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HE materials used in these volumes, in describing the cosmogony, the mythology, the life, religion, laws, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nations of to-day, are mainly derived from records found in Iceland. These parchments upon which the history of the North is written, and which are begrimed by the smoke of the Icelandic cabin, and worn by the centuries that have passed over them, recount to us the history and the glorious deeds of the race. No land has bequeathed to us a literature giving so minute and comprehensive an account of the life of a people. The testimony of archæology, as corroborating the Sagas, forms one of the most important links in the chain of my argument; parchments and written records form but a portion of the material from which I have derived my account of the "Viking Age." During the last fifty years the History of the Northmen has been unearthed, as it were-like that of the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Romans-by the discovery of almost every kind of implement, weapon, and ornament produced by that accomplished race.

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