have power again to lead me astray. But alas! there is no good in me, and I cannot do anything of myself. I have the will, in truth, to do right; but the power and the strength often fail me: the good which I would, I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. Wherefore, to thee, Jesus, I fly; to thee who seest my failings, and in whom is all my trust. Thou art the leader of my soul: oh, direct me in thy sight, and guide me in thy justice. I can do nought without thee; but with thee to strengthen me, in what can I fail? Help me, therefore, my Saviour; and of all sins to which my depraved and weak inclinations most tend, preserve me most particularly from...... And of all virtues to which I too slowly aspire, grant, oh, grant me most especially, the virtue of.. . Let thy helping hand assist me, O Jesus, and I will ever proclaim thy praises. Let thy right hand uphold me, and I will ever fearlessly cry out "Who shall separate me from the love of Christ ?" Third petition. That others may benefit by this Sacrament. O Jesus, our great mediator with God the Father, who art the propitiation for our sins and for those of the whole world, who hast given thy flesh for the life of the world, and who desirest that all men should be saved, grant, oh grant, I pray thee, that all my relations, friends, and enemies, may partake of the virtues of this Sacrament now and at the hour of their death. Lead them, with me, into eternal glory; give us the grace of true penance, and implant in our souls the love of virtue; that we may all meet, at length, in the mansions of thy Father, and in everlasting happiness. Blessed are those who dwell in the house of the Lord: they shall praise thee for ever and ever. To thee, my dear Jesus! to thee I commend myself. Receive me, I beseech thee; nor permit me ever to be separated from thee. Be thou my comfort in life; my viaticum, my hope in death; my reward in eternity. By thy torments, and thy death, and by this sacrament of thy love, I beseech thee to grant my prayers! Bless me, O Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Ghost; and grant me the grace of ever fulfilling, in life, and at the hour of my death, thy most holy will. Amen. N.B.-Upon the day of your communion you ought to be more than ordinarily retired; to perform more devotions than usual; and to keep yourself, as much as possible, in spirit, in the society of Jesus. PRAYERS FOR INDULGENCES; That is, the remission of the temporal punishment still due for sins of which the guilt and eternal punishment has been forgiven by the sacrament of penance. PREPARATORY PRAYER. Omnipotent and everlasting God! by whose mercy I believe myself to have been absolved from all my sins and from the eternal punishment due to them from thy justice, although I be still liable to temporal sufferings on their account; as my own works cannot avail to blot out my debt, permit me, great God, to have recourse to the inexhaustible merits of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ; that the treasures of his mercy may supply for my weakness and poverty. I offer myself ready to fulfil whatever may lead to so blessed an end. Receive my endeavours, oh Father of mercies; receive them in union with the passion and death of thy Son; and enable me to partake of the full and complete indulgence which is now held out to me by that church to which thou hast said, "Whatever you shall bind on earth it shall be bound also in heaven; and whatever you shall loose on earth it shall be loosened also in heaven." Amen. Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. PRAYER TO GOD THE FATHER FOR THE EXALTATION OF HIS CHURCH. Remember, O eternal Father, remember the congregation which thou hast possessed from the beginning. Look down upon thy church as the spouse of thine only Son, for which he shed his blood; and so raise it by sanctity by heavenly graces, and by extent, that it may be worthy of its spouse and of the great price which he paid for it. Look down also in kindness upon the children of this our holy mother, and unite to them all nations and all people; that all may acknowledge thee, God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, with a lively faith; may call upon thee with a firm hope; and may adhere to thee in perfect charity. Amen. Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. V. See, O Lord, and visit thy vineyard. R. And protect that which thou hast planted with thy right hand. Protect, O Lord, we beseech thee, this thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed by the hands of wicked men, and to undergo the torments of the cross; who liveth and reigneth with thee, &c. PRAYER TO GOD THE SON FOR THE O Jesus, the true light which enlighteneth every man coming into this world, grant, I be seech thee, by the merits of thy passion and death, that all errors and heresies may be driven back into darkness; that all mankind may be hold the light of thy truth, and may hasten into the bosom of thy holy Church. Oh, good Shepherd, who hast given thy life for thy sheep, protect thy flock, and defend it from the strength and the snares of those who come upon it in the clothing of lambs, but are, in reality, ravenous wolves. Grant that all may follow one Shepherd and that all may form only one flock. Stay with us, O Lord, according to thy promise "Behold I am with you all days, even until the consummation of the world." Shew that thy church is built upon a rock, and of hell cannot prevail against it. Amen. Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. V. Give not up to the foe those who trust in thee. that the gates R. And forget not the souls of thy poor ones for ever. Being appeased, O Lord, we beseech thee, hearken to our prayers; that, all adversities and errors being removed, thy church may serve thee with safety and freedom, Through, &c. PRAYER TO THE HOLY GHOST FOR CONCORD AMONGST CHRISTIAN PRINCES. O Holy Spirit, Spirit of love and of peace! who hast assembled so many and such different |