EXPOSITION therine OF THE Grays Back Affemblies Catechism, 1800 PRACTICAL INFERENCES FROM EACH QUESTION: As it was carried on in the Lord's Days In the First Year of Liberty, 1688. By JOHN FLAVELL, Preacher 2 Тім. і. 13. Hold faft the Form of Sound Words which thou hast heard of me SALISBURY Printed and Sold by EDW. EASTON, Bookseller, : 1 THE PREFACE. T HAT Catechizing is an Ordinance of God, few will doubt, when they confider the Apostles did first lay the Fundamentals of Religion; Heb. vi. 1. And fed Babes with Milk, teaching them the first Principles of the Oracles of God, Heb v. 12. and questionless taught them in that Manner, which was most suitable to the Capacity of the Learners, which may well be fupposed to be by plain and short Questions, and suitable Answers thereunto; and therefore this has been a conftant Practice in the Church of God: and the Primitive Church had a Particular appropriate hereunto, whom they called Catechist. And fo all well governed and wifely managed Churches, have still maintained and used it, as knowing the Neceffity and Usefulness thereof: for the younger Sort to inform them in the Principles of that Religion whereinto they were Baptized; and for the Establishment of the Adult and more aged therein. Hence have issued all those little Compofures of all the fundamental Doctrines of Faith and Practice so handled (which we call Catechifms) in the Churches; and particularly in ours, whereof there are many and divers, whose Authors have well A 2 3142 1 |