صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

with all his youthful powers of application, a study promising to afford such delightful and available results?

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"Till life's journey closed, the spot
Was to the Pilgrim's soul endeared."


N a very secluded country church, in one of the Midland Counties, on a bright Sunday morning in summer, this little incident took place.

a Reprinted from "The Penny Post."


There being in a retired churchyard no fear of annoyance from having the door wide open, the entrance by a low, old-fashioned south porch had not been closed while prayer was going on. The Nicene Creed was over, and the clergyman went down the aisle to the vestry at the west end of the church. returning, happening to look aside at the open door, he observed two men sitting in the porch. He stopped a moment, on his way to the pulpit, to speak to them, and urge them to come within. They were miserably clad, and, indeed,


pleaded their shabby dress as an excuse for not entering. One man replied to the clergyman's invitation-" Very good," but made no effort to move. He begged them once more to come in and hear the Gospel of Christ, and, briefly reminding them of its pricelessness, (time forbad more,) left them.

The clergyman's mind, perhaps, was disposed to dwell rather earnestly on this little occurrence, as he was fresh from the sound of that peculiarly touching Gospel which depicts the sheep-owner seeking for the one sheep he had lost,

and his joy at having recovered it. He began, therefore, when the service was concluded, and he was walking home through quiet lanes, with every object and sound about him that would keep alive earnest and impassioned thought, -to reflect upon what had passed.

"What a parable was that!" (he pondered to himself.) "These poor men were evidently getting rest and shelter from the sun in the church porch. Most likely they had travelled on foot a long distance, and, as if by chance, come up to this secluded spot. Who knows on

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