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Meuse, the Moselle, and the Rhine, if not from the more distant Elbe, with the Oder and the Weser, that the water rises, in the midst of sunshine, which is soon afterwards to form our clouds, and pour down our thunder-showers." "Drought and sunshine in one part of Europe may be as necessary to the production of a wet season in another, as it is on the great scale of the continents of Africa and South America; where the plains during one half the year, are burnt up, to feed the springs of the mountain; which in their turn contribute to inundate the fertile valleys and prepare them for a luxuriant vegetation."* The properties of water which regard heat make one vast watering engine f the atmosphere.


The Laws of Heat with respect to Air.

We have seen in the preceding chapter how many and how important are the offices discharged by the aqueous part of the atmosphere. The aqueous part is, however, a very small part only; it may vary, perhaps, from less than 1-100dth to nearly as much as 1-20th in weight, of the whole aerial ocean. We have to offer some considerations with regard to the remainder of the mass.

1. In the first place we may observe that the aerial atmosphere is necessary as a vehicle for the aqueous vapour. Salutary as is the operation of this last element to the whole organized creation, it is a substance which would not have answered its purposes if it had been administered pure. It requires to be diluted and associated with dry air, to make it serviceable. A little consideration will show this.

We can suppose the earth with no atmosphere except the vapour which arises from its watery parts: and if we suppese also the equatorial parts of the globe to be hot, and the Folar parts cold, we may easily see what would be the consequence. The waters at the equator, and near the equa

* Me være n_thɩck'upto : “Lende-1, **, il p4 216. 27.

tor, would produce steam of greater elasticity, rarity, and temperature, than that which occupies the regions further polewards; and such steam, as it came in contact with the colder vapour of a higher latitude, would be precipitated into the form of water. Hence there would be a perpetual current of steam from the equatorial parts towards each pole, which would be condensed, would fall to the surface, and flow back to the equator in the form of fluid. We should have a circulation which might be regarded as a species of regulated distillation.* On a globe so constituted, the sky of the equatorial zone would be perpetually cloudless, but in all other latitudes we should have an uninterrupted shroud of clouds, fogs, rains, and, near the poles, a continual fall of snow. This would be balanced by a constant flow of the currents of the ocean from each pole towards the equator. We should have an excessive circulation of moisture, but no sunshine, and probably only minute changes in the intensity and appearances of one eternal drizzle or shower.

It is plain that this state of things would but ill answer the ends of vegetable and animal life: so that even if the lungs of animals and the leaves of plants were so constructed as to breathe steam instead of air, an atmosphere of unmixed steam would deprive those creatures of most of the other external conditions of their well being.

The real state of things which we enjoy, the steam being mixed in our breath and in our sky in a moderate quantity, gives rise to results very different from those which have been described. The machinery by which these results are produced is not a little curious. It is in fact the machinery of the weather, and therefore the reader will not be surprised to find it both complex and apparently uncertain in its working. At the same time some of the general principles which govern it, seem now to be pretty well made out, and they offer no small evidence of beneficent arrangement.

Besides our atmosphere of aqueous vapour, we have another and far larger atmosphere of common air; a permanently elastic fluid, that is, one which is not condensed into a liquid form by pressure or cold, such as it is exposed to an the order of natural events. The pressure of the dry air

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Daniell. Meteor. Ess. p. 56.

is about twenty-nine and a half inches of mercury; that of the watery vapour, perhaps, half an inch. Now if we had the earth quite dry, and covered with an atmosphere of dry air, we can trace in a great measure what would be the results, supposing still the equatorial zone to be hot, and the temperature of the surface to decrease perpetually as we advance into higher latitudes. The air at the equator would be rarified by the heat, and would be perpetually displaced below by the denser portions which belonged to cooler lati. tudes. We should have a current of air from the equator to the poles in the higher regions of the atmosphere, and at the surface a returning current setting towards the equator to fill up the void so created. Such aerial currents, combined with the rotatory motion of the earth, would produce oblique winds; and we have in fact instances of winds so produced, in the trade winds, which between the tropics blow constantly from the quarters between east and north, and are, we know, balanced by opposite currents in the higher regions. The effect of a heated surface of land would be the same as that of the heated zone of the equator, and would attract to it a sea breeze during the day time, a phenomenon, as we also know, of perpetual occurrence.

Now a mass of dry air of such a character as this, is by far the dominant part of our atmosphere; and hence carries with it in its motions the thinner and smaller eddies of aqueous vapour. The latter fluid may be considered as permeating and moving in the interstices of the former, as a spring of water flows through a sand rock.* The lower current of air is, as has been said, directed towards the equator, and hence it resists the motion of the steam, the tendency of which is in the opposite direction; and prevents or much retards that continual flow of hot vapour into colder regions, by which a constant precipitation would take place in the latter situations.

If, in this state of things, the flow of the current of air, which blows from any colder place into a warmer region, be retarded or stopped, the aqueous vapours will now be able to make their way to the colder point, where they will be precipitated in clouds or showers.

Thus, in the lower part of the atmosphere, there are ten

Daniell. p. 129.

dencies to a current of air in one direction, and a current of vapour in the opposite; and these tendencies exist in the average weather of places situated at a moderate distance from the equator. The air tends from the colder to the warmer parts, the vapour from the warmer to the colder.

The various distribution of land and sea, and many other causes make these currents far from simple. But in general the air current predominates, and keeps the skies clear and the moisture dissolved. Occasional and irregular occurrences disturb this predominance; the moisture is then precipitated, the skies are clouded, and clouds may descend in copious rains.

These alternations of fair weather and showers, appear to be much more favourable to vegetable and animal life than any uniform course of weather could have been. To produce this variety we have two antagonist forces, by the struggle of which such changes occur. Steam and air, two transparent and elastic fluids, expansible by heat, are in many respects and properties very like each other. Yet, the same heat similarly applied to the globe, produces at the surface currents of these fluids, tending in opposite directions. And these currents mix and balance, conspire and interfere, so that our trees and fields have alternately water and sunshine; our fruits and grain are successively developed and matured. Why should such laws of heat and elastic fluids so obtain, and be so combined? Is it not in order that they may be fit for such offices? There is here an arrangement, which no chance could have produced. The details of this apparatus may be beyond our power of tracing; its springs may be out of our sight. Such circumstances do not make it the less a curious and beautiful contrivance: they need not prevent our recognizing the skill and benevolence which we can, discover.

2. But we have not yet done with the machinery of the weather. In ascending from the earth's surface through the atmosphere, we find a remarkable difference in the heat and in the pressure of the air. It becomes much colder, and much lighter; men's feelings tell them this; and the thermometer and barometer confirm these indications. And here again we find something to remark.

In both the simple atmospheres of which we have spoken, the one of air and the one of steam, the property which we

have mentioned must exist. In each of them, both the temperature and the tension would diminish in ascending. But they would diminish at very different rates. The temperature, for instance, would decrease much more rapidly for the same height in dry air than in steam. If we begin with a temperature of 80 degrees at the surface, on ascending five thousand feet the steam is still 76 1-2 degrees, the air is only 64 1-2 degrees; at ten thousand feet, the steam is 73 degrees, the air 48 1-2 degrees; at fifteen thousand feet, steam is at 70 degrees, air has fallen below the freezing point to 31 1-2 degrees. Hence these two atmospheres cannot exist together without modifying one another: one must heat or cool the other, so that the coincident parts may be of the same temperature. This accordingly does take place, and this effect influences very greatly the constitution of the atmosphere. For the most part, the steam is compelled to accommodate itself to the temperature of the air, the latter being of much the greater bulk. But if the upper parts of the aqueous vapour be cooled down to the temperature of the air, they will not by any means exert on the lower parts of the same vapour so great a pressure as the gaseous form of these could bear. Hence, there will be a deficiency of moisture in the lower part of the atmosphere, and if water exist there, it will rise by evaporation, the surface feeling an insufficient tension; and there will thus be a fresh supply of vapour upwards. As, however, the upper regions already contain as much as their temperature will support in the state of gas, a precipitation will now take place, and the fluid thus formed will descend till it arrives in a lower region, where the tension and temperature are again adapted to its evaporation.

Thus, we can have no equilibrium in such an atmosphere, but a perpetual circulation of vapour between its upper and lower parts. The currents of air which move about in different directions, at different altitudes, will be differently charged with moisture, and as they touch and mingle, lines of cloud are formed, which grow and join, and are spread out in floors, or rolled together in piles. These again, by an additional accession of humidity, are formed into drops, and descend in showers into the lower regions, and if not evaporated in their fall, reach the surface of the earth.

The varying occurrences thus produced, tend to multiply

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