Virgil's Aeneid: books I-XIIAmerican Book Company, 1902 - 342 من الصفحات "Editions and helpful books": p. 26-28. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 52
الصفحة 8
... ārum , followers of Aeneas , the Trojans , 1 , 565 ; Ae- neadae , 3 , 18 . Aenēās , ae , m . 1. A Trojan chief , son of Venus and Anchises , and hero of the Aeneid , I , 92. 2. Aenēās Sil- vius , one of the Alban kings , 6 , 769 ...
... ārum , followers of Aeneas , the Trojans , 1 , 565 ; Ae- neadae , 3 , 18 . Aenēās , ae , m . 1. A Trojan chief , son of Venus and Anchises , and hero of the Aeneid , I , 92. 2. Aenēās Sil- vius , one of the Alban kings , 6 , 769 ...
الصفحة 13
... ārum , m . , the stepsons of Aloeus , sons of Neptune and Iphe- media , named Otus and Ephialtes ; giants who stormed Olympus and were slain by Apollo , 6 , 582 . Alpēs , ium , f . , the Alps . 1. Alpheus , i . , m . , the Alpheus , a ...
... ārum , m . , the stepsons of Aloeus , sons of Neptune and Iphe- media , named Otus and Ephialtes ; giants who stormed Olympus and were slain by Apollo , 6 , 582 . Alpēs , ium , f . , the Alps . 1. Alpheus , i . , m . , the Alpheus , a ...
الصفحة 15
... ārum , f . , a town of Latium , 10 , 564 . Amycus , ī , m . I. Amycus , a son of Neptune , king of the Bebrycians , famous for his prowess in boxing , 5,373 . 2. A companion of Aeneas , I , 221. 3. Another Trojan of the same name , 9 ...
... ārum , f . , a town of Latium , 10 , 564 . Amycus , ī , m . I. Amycus , a son of Neptune , king of the Bebrycians , famous for his prowess in boxing , 5,373 . 2. A companion of Aeneas , I , 221. 3. Another Trojan of the same name , 9 ...
الصفحة 17
... ārum , f . , Antemnae , a Sabine town on the Anio , 7 , 631 . antenna , ae , f . , a sail yard , 3 , 549 . Antenor , oris , m . , Antenor , a Trojan prince , nephew of Priam , who fled from Troy , and settled in northern Italy at ...
... ārum , f . , Antemnae , a Sabine town on the Anio , 7 , 631 . antenna , ae , f . , a sail yard , 3 , 549 . Antenor , oris , m . , Antenor , a Trojan prince , nephew of Priam , who fled from Troy , and settled in northern Italy at ...
الصفحة 18
... ārum , the Altars , a reef in the Mediterra- nean Sea between Sicily and Africa , 1 , 109 . Arabs , abis , m . , an Arabian , 8 , 706 . Arabus , ī , m . , an Arabian , 7 , 605 . adj . , 11 , 835 . Arcēns , entis , m . , Arcens , a ...
... ārum , the Altars , a reef in the Mediterra- nean Sea between Sicily and Africa , 1 , 109 . Arabs , abis , m . , an Arabian , 8 , 706 . Arabus , ī , m . , an Arabian , 7 , 605 . adj . , 11 , 835 . Arcēns , entis , m . , Arcens , a ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ablative ablative absolute Aeneas Aeneid aequis aequore aethere alta Anchises animis Apollo arma armis ārum Ascanius atque ātus ātus sum auras āvī bello caelo caelum caput circum cursu Dardanus dative dextra dictis Dido dissyllable entis equos fata freq genus Greek haec Haud Hinc Hunc Iamque illa ille ingens inter interea ipse itus Juno Jupiter king Latin Latinus Latium litora manus medio meton Mezentius mihi Mnestheus moenia multa neque nunc omnes omnia omnis ōnis ōris ōrum Pallas pater pectore Priam primum procul pron pugnae quae quam Quid quis quod Roman Rutuli Rutulian sanguine ships slain subst super synaeresis tela terras Teucri tibi tmesis Trojan Troy Turnus ultro unda urbe urbem Venus videt Virgil
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 99 - The one seemed woman to the waist, and fair, But ended foul in many a scaly fold Voluminous and vast, a serpent armed With mortal sting.
الصفحة 177 - Describent radio et surgentia sidera dicent : Tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento ; Hae tibi erunt artes ; pacisque imponere morem, Parcere subiectis, et debellare superbos.
الصفحة 175 - Augustus Caesar, Divi genus, aurea condet saecula qui rursus Latio, regnata per arva Saturno quondam...
الصفحة 172 - Lethaeumque domos placidas qui praenatat amnem. hunc circum innumerae gentes populique volabant ; ac velut in pratis ubi apes aestate serena floribus insidunt variis, et candida circum lilia funduntur ; strepit omnis murmure campus.
الصفحة 168 - Tum Tartarus ipse bis patet in praeceps tantum tenditque sub umbras, quantus ad aetherium caeli suspectus Olympum. Hie genus antiquum Terrae, Titania pubes, 580 fulmine deiecti fundo volvuntur in imo. ' Hie et Aloidas geminos immania vidi corpora, qui manibus magnum rescindere caelum adgressi, superisque lovem detrudere regnis.
الصفحة 18 - And art thou then that Virgil, that well-spring, From which such copious floods of eloquence Have issued?" I with front abash'd replied. "Glory and light of all the tuneful train! May it avail me, that I long with zeal Have sought thy volume, and with love immense Have conn'd it o'er. My master thou, and guide! Thou he from whom alone I have derived That style, which for its beauty into fame Exalts me. See the beast, from whom I fled. O save me from her, thou illustrious sage! For every vein and...
الصفحة 160 - Quam multa in silvis autumni frigore primo Lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto 310 Quam multae glomerantur aves, ubi frigidus annus Trans pontum fugat et terris immittit apricis.
الصفحة 165 - ... egere suis ; nee credere quivi hunc tantum tibi me discessu ferre dolorem. siste gradum, teque aspectu ne subtrahe nostro. quem fugis ? extremum fato, quod te adloquor, hoc est.
الصفحة 36 - Libyae vertuntur ad oras. est in secessu longo locus: insula portum 160 efficit obiectu laterum, quibus omnis ab alto frangitur inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos.
الصفحة 222 - Mezentius umquam huic capiti insultans tot ferro saeva dedisset 570 funera, tam multis viduasset civibus urbem. at vos, o superi, et divum tu maxima rector luppiter, Arcadii, quaeso, miserescite regis et patrias audite preces : si numina vestra incolumem Pallanta mihi, si fata reservant, 575 si visurus eum vivo et venturus in unum : vitam oro, patior quemvis durare laborem. sin aliquem infandum casum, Fortuna, minaris, nunc, nunc o liceat crudelem abrumpere vitam, dum curae ambiguae, dum spes incerta...