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النشر الإلكتروني

There are also five local unions in Christiania which have unemployment societies: The Goldsmiths' Union, the Model Joiners' Union, the Confectioners' Union, the Cork Cutters' Union, and the Cigarmakers' Union. These five unions have altogether 450 members. The national associations which as yet have no unemployment societies are as follows:

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There are also a number of other local unions which together have about 1,000 members.

Prof. Dr. Oskar Jaeger sums up the social significance of the law as follows:

The Norwegian law affords, therefore, in a high degree the suitable conditions for all those workmen of the country who wish to make the necessary sacrifice for unemployment insurance, and it will certainly give greater strength to the movement in favor of unemployment insurance.

The law is framed with a view to encouraging self-help on the part of workmen, for not a crown is paid to them from the public funds until they have paid out from their own funds 3.25 crowns as an advance on the i crown coming from the public. And the grants which the State and commune make in this way to unemployment insurance will adjust themselves automatically, so to speak, to the need of the workmen; for in good times when unemployment and the the amount spent in aid are slight the public grants will be small, and in bad times when unemployment increases they will increase in just the same proportion as the unemployment aid procured by the workmen themselves. A further advantage is that the compulsion which obligatory insurance exercises upon the workmen and which is so distasteful is here lacking.

Naturally the passage of the law does not make any one of the arrangements which might serve to combat unemployment superfluous. On the contrary, the obligation imposed on the State and commune of making grants to the unemployment societies will stimulate them still more to do everything in their power to limit unavoidable unemployment as far as possible. But in following the course marked out by the law the Norwegian Government has taken an important step toward the alleviation of much undeserved need, the removal of much bitterness toward the existing order of society, and insuring their country a peaceful and equable social political development.


Indstilling til Lov om Syge- og Ulykkesforsikring fra den 2den parlamentariske Arbeiderkommission nedsat af Storthinget den 5 Juni, 1900, med Bilag 1-3. (Proposal for an accident and sickness insurance law by the second workmen's commission appointed by the Storting June 5, 1900. Appendixes 1-3.) Udkast til Lov om Sjömands Forsikring med Motiver, fra den under 4 December, 1891, nedsatte Sjömandskomite (Sjömandskomiteens Indst. II). (Project for a law concerning seamen's insurance by the committtee on seamen appointed December 4, 1891. (Proposal II of the committee on seamen.).)

Sth. Prp. No. 96 for 1898-99 ang. Daekkelse af Rigsforsikringsanstaltens Underskud med Bilag (Betaenkning af 30 Mars, 1897, fra Direktör Schjöll vedr. Valg af Dödelighedstabeller m. v. (Storting's bill No. 96, session of 1898-99, concerning the covering of the deficit of the Royal Institution of Insurance, with appendix (Memorial of March 30, 1897, by Director Schjöll. Choice of mortality tables.).) Ot. Prp. No. 10 for 1908 ang. Utfaerdigelse af en Lov om Ulykkeforsikring for Fiskere. (Odelsting's bill No. 10, 1908, concerning the preparation of a law for insurance of fishermen against accidents.)

Vedr. Tillaegslov af 12 Juni, 1906: Ot. Prp. No. 40, 1904–5; Inst. O. V. og O. No. 91 for 1905-6. (Concerning the supplementary law of June 12, 1906: Odelsting's bill No. 40, 1904-5; Proposal O. V. and O. No. 91, 1905-6.)

Indst. O. XI. (1909). Indstilling fra socialkomiteen om udfaerdigelse af en lov om sygeforsikring. (Ot. Prp. No. 19 for 1909; Dok. No. 19 for 1909.) (Proposal O. XI (1909). Proposal for the preparation of a law concerning sickness insurance. (Odelsting's bill No. 19, 1909; document No. 19, 1909.).)

Ot. Prp. No. 19. (1909). Om utfaerdigelse av en lov om sykeforsikring. Handelsog Industridepartementets indstilling av 27 de Februar, 1909, som ved kongelig resolution av samme dato er bifaldt. (Odelsting's bill No. 19 (1909), concerning the preparation of a law on sickness insurance. Proposal of the Department of Commerce, Navigation, and Industry of February 27, 1909, and the royal resolution of the same date.)

Forslag til lov om sykeforsikring. Avgivet av den departementale sykeforsikringskomité av 1907. (Project for a law on sickness insurance prepared by the departmental committee on sickness insurance, 1907.)

Indstilling til Lov om Invaliditets- og Alderdomsforsikring for det Norske Folk fra den parlamentariske Arbeiderkommission, nedsat af Storthinget den 13de Juli, 1894. (Proposal for an invalidity and old-age insurance law for the Norwegian people by the workmen's parliamentary commission appointed by the Storting, July 13, 1894.)

Udkast til lov om stats- og kommunebidrag til norske arbeids-ledighedskasser med motiver. Indstilling fra det af kongelige departementet for handel, sjøfart og industri under 11 June, 1904, nedsatte komite. (Project for a law concerning state and communal grants to Norwegian unemployment societies, with arguments. Proposal from the committee appointed by the Department of Commerce, Navigation, and Industry on June 11, 1904.) Christiania, 1905. Indst. O. X. (1905-6). Indstilling fra den forsterkede komité for spörsmaal angaaende udfaerdigelse af en lov om stats- og kommunebidrag til arbeidsledighedskasser. (Proposal by the enlarged committee for social questions concerning the preparation of a law on state and communal contributions to unemployment societies.) Ot. Prp. No. 10 (1905-6) angaaende lov om stats- og kommunebidrag til norske arbeidsledighedskasser. Handels- og industridepartementets indstilling af 27 Februar, 1906, som ved kongelig resolution af samme dato er bifaldt (Foredraget af statsraad Aretander). (Odelsting's bill No. 10 (1905–6) concerning a law for state and communal contributions to Norwegian unemployment societies. Proposal of the Department of Commerce, Navigation, and Industry, of February 27, 1906, and also the royal resolution of the same date (Address by Minister of State Aretander).)

Norsk Lovtidende (Norwegian official Gazette).

Beretninger Nos. 1-11 fra Rigsforsikringsanstalten. (Reports 1 to 11 of the Royal Institution of Insurance.)

Statistisk Aarbok for Kongeriket Norge, 1907.

Rigsforsikringsanstaltens Industristatistik for Aarene, 1897-1905. (Norges officielle Statistik IV. 99.) (Industrial statistics of the Royal Institution of Insurance.) Ulykkesforsikringen 1895-1899. (Norges officielle Statistik V. 16.) Beretning fra Nordisk Arbeider-Forsikringsmöde i Köbenhavn, 1907. (Report of the Scandinavian workmen's insurance convention held in Copenhagen, 1907.) Doctor Anderson: Social Sjükforsäkring. Stockholm, 1907. (Social sickness insurance.)

Bulletin des Assurances Sociales. Bulletin du Comité permanent international des Congrès internationaux des Assurances sociales, fondés en 1889 sous le titre de "Congrès internationaux des Accidents du Travail." Editor in chief: Édouard Fuster. Paris.

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Westergaard, Professor Harald Ludvig. Arbeiterversicherung in Skandinavien. Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Erster Band. Verlag von Gustav Fischer in Jena, 1908.

Bellom. Les lois d'assurance ouvrière à l'étranger. Tome LI, 4 and 5.

Zacher, Dr. Georg: Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande von Dr. Zacher. Norwegen. Heft III, IIIa and IIIb.



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