THE DAY SCHOOL HYMN BOOK WITH TUNES (NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION) EDITED BY EMMA MUNDELLA. PRICE Three shillings AND SIXpence. $1:40 LONDON & NEW YORK NOVELLO, EWER AND CO. In presenting to the public this enlarged edition of "The Day School Hymn Book" it is earnestly hoped that it will enjoy a still wider sphere of usefulness than its predecessor, and that the work will be found not altogether unworthy, in spite of its many shortcomings, of the high aim which has inspired its production-namely, to provide a Hymn Book for school use which should combine throughout an elevated tone of thought and feeling, both in the words and music, with sufficient simplicity of ideas to make it acceptable to the young people for whom it is especially intended. If it should succeed in securing their interest and a place in their affection it will have amply fulfilled its mission. A novel feature of the book is the introduction of French and German Hymns, which it is hoped will be of as much interest and value as Latin Hymns, which have generally formed a part of Hymn Books compiled for the great Public Schools, and a few of which are also included in this collection. There are many acknowledgments to be made of the kindness of authors, composers, and holders of copyright in granting permission for their hymns and tunes to be used, in addition to those already recorded in the first edition of this work; and, first and foremost, most grateful thanks are due to Sir JOHN STAINER for his invaluable help and the unfailing interest he has shown throughout the preparation of the book. He has also not only generously given permission for the very fine tune by the late Rev. J. B. Dykes, which has hitherto been in his possession in manuscript, to be here published for the first time (No. 134), but has given a similar permission for one of his own composition (No. 28), and has written as many as six new tunes expressly for this work: Nos. 51, 55, 157, 158, 160, 161. Special thanks are also due to the following composers, who have most kindly written new tunes for this book : Professor C. Hubert H. Parry (No. 6). Mr. W. Wright (Nos. 53 and 145). Mr. Battison Haynes (Nos. 154, 162, and 163). Also to Sir Arthur Sullivan, for very kindly allowing his tune "St. Theresa" (No. 31) to be included in this collection. The Rev. James Martineau, for the use of the tune "Warrior" (No. 139), The Compilers of "Hymns Ancient and Modern," for the use of Mr. C. A. Barry and Mrs. C. F. Hernaman, for the use of No, 24, by Grateful acknowledgments are also made to the following authors and proprietors of hymns for kindly allowing the use of words belonging to them: Miss Dorothy Blomfield (through Bishop Blomfield), for the use of Miss Frances Power Cobbe, for the use of No. 65. W. Chatterton Dix, for the use of No. 73. Mr. Daniel Gilbert, for the use of No. 75. Mrs. Henrietta P. Hawkins, for the use of No. 22. The Rev. Thomas Hincks, for the use of No. 116. Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., for the use of Nos. 53, 95, and 147, Messrs. Houlston and Sons, for the use of No. 28 (reprinted from Sarah The Very Rev. T. W. Jex-Blake, for the use of No. 83. Miss Marion G. Kennedy, for the use of No. 78. The Rev. James Martineau, for the use of No. 145. The Executors of the late John Henry Newman, for the use of No. 111. Professor F. T. Palgrave, for the use of Nos. 4, 12, 102. The Misses Thring, for the use of No. 52. The Rev. Godfrey Thring, for the use of Nos. 15, 148. The Proprietors of the "Librairie Fischbacher," for the use of Nos. 153, 155, 157, 159, 162, 163. Messrs. Berger-Levrault et Cie., Nos. 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161. Sincere apologies are offered in advance should any infringements of copyright have been unintentionally committed, and any such errors, if kindly made known, shall be willingly rectified in future editions. EMMA MUNDELLA. London, 1896. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION (1890). THE following acknowledgments were made : For the use of Tunes. Sir John Stainer, for Nos. 29, 17, 64, 69, 94. The Compilers of "Hymns Ancient and Modern," for Nos. 27, 49, 107, 125. Ford Dykes, Esq., for Nos. 80, 136. The Right Rev. W. D. Maclagan, Bishop of Lichfield, for No. 133. Rev. John Julian, for No. 56 (first tune). Mr. William Pitts, for No. 20. Sir Arthur Sullivan, for No. 36. A. H. D. Troyte, Esq., for No. 87. Rev. W. H. Turle and J. R. Turle, Esq., for No. 86. Mr. William Wright, for No. 144. For the use of Words. The Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, for Nos. 106, 136. Horace N. Bonar, Esq., for Nos. 72, 82, 137. Mrs. Bullock, for No. 59. Mrs. J. H. Clark, for No. 120. The Compilers of "Hymns Ancient and Modern," for Nos. 5, 99, 115, 125. The Editor of "The Children's Hymn Book" (S.P.C.K.), for No. 98. The Rev. J. J. Ellerton, for Nos. 27, 118. The Rev. Brooke Herford, for No. 37. The Rev. J. Page Hopps, for No. 32. The Right Rev. W. Walsham How, Bishop of Wakefield, for No. 20. Thomas Hughes, Esq., for No. 91. The Rev. John Julian, for No. 56. H. Maxwell Lyte, Esq., C.B., for No. 109 |