was in part decayed that it could not by possibility sustain the weight of a man; and I would fain have urged the madness and impiety of throwing away his own life, without even a chance of saving that of his mistress. But on looking into his face, I knew that remonstrance would be vain; and I turned down my head trembling, and indeed "held fast."

When I looked up again, he was about half way across. The fatal bridge swayed and cracked. The hell-cauldron below, (for this part of the lane had been made into a cul de sac by the ruins, and retained the spirits as in a fountain,) bubbled up, and roared, and blazed; and, in the midst of the blue flames, I could have sworn that I saw the devils holding up their hands, to receive, with curved fingers, the victim of love. Above and around, fire struggled with smoke; and the whole formed a picture which I shall never forget. William was within an inch of the middle. It was a miracle how the rotting board had held so long; but I knew that the instant it received its full strain, it would fly in splinters. I closed my

eyes. The instant came. A sharp crash told the event;-but no cry from the lover, and no shriek from his mistress.

When I opened my eyes, Willian was clinging to the severed end of the boardthe other having been secured by Sally, who, when she saw it going, started from her trance, forced down the casement, and held it with the united strength of love and despair. William appeared to be stupified for the instant, and to hold on more from instinct than courage; but speedily he regained his selfpossession, and, with the assistance of the rusty nails in the board, actually managed to gain the window. He sprang into the room -covered Sally with blankets which he snatched from the bed-swung her upon his shoulder-leaped across the chasm--and alternately seen and hidden-wrapped in flame, or lost in smoke-gained the street in triumph. Sally lost her fifty pounds in the flames. What then? She found her lover-who is now her husband.


Thames, and arrived at the Bay of Islands on ON the 29th of June (1829), we left the River the 2nd of July. During the passage we passed

the Poor Knights' Islands: the largest of these islands was inhabited by a few natives. It was formerly numerously populated, and produced so much provisions, as to induce ships to touch there in preference to the Bay of Islands. This annoyed so much the people at the Bay of Islands, in having their commerce checked, that they landed on the island, and massacred the greater part of the inhabitants.

On the meeting and parting of friends, it is the custom to cut themselves with shells, until the blood flows profusely; and they sometimes remain locked in each other's arms wailing, not a word being spoken on either side for some time; when, I suppose, being tired, or rather the ceremony (for it is nothing else) being concluded, they get up as if nothing had happened, laugh, talk, and in the former case relate all the news of what occurred during their absence.

On the 4th of July I made an excursion up

the river Kowa-kowa; its banks are at some parts beautifully verdant and picturesque: the river does not appear to be navigable for boats farther than seven miles from the mouth, except, probably, after heavy rains. Some parts of the banks were steep and densely wooded; others swampy, and covered with the Avicennia resinifera, or Máá-noá of the natives. Wild ducks were plentiful on the river, and not very shy.

At a short distance inland, the country was clear of timber, and enlivened occasionally by native villages and plantations; some of which were situated on elevated and beautifully-picturesque spots. The soil appeared rich. The only plantations were maize (the harvest for which had just commenced), the quality of kumera, or sweet potato. which appeared excellent, potatoes, and the It is, however, to be regretted, that the natives, from a natural indolence, cultivate but little more land than to supply their own wants; and, consequently, a quantity of valuable land is left waste, which might be profitably cultivated with the different European vegetables for the supply of shipping.

The New Zealanders have some idea of fertilizing their land by manure, as I observed some heaps of mud taken from the river, and left collected on the banks. On inquiring for what purpose it was intended, the answer I received was, that "it was intended to be spread over the kumera (sweet potato) ground previous to planting."

The women sometimes, in a fit of jealousy,

will commit suicide. I heard, when at New Zealand, of the following instance. A chief named Tukarua (who constantly visited us at the Thames), had a young woman as a wife, who was dotingly attached to him; but he, being led

away by the superior charms of another darkeyed damsel, proved unfaithful. Finding all

her tears and entreaties fruitless, she watched him one night when he visited the hut of his beloved, and hung herself near the entrance. The first object that met his eyes, on leaving the hut the following morning, was his faithful spouse swinging to the passing breeze.

On the 15th of July we sailed from the Bay of Islands for Tongatabu, but lay for a few hours off and on near the village of Rangihu, Tipuna. This village is curiously situated on the summit of an elevated and rather projecting hill, and has a very peculiar appearance, on account of it is a missionary station. its lofty site, when viewed from below. Near

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When botanizing, the New Zealanders, similar to other natives, could not conjecture the use I made of the plants. "White people," they said, are very curious-collect everything." Some said, "it was intended to feed the animals on board." They always readily collected for me; and a numerous fry of the young cannibal tribe usually followed me in those excursions, all eager to carry a load, and eyeing, with much curiosity, the process of placing the plants in

the paper, &c.

[To be concluded next week.]


BRITISH Literature has, in the opinion of no mean judge, "approached a crisis when some considerable change for the better or the worse may be anticipated: when it will either return to nature and simplicity, or degenerate into bombast and frivolity;"-with this opinion we cordially concur. The drama, from sentiment and passion, has become a show-box of picturesque scenes; and literature, from the dignity of its state and the elegant and vigorous simplicity of its language, has descended to the tittle-tattle of well-bred conversation: for the fine imagination and purified passion of true genius, we have the frivolous gossip of the drawingroom and the tell-tale scandal of the private chamber. Criticism, we believe, is much to blame for this: the cut-throat atrocities of the Edinburgh, during the administration of Jeffrey, and the cold-blooded sneering dissections of the Quarterly, in the hands of Gifford, drove men of genius to throw themselves upon the popular feeling of the hour, and, as high priests to this new tribunal, they have now nothing to fear from either the justice or the captiousness of the critics. But then the rabble has power over them; the wild democracy calls for all manner of momentary stimulants, and desires nothing but amusement. Genius leads no longer, but is led. Hence we make our breakfast on three volumes of scandal, from middle life or high; dine on the last elopement of some titled delinquent, done up into chapters and books; the secret causes of some family feud, wrought into a romance, serve us for tea; and we sup on a full, true, and particular account of the late atrocities in London, with heads of the murderers, and their confessions, real or imaginary. On such themes is much of the literary talent of the land employed— it has yet a deeper descent to prove, for we think the times about to succeed will be still less favourable for works of imagination and genius.

To Art the same sort of remarks apply as to Literature. Against the lower branch of painting the higher branch has contended fruitlessly-fact has prevailed against fiction; or rather the vulgar has put down the noble: history has been obliged, and that for some time, to give place to portrait: Art is becoming more general, so is Literature, but the higher qualities of both are not in request. We have done with heroes, and must spend our time with buffoons. Turner found an indifferent market for his poetic landscapes, and has taken himself to the embellishment of books: Wilkie has laid aside for a time his poetic or domestic pencil, and dips his brush in courtly colours fit for kings: Baily, the sculptor, has proved what Flaxman proved before, that for poetic sculpture

there is no market.

In the way of novelty there is little to be related. A meeting of the Royal Academy is summoned early in February, to elect a member in the room of James Northcote: Newton, Allan, and Briggs are spoken of as the most likely to be put in nomination. Some members will, no doubt, vote for Elias Martin: though this veteran has, for many years, it is believed, been in the bosom of St. Luke; still he is kept at the head of the list of Associates; and when a person is put up to whom any Academician is averse, he bestows his vote on Elias.

Wilkie has now finished his great picture of 'Knox preaching at St. Andrew's, to the utter confusion of the Romish hierarchy': he is about, it is said, to try his hand on an English Reformation picture, and a scene from the Life of Cranmer has been selected.

The Examiner had lately some sharp remarks concerning the pain which the Royal Academy felt at seeing Stanfield employed by the King in preference to Turner or Callcott: Stanfield is a man of genius, so the King may be right: His Majesty has also employed Chambers to paint marine pictures for him, and Francis to make his bust-what has the Examiner to say concerning the genius of these gentlemen and the royal taste? SCIENTIFIC AND LITERARY


Jan. 9.-G. B. Greenough, Esq., V.P., in the chair. A paper, entitled Notes on Guiana, South America, communicated by Captain J. E. Alexander, H.P., late 16th Lancers, was read. Capt. Alexander was induced to visit Guiana in the spring of last year, for the purpose of observation, and, having reached the coast, landed at George Town. The landing-place was occupied by a few women, sitting with trays of fruits and vegetables; from thence a road, flanked by canals, led to the streets, which were unpaved, but in excellent order: except close to the water, the houses were widely scattered, each being surrounded with a garden and lofty trees. This year it was found impossible to keep the gardens in order, owing to the amazing quantity of rain that had fallen, which is reckoned by feet, and not by inches in the usual way: in five months, six feet eight inches of rain fell at George Town. Of the natives, Capt. Alexander says, they are of short stature, but well proportioned; they walk about in a state of nudity, with a strip of blue salampore about their loins; their skins are beautifully clear, and of a light mahogany colour; the expression of their faces is apathetic good-nature. The state of the British slaves appears to be enviable, compared with that of the Dutch slaves of Surinam. The account

given by Capt. Alexander of the treatment of these unfortunate creatures, is revolting in the extreme, and it is difficult to believe that such refinement in cruelty can be practised by any people with pretensions to civilization in the year 1831. Any owner of a slave may have him punished, by paying a dollar to the executioner for 150 lashes, the price increasing in proportion to the number of lashes required. The legs

of a slave, who has deserted his master, are cut off;-the account is, indeed, scarcely credible. Capt. Alexander proceeded a hundred miles up the river Essequibo in a small country schooner, and then embarked and proceeded higher in canoes. All vestiges of the Dutch settlements are gone, and all is solitude and silence on either hand; occasionally, says Capt. Alexander, one stumbles in the entangled brushwood on a tombstone of some Dutchman, from the shores of the Zuyder Zee. An idea may be formed of the ignorance of the natives on the Mazaroony river, by an incident related by Captain Alexander. Two gentlemen, who were exploring the river, heard the cries of a person in the woods: on landing to ascertain the cause, they found one of the Arawaak Indians swinging himself in a hammock, fastened to trees, between two dead

bodies, each in hammocks on either side of him.

The motion of his hammock caused the others to move also, and all the time he was uttering the most distressing cries. He was interrogated as to the reason of his doing so, and replied, that the bodies were those of his brothers, who had been lately killed. The unhappy man then got some twigs from the adjacent trees, and commenced beating the bodies, calling out at the same time Heya! as if he felt the pain of the blows. He next obtained some of the fat

of a hog, that had been just killed, and anointed the faces and mouths of the deceased, and accompanied the operation by grunting. He next opened and shut their eyes; but, finding all his induced to bury them in the earth. A mat was attempts to bring them to life useless, he was then thrown over them, and they were covered

with leaves.

The tradition of these Indians respecting the Creator and Creation is very remarkable. They believe in a supreme deity, who, they imagine, has a brother that governs the whole universe. They also believe in an evil spirit, and on various occasions endeavour to appease him by their sorcerers or priests. Respecting the creation, they believe that the Great Spirit sat on a silk cotton-tree, and, cutting off pieces of the bark, that he threw them into the river below it, when they assumed the figures of animals; that man was the last of the creation, and being cast into a sleep, he was touched by the deity, and found, on waking, that his wife was by his side. They also believe that the world became very wicked, and that mankind were drowned by a flood, only one man being saved in a canoe. That he sent out a rat to ascertain whether the waters had subsided, and the rat returned to him with a head of Indian corn. So close an assimilation to the Mosaical History is certainly remarkable. Captain Alexander's very interesting paper was accompanied by a map illustrative of his route through a part of Guiana entirely unknown before.

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Invention of a new Air-pump.-Second Volcano near the coast of Sicily.- Faraday's Investigations.-Russian Emeralds.-Majendie on the Cholera, and his appalling picture of the state of the lower classes in Sunderland.

THE meeting, held by the members of this Institution, on the 26th of last month, was peculiarly interesting.

M. Thilorier presented for the examination of the Academy, and as one of the competitors for the mechanical prize in 1832, a new pump for creating vacua, which acts entirely by hydrostatic power, without being aided in its operations by any moveable pieces whatever, and being inalleges, that his "Pneumato - statical Pump," dependent of piston, valve, or cock. The inventor which is the name he gives it, is essentially different from the mercurial pumps hitherto brought forward.

The Secretary of State for the Naval Department, announced to the Academy, that the Astrolabe, on her voyage from Toulon to Navarino, in November last, had sailed past the new island, Julia or Nerita. The volcano had subsided; but, at a distance of two miles to the westward, a second sub-marine eruption had been observed (which did not at that time afford any trace of lava,) on the surface of the sea.

M. Hachette read a notice from Mr. Faraday, on the memoir which he had laid before the Royal Society of London; the notice contained the result of his latest investigations into electrodynamic phenomena, and gave rise to a scientific discussion on the part of Messrs. Arago, Ampère, and Thénard.

Baron de Humboldt presented the Academy with a cluster of Crystais of Emeralds, recently found in the middle region of the Ural, to the north of Ekatherineburgh. He had received it as a present from the Emperor of Russia; and he remarked, that it was not found in the carburetted schistus of transition, like the beautiful emeralds from Muzo mine, in Columbia, but in mica-schistus, as is the case with the emeralds found in Upper Egypt. The Muzo emerald weighs twelve hundred carats, but that of the Ural cluster, fifteen hundred and fourteen.

A paper was also communicated, by Captain Horsburgh, on the Maldiva Islands, in the Indian Ocean; and a letter from the Royal Asiatic Society was read. By this, it appears that apprehensions of the cholera being introduced from Egypt had subsided. The Bashaw was on the The next communication was one, which, we eve of an engagement with the Arabs of various regret to observe, is no way calculated to raise places, who had refused to pay tribute for some the name of England in the estimation of her time past, and had intercepted all communica- foreign contemporaries. It was a verbal report tion between Soudan and Bornou. The Bashaw made by Dr. Majendie, on the result of his scihad 30,000 men in the field when the intelli- entific visit to SUNDERLAND:-"I have found gence left Tripoli in November last. nothing to abate what I have already commuIn the course of the evening a great many nicated on the more serious cases of Cholera,"

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