The Sporting magazine; or Monthly calendar of the transactions of the turf, the chace, and every other diversion interesting to the man of pleasure and enterprize1838 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
20 added 25 sovs 50 at Newmarket 50 sovs Actæon agst Bibury Birdlime Blacklock breed Brutandorf Captain carriage Catterick Bridge Champagne Stakes Chase Chesnut Colonel Peel's colt Comus covert Cup value 100 deciding course Derby dogs Doncaster Duke of Richmond's Epsom field fillies Flatman following also started fox-hounds fox-hunting Gentlemen half-bred hare Heaton Park Horlock Hornsea horses hounds hunter hunting Lady Langar Leger Leger Stakes Leicestershire Liverpool Lord Chesterfield's Lord Exeter's Lord Suffield's Lottery mare Meeting miles Miss Miss Letty Momus Nell Gwynne never Newmarket Newmarket Second October pack Park present Priam Puppy Purse of 100 race race-horse ran a bye season SERIES.-No shew six and aged specie sport Sportsman Spring Stanley's subs Sultan Sweepstakes Thompson's thorough-bred three-year-olds Turf Velocipede Voltaire winner won the Cup Wood XVI.-SECOND young
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 449 - tis, to cast one's eyes so low! The crows and choughs, that wing the midway air, Show scarce so gross as beetles : Half way down Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade! Methinks, he seems no bigger than his head: The fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon...
الصفحة 193 - Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot ; And thereby hangs a tale.
الصفحة 196 - Take Nature's path, and mad opinions leave ; All states can reach it, and all heads conceive; Obvious her goods, in no extreme they dwell ; There needs but thinking right, and meaning well; And, mourn our various portions as we please, Equal is common sense and common ease. Remember, Man, " the Universal Cause Acts not by partial, but by gen'ral laws ;" And makes what Happiness we justly call, Subsist not in the good of one, but all.
الصفحة 449 - I was with Hercules and Cadmus once, When in a wood of Crete they bay'd the bear With hounds of Sparta: never did I hear Such gallant chiding; for, besides the groves, The skies, the fountains, every region near Seem'd all one mutual cry: I never heard So musical a discord, such sweet thunder.
الصفحة 419 - So shockingly bad were the roads, that in 1703, when Prince George of Denmark went from Windsor to Petworth to meet Charles III. of Spain, the distance being about forty miles, he required fourteen hours for the journey, the last nine miles taking six. The person who records this fact says, that the long time was the more surprising, as, except when overturned, or when stuck fast in the mire, his royal highness made no...
الصفحة 419 - ... if the nimble boors of Sussex had not frequently poised it, or supported it with their shoulders...
الصفحة 301 - The quality of mercy is not strained— It droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven, Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed ; It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes : 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown.
الصفحة 329 - And Winter oft at eve resumes the breeze, Chills the pale morn, and bids his driving sleets Deform the day delightless...
الصفحة 56 - A GOLD CUP, value 200 sovs. given by the Town of Manchester, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, h. ft. and 5 only if declared. &c.
الصفحة 422 - For formerly every man that had occasion to travel many journeys yearly, or to ride up and down, kept horses for himself and servants, and seldom rid without one or two men; but now, since every man can have a passage into every place he is to travel unto, or to some place within a few miles of that part he designs to go unto, they have left keeping of horses, and travel without servants ; and York, Chester, and Exeter stage-coaches, each of them with forty horses apiece, carry eighteen passengers...