صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


FLATTERING hopes the mind deceiving
Eafy faith too often cheat,
Woman, fond and all believing

Loves and hugs the dear deceit.

Noify fhew of pomp and riches,
Cupid's trick to catch the fair,

Lowly maids too oft bewitches,
Flattery is the beauty's fnare.


WHAT's all the pomp of gaudy courts,
But vain delights and jingling toys,
While pleasure crowns your rural sports
With calm content, and tranquil joys.

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RETURN, weet lafs, to flocks and twains, YH 'W Where fimple Nature midly y reigns; 11 211ɛwe i101 16T Where Love is every

1994 fto todel 9ɔni2

And every nymph is kind as fair. Tobasłą) vsi tid?!

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AGAIN in ruftic weeds array'd,
A fimple fwain, a fimple maid,

O'er rural scenes with joy we'll rove,
By dimpling brook, or cooling grove.

The birds fhall ftrain their little throats,
And warble wild their merry notes;
Whilft we converfe beneath the fhade,
A happy fwain, and happy maid.

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Thy hands fhall pluck, to grace my bow'r,
The luscious fruit, the fragrant flow'r,
Whilft joys fhall blefs, for ever new,
Thy PHOEBE kind, my COLIN true.

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WHY fhould I now, my love, complain,

That toil awaits thy chearful fwain,
Since labour oft a fweet beftows

Which lazy fplendour never knows?

Hence springs the purple, tide of health,
The rich man's wifh, the poor man's wealth,
And spreads those blushes o'er the face,
Which come and go with native grace.

The pride of drefs, the pomp of shew,
Are trappings oft to cover woe;
But we, whose wishes never roam,
Shall taste of real joys at home.


NO doubt but your fool's-cap has known
His highness obligingly kind,
-Odzooks I could knock the fool down,
Was e'er fuch a cuckoldy hind?

To be fare, like a good-natur'd spouse,
You've lent him a part of your bed;
He has fitted the horns to your brows,
And I fee them fprout out of your head.


To keep your wife virtuous and chaste
The court is a wonderful school,
My Lord you've an excellent tafte.
-And, fon, you're a cuckoldy fool.

If your lady fhould bring you an heir,

The blood will flow rich in his veins, Many thanks to my Lord for his care

➡ You dog, I could knock out your brains. [


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