صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

dixit et exceptus tergo consueta locavit

membra manusque

ambas iaculis oneravit acutis,

aere caput fulgens cristaque hirsutus equina.

sic cursum in medios rapidus dedit. aestuat ingens 870 uno in corde pudor mixtoque insania luctu.

Atque hic Aenean magna ter voce vocavit. Aeneas adgnovit enim laetusque precatur : "sic pater ille deum faciat, sic altus Apollo! incipias conferre manum.'

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tantum effatus, et infesta subit obvius hasta. ille autem: "quid me erepto, saevissime, nato terres? haec via sola fuit, qua perdere posses. nec mortem horremus nec divum parcimus ulli. 880 desine: nam venio moriturus et haec tibi porto dona prius." dixit telumque intorsit in hostem. inde aliud super atque aliud figitque volatque ingenti gyro, sed sustinet aureus umbo.

ter circum adstantem laevos equitavit in orbis, tela manu iaciens, ter secum Troius heros immanem aerato circumfert tegmine silvam. inde ubi tot traxisse moras, tot spicula taedet vellere et urgetur pugna congressus iniqua,


multa movens animo iam tandem erumpit et inter 890 bellatoris equi cava tempora conicit hastam.

tollit se arrectum quadrupes et calcibus auras verberat effusumque equitem super ipse secutus implicat eiectoque incumbit cernuus armo.

clamore incendunt caelum Troesque Latinique. 895 advolat Aeneas vaginaque eripit ensem

872 = XII. 668, omitted by MPRy1a1b.


883 fugitque M1Ð1¿1.
887 agmine 72.

aereus MP.
894 cernulus P2Ry1.

and a Trojan lord!" He spoke, and, mounting the beast, settled his limbs as was his wont, and charged either hand with sharp javelins, his head glittering with brass and bristling with horse-hair plume. Thus he swiftly dashed into the midst. In that single heart surges a vast tide of shame and madness mingled with grief.

873 And now thrice in loud tones he called Aeneas. Yea, and Aeneas knew the call, and offers joyful "So prayer: may the great father of the gods grant it, so Apollo on high! Mayest thou begin the combat!" So much said, he moves on to meet him with levelled spear. But he: "Why seek to affright me, fierce foe, now my son is taken? This was the one way whereby thou couldst destroy me. We shrink not from death, nor heed we any of the gods. Cease; for I come to die, first bringing thee these gifts." He spoke, and hurled a javelin at his foe; then plants another and yet another, wheeling in wide circle; but the boss of gold withstands all. Thrice round his watchful foe he rode, turning to the left and launching darts from his hand; thrice the Trojan hero bears round with him the vast forest of spears upon his brazen shield. Then, weary of prolonging so many delays, of plucking out so many darts, and hard pressed in the unequal fray, at last with much pondering in heart, he springs forth and hurls his lance full between the war-horse's hollow temples. The steed rears up, lashes the air with its feet, then throws the rider and itself coming down above, entangles him; then falls over him in headlong plunge, and with shoulder out of joint. With their cries Trojans and Latins set heaven aflame. Up flies Aeneas, plucks his sword from the scabbard, and

et super haec: "ubi nunc Mezentius acer et illa
effera vis animi?" contra Tyrrhenus, ut auras
suspiciens hausit caelum mentemque recepit:
"hostis amare, quid increpitas mortemque minaris ?
nullum in caede nefas, nec sic ad proelia veni,
nec tecum meus haec pepigit mihi foedera Lausus.
unum hoc per si qua est victis venia hostibus oro:
corpus humo patiare tegi. scio acerba meorum
circumstare odia: hunc, oro, defende furorem
et me consortem nati concede sepulchro."
haec loquitur iuguloque haud inscius accipit ensem
undantique animam diffundit in arma cruore.

898 ut] et M2P2R11.

908 anima P1. defundit Ry1.

cruorem MP1.



thus above him cries: "Where now is bold Mezentius, and that wild fierceness of soul?" To him the Tuscan, as with eyes upturned to the air he drank in the heaven and regained his sense: "Bitter foe, why thy taunts and threats of death? No sin is there in slaying me; not on such terms came I to battle, nor is such the pact my Lausus pledged between me and thee. This alone I ask, by whatsoever grace a vanquished foe may claim: suffer my body to be laid in earth. I know that my people's fierce hatred besets me. Guard me, I pray, from their fury, and grant me fellowship with my son within the tomb.' So speaks he, and, unfaltering, welcomes the sword to his throat, and pours forth his life over his armour in streams of blood.




OCEANUM interea surgens Aurora reliquit: Aeneas, quamquam et sociis dare tempus humandis praecipitant curae turbataque funere mens est, vota deum primo victor solvebat Eoo. ingentem quercum decisis undique ramis constituit tumulo fulgentiaque induit arma, Mezenti ducis exuvias, tibi, magne, tropaeum, bellipotens; aptat rorantis sanguine cristas telaque trunca viri, et bis sex thoraca petitum perfossumque locis, clipeumque ex aere sinistrae 10 subligat atque ensem collo suspendit eburnum. tum socios (namque omnis eum stipata tegebat turba ducum) sic incipiens hortatur ovantis :

"Maxima res effecta, viri; timor omnis abesto, quod superest; haec sunt spolia et de rege superbo 15 primitiae manibusque meis Mezentius hic est. nunc iter ad regem nobis murosque Latinos. arma parate animis et spe praesumite bellum, ne qua mora ignaros, ubi primum vellere signa adnuerint superi pubemque educere castris,


18 Servius notes that animis may be taken with either the words preceding or those following. M punctuates after animis.

1 Aeneas has two duties to perform, to bury the dead and to pay his vow. The latter he attends to first, according to

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