صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


CYMBELINE, king of Britain.

CLOTEN, son to the queen by a former husband. LEONATUS POSTHUMUS, a gentleman, husband to Imogen.

BELARIUS, a banished lord, disguised under the name of Morgan.



sons to Cymbeline, disguised un

der the names of Polydore and Cadwal, supposed sons to Bela


PHILARIO, friend to Posthumus,
IACHIMO, friend to Philario,


A French Gentleman, friend to Philario.
CAIUS LUCIUS, general of the Roman forces.
A Roman Captain. Two British Captains.
PISANIO, servant to Posthumus.

CORNELIUS, a physician.

Two Gentlemen.

Two Gaolers.

Queen, wife to Cymbeline.

IMOGEN, daughter to Cymbeline by a former queen. HELEN, woman to Imogen.

Lords, Ladies, Roman Senators, Tribunes, Apparitions, a Soothsayer, a Dutch Gentleman, a Spanish Gentleman, Musicians, Officers, Captains, Soldiers, Messengers, and other At


Scene,-sometimes in Britain; sometimes in Italy.



SCENE I.-Britain. The garden behind
Cymbeline's palace.

Enter two Gentlemen.

1 Gent. You do not meet a man, but frowns: our bloods

No more obey the heavens, than our courtiers;
Still seem, as does the king's.

2 Gent. But what's the matter?

1 Gent. His daughter, and the heir of his king dom, whom

He purpos'd to his wife's sole son, (a widow,
That late he married,) hath referr'd herself
Unto a poor but worthy gentleman: She's wedded;
Her husband banish'd; she imprison'd: all

Is outward sorrow; though, I think, the king
Be touch'd at very heart.

2 Gent. None but the king?

1 Gent. He, that hath lost her, too: so is the queen,

That most desir'd the match: But not a courtier,
Although they wear their faces to the bent
Of the king's looks, hath a heart that is not
Glad at the thing they scowl at.

2 Gent. And why so?

1 Gent. He, that hath miss'd the princess, is a thing

Too bad for bad report: and he, that hath her,
(I mean, that married her,―alack, good man!-
And therefore banish'd) is a creature such
As, to seek through the regions of the earth
For one his like, there would be something failing
In him, that should compare. I do not think,
So fair an outward, and such stuff within,
Endows a man but he.

2 Gent. You speak him far.

1 Gent. I do extend him, sir, within himself; Crush him together, rather than unfold His measure duly.

2 Gent. What's his name, and birth?

1 Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: His fa-

Was call'd Sicilius, who did join his honour
Against the Romans with Cassibelan;
But had his titles by Tenantius, whom
He serv'd with glory and admir'd success;
So gain'd the sur-addition, Leonatus :
And had, besides this gentleman in question,
Two other sons, who, in the wars o'the time,

Died with their swords in hand; for which their fa


(Then old and fond of issue,) took such sorrow,
That he quit being; and his gentle lady,
Big of this gentleman, our theme, deceas'd
As he was born. The king, he takes the babe
To his protection; calls him Posthumus;
Breeds him, and makes him of his bed-chamber:

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