of behaviour towards others, or by indifference, or seeming indifference towards him? Have I been indifferent or careless in my carriage towards him; not forecasting to do what I knew, or might know, would oblige and please him ? Have I neglected to find fault with my children when guilty, or chastised them too severely? Have I neglected to have them baptised; to instruct them in their religion; to guard them from improper books, bad company, and from every situation that might lead them into temptation ? Have I used my best endeavours, subject to the pleasure of God, to provide for their comfortable and innocent subsistence in this world? Have I neglected to maintain harmony and good will in my household, as much as was in my power? Have I neglected to acquire the knowledge proper to my state of life, or necessary to the work which I had undertaken ? : Have I told a falsehood, or been silent, and so deceived, when it was my duty to speak out? Have I neglected the work or business to which I was hired or obliged by contract? or have I been guilty of any other species of cheating, stealing, or dishonesty? Have I, in fine, sinned in any of the nîne ways in which one may be made the partaker of another's sin that is to say, 1. By coun selling it 2. By commanding it: 3. By consenting to it: 4. By provoking him to it: 5. By praising or flattering him for it: 6. By concealing it: 7. By winking at it: 8. By being a partner with him in the fact: 9. By defending the ill done? ON DUTIES TO ONESELF. Have I committed any excess in meat or drink? Have I willingly given way to any immodest thought or desire, entertained any indelicate feelings, or been guilty of any act of impurity? Have I failed to keep a strict watch over my exterior senses, my sight and hearing, my feelings and speech? Have I exposed myself with too much confidence to the danger of sin, or taken any improper or dangerous liberties? Have I sought to see, or to hear, or to read anything that was immodest, or that I thought was so ? Have I given up too much time to dress, to company, or to trifles? Have I been proud on account of my prosperity, my personal appearance, my cleverness, or my relations and friends? Have I despised and neglected those whom it was my duty to respect? Have I given way to impatience, obstinacy, or anger? moroseness, sulkiness, or captious Hess? or have I suffered my temper to be easily ruffled? Have I neglected my household dutiesthe superintendence of my family concerns, my servants and children? Have I wasted my time in idleness, or in chattering, from sloth, or from not endeavouring to get methodical habits? Have I tried to defend and excuse myself when I knew that I was in fault? Thus examine into the state of your conscience; recollecting that God will require an account of every idle word and thought; and that whatever temper you have indulged in here which you could not continue to display in heaven, is wrong and ought to be amended. A PRAYER TO OBTAIN CONTRITION. I have sinned, O my God; I have been led away from thee, and from the strict performance of those duties and charities of life which thou hast appointed me. I have been negligent, and have indulged my evil propensities; and now what has it profited me? What can it profit a gain the whole world man, thou didst say, if he and lose his own soul? But have mercy on me, O God, in thy great mercy, and let not my soul be lost. Free me from the guilt which I have drawn upon myself, by granting me that true sorrow which may enable me to obtain thy pardon. When I remember all thou hast done for me, and all thou hast suffered for me, my merciful Saviour, can I persist in those ways which are displeasing to thee? Can I reject all thy kind conditions of mercy, and rely for my salvation on myself alone? Oh no, my Saviour, no! To thee, I pray; in thee, I hope. I am sorry for my sins-sorry for having displeased thee, and removed my soul from thy grace. Oh let me not continue in my loneliness; but strengthen the spirit of repentance within me, that thy light may again shine upon my soul. Give me sorrow for the past, and a firm purpose of amendment for the future. Teach me to improve myself in virtue; and enable me to shun hereafter whatever may be likely to draw me astray. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. But of all evils deliver me, at this time, from hardness of heart. Pour forth thy saving grace upon me, and incline my heart to thy loving tenderness. Let me feel that sorrow which may produce a lasting effect, and may cause me to be always recollected in thee for the future. What avails it that I know my sins unless I repent of them, and endeavour to avoid them hereafter? Oh, perfect the work of amendment, and give me a true contrition-a contrition that may keep me from committing the same faults for ever more. I will confess my sins to thee, and thou wilt forgive me. I will call upon thee, and thou wilt answer me. To my hearing thou wilt give joy and gladness, and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice. I do humble myself before thee, my dear Lord; and I will ever humble myself in acknowledgment of my faults: but oh! make my soul rejoice in thy pardon; make it always rejoice in the feeling that thy grace will protect me in all future trials, and will strengthen my resolution to avoid sin and to amend my evil inclinations. Amen. AN ACT OF CONTRITION. My God, Almighty Father! I am sorry for my sins. I am sorry that I have been ever led astray from my duties, because my faults have been displeasing to thee, my merciful Creator. Oh, pardon me the sins that I am about to confess, and pardon all those which I have committed during my past life, and such also as may now have escaped my memory. I am sorry for them all, and implore thy forgiveness that I have ever had the misfortune to offend thee. Renew thy grace within my soul; wash it from every stain of guilt; and enable me to dedicate it to thee for the future. Accept of my repentance, and blot out all my sins. Oh, let me never again have the misfortune to offend thee: for, O Lord! thou knowest that I love thee, and that I sincerely desire to obtain thy love and mercy. Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies |