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النشر الإلكتروني


We are prepared to supply back numbers of the present volume of THE CHAUTAUQUAN. Members of local circles, you can aid in extending our circulation by calling the attention of your friends to the magazine and asking them to subscribe. The array of talent in this number is worthy of special attention: Prof. Arthur Gilman, A. M., Prof. W. C. Wilkinson, D. D., Benjamin Franklin, Prof. W. T. Harris, Rev. J. Alden, LL. D., Bishop H. W. Warren, LL. D., Prof. Ridpath, LL. D., George Borrow, Mrs. Ella Farnam Pratt, Mr. A. M. Martin, Goethe, etc., etc.

The tribute of a public reception offered to Mr. Longfellow upon his birthday, the 27th of February, by the city authorities of Portland, his native city, is, we believe, an honor to a literary man without precedent in this country. Mr. Bryant went to Albany as the guest of his personal friend and former political associate, Governor Tilden, and the Legislature took a recess in honor of his presence. But Mr. Bryant had been long a political editor. The tribute to Mr. Longfellow is an emphatic and exclusive tribute of respect for literary distinction. It recalls the old Italian days when the poets and the artists were "public men" in the sense of modern statesmen and politicians. When Cimabue had painted his picture of the Virgin for the Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, the Florentines, proud of their townsman, carried it to the church in triumphal procession. Portland, perhaps, reflects and gracefully acknowledges that her especial distinction will be that she was the birth-place of Longfellow. Every honor that his native city shows him is grateful to his native land, which holds among her chief treasures the fame of her beloved .poet.

The Chautauqua Management announces for 1882 that "The Royal Hand-Bell Ringers and Glee-men of London, England," Mr. Duncan S. Miller, Conductor, will be present at the Assembly. This will prove the most attractive of all the items ever placed on the Chautauqua programme. Dr. Vincent had difficulty in securing them, but his overtures prevailed, and, although the company go to England in April, they have promised certainly to return to attend the Chautauqua and Framingham Assemblies in August.

The Rev. J. P. Newman, D. D., is supplying the pulpit of the Madison Avenue Congregational Church, in New York. Some of his old friends think he may be settled as pastor of this church. If this should happen, there is nothing to be gained by his Methodist brethren for the cause of religion or their denomination by throwing stones at him. Dr. Newman is a great preacher and a good man, and he undoubtedly has reasons for this change from Methodism to Congregationalism which satisfy his own conscience. When the late Dr. Holland lived in Springfield, Mass., a number of years ago, he went over into Rhode Island and induced a Methodist preacher, the Rev. Dr. Mark Trafton, to go to a Congregational church in Springfield. He remained as Dr. Holland's pastor for three years, and then returned to the Methodist Church, and there was no outery against him. This generation may yet see the churches so adjust their laws that ministers may be transferred back and forth across denominational lines. Why not? If we have one faith, accept one Bible, and seek the same heaven, why not?

We have observed recently a beautiful illustration of the practical and beneficial workings of the Woman's Nation a Christian Temperance Union, in Oil City, Pa. The local union has a Tuesday night school of nearly a hundred poor

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and neglected boys, where they are taught temperance and good manners. A Bible woman is employed by the year, who distributes temperance tracts, reads the Scriptures and prays with neglected families, and searches out the poor and ministers to their comfort. They have introduced two temperance text-books into the public schools, where the children recite in them twice a week. A committee of ladies visited the pastors of the churches to secure a pledge that they would use none but unfermented wine at the communion, and in most cases they succeeded. They work against granting licenses for the sale of spirituous liquors in many instances, with complete success, and they hold a weekly public temperance meeting to tone up public sentiment.

Lafayette College has just conferred the degree of Doctorate of Divinity on the Rev. Henry Clay Trumbull, editor of the Sunday-School Times, Philadelphia, Pa.

Prof. W. T. Harris writes: "In reply to your correspondent from -, you may say that in my next article, and in the subsequent ones, I propose to discuss, briefly, the following works of art: Raphael's St. Cecilia; Sistine Madonna; Madonna della Sedia; Madonna Foligno; Murillo's Holy Family; Correggio's Holy Night; Holbein's Madonna of the Burgomaster Meier, at Dresden; Domenichino's Communion of Saint Jerome; Michael Angelo's Three Fates; Guido's Aurora; Sebestian del Piombo's Awaking of Lazarus; Rubens' Descent from the Cross; Volterra's Descent from the Cross; Michael Angelo's Prophets and Sibyls, from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. These I hope to treat of to some extent. Other works are on my list, but perhaps I shall not find space for them."

An American who recently visited Oberammergau, where the Passion Play is represented every ten years, found Pontius Pilate, Nicodemus, Judas Iscariot, Barrabbas and several centurions, sitting in Herod's beer saloon, smoking pipes and drinking.

It is becoming fashionable for the managers of leading newspapers to use a portion of their profits to aid in scientific explorations or works of charity. The Christian Union proposes to send ten boys to Kansas every month, to take them out of depressing and debasing surroundings and place them in comfortable homes. It costs $150 a month, and the editor, Rev. Dr. Abbott, requests his friends to send in contributions to help on the work. Mr. Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune, sends a company of boys west every year. This season he sent a company to Virginia to good homes among farmers. James Gordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald, fitted out the Jeannette, and sent the expedition in search of the North Pole. These are laudable undertakings, and good signs of the times.

John McCullough ordered, in England, the mate to a silver jug that took his fancy, to be sent over to the United States by express, and marked C. O. D. It came recently by Morris's European Express, beautifully engraved with the capital letters C. O. D.

We are interested in the case of Father Alessandro Gavazzi, hence we are surprised that the Western Watchman gives currency to the report that he has been convicted of immorality by a Parisian court, and sentenced to imprisonment. It now appears that it was not the Italian Protestant preacher, but another person of the same name. The "old man eloquent" still has a good name and an irreproachable character, enjoys his liberty, and the errors of

Romanism will be likely to feel the strokes of his Damascus blade. The thousands who heard him at Chautauqua last August will rejoice that this hero of many moral battles is all right, and hard at work in the vineyard of the Lord.

The Chautauqua plan of furnishing the best sort of popular entertainments at low prices is being adopted in some of our cities. Last winter ten lectures were given in Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, for a dollar for the course, and in Cleveland the present season an Educational Bureau furnishes twelve first-class lectures and concerts for the same price, or only eight and a third cents each. The Rev. Dr. Vincent opened the Cleveland course in January, lecturing on the "People's College" to an immense audience, which crowded the Tabernacle in every part. Local circles might adopt this plan and furnish the best of lectures and concerts for from six to ten cents admission.

Mrs. Alice H. Birch, whose games have been previously advertised, can be addressed after March 1, for the spring and summer months, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Besides English and Bible History games, she will have ready at that time one on Temperance, and has in process of preparation new games on Grecian History and Astronomy.

Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, has presented a bill in the United States Senate which proposes to appropriate money from the National Treasury for the cause of education in the Southern States as follows: $15,000,000 the first year, $14,000,000 the second year, and so on for ten years, the sum to be diminished one million dollars for each year, the money to be distributed to the States and Territories in proportion to the illiterate population of each. An effort is being made to induce the legislatures of Southern States now in session to pass joint resolutions commending the bill, and requesting Representatives and directing Senators from those States to support it.

Mrs. Mary A. Livermore says that one evening, twenty years ago, a few ladies, interested in the welfare of women, discussed the employments open to women, and they counted eleven, and could think of no more. Recently the same ladies repeated the enumeration, and were able to point out eighty-seven employments which women could engage in.

Oscar Wilde has not received a very flattering reception from the press of this country. In Harper's Weekly he poses with a monkey's face gazing at a sunflower; Harper's Bazar furnishes a picture of the man with hair parted in the middle, a sunflower in his left hand, while he lies stretched full length on a plank looking down into a stream of water, with the, suggestion printed below, "You are not the first one that has grasped at a shadow." By the time this man leaves America for his home across the sea, teachers of æstheticism will have a fresh fund of illustrations to explain the follies and excesses to which a weak-minded person may carry their doctrines.

A correspondent says "Put this in THE CHAUTAUQUAN:" Of all the proofs that "home protection" is the way out, Arkansas is the most shining and unanswerable. Last winter the Legislature gave women the right to vote by signature against dram shops. To-day the "State of pistols and bowie knives" (as Arkansas is called) has three-fourths of its towns under prohibitory law. "Haste to the rescue," dear women, and tarry not in all the plains.

the Methodist Episcopal Sunday-school Union for the Northwest." His business will be to visit widely through the conference fields, hold conventions and institutes, and take up collections in behalf of the Sunday-school Union. With the Rev. Dr. Freeman and the Rev. J. L. Hurlbut in the Middle States and the East, and another representative, Rev. J. B. Ford, in the South, Rev. Gillet and Rev. Frank Archibald in the West and Northwest, and Dr. Vincent at the head of all the Sunday-school forces in this Church, we may expect to witness grand results in the Sunday-schools and churches.

The Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D. D., Secretary of the Chautauqua School of Theology, has recently resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Pa. He has served this particular church as pastor for thirty-three years. He closes his labors full of honors, having the affection and good will of his people, leaving the church united and harmonious, strong numerically, financially and socially. He Lord Jesus Christ. has made a splendid record as a faithful minister of the

In most of the large towns of Germany art classes have been established for mechanics, and are largely attended.

The Baptist pastors of Chicago have declared themselves against professional revivalists of the usual kind, and for the following reasons: "They cultivate a distracted, onesided religious life. They give undue prominence to noisy and public efforts for saving souls. They produce the impression that religion is largely a matter of feeling. They savor too much of the burlesque and of buffoonery. They lower the dignity of the most solemn subject which can engage men's attention. They put a premium upon ignorant and crude presentations of Gospel truth. They insult the intelligence of the age by making the unlearned and the unwise its religious teachers."

In the last article written by Dr. Holland he said it was his belief that of all the advantages which came to any young man, that of poverty was the greatest.

The Rev. Dr. Talmage has been preaching a series of sermons in his Tabernacle the past month on "Ingersollism." Exactly what that is it would be difficult to tell; it might be styled "a weak attempt to supersede Moses." Josh Billings succeeds in stating the case in these words: "I wouldn't give five cents to hear Bob. Ingersoll on the Mistakes of Moses, but would give five hundred dollars to hear Moses on the Mistakes of Bob. Ingersoll." The Great Teacher in the New Testament anticipated all such mis takes as Ingersoll makes. Read him.

A noteworthy religious movement is at present taking place among the Methodist Episcopal churches of Ohio. St. Paul's Church in Cincinnati gained by two weeks' speciał service 200 converts, and other churches of the city brought the number of conversions in the fortnight up to 400.

The lamented President Garfield was a great admirer of George Borrow's works.

Miss Rebecca Bates, who lately died in Massachusetts at the age of eighty-eight, was, when a girl, successful once in frightening off the British at the time the La Hogue was making a descent on the coast, the boats having already been lowered from the man-of-war, when she and her sister ran into the cedar wood, and one played the fife and the other beat "Yankee Doodle" on the drum, till the enemy retreated in good order, imagining an armed force to be in

Rev. A. H. Gillet has been appointed "General Agent of waiting.


[We solicit questions from our readers to be answered in this department.]

Q. We are somewhat at a loss for correct and satisfactory reasons as to what is meant by the "first and second Stone Ages." Will you have the goodness to inform us?

A. The primeval or pre-historic period of man has been divided into the stone, the bronze, and the iron ages. The stone age has been sub-divided into first and second, or, as Sir John Lubbock terms them, the palæolithic and neolithic. The former is the older one and in it the stone implements are not polished as they are in the latter.

Q. Is there any book where one can get all the noted writers of the ages arranged according to their chronology and nationality?

A. We do not know of any work treating only of noted writers and arranging them in the above-mentioned order. A good dictionary of authors, as Allibone's, will probably

umbrella as "a screen used by women to keep off rain." About 1750 Jonas Hanway stooped to the effeminacy of an umbrella, and is said to have been the first man to carry one in the streets of London. Jonas had to endure the sneers and ridicule common to the lot of an innovator, but common sense and utility triumphed. They were used to some extent in the United States during th latter part of the eighteenth century, but their use here, too, was thought effeminate. Their manufacture was not begun in this country till 1800, but it has now become an important branch of


Q. Is there any real ground for the theory that the career and character of Joan of Arc is only a myth?


A. Practically none. The notion that events transpiring less than four hundred years ago, that an extraordinary career which passed under the eye of the world, which is written down by the historians from that date to the present, the theory that such things are mythical is only rivalled by the "green cheese" theory of the moon. pere's authorship, even his existence, has been questioned. It has been proved over and over to the satisfaction of a Q. What is the meaning of the word "Neo-" placed before certain punctiliously skeptical class that Lord Bacon had Platonic? nothing to do with the "Novum Organum," yet people with the average common sense accept these things, finespun theories to the contrary notwithstanding.


A. It is from the Greek word meaning new, and refers to that new Platonism which sprang up at Alexandria about the end of the second century. The new system sought under its various expounders to reconcile the doctrines of Aristotle and Plato, and both with Christianity. It was the last product of the Greek philosophy and tended greatly to mysticism.

Q. I notice an advertisement of an autotype of the Venus of Milo, by Michael Angelo. Miss DeForest's History of Art speaks of the Venus of Milo by Phidias. Which is correct? Would you also give some information about this statue in your next number?

A. The Venus of Milo was found in 1820, by a peasant, in the island of Melos, now Milo, at the entrance of the Greek Archipelago. It was sold to the French government for 6000 francs and now occupies the place of honor in the Louvre at Paris. It has been supposed to belong to the period of transition from the school of Phidias to that of Praxiteles. On account of its similarity to the Florentine group of the Children of Niobe, supposed to have been executed by Scopas, it has been referred by some to the same master. At present it is more generally believed to belong to the school of Phidias. The powerful, majestic form, the indescribable charm of youth and beauty, together with the nobleness and purity of expression of the face and head, challenge the admiration of even the uninitiated beholder.

Q. What is the pronunciation of depot and how does it differ in meaning from "railroad station;" also what is the difference between "slip" and "pew?"

A. Pronounced de'po or depo'. It means a place where wares are deposited. It is properly applied to a freighthouse or store house. In England it is so used. Americans misuse the word by applying it to the place where the train stops to receive and discharge passengers. The latter is the railroad station. The pew, Latin podium, was originally an enclosed seat made square. In the United States it was made long and narrow and generally enclosed. To the latter style the name "slip" was applied.

Q. When did umbrellas first come into use?

A. The umbrella is so old that it has quite a place in history. It is found sculptured on the monuments of Egypt and on the ruins of Nineveh. It was very anciently used in India and China. From paintings on vases we learn that the ancient Greeks and Romans had umbrellas, though they were only used by women. It seems in some countries to have been part of the insignia of royalty. Its use is said to be still limited to kings and nobles is some parts of Asia and Africa. As late as 1708 an English dictionary defines an

Q. To what may I refer for information about living American artists?

A. Appleton's or Johnson's Cyclopedia will furnish some information concerning most, if not all, American artists of note. More detailed information can be obtained by reference to volumes of various American magazines, as Harper's, Scribner's, Atlantic Monthly, etc.

Q. Which is regarded as the greater poet, Goethe or Schiller?

A. Goethe has long since been assigned a place as one of the four greatest poetic geniuses of the world-Homer, Dante, Shakspere and Goethe. Schiller, however, occupies a warmer place in the hearts of the German people, for his writings reveal his deep and constant sympathy with human liberty, the people's cause.

Q. I wish to buy a classical dictionary for study and reference. Will you suggest a good one?

A. Anthon's is an excellent work and widely used. Together with the other classical works of the author it has been reprinted in England, a distinction rarely accorded to

American classical school-books.

Q. Where can one take a course of training to prepare them to teach children, say from six to eight years old? I know there are Kindergarten training schools in all our cities, but if I understand it rightly, that system of teaching is only adapted to very young children.

A. If our inquirer wishes to adopt the Kindergarten methods, the proper plan is to study them as they are used in the Kindergarten schools. Froebel, the founder of these schools, admitted pupils to the age of fourteen. The same principle of teaching which succeeds with children of two or three years, ought to succeed with those of six or eight. Other systems of teaching are taught in the model schools of the various normal institutions of the country.

Q. What is the origin of "Blue Monday ?"

A. It was a prevalent fashion in the sixteenth century to decorate the churches on Monday preceding Lent with blue colors. The day was observed as a general holiday, but on account of its excessive revels, enactments against them were made so stringent as to almost abolish the custom.

Q. Will you please inform me through THE CHAUTAUQUAN Why the name Belvedere is applied to the piece of statuary, Apollo Belvedere?

A. This great work of ancient art derives its name from its position in the Belvedere apartment of the Vatican. The word means a beautiful sight.


Opening Day, C. T. R. and C. S. L., Saturday July 8. Memorial Day, C. L. S. C., Sabbath, July 9. Closing Exercises, C. T. R., Friday, July 28. Mid-Season Celebration, Saturday, July 29. Fourth Anniversary, C. F. M. I., Monday, July 31. Ninth Annual Assembly Opening, Tuesday, August 1. Closing Exercises, C. F. M. I., Thursday, August 3. Memorial Day Anniversary, C. L. S. C., Saturday, August 5.

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National Day, Saturday, August 5.

Denominational Congresses, Wednesday, August 9. Alumni Day-Reunion, illuminated fleet, etc., Thursday, August 10.

C. L. S. C. Day, FIRST COMMENCEMENT, Saturday, August 12.

C. S. Theology Day, Tuesday, August 15.
College Society Day, Thursday, August 17.
The Farewell, Monday, August 21.


[Dictionaries and cyclopædias are the most useful books a student can buy. The work from which we make quotations below, contains a great deal of curious out-of the-way information gathered by the author during many years of observation and research. We make selections that will help our readers, as well as give an idea of the character of the book.]

Amen Corner.-Before the Reformation the clergy walked annually in procession to St. Paul's Cathedral on Corpus Christi Day. They mustered at the upper end of Cheapside, and there commenced to chant the Paternoster, which they continued through the whole length of the street, thence called Paternoster Row, pronouncing the Amen at the spot now called Amen Corner. Then commencing the Ave Maria, they turned down Ave Maria Lane. After crossing Ludgate they chanted the Credo in Creed Lane. Old Stow mentions Creed Lane, and adds that Amen Lane 'is lately added thereto,' from which it may be inferred that the processional chanting ended at that spot. Amen Lane no longer exists.

April Fools.-There is a tradition among the Jews, that the custom of making fools on the first of April arose from the fact that Noah sent out the dove on the first of the month corresponding to our April, before the water had abated. To perpetuate the memory of the great deliverance of Noah and his family, it was customary on this anniversary to punish persons who had forgotten the remarkable circumstance connected with the date, by sending them on some bootless errand, similar to that on which the patriarch sent the luckless bird from the windows of the ark.

Bully-boy. This curious phrase often appears in American newspapers, and is thought to be indigenous to that country. It is, however, an old English saying, as the following quotations from 'Deuteromelia,' etc., published in London, 1609, will show:

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translator made a curious mistake, which has been so long current in English that it seems like sacrilege to disturb it. In the original the slipper is described as pantoufle en vair, that is, a slipper made of fur (vair). The translator, being more familiar with the sound than the sense, reads this as if it were verre, that is, glass; and the glass slipper, we suppose, will remain forever a part of the story.

Clap-trap. This phrase seems to have been derived from the clap-net, used for trapping larks and other birds. Bailey says that 'clap-trap is a name given to the rant that dramatic authors, to please actors, let them go off with; as much as to say, to catch a clap of applause from the spectators at a play.'

Diploma is a Greek term meaning anything folded double. It was originally a messenger's or traveler's passport written on two leaves for convenience of carriage. In modern 'times it signifies the written certificate of membership granted by learned or artistic bodies.

Knowledge. This word is often improperly used in the sense of wisdom. Cowper shows the difference of meaning in the following lines:

Knowledge and Wisdom, far from being one,
Have ofttimes no connection. Knowledge dwells
In heads replete with thoughts of other men;
Wisdom in minds attentive to their own.
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much,
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.

Miss Nancy.-Applied to young men of affected speech and demeanor, and who ape superiority, walk gingerly, and dress effeminately. The allusion is to Miss Anna Oldfield, an actress who died in 1730. Her vanity was such that she desired on her death-bed that her remains should be laid 'in state, dressed in a very fine Brussels lace headdress, a holland shift with tucker and double ruffles of the same lace, new kid gloves, etc., etc. Pope alludes to her in the lines:

Odious! in woolen? 'twould a saint provoke, Were the last words that poor Narcissa spoke. Nelson's Last Signal.-The exact words of Nelson's celebrated signal at Trafalgar are given below with the symbols by which they were transmitted.

Symbol 253 269 863 261 471 958 220 370 4 21 19 24 England expects that every man will do his d u t y Never buy a pig in a poke.-It is said that some wags at Northampton Market put a cat in a bag, or poke, and sold it to a countryman as a pig. Upon going to a tavern to 'have a drink' over the bargain, the buyer opened the bag, and of course the cat jumped out. This is stated to be the origin of the proverb, 'You should never buy a pig in a poke,' and also of 'You have let the cat out of the bag.' The word poke is still used for sack in the south of England. 0. K.-These letters in America signify 'all right.' Their use, it is said, originated with old Jacob Astor, the millionaire of New York. He was looked upon in commercial circles as a man of great information and sound judgment, and was a sort of general referee as to the solvency or standing of other traders. If a note of enquiry as to any particular trader's position came, the answer to which he intended to be satisfactory, he was accustomed to write across the note the letters 'O. K.,' and return it to the writer. The letters O. K. he supposed to be the initials of 'all correct,' and in this sense they are now universally current in the States.

Old Man Eloquent. This epithet, so often applied to Mr. Gladstone, is from Milton's fifth Sonnet, which was addressed to Lady Margaret Ley. The lines in which it oc

curs are:

Till sad the breaking of that parliament
Broke him, as that dishonest victory
At Cheronea, fatal to liberty,
Kill'd with report that old man eloquent.

THE CHAUTAUQUAN. Charles Scribner's Sons

The second volume opened with the October number 1881. It is enlarged from forty-eight to seventy-two pages. Ten numbers in the volume, beginning with October and closing with July. More than half the course of study for the C. L. S. C. the present year is being published in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, and nowhere else, embracing: "Mosaics of History," "Christianity in Art," "Christ in Chronology," popular articles on Geology, Political Economy, Mathematics, Health at Home, Mental Science, Moral Science, together with articles on Practical Life.

C. L. S. C. Notes and Letters, reports of Round-Table Conferences, Questions and Answers on every book in the course of study, and reports from Local Circles will appear in every number.

Also lectures and sermons on popular themes from many of the foremost lecturers and preachers of the times.


The Rev. J. H. Vincent, D. D., Prof. W. T. Harris, LL. D., Prof. Arthur Gilman, Bishop H. W. Warren, D. D., Prof. W. C. Wilkinson, D. D., Prof. Joseph Alden, D. D., LL. D., Prof. J. Tingley, LL. D., Edward Everett Hale, Prof. Frank Beard, Prof. W. G. Williams, A. M., Albert M. Martin, Esq., Rev. E. D. McCreary, A. M., Rev. H. H. Moore, A. M., and many other eminent writers will be among our contributors.

GEORGE BORROW'S EXCELLENT NOVEL, ENTITLED “LAVENGRO," is now being published as a serial. It is a dream or drama, the story of a Scholar, a Gypsy, and a Priest. It is scholarly and fascinating.

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Editor's Note-Book,

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