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النشر الإلكتروني

side, and have often been miraculously aved by inches long and half an inch in diameter is fastclinging to ropes.

Upsetting of a boat.

If a person should fall out of a boat, or he boat upset by going foul of a cable, &c. or should he fall off the quays, or indeed fall into any water, from which he cannot extricate himself, but must wait some little time for assistance-had he presence of mind enough to whip off his hat, and hold || it by the brim, placing his fingers within side of the crown, (top upwards) he would be able, by this method, to keep his mouth above water till || assistance should reach him. It often happens that danger is apprehended long before we are involved in the peril, although there may be time enough to prepare this, or adopt any other method. Travellers, in fording rivers at unknown fords, or where shallows are deceitful, might make use of this method with advantage.

Cork waistcoats.

ened to the front of the girdle by a tape or cord, about three inches long. To use the spencer, it should be slidden from the feet close up to the arms, the tapes or cords are to be brought one over each shoulder, and fastened by the loops to the pin: those between the legs are to be fastened to the other pin. A person thus equipped, though unacquainted with swimming, may safely trust himself to the waves; for he will float, head and shoulders above water, in any storm, and by paddling witn his hands, may easily gain the shore. Such a spencer may also be made of cork shavings put into a long canvass bag.

It has also been suggested, that every part of the usual dress of the sailor should be made with a view of preserving his life, in cases of accident; and for this purpose that a quantity of cork shavings or clippings should be quilted into his jacket about the collar and neck, between the outside and inProvide a cork waistcoat, composed of four side lining: or as a belt, of considerable breadth pieces, two for the breast and two for the back, across the back and shoulders, then principally each pretty near in length and breadth to the quar- omitted under the arms, and resumed over the ters of a waistcoat without flaps; the whole is to be chest and stomach, yet not so much as to create incovered with coarse canvass, with two holes to put convenience. If in these, and other parts of his the arms through. There must be a space left be- dress, so much cork could commodiously be worktween the two back pieces, and the same betwixt || ed, as would give the sailor an opportunity of reeach back and breast piece, that they may fit the covering himself, and making use of his own poweasier to the body. By this means the waistcoat ers in cases of contingency, many valuable lives is open only before, and may be fastened on the might be saved. 'wearer by strings; or if it should be thought more Bamboo habit. secure, with buckles and leather straps. This waistcoat may be made up for five or six shillings. || If those who use the sea occasionally, and especially those who are obliged to be almost constantly there, were to use these waistcoats, it would be next to impossible that they should be drowned.

Further means.

It will likewise be proper to prepare an oil skin bag, on going to sea, for a temporary supply of provisions, in case of shipwreck. If suddenly plunged into the water, and unable to swim, it will be necessary to keep the hands and arms under the water-few animals being capable of drowning, owing to their inability to lift their fore legs over their heads.

The legs, therefore, being necessarily immersed in the water, the difference between the specific gravity of the animal and the water, is sufficient to enable it to keep its nostrils and mouth above the water, and therefore it is not suffocated by the Auid, but breathes freely. But man, on the contrary, being able to lift his hands over his head, and generally doing so in case of this accident, his hands and arms make up the difference in specific gravity, and his head, impelled by the weight of his hands and arms below the water, his body fills, and he is consequently choked and suffocated. The remedy therefore is, in all such cases, to keep down the hands and arms, and as a further security, to act with them under and against the water. It will then be impossible to sink, unless the weight of clothes or other circumstances operate to the contrary.

The marine spencer.

The marine spencer is made in the form of a girdle, of a proper diameter to fit the body, and Bix inches broad, composed of about 500 old tavern works, strung upon a strong twine, well lashed together with lay-cord, covered with canvass, and painted in oil so as to make it water-proof. Two tapes of cords, about two feet long, are fastened to the back of the girdle with loops at the ends. Another tape or cord of the same length, having a few corks strung to the middle of it, is covered with canvass painted. A pin of hard wood, three 2 H


The bamboo habit is an invention of the Chines?, by the use of which, a person unskilled in the art of swimming, may easily keep himself above water. The Chinese merchants, when going on a voyage, are said always to provide themselves with this simple apparatus, to save their lives in cases of danger from shipwreck. It is constructed by placing four bamboos horizontally, two before, and two behind the body of each person, so that they project about twenty-eight inches; these are crossed on each side by two others, and the whole properly secured, leaving an intermediate space for the body. When thus formed, the person in danger slips it over his head, and ties it securely to the waist, by which simple means he cannot possibly sink.

To extricate persons from broken ice.

Let two or more persons hold a rope or ropes, at both ends, stretched over the broken iee; so that the drowning person may catch hold of it.

The life boat.

The life-boat is generally thirty feet long, and in form much resembling a common Greenland boat, except the bottom, which is much flatter. She is lined with cork, inside and outside of the gunwale, about two feet in breadth, and the seats underneath are filled with cork also.

She is rowed by ten men, double banked, and steered by two men with oars, one at each end, both ends being alike. Long poles are provided for the men, to keep the boat from being driven broadside to the shore, either in going off or lauding. About six inches from the lower poles, it increases in diameter, so as to form a flat surface against the sand. The weight of the cork used in the boat is about seven cwt.

She draws very little water, and when full is able to carry twenty people. The boat is able to contend against the most tremendous sea and broken water; and never, in any one instance, Las she failed in bringing the crew in distress into a place of safety. The men have no dread in going off with her in the highest sea and broken water: cork jackets were provided for them; but their confifidence in the boat is so great, that they do not use them.

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A common paper kite launched from the vessel, and driven by the wind to the shore has been sup posed capable of conveying a piece of pack thread, to which a larger rope might be attached and drawn

The success attending this expedient for dimin- || methods have been invented and pointed out for ishing the number of unhappy individuals almost this purpose. daily lost in a watery grave, appears to have been more than equal to the most sanguine expectations formed of its utility; and the great object in view, viz. the safety of those persons who hazard their own security to preserve others, has been fully accomplished.

Safe and readily constructed life-boat. In April, 1806, a model of a life-boat was exhibited before the Royal Humane Society, which may Le put together in the space of half an hour, in any case of shipwreck, and which cannot sink or overset, let the sea run ever so high. All that is necessary to be provided is, a keel or plank of any convenient length, and a few pigs of iron, such as vessels usually carry out for ballast. The officers of the ship are to take care to keep two or three empty water-casks, perfectly tight, the bung-holes corked up, and a piece of tin or leather nailed over them. These casks are to be lashed with ropes to the keel, along with the pigs of iron for ballast; and any spare poles or spars may be also lashed to the sides, so as to give the raft the form of a vessel, and at each end to make a lodgement for the men. Any of the square sails of the ship will form a lug-sail, and may speedily be adapted to the new life-boat, and a strong and broad spar may be lashed on as a rudder.

Another.-Let a quantity of ballast, even more than what is commonly used for sailing, be laid in the bottom of the boat, over this lay bags filled with cork, prepared for the purpose, and numbered according to their places, and if considerably higher than the gunwales so much the better; a sail or part of one folded may be thrown over from stem to stern, to combine and unite the several parts; and lastly, the whole is to be secured together by passing ropes by so many turns as may be deemed sufficient, round and round over the gunwales and under the keel, and these, if necessary, may be itched by a turn or two taken lengthwise.

Every person either on board or holding by the boat, so prepared, may be absolutely certain of being carried safe through any breach whatever. When no such preparation of cork has been made, the following is proposed as a substitute:

on board.

A small balloon, raised by rarified air might be made to answer the same purpose.

A sky rocket, of a large diameter, has also been considered as capable of an equal service, and, indeed, this method seems the best; for besides the velocity of the discharge, could it be brought to act during the night, it must both point out the situ tion of the ship, and the direction that the line took in flying ashore.

Useful hints when a leak is spring.

When a vessel springs a leak near her bottom, the water enters with all the force given by the weight of the column of water without, which force is in proportion to the difference of the level between the water without and that within. It enters therefore with more force at first, and in greater quantity than it can afterwards, when the water within is higher. The bottom of the vessel, too, is narrower, so that the same quantity of water coming into that narrow part, rises faster than when the space for it is larger. This helps to terrify. But as the quantity entering is less and less, as the surfaces without and within become more nearly equal in height, the pumps that could not keep the water from rising at first, might after. wards be able to prevent its rising higher, and the people might have remained on board in safety, without hazarding themselves in an open boat on the wide ocean.

Besides the greater equality in the height of the two surfaces, there may sometimes be other causes that retard the farther sinking of a leaky vessel. The rising water within may arrive at quantities of light wooden works, empty chests, and particularly empty water casks, which, fixed so as not to float themselves, may help to sustain her. Many bodies which compose a ship's cargo may be specifically lighte than water: all these, when out of water, are an additional weight to that of the ship, and she is in proportion pressed deeper in the water, but as soon as these bodies are immersed, they weigh no longer on the ship: but, on the contrary, if fixed, they help to support her in proportion as they are specifically lighter than the water.

Temporary nautical pump.

Let a quantity of ballast, as coals in canvass, be secured in its place, as well as circumstances will admit; then take an empty water cask (beer cask, or any others that are tight) and fill the boat with them, and if the bilge of the cask rises considerably Captain Leslie, of the George and Susan, in a higher than the gunwales, it will be so much the voyage from North America to Stockholm, adopt better; let a sail then be thrown in to jam the cask ed an excellent mode of emptying water from his and ballast in their places, as well as to combine ship's hold, when the crew were insufficient to per and unite the several parts by covering all fore and form that duty. About 10 or 12 feet above the aft; and lastly, let the whole be lashed and secured pump, he rigged out a spar, one end of which pro together, in the manner above stated. It is be-jected overboard, while the other was fastened, as lieved the boat in this trim would always continue upright on her keel, be lively and buoyant on the water, and have sufficient efficacy to support the crew of any ordinary vessel, till drifted within their own depth.

It frequently happens that after men have gained the shore, they perish of cold for want of dry clothes. As a remedy for this, every man should try to secure one or two flannel or woollen shirts, by wrapping them up tightly in a piece of oiled cloth or silk; and to guard against tearing, the last inight be covered with canvass, or inclosed in a tin

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a lever, to the machinery of the pump. To the end which projected overboard, was suspended s water-butt, half full, but corked down: so that when the coming wave raised the butt-end, the other end depressed the piston of the pump; but at the retiring of the wave, this was reversed, for, by the weight of the butt, the piston came up again, and with it the water. Thus, without the aid of the crew, the ship's hold was cleared of the water in a few hours.

Another. When a vessel springs a leak at sea, which cannot be discovered, instead of exhausting the crew by continual working a. the pumps, they may form, with very little trouble, a machine to discharge the water, which will work itself, wille out any assistance from the hands on board.

Let a spar, or spare top-mast, be cat to the length of eight or ten feet, or more, according t

the size of the vessel; mortice four holes through the thickest end, through which run four oars, fixing them tight, exactly in the middle. To the four handles nail on four blades, (made of staves) the size of the other ends, which will form a very good water wheel if the oars be strong: then fix into the opposite end what is commonly called a crank: the iron handle of a grindstone would suit extremely well: if this is not to be had, any strong bar of iron may be bent into that form, wedging it tight to prevent its twisting round. Then nail up a new pair of chaps on the fore part of the pump, for a new handle to be fixed in, which will point with its outer end to the bow of the vessel; this handle will be short on the outside, but as long on the inside as the diameter of the bore of the pump will admit, in order that the spear may be plunged the deeper, and of course the longer stroke. The handle must be large encugh to have a it sawed up it, sufficient to admit a stave edgeways, which must be fastened with a strong iron pin, on which it may work. The lower end of the stave must be bored to admit the round end of the crank; then fix the shaft, with the oars (or arms) over the gunwale, on two crotchets, one spiked to the gunwale, and the other near the pump, cutting in the shaft a circular notch, as well to make it run easier, by lessening the friction, as to keep the whole steady. A bolt is now to be fixed in each crotchet close over the shaft, to keep it from rising. As soon as the wheel touches the water it will turn round, and the crauk, by means of the stave fixed on its end, will work the handle of the pump.

To render the sinking of a ship impossible. According to the present plan of ship-building, in case of leaks at sea, which cannot be kept under by pumping, the ships and crews must inevitably be lost, to the great affliction and loss of thousands of families. In order to prevent such accidents in future, which hitherto have been too common, a gentleman, of the name of Williams, suggests an easy arrangement, which, if universally adopted, even under the worst circumstances, will enable the crew to save not only themselves, but the ship and cargo likewise:

It is, that every ship should be divided into four equal compartments, with partitions of sufficient strength; the probability, in case of a leak is, that it would take place in one of them; and allowing it to fill, the safety of the ship would not be endangered, for 3-4 of the cargo would remain undamaged. To prove this, we will suppose a vessel of one hundred tons so divided, (though the plan is as applicable to a ship of one thousand tons as a canal boat) and, that one of the compartments filled with water: this would not increase her weight more than from six to eight tons, from the cargo previously occupying the space, and reducing her buoyancy about one-third. The same effect would take place, was she sent out of port with only onefourth of her hull above water, though vessels are more commonly sent out with one-third, and even more. Packets, as they carry little or no cargo, may with safety be divided into three compartments. In cases of fire the advantage is equally obvious, as any of the quarters might be inundated with safety

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turally. When a man therefore falls into deep water, he will rise to the surface, and continue there if he does not elevate his hands. If he move his hands under the water in any manner he pleases, his head will rise so high as to allow him liberty to breathe; and if he move his legs, as in the act of walking, (or rather of walking up stairs), his shoulders will rise above the water, so that he may use less exertion with his hands, or apply them to other purposes. These plain directions are recommended to the attention of those who have not learned to swim in their youth, and they will, if attended to, be found highly advantageous in preserving life.

If a person falls into the water, or gets out of his depth, and cannot swim-and if he wishes to drown himself, let him kick and splash as violent.y as possible, and he will soon sink. On the contrary, if impressed with the idea that he is lighter than the water, he avoids all violent action, and calmly but steadily strives to refrain from drawing in his breath whilst under the water, and keeps his head raised as much as possible; and gently, but constantly, moves his hands and feet in a proper direction, there will be a great probability of his keeping afloat until some aid arrives. Cramp in bathing.

For the cure of the cramp, when swimming, Dr Franklin recommends a vigorous and violent shock of the part affected, by suddenly and forcibly stretching out the leg, which should be darted out of the water, into the air, if possible. Precautions in bathing.

Never venture into cold water, when the body is much heated.

Dr Franklin relates an instance, within his own knowledge, of four young men, who, having worked at harvest in the heat of the day, with a view of refreshing themselves, plunged into a spring of cold water; two died upon the spot, a third the next morning, and the fourth recovered with great difficulty.

Be very careful where you bathe, even though ever so good a swimmer, lest there should be weeds to entangle the feet, or any thing else to endanger life. It is by the neglect of this precaution that many good swimmers expose themselves to greater danger than those who cannot swim at all; their very expertness thus becoming fatal to them, by tempting them into places where their destruction is inevitable.


The use of the tepid salt water bath, or indeed of sea-bathing itself, when the water is warm, (that is,) between 60 and 80 degrees of heat, is in many cases beneficial, when a colder temperature would be decidedly injurious.

It may be satisfactory to know, that in situations distant from the shore, where sea-water cannot be had, artificial sea-water, inade by dissolving + lbs. of bay-salt in 16 gallons of fresh water, possesses all the properties of the water of the sea, a small portion of sulphate of magnesia excepted. The shower-bath.

The cold shower-bath is less alarming to nervous persons, and less liable to produce cramps, than cold immersion; it may be considered as the best and safest mode of cold bathing, and is recommended in many nervous complaints.

It has also afforded relief in some cases of insanity.

Substitute for a shower bath. Where the saving of expense is an object, it may be effectually answered by filling a common waters ing pot with cold water. Let the patient sit un dressed upon a stool, which may be placed in a large tub, and let the hair, if not cut short, be

spread over the shoulders as loosely as possible. Now pour the water from the pot over the patient's ead, face, neck, shoulders, and all parts of the ody, progressively down to the feet, until the whole has been thoroughly wetted.

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This great man left, as a legacy to the world, A large sponge may, in some measure, be sub- the following simple and unerring directions for stituted for the shower bath; particularly in affec-preserving health; they contained the sum and sui tions of the head, which arise from intemperance, stance of his vast professional knowledge, during night watching, study, or other perplexity. Head- a long and useful life:-" Keep the feet warm; the ache, from these causes, will be greatly alleviated head cool; and the body open. "-If these were by wiping the top and fore-part of the ead with generally attended to, the physician's aid would a sponge frequently dipped in water. The cold seldom be required. thus produced will check the determination of Clothing. blood to the head, and has often been known to prevent delirium and insanity.

The tepid-bath.

On immersing the body in a tepid-bath, which takes its range from 85 to 95 degrees, no string sensation either of heat or cold is felt. But a person much chilled, will, on entering the tepid-bath, feel the water warm, while another, who had been heated by exercise, will find it insensibly cold.

To adapt the dress with a scrupulous nicety to the fluctuations of temperature every day, would indeed require such minute attention as hardly any person can bestow: but every person may comply with the general rules of clothing, as far as not to lay aside too early the dress of the winter, nor to retain that of the summer too late; from a neglect of which precaution thousands of lives are every year sacrificed to mortality. The perfection of dress, considered merely as such, is to fit without fettering the body. Air.

The tepid-bath is attended with several advantages: the surface of the skin is, by it, freed from that scaly matter, which always collects more or less in the healthiest person; the pores of the skin, Nothing is more pernicious than the air of a thus being free, the natural perspiration is pro-place where a numerous body of people are colmoted, the limbs are rendered supple, and any lected together within doors; especially if to the stiffness, which may have been produced by exer- breath of the crowd there be added the vapours of tion, or fatigue, is removed. Such immersion has a multitude of candles, and the consumption of the Deen found to allay thirst; a proof that a quantity || vital air by fires in proportion. Hence it happens, of water is absorbed, and enters the body through that persons of a delicate constitution are liable to become sick or faint in a place of this kind. These ought to avoid, as touch as possible, the air of great towns; which is also peculiarly hurtful to the asthmatic and consumptive, as it is likewise to hysteric women, and men of weak nerves. Where such people cannot always live without the verge of great towns, they ought, at least, to go out as often as they can into the open air, and, if possible, pass the night in the wholesome situation of the suburbs Ventilation.

the skin.

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The tepid-bath seems the best adapted to the purposes of cleanliness and healthy exercise. To delicate females, and young children, it is of primary importance. Nothing can be more absurd than the common practice of mothers and nurses in washing children, no matter how sickly or unwell, with cold water, under the idea of bracing the constitution: whereas, the use of tepid water alone, is not only the most agreeable, but the most proper fluid to excite the energies of the system in young children.

Affusion with tepid water has generally the same result, except, that if the body continue exposed to the air after the affusion, a sensation of cold is produced, which ought to be avoided, by wiping dry the upper part of the body, whilst the lower extremities are still covered with water.

There can be little doubt, that human existence, by tepid bathing, temperance, and proper exercise, may be made more agreeable, and also be prolonged.

Air that has long stagnated becomes extremely unwholesome to breathe, and often immediately fatal. Such is that of mines, wells, cellars, &c. People ought therefore to be very cautious in en. tering places of this description which have been long shut up. The air of some hospitals, jails, ships, &c. partakes of the same unwholesome and pernicious nature; and they ought never to be destitute of ventilators-those useful contrivances for expelling foul, and introducing fresh air into its place. The same may be said of all places where numbers of people are crowded together.

It is found that most plants have the property of correcting bad air within a few hours, wher

GENERAL RULES FOR PRESERVING LIFE AND HEALTH. they are exposed to the light of the sun; but that,

Sir R. Phillips's rules.

1. Rise early, and never sit up late,

2. Wash the whole body every morning with cold water, by means of a large sponge, and rub it dry with a rough towel, or scrub the whole body for ten or fifteen minutes with flesh brushes.

3. Drink water generally, and avoid excess of spirits, wine, and fermented liquors.

4. Keep the body open by the free use of the syringe, and remove superior obstructions by aperient pills.

on the contrary, during the night, or in the shade, they corrupt the common r of the atmosphere. Hence it is a dangerous practice to have shrubs in an apartment that is slept in.

Ventilation of churches.

Both in public and private buildings there are errors committed, which affect in an extraordinary degree the salubrity of the air. Churches are seldom open above once a week; they are never ventilated by fires, and rarely by opening the windows: while, to render the air of them yet more unwholesome, little or no attention is paid to keeping them clean. The consequence of which is, that they are damp, musty, and apt to prove hurtful to peo6. Keep the head cool by washing it when neces-ple of weak constitutions; and it is a common resary with cold water, and abate feverish and in- mark, that a person cannot pass through a large Aammatory symptoms when they arise by perse- church or cathedral, even in summer, without a vering stillness. strong sense of coolness.

5. Sleep in a room which has free access to the open air.

7. Correct symptoms of plethora and indigestion ny eating and drinking less per diem for a few days.

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Ventilation of houses.

The great attention paid to making houses close

Bad warm, though apparently well adapted to the comfort of the inhabitants, is by no means favourable to health, unless care be taken every day to admit fresh air by the windows. Sometimes it may be proper to make use of what is called pumping the room, or moving the door backward and forward for some minutes together. The practice of making the beds early in the day, however it may suit convenience or delicacy, is doubtless improper. at would be much better to turn them down, and expose them to the influence of the air admited by the windows.

For many persons to sleep in one room, as in the ward of a hospital, is hurtful to health; and it is scarcely a less injurious custom, though often practised by those who have splendid houses, for two or more to sleep in a small apartment, especially if it be very close.

Houses situated in low marshy countries, or near lakes of stagnating water, are likewise unwholesome; as they partake of the putrid vapours exhaled in such places. To remedy this evil, those who inhabit them, if they study their health, ought to use a more generous diet than is requisite in more dry and elevated situations.

Burying in churches, &c.

It is almost every where too common to have church-yards in the middle of populous towns. This is not only reprehensible in point of taste, but, considering how near to the surface of the earth the dead bodies in many places are deposited, there must necessarily arise putrid vapours, which, however imperceptible, cannot fail to contaminate the air. The practice of burying in churches is still more liable to censure; and not many years ago, the pernicious effects of this custom were so severely felt in France, as to occasion a positive edict against it.

To dissipate noxious vapours in wells, &c. Procure a pair of smith's bellows, affixed on a wooden frame, so as to work in the same manner as at the forge. This apparatus being placed at the edge of the well, one end of a leathern tube, (the nose of a fire engine) should be closely adapt ed to the nose of the bellows, and the other end thrown into the well, reaching within one foot of the bottom.

If the well be even so infected, that a candle will not burn at a short distance from the top; after blowing with the bellows only half an hour, the candle will burn bright at the bottom; then, without further difficulty, proceed in the work.

It is obvious, that in cleaning vaults, or working in any subterraneous place subject to damps, the same method must be attended with the like beneficial effects.

Persons, whose business requires them to attend upon large quantities of fermenting liquors, or to work in close places with lighted charcoal, frequently experience head-ache, giddiness, and other disagreeable effects from the noxious vapours which these exhale, and often have their nealth impaired, or their lives endangered by a continuance in the employment. In some cases, the danger, perhaps, cannot be avoided, except by going into the open air, as soon as head-ache or giddiness begins, and drinking a glass of cold water, or washing the face and neck with the same. In the case of persons whose work requires charcoal fires, the dangerous effects of it may be prevented, by taking care not to sit near it when burning, or to burn it in a chimney, and when there is none, to kup the door open, and place a large tub of limewater in the room.

To protect gilders, jewellers, and others from the pernicious effects of charcoal.

It is advisable for all those who are exposed to

the vapours of charcoal, particularly gilders, jewellers, refiners of metals, &c. to place a flat vessel, filled with lime-water, near the stove in which the charcoal is burnt.

The lime strongly attacks the mephitic gas evolved by the ignited charcoal, and preserves the purity of the air. When the surface of the water becomes covered with a film, or pellicle, it must be changed for a fresh quantity. To prevent lamps from proving pernicious to asthmatic persons.

The smoking of lamps is frequently disregarded in domestic life; but the fumes ascending from oil, especially if it be tainted or rancid, are highly pernicious, when inhaled into the lungs of asthmatic persons. To prevent this, let a sponge, three or four inches in diameter, be moistened with pure water, and in that state be suspended by a string or wire, exactly over the flame of the lamp, at the distance of a few inches; this substance will absorb all the smoke emitted during the evening or night, after which it should be rinsed in warm water, by which means it will be again rendered fit for use.

To disinfect substances of the plague. Chlorine has been successfully used in Spain for this purpose, in the following manner.

Expose four ounces of meat in a saucer, until it becomes nearly putrid: suspend bits of paper, fur, feathers, cotton, silk, and wool, upon hooks fixed in a horizontal piece of wood, attached to a perpendicular one, which is supported by a pedestal of lead; cover the whole with a bell-glass fixed in the rim of a piece of wood on which the saucer is placed. The edges of the rim should be puttied. Fix a cork very tight in the top aperture of the bell-glass, and let the whole rest in a warm room for a fortnight. On withdrawing the cork, the degree of putrefaction may be easily ascertained. When sufficiently impregnated, let each substance be taken out in succession, and enveloped in a sheet of paper folded like a letter; and suspended on a hook in another bell-glass, under which materials for producing chlorine are placed in a saucer or cup. These materials are muriatic acid poured over red oxide of lead, or pulverized oxide of manganese. In a short time the putrid odour will be dispersed, and the papers, which are intended to imitate letters supposed to be infected, will smell only of chlorine. Each letter should have three or four parallel incisions made in it with a sharp knife, to admit the disinfecting gas more readily. || To protect gilders from the pernicious effects of

mei cury.

They should have two doors in their work room, opposite to each other, which they should keep open, that there may be a free circulation of air. They should likewise have a piece of gold applied to the roof of the mouth, during the whole time of the operation. This plate will attract and intercept the mercury as they breathe, and when it grows white they must cast it into the fire, that the mercury may evaporate, and replace it when it is cool again. They should, indeed, have two pieces of gold, that one may be put into the mouth whilst the other is purifying and coo ̈ ng; by these means they will preserve themselves from the diseases and infirmities which mercury occasions. Riding and walking.

For preserving health, there is no kind of exercise more proper than walking, as it gives the most general action to the muscles of the body; but, for valetudinarians, riding on horseback is preferable It is almost incredible how much the constitution may be strengthened by this exercise, whe contipued for a considerable time; not so much in the fashionable way of a morning ride, but of making

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