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egyrists; we shall therefore confine ourselves to that remarkable scene of your conduct, whereby Great-Britain in general, and the settlers of Georgia in particular, are laid under such inexpressible obligations.

"Be pleased then, great sir, to accompany our heated imaginations, in taking a view of this colony of Georgia! this child of your auspicious politics! arrived at the utmost vigour of its constitution, at a term when most former states have been struggling through the convulsions of their infancy. This early maturity however, lessens our admiration, that your excellency lives to see (what few founders ever aspired after) the great decline and almost final termination of it. So many have finished their course during the progress of the experiment, and such numbers have retreated from the phantoms of poverty and slavery, which their cowardly imaginations pictured to them, that you may justly vaunt with the boldest hero of them all

.................Like Death you reign,

O'er silent subjects and a desert plain.


"Yet must your enemics (if you have any) be reduced to confess, that no ordinary statesman could have digested in the like manner, so capacious a scheme, such a copious jumble of power and politics. We shall content ourselves with

observing, that all those beauteous models of government, which the little states of Germany exercise, and those extensive liberties which the boors of Poland enjoy, were designed to concentre in your system, and were we to regard the modes of government, we must have been strangely unlucky to have missed of the best, where there was the appearance of so great a variety; for under the influence of our perpetual dictator, we have seen something like aristocracy, oligarchy, as well as the triumvirate, decemvirate, and consular authority of famous republics, which have expired many ages before us: what wonder then that we share the same fate! do their towns and villages exist but in story and rubbish? we are all over ruins; our public works, forts, wells, high-ways, light-houses, store, water-mills, &c. are dignified like theirs with the same venerable desolation. The logg-houses indeed, are like to be the last forsaken spots of your empire; yet even these, though the death or desertion of those would continue to inhabit them, must suddenly decay; the bankrupt jailor himself shall be soon denied the privilege of human conversation; and when this last monument of the spell expires, the whole shall vanish like an illusion of some eastern ma. gician.

"But let not this solitary prospect impress your excellency with any fears of having your services to mankind, and to the settlers of Georgia in particular, buried in oblivion; for if we diminu

tive authors, are allowed to prophesy, (as you know poets in those cases formerly did) we may confidently presage, that while the memoirs of America continue to be read in English, Spanish, or the language of the Scots high-landers, your excellency's exploits and epocha, will be transmitted to posterity.

"Should your excellency apprehend the least tincture of flattery in any thing already hinted, we may sincerely assure you, we intend nothing that our sentiments did not very strictly attribute to your merit; and in such sentiments we have the satisfaction of being fortified by all persons of im, partiality and descernment.

"But to trespass no longer on those minutes which your excellency may suppose more significantly employed on the sequel; let it suffice at present to assure you, that we are deeply affected with your favors; and though unable of ourselves, properly to acknowledge them, we shall embrace every opportunity of recommending you to higher powers, who (we are hopeful) will reward your excellency according to your merits. May it please your excellency, &c." "The land-holders in Georgia."

This dedication, compared with the pamphlet, was almost gentle in its censures, and but limped at the heels of the authors observations. The general was alternately charged with cowardice, despotism, cruelty and bribery. The pamphlet

is filled with ill-natured invective, without any regard to good manners or common civility. The author was said to be a man of but little property and bad reputation, soured in his temper because he was not humored in an alteration of the constitution, or granted exclusive privileges to the subversion of the objects of the trustees in their plan of settling the new colony, before their experiment could be fully tried. It was stated that he departed from the colony to escape a trial, which was pending against him for seditious and rebellious practices, and that he had been turbulent and restless at an early period; that he was a man whose daily employment had been for some time, to misrepresent the public measures, to disperse scandal, and excite rebellion; that he had industriously propagated every murmur of discontent, and preserved every whisper of malevolence from perishing in the birth. His designs seem to have been chiefly directed to the obstruction of population in the colony, until the trustees should be forced by its dwindling into weakness and insignificance, to gratify the peoples eagerness for spirituous liquors and slaves, and by these means to indulge to the extent of their wishes in idleness and dissipation. Oglethorpe may without flattery or falshood, be justly termed the Romulus, father and founder of Georgia without any views to his own interest, his efforts seem to have been directed to the enlargement of the dominions of his country, the propa

gation of the protestant religion and providing for the wants and necessities of the indigent: he had voluntarily banished himself from the pleasures of a court, and exposed himself to the dangers of a vast atlantic ocean, in several perilous and tedious voyages. Instead of allowing himself the satisfaction which a plentiful fortune, powerful friends, and great merit entitled him to in England, he had inured himself to hardships and exposures in common with the poor settlers; his food, boiled rice, mouldy bread, salt beef and pork; his bed the damp ground, and his covering the canopy of heaven. When his conduct in war was fairly tested, it corresponded with his integrity in other stations, public and private.

The reverend George Whitefield, who merits particular notice in the history of Georgia, arrived at Savannah in May, 1738. This cele. brated field preacher, and founder of the sect of Calvanistic Methodists, was born in 1714, in Gloucester, England. At twelve years of age he was put to a grammar school, and at sixteen he was admitted servitor in Pembroke college, Oxford, where he distinguished himself by the austerities of his devotion. At the age of twenty-one, the fame of his piety recommended him so effectually to Dr. Benson, bishop of Gloucester, that he ordained him. Immediately after Mr. Whitefield's admission into the ministry, he applied himself with the most extraordinary and indefatigable zeal and industry to the duties of

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