صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

said Dr. M. "The most remarkable phenomenon in a physiological point of view, and that on which the most alarming symptoms depend, is the change in the circulation. From the first exhibition of the disease, the heart does not present more than from twelve to fifteen contractions per minute; it is not merely that the frequency of the pulsation is diminished, but there is a diminution in the powers of that organ, and this to such an extent, that if the patient be moved from a horizontal, with a view to raise his body to a vertical position, the heart is incapable of exerting a sufficient impetus to drive the blood to the head; the patient, consequently, faints away, and sometimes expires under the simple operation of this change of posture. I am happy," added Dr. M. "that what I have otherwise to report, is of a consolatory character with regard to our own country. The town of Sunderland has not been attacked in every quarter by the Cholera; indeed, the disease has invaded but a limited portion of it. It is a place containing forty thousand souls, of great commercial activity, and the seat of extraordinary industry. It contains no less than eight hundred dwellings, belonging to manufacturers or merchants of note. These individuals, as well as every person in easy circumstances, reside in two parishes, which are situated on an eminence. But, as to the poorer class of the population, they are crowded together in a distinct quarter of the town, (that which is properly called 'the parish of Sunderland'); a quarter, lying in a hollow near the river, and encompassed by heights, on the north, south, and east, which impede the free circulation of the air. The construction of the lower part of the town is of a description to prevent any kind of ventilation: the houses are separated by wretched streets, not more than three or four feet in breadth; every apartment is from eight to ten feet square, and from six to seven feet high (!); and each of them is inhabited by a whole family, who perform every function of life in it, and cook their victuals with sea coal, in the very heart of so dense a smoke, that, even at mid-day, there is not more light than what is necessary to enable one to grope one's way. I entered these miserable abodes more than once, and, though I carried a light in my hand, I found it difficult to discover the patient; in many instances, he was lying down on a sack, filled with goose feathers, and as this sack serves as a bed for the whole family, the icy coldness of his body was the only criterion by which I was enabled to distinguish him from the others.

"The parish of Sunderland consists of seventeen thousand inhabitants,-fourteen thousand of whom are on the poor-books, and are relieved, not directly from the house (fabrique), but through a contractor, whose interest it is to dispense the smallest modicum of aid he can contrive. Now, those who receive this aid are not, in all cases, able to hire the wretched description of dwellings to which I have just alluded; they are mustered in a common or poor-house, than which the imagination cannot picture a more hideous abiding-place: this is especially applicable to the Infirmary, a chamber twenty feet square, round which a row of such sacks of feathers as I have before described, is ranged. On these sacks are rolled, pell-mell, women, children, and old men, (most of them in a dying state,) and they are attended by other paupers, who are suffering too much in their own persons to have any feeling for their fellow-creatures' agonies! In no part of the lower town of Sunderland are there any public sewers; the filth and putrid matters are consigned to the roof or street; and the banks of the river are coated with a noxious surface, the greater portion of which is composed of those defilements. This inconceivable degree of uncleanliness, combined with the complete absence of ventilation, and the extreme destitution under which

a part of the population pine, are obviously favourable, in an eminent degree, either to the breeding or propagation of disease. Hence, the Sunderland faculty have remarked for a long time past, that not a year transpires without the appearance of some destructive epidemy in this quarter-either typhus, scarlet-fever, or scarlettina."

Dr. M. added, that, owing to the popular prejudice against dissection, he had only been able to examine one isolated subject; and closed his report by commenting, in no strain of eulogy indeed, on the sanitory measures adopted at Sunderland. In the subsequent debate, M. Moreau de Jonnès vindicated the Board of Health from his colleague's aspersions, and laid much stress upon the value of the official reports supplied to him by that body; against which, however, Dr. Majendie again levelled his anathema.


Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, with letter-press descriptions. 2 vols. London, 1831. Tilt; Moon, Boys, & Graves. THIS very interesting work is now completed -it contains eighty landscapes after Stanfield, Robson, Daniell, Dewint, Constable, Fielding, and other skilful artists, all engraved by the two Findens; of these, some five and twenty, which we could select, are worth the five pounds which the volumes cost. This is the true and satisfactory way of embellishing works of genius; that learned society, whom the satirist lampoons for examining the moon by her own light, were wiser than those men who desired to explore her by means of a farthing candle. For instance, in the Dumfrieshire part of the Waverley Novels, Guy Mannering,' and 'Redgauntlet,' we are infinitely better pleased to see the splendid 'Firth of Solway,' with its winding shores and dancing waves, The Old Castle of Lagg,' "The Baronial Ruins of Caerlaverock,' 'The Waste of Cumberland,' nay, even the good 'Town of Dumfries' itself, with its three steeples and its grave of Robert Burns, than we should be to look at any creations of the painter's fancy, though made, as he imagined, in the spirit of

the text. But it is not to that beautiful and secluded district, that we owe all the attractions of these volumes; the artists have wandered with the writer, from the Orkneys to the Straits of Dover, and made an excursion into France, selecting with much judgment, the interesting and picturesque scenes which the northern novelist had introduced into his pages. From many painters' portfolios these scenes have been collected-one of no common beauty was supplied by the Marchioness of Stafford. Though it would probably have been as well to have given the Findens the aid of other brethren of the graver, yet the illustrations are surpassingly beautiful; it is to their advantage, too, that they are calculated to bind up, at the will of the purchaser, with the volumes of Scott.

giving a hint to printsellers generally, that the first of them who shall boldly come forward, with sufficient capital to take the lead, and give the public works of the highest excellence at the lowest possible price, will stand a good chance of making a fortune; and such a man shall have our zealous support-but two things are the condition, the lowest possible price, calculating on the largest possible sale, and the finest works that art can produce;-to this it will come, and the sooner the better; and the first in the field will reap the richest harvest. We may say more on this subject shortly.



THIS important State Paper in the World of Fashion is now submitted to the Public.

The Opera will open on the 24th or 28th. The following is the official list of Artists engaged. It does not materially differ from our announcement three weeks ago:


Signora Adelaide Tosi, Signora G. Grisi, Madame S. Devrient, Madame Rosa Mariani, Madame D. Cinti, Madame De Meric, Madame Battiste, Madame Grandolfi, &c.-Monsieur Adolphe Nourrit, Signor D. Donzelli, Signor B. Winter, Signor Tamburini, Signor L. Mariani, Signor V. Galli, Signor Arnaud, Signor Arrigotti, Signor Giubilei, Signor Piozzi, &c. &c.


Mademoiselle Taglioni,+ Madlle. Heberle, Madame. Brugnolli, Madame Lecompte, Madame Ancellin, Madile. Varin, Madlle. Guichard, Madlle. Chavigny, Madlle. Proche, Madlle. Hullin, &c.-M. Albert, Signor Guerra, Signor Samengo, M. Taglioni,+ M. Albert, fils, M. Bretin, M. D'Egville Michau, M. Martin, M. Finart, M. Albert, Signor Samengo, M. Taglioni, père, M. Simon, &c.


DIRECTOR of the Orchestra, Signor Costa; LEADER of the Orchestra, Signor Spagnioletti.-VIOLINI: Messrs. Mori, Dando, Watts, Murray, Nadaud, Pigott, Ella, Kearns, Wallis, Baker, Reeves, Bohrer, Tolbecque, Griesbach, Zerbini, Littolff, Anderson, Watkins, Thomas, &c.-VIOLE: Moralt, Warre, Alsept, Daniels, Chubb, Nicks, &c.-VIOLONCELLI: Lindley, Rousselot, Hatton, Crouch, sen., Crouch, jun., Brooks, &c.-CoxTRABASSI: Dragonetti, Wilson, Howell, Anfossi, Flower, Taylor, &c.-FLAUTI: Messrs. Nicholson and Card. OBOE: Messrs. Cooke and Barret.-CLARINI: Messrs. Willman and Powell.-FAGOTTI: Messrs. Mackintosh and Tully.-CORNI: Messrs. Platt, Ray, Calcott, and Tully. TROMBE: Messrs. Harper and Irvin.-TROMBONI: Messrs. Mariotti, Smithers, sen., Smithers, jun. -TIMPANI, Mr. Chip.-Stage Manager, Mr. Charles Broad; Scene Painter, Mr. William Grieve; Prompter, Signor Rubbi; Secretary to the Box Department, Mr. Seguin; Poet and Italian Translator, Dr. Giuseppe Giglioli.

The Choruses, under the direction of approved Masters, together with the Corps de Ballet, have been entirely remodelled and increased; and it is presumed will be found consistent with the rest of the arrangements in their several departments.

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The following are some among the musical works which are proposed to be represented:The 'Esule di Roma,' and 'Olivo e Pasquale' of Donizetti-' La Straniera' of Bellini-' Il Demetrio e Polibio' of Rossini, being the first Illustrations to all Editions of the Waverley Novels; production of his pen; with, perhaps, the Armida' or 'Ermione' of the same author'L'Alfredo' of Mayr-' Il Sansone' of the celebrated Professor Basily, now the President of the Imperial Conservatory of Music at MilanLa Vestale' of Spontini-'L'Annibale in Bettinia' of Niccolini La Sylvana' of Weber - Il Matrimonio per raggiro' of Cimarosathe Maometto' of Winter-and 'L'Idomeneo, Rè di Creta' of Mozart. In addition to the

'Pirate' to 'Quentin Durward.' Part IV. London, 1831. Moon, Boys & Graves. WE have before admitted that these illustrations have decidedly improved. This part contains many clever pictures, and amongst others, the vignettes to Quentin Durward,' and those capital ones by Purser and Wilkie to 'Peveril.'

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Select Views of all the Principal Cities of Europe. London, 1831. Moon, Boys & Co. WE presume this work has not been very successful, from its hurrying to a close on the publication of only five parts; it was rather for fidelity than beauty, that it claimed the patronage of the public, and we think, under such circumstances, it should have been published at a lower price. We take this opportunity of

+ The term of the engagement of Mademoiselle TAGLIONI and her Brother depending upon the result of a letter expected daily from the Court of Berlin, the Public are requested to observe, that the above are not to be reckoned upon, as forming a portion of that Company to which the Director pledges himself for any considerable length of time.

As the contracts have not been finally completed with every proposed Member of the Orchestra, it may possibly occur that a few of the names may be changed.

Offers have been likewise held out to the celebrated Maestro Paër, to attend at the representation of his most favoured work, 'Sargino,' which the Director has reason to believe will

not be refused.

above, the celebrated opera of 'Robert le Dia-veloped as we could have wished, and we were ble' has been purchased, and, with the original now and then at a loss to understand where the Performers from the Academie Royale at Paris, actors were, and how they got there; but the will be produced under the immediate direction whole thing was light and agreeable, and, asof its great author, Meyerbeer. On this occasisted by some pretty music, passed to its consion, an Overture, which has hitherto been clusion with considerable applause, and without wanting, will be composed by him, and no exa symptom of disapprobation. The third act, ertion or expense avoided to render the whole contrary to custom, was better than either of the most perfect entertainment possible. The the others. In this a very amusing situation is Esule di Granata' of the same author, will at produced, by some volunteer falsehoods of Scipio, the same time be brought out, under his direca servant (Mr. Harley). The equivoque was tion, the entire of the second act being re- well managed and well sustained, and the efforts written for the occasion: La Dame Blanche,' of author and actors were rewarded by shouts of translated into Italian, will likewise be repre- laughter. Mr. Wood was evidently labouring sented by the performers of the Academie under a cold, but he sang with much taste and Royale, and M. Boieldieu, the author, it is ex- sweetness. His first ballad, which is very pretty, pected, will add to its interest, and ensure its was deservedly encored.-It is always painful to success, by his presence. us to speak of a lady in any other terms than those of praise, but if the management will continue to be so injudicious as to put Miss Pearson into parts for which she is in no way fitted, we are bound, on behalf of the public, to object. We know not why Mrs. Wood did not take the part-but, whatever was the cause of her absence, there are several ladies on the establishment to whom, after her, but before Miss Pearson, the principal part in a musical piece ought to have been entrusted. We need not go far for an instancethe drama itself contained one-Miss Field, one of the most correct singers, and one of the best female musicians, perhaps the best, on the stage, was sent on to lead one chorus, while the first singing character was occupied by a lady who is not to be compared to her, either as a singer or as an actress. We are not of the number of those who approve of any actor or actress refusing to do that which is best for the interest of the theatre from which they receive a salary; but there is a medium in all things. This is an extreme case, and it is a duty which we owe to modest talent to remonstrate against such an affront being put upon it. What right have managers to complain of the public neglecting their houses, if such things, be it through mistake or wilfulness, are persisted in? It is no answer to this to say, that Miss Pearson was two or three times encored; we have no wish to make our remarks more disagreeable than we feel absolutely called upon to do, but our allusion will be sufficiently understood, when we say, that such encores were not in accordance with the feelings or wishes of a vast majority of the audience. Mr. Farren made the most of a part which did not afford him any very striking opportunities; and he is the more entitled to our thanks, because we have sometimes accused him of being a wee-bit covetous. Miss Phillips had an arduous part, if we only consider the number of times she had to change her dress it was certainly either six or seven. She acquitted herself very well, as did Mr. Wallack, Mr. Harley, Mrs. Örger, and Mrs. Humby. 'My own Lover' was given out for Saturday amidst general approbation.

A company of German performers has been engaged to represent the chefs-d'œuvre of their national composers, in their native language, during the months of May and June. These performances, with the grand Ballet, will be produced alternately with the Italian Operas, and subscriptions will be opened for the same, either separately or in conjunction with the ordinary entertainments of the establishment. The company, which has been selected from the élite of all Germany, will be complete both in numbers and ability. The following eminent artists have already been engaged for the occasion:Mademoiselle Nanette Schechner, Madame Schrae. der Devrient, Madlle. Heinefetter, Madlle. Schützel, Madame Spitzeder, Madile. Schneider, &c.-Herr Haizinger, Signor Giulio Pellegrini, Herr Dobler, Herr Wächter, Herr Spitzeder, Herrn Wieser, Hahn, &c. The Music will consist of all the principal modern compositions of the German school. The 'Fidelio' of Beethoven-'Eurianthe' and 'Freischütz' of Weber-the 'Jessonda' of Spohr -the 'Hochzeit der Figaro,' 'Belmonte e Constanze,' and 'Don Juan' of Mozart-the 'Macbeth' of Chelard, who has been induced to come from Munich, to preside at the representation-the 'Vampyr' of Lindpaintner, who likewise will honour the performance with his presence-the 'Emmeline' of Weigl-the 'Roberbraut' of Ries;-these, and whatever others may be found in the repertoire of the existing company, the entrepreneur states, shall be represented in the great Theatre of the Italian Opera House.

Next week we may add some few less important arrangements.



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A musical drama, in three, acts called My Own Lover,' was produced here on Wednesday with success. The drama itself, as well as the music, we understand to be from the hic et ubique pen of Mr. Rodwell, whose works we have, within a short time, had to notice at Covent Garden, the Adelphi, and the Olympic. We are not in the habit of detailing plots at length, thinking it best to say enough to excite curiosity, and then to let our readers go and judge for themselves. In the present instance, it is fortunate that we are not, for the piece consists so much more of incident and situation than of plot, that it would be impossible, within any reasonable space, to follow it through all its windings and turnings. The principal point, from which the name arises, is the endeavour of a young lady, Donna Julia, (Miss Phillips,) to turn a wayward lover into a steady one, by exciting his jealousy, and this she effects, by disguising herself in male attire and passing for her own lover. The incidents were not quite so clearly de

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"In the Imperial Library of the Austrian metropolis is a perfect copy of H. Stephani Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ,' which contains a host of manuscript comments, the author of which had hitherto remained unknown. One of the librarians, whilst engaged in perusing these comments a short time back, discovered one in which the writer says-' Vide meam scholam in Editione Horatii, libro- Od.-.' Didot, hearing of this occurrence, set about investigating the various editions of Horace published by H. Stephens, and was fortunate enough to hit upon the very passage to which the unknown commentator referred; from this circumstance he considers himself fully justified in ascribing the notes in the Vienna copy to Stephens himself, and he has announced his intention of turning them to all possible advantage in his new edition of the Thesaurus."

Bent's List of Books published during the Year lation, that the number of new books published 1831. It appears from this little useful compiin the last year was about 1100, exclusive of new editions, pamphlets, or periodicals-being 50 less than in 1830.

Royal Patronage.-The civil list of Louis Philippe contains some items, which, we conceive, would not figure to an useless purpose in that of a King of Great Britain, whether in a political, or literary and scientific point of view. Those, to which we refer, are,

Library Department, (for subscrip-
tions to publications)
Music, boxes at theatres, and bene-



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Vienna Periodica! Literature.-For a population of three hundred and odd thousands, the press of the Austrian capital supplies three newspapers, and ten literary publications, either weekly or monthly.

Phrenology. Mr. Forbes Winslow will this evening read a paper at the Westminster Medical Society, on the application of Phrenological science to the elucidation of insanity.

Contradictions of Proverbs.-"The more the merrier." Not so; one hand is enough in a purse. "Nothing hurts the stomach more than surfeiting." Yes; lack of meat.-" Nothing but what has an end." Not so; a ring hath none, for it is round."Money is a great comfort.” Not when it brings a thief to the gallows.-"The world is a long journey." Not so; the sun goes over it every day." It is great way to the bottom of the sea." Not so; it is but a stone's cast." A friend is best found in adversity." Not so; for then there is none to be found."The pride of the rich makes the labour of the poor." Not so; the labour of the poor makes the pride of the rich.


Days of Thermom. Barometer. Winds. W.Mon. Max. Min.



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Weather. Cloudy.


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7 41 35 Sun. 8 41 35

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Mon. 9 48 35

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Tues. 10 52 39

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Wed. 11 50 39

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Rain, P.M.

Prevailing Clouds. Cirrostratus, Nimbus. Nights and Mornings for the greater part fair. Mean temperature of the week, 390. Increase of day on Wednesday, 22°.

NOVELTIES IN LITERATURE AND ARTS. Forthcoming.-Lady Charlotte Bury will shortly present to the public a Poem, entitled, Some Account of the three Great Sanctuaries of Tuscany: Valombrosa, Camaldoli, and Laverna.

A new Novel, by Mr.Horace Smith, entitled, Romance of the Early Ages.

A new Novel, to be called Stanley Buxton, or, the Schoolfellows, by Mr. Galt.

Mr. Charles Macfarlane proposes to publish, by subscription, a Description of the Present State of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, to be illustrated by seven etchings, by Mr. Thomas Knox, from Views taken on the spot.

The Journal of a Tour in the Years 1828-9, through
Styria, Carniola, and Italy. By J. J. Tobbin.

The Member: an Autobiography. By the Author of
The Ayrshire Legatees.'

A Dictionary of Foreign Bibliography. By William
Thomas Lowndes.

Fragments of Voyages and Travels, being an Account of Captain Basil Hall's Naval Life and Early Voyages. Second Series.

Just published.-Companion to the Endless Amusement, 18mo. 2s. 6d.-New Sphynx, 18mo, 1s. 6d. Lyell's Principles of Geology, Vol. 2, 8vo. 12s.-Acland's Illustrations of the Vaudois, royal 8vo. 10s. 6d.; large paper, 15s.-Landscape Illustrations to Waverley Novels, 2 vols. 8vo. 41. 4s.; India proofs, 71. 7s.: before letters, 107.10s.-Fenton's French Speaker, 12mo. 4s.Fenton's French Genders made Easy,6d.-Taylor's Eton Greek Grammar, translated into English, 12mo. 4s.The Gospel of St. John, in French, with interlinear Translations and Notes, by Fenton, 12mo. 4s.-The Spiritual Gleaner, 18mo. 3s.-Narratives of the Plague, edited by the Rev. J. Scott, 12mo. 3s. 6d.-Observations on the Mussulmans of India, by Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali, 2 vols. 8vo. 17. 1s.-Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, Vol. 6, 18s.--Chambers's Scottish Jests and Anecdotes, 12mo. 6s. 6d.-Le Talisman, for 1832, 12s.

Thanks to H. S.-S. T.-Brittain's Historical Drama
-A Second Series of Miss Mitford's American Stories-
and other works, arrived too late for review.

The description of the Metapontine Coin, referred to in the notice of Mr. Millengen's work, was, at the last hour, omitted for want of room.

In the fifth line of the ballad by the Ettrick Shepherd, last No., for kail read rail; there were other inaccuracies in the first edition, but so obvious, that it is not necessary to point them out: they were mostly corrected in a second edition.

An extra sheet of Eight Pages, containing Title-page and Index, is given GRATIS with the present Number. -Subscribers should lose no time in completing their volumes, as several numbers are already scarce.

[blocks in formation]

Epitome of Classical Geography. Illustrated

by Historical Notices of the most celebrated Nations of Antiquity.
By W. C. Taylor, A.M. With Maps, engraved by Sidney Hall,
5s, bound and lettered.

Elements of Astronomy; containing an accurate and compendious description of the general phenomena of the Heavens, and of the Heavenly Bodies, &c. To which is prefixed, an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Astronomy, from the earliest period to the present day. By A. Picquot. In 12mo. 68. bound.


A Companion to the Globes; comprising the various Problems that may be performed by the Globes, preceded by the subjects to which they refer; and accompanied by more than one thousand examples, and recapitulary exercises, &c. To which is added, a Concise Astronomical Introduction, and an Appendix, containing the derivations of the names of the Constellations, &c. By T. Linnington. The third edition, 4s. 6d. bound and lettered.

A Key to the above, 2s.


A Celestial Atlas, comprising projections of the planispheres, and particular constructions of the signs of the Zodiac, and the constellations in each hemisphere, exactly as they appear in the heavens, in a series of thirty beautifully-engraved Maps, which are illustrated by scientific descriptions of their contents, and by catalogues of the stars, from the first to the sixth magnitude inclusive, showing, by inspection, in successive columns, their names, niagnitude, right ascension in time and degrees, and their declinations, with the annual difference of both; the whole accompanied by astronomical problems and exercises, analogous to those performed with the celestial globe, hut adapted also to nautical and telescopic observation. By A. Jamieson, LL.D. In 4to. 25s. plain, or 31s. 6d. coloured.


An Atlas of Outline Maps of the Heavens, adapted to Dr. Jamieson's Celestial Atlas,' for the use of schools and private instruction. 4to. 165.

[blocks in formation]


By the Rev. J. PLATTS.
Second edition, improved.

This work contains popular descriptions of the most interesting
and useful objects of science, written in plain and familiar lan-
guage. The design of the compiler has been to collect a series
of reading lessons which should combine both information and
amusement, and which should awaken the attention of youth to
the study of the natural sciences, by the details of such facts as
are most likely to arrest attention and stimulate inquiry. The
lessons in the end of the volume consist of a series of reflections
on the works of the creation, collected from the best modern
writers; the sublime truths of Natural Theology being thus ap-
propriately subjoined to the description of the Universe, lead the
youthful mind, by an easy process, from the contemplation of the
inaterial world to reverence and admiration of the all-wise and
all-powerful Author of its existence.

Printed for Whittaker, Treacher and Co., Ave Maria-lane.
Also, New Editions of
Pinnock's Juvenile Reader, 1s. 6d.

Explanatory English Reader,4s. 6d.
Introduction to English Reader, 3s.
History of the Bible, 3s.
Children's Preceptor, 2s.
Duncan's English Expositor, 1s. 6d.

Published by Whittaker, Treacher and Co., Ave Maria-lane.
In 12mo. the 22nd Edition, 68. bound and lettered,

PINNOCK'S improved Edition of GOLD

SMITH'S HISTORY of ENGLAND, with a Dictionary, Biographical, Historical, &c.; explaining every difficulty, fixing the proper sound and meaning of the words, and rendering every part easy to be understood; with a continuation of the History, from the Peace of Amiens up to the year 1831. To which are added, several new Chapters, copious Notes throughout, and three interesting and comprehensive Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of England; with Portraits of all the Sovereigns and the junior branches of the present Royal Family, and coloured Map, containing the ancient and modern divisious, &c.; and many other valuable improvements.


Pinnock's Edition of Goldsmith's History of
Greece, on the Plan of the History of England, with Maps and
Frontispiece. In 12mo. 5s. 6d. bound and lettered.


Pinnock's Edition of Goldsmith's History of Rome, with Maps and Plates. In 12mo. 5s. 6d. bound and lettered.


The History of France and Normandy, from the Accession of Clovis to the Battle of Waterloo. By W. C. Taylor, A.M. In 12mo. with & Map, 6s, bound and lettered.


Just published, in 12mo. price 38. UDIMENTS of LATIN GRAMMAR,

for the USE of SCHOOLS.

By the Rev. PETER HALL, M.A.

The object of this Grammar is to furnish the young beginners with the Elements of the Latin Language in a more simple, brief, and comprehensive form, than has been accomplished in any other work with which the author is acquainted. The Prosody, being given in English, is placed before the Syntax, which is still retained in Latin; whilst the whole has been prepared with a minuteness of attention commensurate with the nicety and im portance of the subject. Whittaker, Treacher aud Co. Ave Maria-lane.

[blocks in formation]

I. Archbishop of Dublin on Political Economy.

II. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot.

III. Weights and Measures.
IV. History of Medicine.

V. Greek Literature in Scotland.

VI. Moore's Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald.
VII. Adjustment of the House of Peers.
VIII. Adventures on the Columbia River.

IX. Caledonians, Picts, and Scots.

X. Cooper's Bravo."

XI. Animal Physiology.

XII. Romance and Reality. By L. E. L..
XIII. Householders in Danger.

XIV. Tour of a German Prince.

XV. Portuguese Africa.

XVI. Life of Turgot.

List of Books, Index, &c.

No. XXXII. will be published on the 31st of March.
R. Heward, 113, Strand.

A new edition, 5s.


The Historical Miscellany. By W. C. Taylor, Character, Symptoms, and Treatment of this Disease, with copious

of Trinity College, Dublin. In 12mo. 48. 6d. bound and lettered.
"This is an instructive volume for the youthful student, in-
tended as a supplement to Pinnock's Grecian, Roman, and Eng-
lish Histories. The first half of the volume is occupied with the
primeval and classical periods; in which the author has particu-
larly directed his attention to those branches of history on which
school books are frequently deficient, although directly illustra-
tive of the general course of study. Among these topics may be
instanced, the histories of the Persians and Carthagenians, the
autagonists and rivals of Greece and Rome. In the modern
division especial attention is paid to the Feudal system and the
Crusades, and afterwards to the English Empire in India, and
British commerce in general. Then follows a series of British
biography, and, in conclusion, a view of the British constitution.
Prefixed to the volume is a union map, exhibiting, in one sheet,
the ancient divisions of the world in red, and the modern in
black-an ingenious and very useful plan."-Gentleman's Mag.

Just published, 13th Edition, stereotyped, 1s. 6d. bound,


EXPOSITOR, or an Explanatory Spelling-Book; containing an Alphabetical Collection of all the most useful and elegant Words in the English Language; divided into syllables, and properly accented; together with a short and easy definition of each word, accompanied with initial letters, denoting the dif ferent parts of speech to which each word is appropriated. To which are added several Useful Tables. The whole divided into short and easy Lessons, calculated for teaching in Classes. Printed for Whittaker, Treacher and Co., Ave Maria-lane. New Editions of the following are published:

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PIERCE EGAN'S BOOK OF SPORTS! Dedicated to George Osbaldeston, Esq., embellished, weekly, with Portraits of celebrated Race Horses, Dogs, and other subjects connected with the Sporting World, procured from the Cabinets of Noblemen, Connoisseurs, Artists, &c. On the 1st of February wili be published, in svo. printed in double columns, price only Threepence, to be continued every Saturday, and in Monthly Parts, at is, each, intituled,


the Ring, and the Stage; interspersed with Original Memoirs of Sporting Men; Anecdotes of Theatrical Characters; with occasional, en passant, Sketches of the LIONS, TIGERS, and other GREAT CREATURES' (Male and Female) to be met with at some hour of the day on the Pavé in the CAPITOL; including a quantity of Merry, Intelligent, Elegant, Intellectual, Witty, Odd, Eccentric, Pleasant, Interesting, GOOD SORT of FELLOWS, something after the manner of Touumy Moore's celes who have had the best of the argument against all the cant-ing, brated delightful Ballad of Fly not yet, 'tis just the Hour; and crying philosophers in the world, showing that The right End of Life is to Live and be Jolly!'

London: Printed for Thonias Tegg, Cheapside; R. Gridin and Co. Glasgow; and W. F. Wakeman, Dublin; and to be bad of all Booksellers in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Communications for the Editor, post paid, to be addressed to Mr. Tegg, Cheapside.

Just published, price, half-bound, 158. ETTERS ON DANCING,

Scientific Principles. Most respectfully dedicated, by permission, to the Marchioness of Londonderry.

Pinnock's Explanatory English Spelling-reducing this elegant and healthful Exercise to easy Book; comprising numerous Spelling and Reading Lessons, progressively arranged and classed according to the capacity of the Learner; a short Catechism on the Arts and Sciences, and the fundamental principles of English Grammar, the Church Catechism, Dr. Watts's Catechism, &c. 1smo. Is. 6d. bound.

[blocks in formation]

Ci-devant Elève de l'Académie Royale de Danse de Paris, et
Maître de Ballets et Premier Danseur dans plusieurs Théâtres
principaux du Continent.

Illustrated by 24 copperplate Engravings.
Printed for the Author, 46. Great Marlborough-street; and
published by Sherwood and Co. Paternoster-row. Sold by Mr.
Sams, Bookseller to the King and the Royal Family, St. James's-
street; at Messrs. Goulding and D'Almaine's Music Warehouse,
Soho-square; at Mr. Fuller's Repository of Arts, Rathbone-place;
and by all the principal Book and Music-sellers in Town and
at Mr. Seguin's English and Foreign Library, 12, Regent-street;

Mr. and Mad. Theleur have likewise respectfully to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and their Pupils, that their Ladies' Morning Academy for Dancing is now open for the Season.

Nearly ready, in 18mo. with Wood-cuts by W. H. Brooke, F.S.A. HE MYTHOLOGY



ITALY; abridged for the Use of Schools.

Author of Outlines of History' in the Cabinet Cyclopædia.
Whittaker, Treacher, and Co. Ave Maria-fane.

Of whom may be had, by the same Author,

The Mythology of Greece and Italy; intended chiefly for the Use of Students in the Universities and the higher Classes in Schools; with 12 Plates, etched on Steel by W. H. Brooke, containing several subjects from the Antique. 8vo. 188.



of this Series 118 Numbers are published, at 6ɗ. each ; the most recent are ASTRONOMY, No. 3; MANUFACTURE of IRON; the STUDY of MATHEMATICS; and ELECTROMAGNETISM. The completion of the latter subjects, together with a Glossary, Index, and Title, now ready, will enable Subscribers to bind up a second volume of Natural Philosophy. The volumes now complete, therefore, are:

Vol. I. and II. of Natural Philosophy, Geometry, and the History of Greece. A volume of Biography is nearly ready; and the Histories of Rome, and of the Church, will proceed, with little interruption, until those volumes are complete.

2. The Farmer's Series. This has proceeded to the 23rd Number, of which 15 comprise the well-known work on 'The Horse,' which is sold bound in cloth and lettered for ss. 6d., illustrated by very numerous cuts; four of them consist of a Treatise on Planting, which will be complete in one more Number; and four of Select Farms, which will eventually form an interesting volume. A Treatise on British Cattle will be commenced forthwith by the able author of The Horse,' which will be continued without intermission until the volume be complete.

3. A Series of Maps, Modern and Ancient. Of this 19 Numbers are published, each containing two Maps, price 1s.: or the outlines coloured, 1s. 6d.

*.* In preparing these Maps, the Editors have had access to, and fully availed themselves of, all the late naval surveys for the coast lines; while recent travels have led to many material corrections in the interior. For the Ancient Series, the text of the old Geographers and Historians has been scrupulously compared with discoveries and hypotheses of modern writers. The pubRobers may safely challenge competition for the combined cheapness and elegance of this work.

There are also published, as distinct works, but of the same size, Six Maps of the Stars, laid down according to the gnomic projection, including all the Stars to the Sixth Magnitude, or such as can be seen with the naked eye. Price 3s.; or coloured, 68. And Six Maps of the World laid down on the same projection as the Maps of Stars, price 35. plain, and 4s. 6d. coloured: the two adequately supplying the place of a Celestial and Terrestrial Globe.


ARLY in the Season Mr. BROSTER purposes resuming Instructions in his ORIGINAL SYSTEM (ride Blackwood's Magazine,' Jan. 1825,) for REMOVING ALL IMPEDIMENTS OF SPEECH.

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In the course of Mr. B.'s experience, in above three hundred cases, he has been enabled to discover an entirely new System of Elocution;' not founded on the hitherto usual art, but on the Tore POWERFUL PRINCIPLES OF NATURE; restoring the organs of Speech, however weak, so as to avoid, and completely overcome, the fatigues attendant on the duties of the Church, or the labours of the Bar, in extempore speaking.

So much has this System been approved by his friends and those distinguished members of society to whom it has been communicated, as to call forth their unqualified permission of reference; at the request of several of whom, this communication is inserted. For further particulars at present, inquire of Mr. T. Broster, Surgeon, 17, Queen's Buildings, Brompton; or to Mr. Broster, Brook Lodge, near Chester.


Light-house, 201, Strand.


BATHS, which are now found to be the only safe aud beneficial application for the CURE of the CHOLERA, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, &c. As these Baths have been examined and approved of by the most eminent Physicians, and lectured on at the Medical Schools, more need not be said in their favour than that they are simple, portable, and applied in the quarter of a minute, with the power of regulating the heat to any temperature. From One Guinea each; with which may be bad, the whole things necessary in case of an attack of this horrible diseasesuch as an instant light, hot water, and last though not least, the simple method of raising the bed-clothes without removing or uncovering the patient, which in many cases is instant death. All letters are requested to be post paid; those containing remittances strictly attended to.



and of LIME. Prepared of uniform strength, according to the Formula of M. Labarraque, of Paris.

BEAUFOY and Co., of South Lambeth, London, feel it their duty to caution the public against the danger of using Chlorides of uncertain and variable strengths and qualities.

The safe and ample directions for using Beaufoy's Chlorides, are not applicable to any other preparations, unless precisely similar to those made in their Laboratory.

The public safety demands a public declaration that these Directions have been copied, and are affixed by the venders to Chlorides quite different in every essential particular from Beaufoy's preparations.

Beaufoy's genuine preparations according to Labarraque's formula, are easily distinguished by their peculiar Label upon the Wrapper, which should be examined to see that it has not been opened.

Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists; of whom may be bad, gratis, an account of some of the properties and uses to which these Chlorides have been successfully applied.

Price of the Chloride of Soda, 3s. 6d.; of Linie, 2s. 6d., quart bottle included, with Directions for dilution, caution, and use, inclosed within the sealed wrapper.

Beaufoy's Chlorides are not liable to stamp duty; the venders of Beaufoy's Chlorides are consequently exempt from Stamp Office Informations.

South Lambeth, 13th Dec. 1831.

-By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent.-KALOPINO, prepared from aromatic vegetable substances, discovered by J. H. HIRSCH, a German chemist, and certified by the most emínent scientific gentlemen as uniting all those desirable qualities which render it fitted for an universal diet drink for all ages and constitutions. One pound of this most nutritious, economical, and agreeable preparation, is equal to 8 pounds of coffee: one teaspoonful, costing less than one halfpenny, makes a pint. Inferior qualities of tea or coffee may be greatly improved by it. The public are requested to call and taste it before purchasing. Sold wholesale and retail at the Manufactory, 121, Aldersgate-street.

[blocks in formation]


(Adapted for the present period.)

ARDIAC TINCTURE OF TURKEY RHUBARB.-A warm and pleasant Laxative, adapted to Gouty Constitutions, and recommended in the Winter Season to all delicate persous in preference to Saline Aperients; it is also a most valuable Medicine for those complaints of the Bowels so prevalent during the Sumner and Autumn, In Bottles at 2s. 9d. and 45, 6d.

GREGORY'S STOMACHIC POWDER. This Composition was a favorite remedy of the late Professor Gregory of Edinburgh, for affections of the Stomach (such as Indigestion, Acidity, Flatulence, &c.) and torpidity of the Bowels, consequent upon an impaired state of the secretions necessary for the process of Digestion. Its effects are antacid, carminative, and gently aperient. It is particularly serviceable to Gouty and Dyspeptic Invalids, and may be taken without any restraint whatever, according to the directions which accompany it. In Bottles at 28. and 3s. 6d.


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Best Plantation
Finest Berbice imported
Very Superior Mocha
Best Powdered Candy

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6 0 9 0

1 8



1 0

Spices of every description, of the best quality. SAMUEL ANDREWS, (late Long and Co.) 42, Old Bondstreet, four doors on the left from Piccadilly.

Hotels and Club-houses supplied at Wholesale Price.


unequalled in quality by any House in England.

[blocks in formation]

To COUNTRY RESIDENTS.-Two dozen of fine Old Port, two ditto of Sherry, and three ditto of excellent Cape, bottles and packing included, and sent, carriage free, to any part of Engand, by a remittance of £10., or half the quantity for £5.

CHARLES WRIGHT feels confident that the above have only

to be tried to convince the public that fine Wines are to be purchased at a low price.-Orders promptly executed.

Opera Boxes, on each tier, in the best situations. Pit Tickets, 8. 6d. each.-Private Boxes at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, Adelphi, and the Minor Theatres.

Opera Colonnade, Haymarket.


ROWLAND and SON view it as a duty incumbent upon them at the COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW YEAR, to acknowledge with the proudest emotions of gratitude, that Distinguished Patronage with which they have been honoured by the Nobility, Gentry, and Public at large, with respect to the ORIGINAL MACASSAR OIL and KALYDOR; articles which have obtained a celebrity pre eminently great. Messrs. R. & S. while they humbly solicit a continuance of that High Patronage they have been honoured with, must, at the same time, earnestly Caution the Public against base counterfeit imitations: the ORIGINAL KALYDOR has the NAME and ADDRESS of the Proprietors on the GOVERNMENT STAMP, and the MACASSAR OIL is distinguished by the Names on the Label of each bottle in Red;

And countersigned ALEX. ROWLAND.

[blocks in formation]

Families are respectfully informed, that the SECOND LAYING DOWN of WINE for BOTTLING takes place this week, which will consist of about Filty to Sixty Pipes of Wine, from that of the more economical kind to those of the most su perior description, so as to meet the means and wishes of every class of consumers. Ports may be laid down from this stock at from 19s. to 36s. per dozen; and every other description of Wines at the lowest rate prompt paynient ought to command.

The Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, are respectfully informed, that business will commence in the THIRD DEPART MENT of this establishment early in the Spring, when will be submitted to their approbation a Stock embracing every description of the most precious, rare, and costly Wines, Liqueurs, Creams, Cordials, and every delicacy, however expensive, from every part of the world, where a British merchant vessel can fied an article worthy the English market; and holders of such articles may, from the 5th January next, find a ready market and prompt payment for all such as they can produce documents which will authenticate, beyond doubt, not only to the immediate purchaser, but to the eventual consumer, proots of their genuine and superior quality. GEO. HENEKEY.

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Fine old Bees'-wing Port, Fine West India Madeira.. 30s. five years in bottle... 365. Ditto, finest quality...... 368. Fine old Bom Retiroditto.. 39s. Fine old East India Madeira 60s. Very fine old Roriz ....... 425. Ditto, finest imported (two Very curious old Port(Bees'. voyages) wing) 488. Fine East India Cape ...... 188. Very fine gold col. Sherries Excellent Pontac 18s. 33s, and 36s. Marsala (Bronti Madeira). 24s. Ditto ditto 42s. Fine Arinto and Vidonia... 28s. Fine old E. 1. Brown Sherry 48s. Bucellas .. 285., 325., and 365. Fine Clarets, 488., 548.,¡60s, & 72s. Lisbon ...... 265., 30s., and 368. New Gray's Inn Establishment for the sale of unadulterated Wines, 23, High Holborn, corner of Gray's Inn Gate.

SAUCE. Also LOPRESTI'S ECONOMICAL RECEIPTS, price 18., Depot, 22, Mount-street, Berkley-square. Lopresti's Sauces and Epicurean Condiments are also punctually forwarded, for remittance, in cases of 11. to 51.

"Mr. Lopresti has published a pamphlet of Economical Receipts, by which a vast number of very excellent dishes may be prepared; and we can strongly recommend it for the perusal of all true patrons of domestic economy."-Monthly Gazette of Health, Jan. N.B. To prevent disappointment, each of Lopresti's Sauces bears his seal, name, and address.



THEODORE to submit to the inspection and

approbation of his Friends, the Professors and Amateurs of the Flute, an assortment Manufactured under the immediate superintendence of the above eminent Professor.

The great and increasing popularity which the Flute has for a considerable period maintained, has been a stimulus with him to the production of an Instrument that comprises great correctness of Intonation, considerable Power, together with Equality, Mellowness, Flexibility, and peculiar richness of Tone.

The Manufacturer feels also confident, from the superior quality of his Materials, first-rate Workmanship, with the great additional advantage of Mr. Dressler's long experience on the Instrument, that the great and various requisites so necessary to a Good Flute, will be fully attained.

The numerous and important advantages arising from the superiority and extent of the Stock, to the improvement and perfection of which the sole attention of the Manufacturer has been devoted for the last twelve years; added to the instruments being throughout the whole process, under the superintendence of Mr. Dressler, will, it is confidently hoped, ensure to the Public that important desideratum-a Flute of very great and decided excellence, both as regards workmanship and tone.

T. C. BATES' Music Warehouse, 6, Ludgate Hill; at Mr. Dressler's Residence, 15, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square; and at the Manufactory, 25, Villiers-street, Strand, London.



generally acknowledged that these Pills are the most efficacious for the cure of the above distressing complaints, as they neither affect the head nor confine the bowels; an objection to most Cough Medicines. The following are cases submitted to the Public.

Sir, Justice demands me to send a few lines to inform you that Walter's Aniseed Pills is the best Medicine I ever had; my cough, which was so bad that I had not power to speak plain; after taking a few doses I found relief, and I am now perfectly recovered. Should any person be desirous to know, I will give every satisfaction.-1 remain, Sir, your much obliged, Globe-lane, Mileend, March 9, 1831. К. ВОКЕ.

F. Dunige, 12, South-street, Finsbury-market, had been subject to a violent Cough for several years, and was entirely cured by taking one Box.

Sold by J. A. SHARWOOD, 55, Bishopsgate Without, London, in Boxes at 1s. 14d., and three in one for 25. 9d. And by appointment, by Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street; Butler & Co., 4, Cheapside; Chandler & Co., 76, Oxford-street; Hendebourck, 326, Holborn; Pink, High-street, Borough; Prout, 226, Strand; and by most Medicine Venders in Town and Country,

*** It is necessary to ask for Walter's Aniseed Pills.


(16, GOWER-STREET, BEDFORD-SQUARE.) Head Master, JOHN WALKER, A.B., of Trinity College, Dublin. Vice Master, Rev. CHARLES MATURIN, A.M., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

First Classical Assistant Master, GABRIEL MATURIN, A.M.
Second Class and Mathematical Assistant Master, Rev. H.

Mathematical and English Master, Mr. B. B. WYAND.
Teacher of the French Language, Mons. P. F. MERLET.
Teacher of the German Language, Mr. KLAWER KLATTOWSKY.
Teachers of Drawing and Perspective, Messrs. CROAD & WYAND.

The Studies of the Pupils were resumed on Monday the 9th instant.

A Prospectus of the Course of Studies may be obtained at 16, Gower-street, or from the principal Booksellers. January 2. JOHN WALKER, Head Master.

[blocks in formation]

The Council have established a School in the University, which will be opened on Monday the 23rd instant, under the Superintendence of Professors KEY and MALDEN.

The school hours are from 94, A.M. to 35 during which time one hour is allowed for recreation.

The subjects taught are English, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Drawing, Latin, Greek, French, and the Elements of Mathematics, of Natural History, and of Natural Philosophy.

The Session lasts from the 1st of October to the 12th of August, and includes vacations of three weeks at Christmas and ten days at Easter. The fee for the whole Session is £15., viz. £5. due on the 1st of October, £5. on the 23rd of January, and £5. on the 1st of May.

Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of the University, where Students are entered. THOMAS COATES.

Council Room, 12th Jan. 1832.

[blocks in formation]

and Second Letter to the King. 3rd edition, 3s. 6d. and 3s. The New Annual, The Bouquet; a Collection of the most powerful Tales, &c. in the English Language. Illustrated with 18 Engravings. Price 10s. 6d.

A Key to the Keepsake for 1832, without which no one ought to open that Annual. Price 1s.

The Five Nights of St. Albans; a Romance

of the 16th Century. 3 vols. post 8vo. 2nd edit. with Preface.



The following Courses of Lectures have been arranged for the ensuing half-year. DRAMATIC POETRY, by J. Sheridan Knowles, Esq. To commence January 18.

STEAM ENGINE, by C. F. Partington, Esq. To commence February 15.

COMBUSTION, by J. Hemmings, Esq. To commence March 14.
March 28.

Esq., F.L.S. To commence April 7.
NATURAL HISTORY, by Professor Rennie, of the King's Col
lege. To commence May 2.

MUSIC, by Dr. Crotch. To commence June 13.

Subscribers are entitled to the use of an extensive Library for circulation and reference. Reading-Rooms supplied with the Daily Papers, Periodicals, New Works, &c. Lectures on the various branches of Science and Literature. Classes for Instruction in Languages, for the pursuit of Historical and Philosophical Enquiry, and for the Study and Practice of Vocal and Instrumental Music.

Subscription, Two Guineas per Annum. Ladies' Subscription to the Lectures only, One Guinea per Annum. GEO. STACY, Sec.

Jan. 1832.

[blocks in formation]


In a few days will be published, with many Engravings, price 5s.

The January Number of The Royal Lady's ARCANA of SCIENCE, and ANNUAL

Magazine, price 2s. 6d., with novel features, 4 Engravings, and
Papers by Miss Porter, Miss Mitford, Miss Pardoe, the Author of
The Five Nights of St. Albans,' the Reviewer of 'The Keep-
sake,' &c.

S. Robinson, Chapter House Passage, St. Paul's.




Parts III. and IV., price 31s. (the German Explanation gratis;) containing Representations, of the FULL ADULT SIZE, of 1. First and Second Layers of Muscles of the Front of the Body. 2. Third and Fourth ditto ditto.

3. First and Second Layers of Muscles of the Back of the Body. 4. Third and Fourth diito ditto.

With seven supplementary Plates illustrative of the Anatomy of the Organs of Respiration and Vision, Foetal Circulation, and Digestion; together with the Anatomy of the Nose, Heart, &c. &c. Also, just published, price 68.

An actually practised and effectually successful Mode of Treatment of the Cholera. By Dr. Ewertz, Practitioner of Dünnaburg, in European Russia."

A. Schloss, Foreign Bookseller, and Importer of Anatomical Models in Wax, No. 103, St. Martin's-lane, Charing-cross; and may be had of all respectable Booksellers.


Stationery, the Annuals, Albums, Almanacks, Pocket-books, Tra-
Scrap Books, Despatch Boxes,
Portfolios, and Blotting Books
British Classics and Poets, su-
perbly bound

Bibles and Prayer Books
Work Boxes, Tea Caddies, and
Watch Stands

velling cases, Writing-desks, Dressing-cases, rosewood, mahogany, Morocco and Russia leather

Razors, Scissors, Penknives, and Instruments

Chess, Draught, Backgammon, Pope Joan, & Cribbage Boards Card Boxes

Inkstands, in rosewood, ebony, and bronze An unequalled variety of the above Articles, of the most superior description, and at the lowest prices, suitable for Christmas Presents and New Year's Gifts, will be found at that extensive Establishment (the additions to which are just completed), TURBILL'S Repository, 250, Regent-street, on the site of the late Argyll Rooms.--Account Book Manufactory, 357, Oxford-street.

[blocks in formation]

By the Author of Natural History of Enthusiasm."
In one vol. 8vo.

"That day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on." London: Holdsworth and Ball, 18, St. Paul's Churchyard. Of whom may be had, the 5th edition of,

1. Natural History of Enthusiasm. In Ten Sections. 8vo. 8s. boards.

"It is full of admirable observations."-Literary Gazette. "A very able disquisition."-Blackwood's Mag.

"It is such writers who alone can obtain influence for good over the spirit of the nation, and who, by uniting ability with a profound love of truth, can make honesty of principle as respectable in the eyes of the world as knowledge-and both honesty and Knowledge the pursuit of every man."-Monthly Review. By the same Author,

2. New Model of Christian Missions, to Popish, Mahometan, and Pagan Nations, explained in Four Letters to a Friend. Svo, 38.

REGISTER of the USEFUL ARTS, for 1832: abridged from the Transactions of Public Societies, and Scientific Journals, British and Foreign, of the past year.

**This volume will contain all the Important Facts of the year 1831-in the Mechanic Arts-Chemical Science-ZoologyBotany-Mineralogy-Geology-Meteorology-Rural EconomyGardening-Domestic Econoniy-Useful and Elegant Arts-Geographical Discoveries-Miscellaneous Scientific Information. Printing for John Limbird, 143, Strand; of whom may be had volumes upon the same plan for 1828, 4s. 6d., 1829-30-31, price 5s, each.


On the 14th instant will be published,

HE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER; a Digest of the Proceedings of the Legislature, and the Business of the Houses of Parliament. To be continued regularly every Saturday Evening during the Session. Elegantly printed on foolscap folio, to correspond with the Votes, the Mir ror of Parliament, and the Parliamentary Papers.

The object of this work is to condense and methodize the actual transactions of the Parliament, and to present at one view, at convenient periodical seasons, not the Debates, which is the Legislature in deliberation, but the Business, which is the Legislature in action.

The Register will describe and analyze the Contents of the Parliamentary Papers, or, at any rate, so distinguish their scope and utility, that they may be immediately made available to the purposes of even the busiest legislator.

It is also desirable that the novelties of Pending Bills should be introduced to the notice not only of the Member, but of the Public, and at less expense of labour than that of wading through the clauses of every measure proposed to the notice of the Legislature. This end will be answered by the Register: it will contain Analyses, or Notices of Bills pending, in such a form as to enable the reader to judge of the nature of them, and ascertain their extent or their peculiarities.

The entire work is intended to assist the labours of the Public Man, and in some respects supply the place of a Secretary, as well as farnish information to all persons who take an interest in the proceedings of the two Houses of Parliament, whether on political grounds or with a view to private business.

The Parliamentary Register will be arranged in Six Divisions. 1. Journal of the Proceedings of the Three Branches of the Legislature.

2. Digest of Business.

3. Progress of Legislation.

4. Calendar of Future Business.

5. Analysis of Bills pending.

6. Catalogue Raisonné of the Parliamentary Papers.

An ample fudex of the Contents of the Register will be published at the termination of each Session.

£. s. d. Subscription for the Session ... ****... 2 20 For Circulation by Post (with a Stamp).. 2 12 6 Occasional Supplements (without additional charge) will be given, as the pressure of business may require.

Subscriptions received by all Booksellers. Printed by W. Clowes, at his Printing Office, No. 14, Charing Cross, where Subscriptions (and Letters and other Communications for the Proprietor, post paid) will be received.

The numbers for the two weeks of the present Session preceding the Christmas Recess will be delivered to the Subscribers on the 14th of January, the Saturday immediately before the reassembling of Parliament. Fature Numbers will be delivered regularly every Saturday Evening.

December 23, 1831.

[blocks in formation]

This day is published, to correspond with the WAVERLEY NOVELS, Volume I. of THE first COMPL LORD BYRON, with his LETand UNIFORM

TERS and JOURNALS; and his LIFE.

By THOMAS MOORE, Esq. To be completed in 14 Monthly Volumes, each containing two highly-finished Engravings, by the first Artists.

Published by John Murray, Albemarle-street; and sold by every Bookseller in the United Kingdom.

In consequence of the great demand, and to avoid a partial delivery, it has been found necessary to postpone till Monday, the 16th of January, the publication of Part I., containing five highly-finished Engravings, price only 2s. 6d., of


TIONS to Mr. Murray's first complete and uniform edition of the LIFE and WORKS of LORD BYRON.

Part 1., illustrative of Vol. I., will contain,

1. Loch-na-gar in the Highlands of Scotland-Stanfield. 2. Lisbon, Belem Castle-Stanfield. 3. The Yanina-Stanfield. 4. Corinth, Stanfield. 3. Portrait of the Maid of Athens, from a Drawing made by Thomas Allason, Esq., in the year 1812. John Murray, Albemarle-street. Sold also by Charles Tilt, Fleet-street.

[blocks in formation]


Third edition, with Improvements, 3 vols. 8vo. 21. 5s.


NOTES; containing Critical, Philological, and Explanatory Notes in English, from the most eminent Critics and Interpreters: with parallel passages from the Classics, and with references to Vigerus for Idioms, and Bos for Ellipses. To which is prefixed a short Treatise on the Doctrines of the Greek Article, according to Bishop Middleton, Mr. Granville Sharp, &c., briefly and compendiously explained, as applicable to the criticism of the New Testament. The Various Readings are recorded under the text. Greek and English Indexes are added at the end.

By the Rev. E. VALPY, B.D. Two Plates are given-one illustrative of the Travels of the Apostles, and the other a Map of Judea, and a Plan of Jerusalem. To this edition have been added Parallel References. "After a minute examination, the author of the present Manual considers this edition of the Greek Testament as the most valuable of any that has yet been published with critical and philological apparatus, especially for students who wish to purchase only ONE edition of the Greek Testament."-Horne's Introduction to the Bible.

"This Greek Testament with English Notes is a valuable accession to the aids of the undergraduates, the divinity student, and even the theologian. We cordially recommend it to our readers and those who wish to purchase only ONE comprehensive copy of the Greek Testament, and that not very expensive, will find in this edition the very object of their search."-Christian Remembrancer.

Also, second edition, in one thick vol. 8vo. 218. Greek Septuagint, with the Apocrypha. Edited by A. J. Valpy, from the Oxford edition of Bos and Holmes. This edition is handsomely printed in one volume, 8vo. hotpressed. FOR USE IN CHURCHES AND CHAPELS, as well as the Library.

"This elegantly-executed volume is very correctly printed, and (which cannot but recommend it to students in preference to the incorrect Cambridge and Amsterdam reprints of the Vatican text) its price is so reasonable as to place it within the reach of almost every one."-Horne's Introduction to the Bible.

Printed by A. J. Valpy; and sold by all Booksellers.

London: J. HOLMES, Took's Court, Chancery Lane. Published every Saturday at the ATHENAEUM OFFICE, 7, CATHERINE STREET, Strand, by J. LECTION; and sold by all Booksellers and Newsvenders in Town and Country: G.G. BENNIS, No. 55, Rue Neuve St. Augustin, Paris; Messrs. PRATT & BARRY, Brussels; PERTHES & BESSER, Hamburg; F. FLEISCHER, Leipzig; GRAY & BOWEN, Boston, America.Price 4d.; or in Monthly Parts (in a wrapper.) Advertisements, and Communications for the Editor (post paid) to be forwarded to the Office as above.

« السابقةمتابعة »