adventō, āvī, ātus, I, intens. n. (ad-aedes, is, f.; in the sing., a temple; veniō), to come rapidly nearer; to approach, draw near, 5, 328; 6, 258. adventus, ūs, m. (advenio), a coming, an arrival, 5, 36; advance, 11, 607. adversor, ātus sum, I, dep. freq. n. (advertō), to be against; to oppose, 4, 127. adversus, a, um, p. of advertō. advertō, verti, versus, 3, a., to turn to or toward; turn, direct, 6, 386; turn against, bring before, 12, 555; of the mind, turn, direct, 8, 440; attend, observe, mark, listen, 2, 712; pass., come to, arrive at, 5, 34; р., adversus, a, um, turned toward or against; p., before, in front, opposite, 1, 166; opposing, 3, 38; against the wind, 12, 370; contrary, 2, 416; toward, to meet, 6, 684; subst., adversus, ī, m., an enemy, 9, 761; adversum, ī, n.; in adversum, opposite, 8, 237; pl., adversa, ōrum, n., misfortunes, accidents, 9, 172. advocō, āvī, ātus, I, a., to call; summon, 5, 44. advolō, āvī, ātus, I, n., to fly to, fly, 10, 511; hasten, run up, speed, 10, 896. pl., a dwelling, palace, apartments, court, 2, 487, 512. aedificō, āvī, ātus, I, a. (aedēs and faciō), to build; to construct, make, 2, 16. Aegaeōn, onis, m., Aegaean, a giant, also called Briareus, 10, 565. Aegaeus, a, um, adj., Aegaeon; per taining to the Aegaeon, 3, 74. aeger, gra, grum, adj., indisposed; of the body, not well, suffering, sick, 5, 651; wounded, 10, 856; heavy, difficult, 5, 432; feeble, 9, 814; fainting, trembling, 5, 468; wearied, exhausted, 2, 566; of the mind, careworn, wretched, weary, sorrowladen, 2, 268; grieved, afflicted, desponding, oppressed, 1, 208; heartbroken, 1, 351; 4, 389; of inanimate things, sickly, 3, 142. aegis, idis, f., the shield of Jupiter, carried also by Pallas; the aegis, 8, 354. aegrēscō, 3, inc. n. (aegreō, to be sick), to become sick; grow worse, 12, 46. Aegyptius, a, um, adj. (Aegyptos), Egyptian, 8, 688. Aegyptos (-tus), i, f., Egypt. advolvō, volvi, volūtus, 3, a., to roll aemulus, a, um, adj., striving to equal; to; roll, 6, 182. adytum, ī, n., the inaccessible; the innermost part of a temple, accessible only to the priest; a shrine, sanctuary, oracle, 2, 115; the interior of a tomb, or sirine of the dead, 5, 84. Aeacidēs, ae, m.., a son or descendant of Acacus. I. Achilles, as the grandson of Aeacus, 1, 99. 2. Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, 3, 296. 3. Perseus, their descendant, king of Macedon, 6, 839. Aeaeus, a, um, adj., of Aeaea, the island of Circe; Aeaean or Colchian, 3, 386, competing, rivaling, 5, 187; envious, 5, 415; a rival for, aspiring, 10, 371. Aeneadēs, ae, m., a son of Aeneas; pl., Aeneadae, ārum, followers of Aeneas, the Trojans, 1, 565; Aeneadae, 3, 18. Aenēās, ae, m. 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, I, 92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6, 769. Aenēis, idis or idos, f. (Aenēās), the Aeneid. Aenēius, a, um, adj. (id.), of Aeneas, 7, 1, Aenīdēs, ae, m. (Aeneus, a collat. form of Aenēās), a son of Aeneus or Aeneas; Iulus, 9, 653. aēnus, a, um, adj. (aes), of bronze; brazen, 2, 470; subst., aēnum, ī, n., a bronze or brazen vessel; caldron, 1, 213, et al. Aeolia, ae, f., Aeolia, an island near Sicily, the home of Aeolus, 1, 52. Aeolidēs, ae, m., a son or descendant of Aeolus. 1. Ulysses, 6, 529. 2. Misenus, 6, 164. 3. Clytius, 9, 774. Aeolius, a, um, adj., pertaining to Aeolus; Aeolian, 5, 791. Aeolus, ī, m., Aeolus. 1. The god who ruled over the winds, 1, 52. 2. A follower of Aeneas from Lyrnesus, 12, 542. aequaevus, a, um, adj. (aequus and aevum), of equal age, 2, 561. aequālis, e, adj. (aequō), equal; of the same age, 10, 194; fellow, companion; subst., c., companion, 5, 468. aeque, adv. (aequus), equally; alike. Aequiculus, a, um, adj. (Aequi), of the Aequi, a tribe adjacent to the Latins and Volscians, near Rome; Aequian, 7, 747. Aequi Falisci, see Falisci. aequó, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n. (aequus), to make equal in size, number, weight, etc., 1, 193; 5, 419; to equalize, divide equally, I, 508; make equal in length, 9, 338; in height, raise to, 4, 89; to equal, be equal to; to be as high as, on a level with; keep pace with, 6, 263; return equally, requite, 6, 474; lift, exalt, 11, 125; p., aequātus, a, um, made equal or even; steady, 4, 587. aequor, oris, n. (aequō), an equal, horizontal, or level surface ; the surface of the sea; the sea, 1, 146; water, 6, 355 ; wave, 3, 197; a level | field, plain, 5, 456; low land, 12, 524. aequus, a, um, adj., plain, even ; on a level with, leveled, with dat., 12, 569; equal, open, fair, 11, 706; equal, adequate, prepared, 10, 450; favorable, 1, 479; impartial, equitable, just, 6, 129; unprejudiced, unbiased, 9, 234; aequo pede, with foot to foot, face to face, 12, 465; aequum est, it is just, 12, 20; aequius fuerat, it would have been more just, II, 115; subst., aequum, ī, n., that which is even ; right, justice, 2, 427; in aequum, to the open field, 9, 68. āēr, eris, m. (acc. aera or aerem), the air or atmosphere, I, 300, et al. aerātus, a, um, adj. (aes), furnished with copper, bronze ; made of bronze, 2, 481; bronze-covered; with brazen prow, 8, 675; armed with bronze ; armed, 7, 703. aereus, a, um, adj. (aes), made of copper or bronze; bronze, brazen (see def. of aes), 1, 448; brazen beaked, 5, 198; of the copper or bronze plates or scales of a corselet, 10, 313. aeripes, edis, adj. (aes and pēs), brazen- or bronze-footed, or hoofed, 6, 802. aerius, a, um, adj., pertaining to the air; airy, aërial, 5, 520; rising into the air; towering, lofty, 3, 291; air-cleaving, 9, 803. aes, aeris, n., copper, bronze; brass, in one of the old English usages of that word, 1, 449, et al.; anything made of copper or bronze; a trumpet, 3, 240; cymbal; armor, 2, 734; shield, 2, 545; a bronze statue, 6, 847; a track or course of bronze plates, 6, 591; a ship's prow or beak, or a copper-bottomed ship, 1, 35; pl., aera, n., money, II, 329; aere | Aetolus, a, um, adj., Aetolian, 11, 428; nexus, bronze-bound, of bronze, I, 448. aestās, ātis, f., the summer, 1, 265, et al.; summer air, 6, 707; a year. aestivus, a, um, adj. (aestās), of summer; subst., aestiva, ōrum, n., a summer field; a flock. aestuō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. (aestus), to glow, to be dried up or parched; boil up; heave, foam, 6, 297; fume, 8, 258; rage, seethe, 12, 666. aestus, ūs, m., glowing heat; summer; a boiling; a billowy motion; waves of flame, flames, 2, 706; wave, surge, 1, 107; tide, sea, flood, 3, 419; tide (of feeling), agitation, 4, 532. aetās, ātis, f. (for aevitās, fr. aevum), lifetime, age, 1, 705; old age, 2, 596; period, generation, age, 7, 680; lapse of time; time, 8, 200. aeternus, a, um, adj. (for aeviternus), lusting, through ages; eternal; immortal, 1, 36; perpetual, 4, 99; adv., aeternum, for in aeternum, continually, eternally, 6, 401; for ever, 11, 98. aether, eris, m. (acc. aethera and aetherem), the upper air; ether, sky, heaven, I, 90; in a general sense, air, 1, 587, et al. aetherius, a, um, adj. (aether), pertaining to the upper air; ethereal, heavenly, 1, 394, et al.; airy, 8, 608. Aetōla urbs, Arpi in Apulia, built by Diomedes, 11, 239. aevum, ī, n., indefinite time; lapse of Afer, fra, frum, adj., African; subst., 4, 37. 2. Africus, i, m. (id.), the southwest wind. aforem, āfui, etc., see absum. age, see agō. ager, agrī, m., the land pertaining to a Aethiops, opis, m., an Aethiopian. agger, eris, m. (aggerō), materials gathered to form an elevation; a heap of earth or stones, dike, embankment, bank, 1, 112; 2, 496; heap of earth, 9, 567; top, summit, ridge. raised surface, 5, 44, 273; a rampart, 9, 769, et al.; a height or rising Aethōn, onis, m., Aethon, one of the chariot horses of Pallas, 11, 89. ground, 12, 446; aggerēs, mountains, mountain ramparts, 6, 830. aethra, ae, f., the cloudless air; serene I. aggerō, āvī, ātus, I, a. (agger), to sky; heaven, 3, 585, et al. Aetna, ae f., a volcanic mountain on the eastern coast of Sicily, 3, 579. pile up; fig., increase, aggravate, 4, 197. Aetnaeus, a, um, adj. (Aetna), of gerō), to bear to; heap upon, add to, Aetna; Aetnaean, 3, 678. 2. aggerō, gessī, gestus, 3, a. (ad and 3, 63. agglomerō, āvī, ātus, I, a. and n. (ad and glomerō), to wind upon; to gather, assemble, crowd to, 2, 341; sē agglomerare, to join themselves to, 12, 458. aggredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n. and a. (ad and gradior), attempt, dare, with inf., 2, 165; to advance toward; attempt, 3, 38; attack, 9, 325; assail, hew, 2, 463; accost, address, 3, 358. aggressus, a, um, p. of aggredior. Agis, idis, m., a Lycian, follower of Aeneas, 10, 751. agitātor, ōris, m. (agitō), one who drives; a charioteer, 2, 476. agitō, āvī, ātus, I, intens. a. and n. (agō), to put in motion; drive; drive away; drive, pursu, 2, 421; persecute, 6, 68; harass, haunt, 3, 331; stir up, arouse, 10, 71; hasten, 2, 640; move, animate, 6, 727; excite to, 9, 187; practice, exercise, 12, 397; spend, pass; pass., agitārī, to ride about, 11, 694. agmen, inis, n. (agō), that which is driven or moved; direction of movement; a train; gathering, winding; herd, flock, drove, 1, 186; an army, on the march; battalion, squadron, 5, 834; army, 11, 60; troop, band, 5, 549; company, multitude, throng, 5, 378; assemblage, gathering, flood; motion, stroke, of oars, 5, 211; stream, current, 2, 782; course, 2, 212; a leader, 10, 561. agna, ae, f. (agnus), a ewe lamb, 5, 772. agnus, ī, m., a lamb, 1, 635. agō, ēgī, āctus, 3, a., to put in motion; to drive, I, 333; force, impel, 3, 5; urge, incite, 7, 393; advance, 9, 505; move, turn, pursue, 10, 540; drive away, dispel, lead, 4, 546; send forth, raise, 6, 873; rear by growth, II, 136; work, 3, 695; work out, cut out, cleave, 10, 514; convey, 1, 391; bear onward, 3, 512; bring, 9, 18; do in general, 10, 675; do, perform, 5, 638; to be busy about, aim at, essay, try to accomplish, effect, gain, II, 227; treat, 1, 574; derive, 12, 530; consider, discuss, debate, 11, 445; pass, spend, 5, 51; without an object, to be at work, to work, perform, 12, 429; agere sē, to present one's self, appear, 6, 337; pass., agī, to move, hover, 12, 336; imperat., age, agite! onward! away! come on! agrestis, e, adj. (ager), pertaining to the fields or country; country-, rustic, rural, 3, 34; wild, 7, 111; subst., agrestis, is, m., a rustic, 7, 504; husbandman. agricola, ae, m. (ager and colō), one who cultivates the land; a husbandman, 2, 628. Agrippa, ae, m., Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, one of the confidential counselors of Augustus, and his principal military commander, 8, 682. Agyllinus, a, um, adj., of Agylla, a town in Etruria, afterwards called Caere, 7, 652; subst., Agyllini, ōrum, m., the people of Agylla, 12, 281. āh, interj., ah! Aiax, ācis, m. I. Ajax, the son of Telamon. 2. Ajax, the son of Oileus, called also Ajax the Less, I, 41; 2,414. āiō, 4, def., to speak; to say "yes"; say, 1, 142, et al.; sometimes pleonastic after färī, etc., 5, 551. (If the i in this verb is followed by a consonant, the a is short; as aïs, aït; otherwise i coalesces with the following vowel; as āiō, pronounced ā-yō.) āla, ae, f., a wing, 1, 301; the feather | alias, adv., see alius. of an arrow, 9, 578; the wing of alibi, adv. (alius), elsewhere. an army; cavalry, 11, 730; troop, battalion, 11, 604; horsemen, mounted huntsmen, 4, 121. alacer (alacris, m., 5, 380), cris, cre, adj., lively; active, eager; bold, darting, exulting, 10, 729; joyful, 5, 380. ālātus, a, um, adj. (āla), winged, 4, 259. Alba, ae, f., Alba or Alba Longa, a town on the Alban hills in Latium, from which Rome originated, 1, 271. Albānus, a, um, adj. (Alba), pertaining to Alba; Alban, I, 7; subst., Albāni, ōrum, m., the Albans, 5, 600. albeō, 2, n. (albus), to be white, 12, 36. albēscō, 3, inc. n. (albeō), to grow white, whiten; to brighten, dawn, 4, 586. Albula, ae, f., the Albula, an ancient name of the Tiber, 8, 332. Albunea, ae, f. (albus), Albunea, a fountain at Tibur; also personified as a nymph, 7, 83. albus, a, um, adj., white, 3, 392; blank, undecorated, 9, 548; subst., album, ī, n., whiteness, white. Alcander, drī, m., a Trojan, 9, 767. Alcathous, ī, m., a Trojan, 10, 747. carver. āles, itis (gen. pl. sometimes alituum, Alētēs, is, m., a companion of Aeneas, alga, ae, f., seaweed. aliēnus, a, um, adj. (alius), pertaining aliō, adv., see alius. aliqui, qua, quod, indef. adj. pron. aliquid, see aliquis. aliter, adv. (alius), in another man ner; otherwise, 1, 399. alituum, see āles. alius, a, ud (gen. alius, dat. aliī), adj. and subst., other, another; freq., repeated: alius - alius, one — another; pl., alii — alii, some — others, 1, 427, 428; used once for aliialii, 4, 593; adv., aliō (old abl.), elsewhere, to another place; aliās (acc. pl. fem., sc. vicēs), at another time. Allēctō, ūs, f., Alecto, one of the furies, 7, 324, et al. Allia, ae, f., the Allia, a small stream running into the Tiber, eleven |