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One or two unsuccessful imitations of "The Foresters," followed soon afterwards; but no novelist appeared until 1798, when Charles Brockden Brown published "Wieland," which noble composition gave the author a title to rank among the most popular writers of fiction of his time. This was succeeded by Arthur Mervyn, Edgar Huntly, Clara Howard, and others, which added to the fame of the writer. These novels are characterised by a richness of language, wild and brilliant imagery, and in every page betray the poet of nature, and man of genius. Brown was the pioneer in the wilds of American fiction; and

independent of Great Britain, they began to think for themselves in literature as well as in politics; and writers on various subjects began to make their appearance, and rapidly to increase in numbers, dignifying and elevating their pursuit, by the extent, variety, and boldness of their productions, and by the genius and learning they displayed. But not until about the year seventeen hundred and ninety, could American literature be properly classed, or authors be designated by names derived from their devotion to one branch of learning. And although at the period we have just named, few or no writers followed, to the exclusion of other branches of science, or other pro-like all who travel an unbeaten path, had many fessions, any one path of literature, still, with less difficulty than twenty years before, they admitted of classification under respective heads. Thus, in 1790, the United States could boast her historians, her biographers, her jurists, her theologians, her travellers, her poets, and her novelists; and so rapid, since that period, has been her progress in every field of literature, art and science, that at this time she holds a proud rank in the world of letters, to which, during the last forty years, her contributions in the various departments of science, have been equalled by no nations except England, and perhaps Germany.

Cooper's. His pious mother, taking advantage of his absence, had torn out and burned their godless contents, and replaced the harmless skeletons."

The next novelist of importance was Mrs. Foster, who, inspired by the popularity of Wieland and its successors, wrote a lively novel, called "The Boarding School;" but only added another to a numerous species of English novels, adapted

obstacles to encounter. The novelist of that period was looked upon as little better than an infidel; his work was seldom met with in the library of the learned, or the boudoir of the rich and refined; and a devout abhorrence for works of the imagination, was inculcated and considered a good test of morality. This prejudice has not yet entirely subsided; and the experience of many readers will no doubt readily revert to instances of its exhibition like the following: "A young friend, not a great while since, on entering his study after his return from church, was struck with the meager appearance of his book-case. On examination, he Of the classes of writers abovementioned, the took from it the covers of threescore novels, the acnovelist was the slowest in his advances into pub-cumulation of years, including many of Scott's and lic favor. The severe cast of character of that grave generation, which still retained traces of the stern and severely moral tone of feeling derived from the early settlers of the colonies, presented powerful obstacles to the introduction of a species of literature, whose object was amusement, and which, in the opinion of the sober people of the age, was akin to the sorceries of the Moabites and Ammonites, and a temptation of the devil. The to the taste of the day. Its success, however, was first American novelist, who had the temerity limited. Shortly afterwards, she published “The to encounter these puritanic prejudices, was a Coquette," a fiction of the same class and degree of clergyman! the Rev. Dr. Belknap. He was an merit; but many of its incidents having actually accurate scholar, and distinguished for the sound- happened, and several of the characters which were ness of his learning in various departments of drawn with skill and truth, being prominent living science, especially legal jurisprudence, history, individuals, it created a certain kind of artificial and politics, that do not usually invite the atten- excitement, and was read by every body. This tion of divines. Some of his opinions upon society novel was instrumental in creating a taste for and political government, were of a bold, original fictitious compositions, which was increased by the and dangerous character; and such as he did not publication of "Charlotte Temple," a captivathink it wise to divulge without some precautions. ting fiction from the pen of Mrs. Rawson. Several He therefore, in imitation of certain French wri- other works by the same graceful writer, afterters, wrote a novel, in which he introduced many wards made their appearance, and were extensivewell-drawn characters, which he made the me-ly read and admired. Many romances, from anonydium of expressing sentiments he deemed it impru-mous authors, and from others whose names were dent to convey to the public through a more direct then known, but which fame has not recorded, channel. This novel he entitled "The Forest- were successively published, read and forgotten. ers." It became very popular, and the reverend The fame of the Great Unknown, and the revonovelist, instead of being, with his book, compared lution in public sentiment in relation to fiction, at with Aaron and the golden calf, tempting men length drew many competitors into the field, both to idolatry, in lieu of pointing them to Heaven, in Great Britain and the United States. The gained by his production, deserved reputation. genius of Sir Walter Scott seemed to have en

kindled a hundred minds. Among the numerous | The judgment proved to be favorable, and the candidates for novelistic honors in America, the shelves of the publishers, which had remained ungentleman whose name has given title to this invaded until this crisis, were now rapidly cleared paper, was destined to stand forth the most dis-of a work, the merits of which had been first seen tinguished. Mr. Cooper is a native of Burling- and appreciated in a foreign land. Verily," a proton, in the state of New-Jersey. He was educated phet hath no honor in his own country." at Yale College, and subsequently became a mid- In 1823, Mr. Cooper sent forth his third work, shipman in the navy, in which situation he acqui-"The Pioneers," the principal scenes of which are red that nautical knowledge to which his country- laid in the American wilderness. Taught by this men are indebted for the "Pilot," the "Red Ro-time how to estimate their novelist, the American ver," and the "Water Witch." At the close of press received this production more favorably, but the last war, he left the service, which after the still held back the full meed of praise, until they peace, presented no attractions to an active and could hear from the other side of the water. ardent mind, and returned to the family mansion It is not the object of the writer to discuss the of his father, Judge Cooper, then residing in New merits of these novels, but to offer a brief notice York, in the vicinity of Otsego Lake-the roman- of them and their author. The "Pilot," the scenes tic scenery of which the novelist has described of which are laid on the coast of England, in the in "The Pioneer," with the pen of a poet and revolutionary war, and the hero of which, who also naturalist. Retirement, to an imaginative mind, gives the title to the work, is John Paul Jones, is the parent of invention; invention pants for was published in the year 1824, and forthwith expression; the pen is at once seized as the me- became popular. The time embraced by the dium, and the hermit is converted into the author. whole book, excepting the last chapter, is less The genius of Cooper soon caught inspiration from than seventy-two hours. It is undoubtedly one of the objects by which he was surrounded, and as the best, as it certainly is the most finished, of the result of his seclusion, he produced a work of Mr. Cooper's fictions. "Lionel Lincoln❞ soon fiction, entitled "Precaution." Although this novel followed "The Pilot," in 1825; and its popularity possesses distinguished merit, and is surpassed by was unprecedented. The scenes of this romance but two or three of Mr. Cooper's later produc- are laid in Boston during its occupation by the tions, it was received with indifference by the British troops, at the beginning of the revolutionAmerican public; for Waverley and Guy Man-ary struggle. It is second, in point of merit, to nering, at this period, had created, or rather confirmed the taste for English literature of this class, and a corresponding contempt for domestic talent. "Precaution" was not only neglected, but so severely criticised, that the author, if he had looked for fame to his countrymen, would never have resumed his pen. But the British press, with that In 1826, Mr. Cooper sent out from his prolific justice, dignity and candor, which has almost uni- pen, another annual ;-for his appearance was now versally characterised it, in relation to American marked with the regularity of the seasons; and a literature, taught the Americans to appreciate his new novel, yearly, from the "author of the Spy," genins. The English critics praised his book; as he was designated, had got to be as much a his countrymen re-echoed their opinions, and read matter of course, as the annual message from the and praised it also for now that it was properly president. This, his sixth romance, is entitled endorsed, there could be no error. To the justice"The Last of the Mohicans," and is assimilated, and good sense of the English press, which may in the peculiarities of its principal scenes and chaclaim the distinction of giving America her most racters, to "The Pioneers," both of which fictions celebrated novelist, Mr. Cooper is also indebted to may, with propriety, be denominated in contradisthe ultimate success of his second novel, "The tinction to "Nautical,"—"Indian novels:" their Spy," a revolutionary tale, which the encourage- prominent features being the portraiture of Indian ment of the British press induced him to publish, manners and customs, the peculiarities of which although not until some time afterward, in the are exhibited in the habitudes of certain aboriginal year 1822. This production now ranks one of characters therein introduced. In painting Indian the first of the Cooperian novels; yet, on its first scenes of still life, or in delineating the warrior appearance, as it had not passed the ordeal of the and hunter, the battle or the chase, our novelist, English press, which at that time governed the as he is the first who seized upon subjects so full literary taste of the American public, as absolute- of interest for the romancer, so is he alone and ly as ever the ministry governed the American unrivalled in this branch of his art. colonies, it was received with doubt and hesitation. No man ventured an opinion; all eyes were directed towards England, awaiting her decision.

others by the same author, but yields to none of them in interest. It was this production that created in Boston and throughout New-England, a popularity for Mr. Cooper's works, at one period so great, as to become among novel readers, almost a mania.

The forest, ocean, and camp, constitute the legitimate empire of Mr. Cooper's genius. At his bidding the savage warrior, the fearless seaman, the gallant sol

dier, move, speak and act with wonderful reality. | with which they are invested, when exhibited to But in the streets of a city; in the green fields; the reader through their seductive pages. The in the parlor or in the bower, he is not so entirely at home; and the details of rural and domestic life, are apparently unsuited to the character of his genius. His mind is deeply imbued with love for the stern and the sublime: as a poet, he doubtless would have written very much like Campbell.

novelty of the subjects and characters on which Sir Walter Scott exercised his pen, contributed essentially, not only to the popularity of his novels in England, but especially in America. Here, we knew but little or nothing of highlanders from observation; and our imaginations exaggeraIn 1827, Mr. Cooper published his seventh ro- ting what little knowledge we did possess through mance, entitled "The Prairie,”—a fiction of the distorted and imported traditions, prepared us for same species of the Pioneers, and by judicious the reception of romances (such as Scott's earlier critics esteemed one of the best from his pen. novels,) professing to portray the more romantic The "author of the Spy" had now attained to that features of their manners and habits. Aside from degree of popularity, when, at length, an author's their intrinsic merit, the novels of Cooper, also, productions are received unquestioned, read with- from causes similar to these, became universally out criticism, and have become a part of the cur-popular in England. An Englishman who has rent literature of the age. The words "By the never visited America, has peculiar ideas of that author of the Spy," on the title page of a novel, terra incognita, an American forest, and of its was now sufficient for its introduction, unread, not aboriginal inhabitants. His imagination invests only into the boudoir, but into the libraries of men both with a sort of oriental interest, of which an of taste and learning. Having successfully over- American cannot well conceive. This can be come the rapids, quicksands and whirlpools which readily referred to that "distance which lends obstructed his onset, Mr. Cooper had now only to enchantment to the view," and that leads us, this spread his sail, recline at ease in his bark, and, side of the Atlantic, to view all connected with wafted by the breezes of popular favor, glide England through a singularly false medium; an peacefully over the placid sea of literary fame. illusion, which, by merely substituting the telescoThe popularity of the Prairie was unprece-pic for the microscopic distance, it has been proven dented by any previous works from the same pen. At this period, the English language presented the remarkable feature of two of its writers, natives of different lands, engrossing the whole field of romance, controlling the public taste, and each founding at the same time, in opposite hemispheres, an immortal school of fiction. Scott opened the treasures of the highlands, and scattered their inexhaustible stores throughout Christendom: and by the power of his unaided genius, he has thrown a classic interest over the hills, glens, towers and lakes of his native country, as imperishable as the charm which the epic poets of Rome and Greece have thrown around their lands. Cooper unfolded the mysteries of the pathless wilderness, snatched its native lords from the oblivion into which they were sinking, and bade them live, before the eyes of the admiring world, in all the poetry and romance of their characters. The magic of his pen has invested the forest with an interest such as genius can alone create. He has so portrayed the character of a primitive people, who were men until the contact of civilization made them brutes, that, when they shall at length live only in the page of history, it is alone through the inspired pen of the novelist, that future ages will most delight to contemplate their character. Both Scott and Cooper have thrown an exaggerated poetic interest around the characters they most loved to draw; and the rude highlander of the Scottish hills, and the savage of the American wilds, are, perhaps, equally indebted to the imagination of the novelist for the peculiar charms

may easily be dispelled. Mr. Cooper, therefore, so far as the English public were concerned, had his work half done to his hands; and his pictures of Indian character and western life and adventure, were received in Great Britain with unbounded enthusiasm: race-horses and club-boats were named after his novels; pretty villas were christened with half a dozen Indian monosyllables, and savage warriors in full costume stalked among masqueraders in the halls of mirth and fashion.

In 1828, the "Red Rover" made its appearance, and won for the author fresh laurels, both from his countrymen and Europeans. His works had not only reached Great Britain, but previous to this time had drawn the attention of Germany and France, into the languages of which nations they were translated, and received with a popularity rivalling that which they had met with in England and the United States. Perhaps no novel has been more extensively read by all classes of society, than this last mentioned production. The whole of this year, with the exception of a few weeks spent in England, was passed by Mr. Cooper in France, Belgium and Holland. The year 1829, which he also spent on the continent, was marked in his literary history by the publication of two works-"The Notes of a Travelling Bachelor," and the "Wept of the Wish-TonWish." Neither of these productions materially increased his popularity as a writer. The first was not a fiction. Mr. Cooper had been so long treating his friends to an annual hamper of champaign, that they would not put up with healthy cider, though

bearing the same brand. He had created and only knightly lovers sighing at their feet, or breakfostered a taste for fictitious compositions, and he ing lances and heads to attest their devotion. Solely could not complain. The young ladies pouted their by his genius and industry, he had laid the foundapretty lips from vexation, and would not read it tion for a school of romance as original, as extenfrom sheer spite. The young gentlemen took sive, and destined to be as perpetual as that instiit up cavalierly, and determined to read and abuse tuted in another land by the author of Waverley. it out of revenge. The "Travelling Bachelor" In quitting a field where he reigned without a was read, nevertheless, with approbation by a rival, to adventure on unfamiliar ground, evinced, large class of readers, whom his novels had not at least, temerity; and, if it did not endanger the reached. It proved to be a work displaying the fame he had already won in many a tilt, it at least finest powers of the novelist, and although of a promised no adequate honors to one who had aldifferent character from his former productions, ready plucked unfading laurels. The "Bravo," well worthy to rank among them, and advance however, attested on every page, the legitimacy of undisputed claims to a high place in the branch of its authorship-the genius of Cooper pervaded the literature to which it belongs. "The Wept of the whole. There were two causes, however, which Wish-Ton-Wish," an Indian tale, or novel, pub-militated against its unmixed popularity, in Englished soon afterwards in the same year, was far land and in America; although in Italy, France from obtaining the popularity of its predecessors. and Germany, it was preeminently successful. The In 1830, Mr. Cooper omitted sending forth his English palate was sated with continental producannual fiction. This year, also, he passed on the tions from English pens, in every possible shape. Continent, during which period, we believe, he was The Bravo was regarded as only another of this acting as our consul at Lyons. In 1831, he pub-genus, although coming from a source which enlished the "Water Witch," a nautical novel. It forced its favorable reception. It is not, however, redeemed the doubtful success of "The Wept of here to be understood, that the Bravo was unpoputhe Wish-Ton-Wish," which, to pursue a figure lar in England; viewed with some of its contembefore adopted, cast a brief shadow, as if from a poraries, it was only comparatively so. Its receppassing cloud, upon the bright waters over which tion was infinitely more flattering than that which his bark had hitherto been prosperously careering. usually attended the best continental novels of the The apparent resemblance, which, in treating simi- same class. In the United States it was not well lar themes could not be avoided, without too mani-received, although the causes just advanced, could fest artifice, between this work and the "Red not, in this country, affect it. The objection, a Rover," caused some severe and not always just somewhat invidious one, was, that it was a foreign criticisms from the press, on its first appearance; but this did not affect its popularity, which eventually equalled, if it did not surpass, that acquired by the production with which it was compared. The Water Witch was not only dramatised and successfully performed on the American boards, but, also, many of the previous novels by the same author, received this testimony of popularity. In 1832, Mr. Cooper was still residing in Europe, where he had been since 1828, touring through England, Belgium, Germany, France and Italy. As the fruit, no doubt, of a some-time In 1833, "The Heidenmauer" (heathen-wall) sojourn in Venice, he gave to the world this year, or "The Benedictines," followed the Bravo. The his twelfth book and eleventh novel, "The Bravo scenes of this fiction are likewise laid in Europe. of Venice." This was the first time Mr. Cooper This work, also, had to contend with the prejuhad placed the scenes of his fictions in other than dices abovementioned. It was moreover written his native land. Up to this period he had been with somewhat less vigor and beauty of style, emphatically a native novelist. He had explored than characterised the former works by the same the empire of American fiction, before untrodden, author. His spirit seemed to languish beneath and proved to the world that Europe was not alone a foreign sky, and labor and art to have sucthe land of story. He had shown that ivied walls, ceeded the freshness of inspiration. A comparitime-worn castles and gloomy dungeons, were not son of his two last works with the Prairie and necessary to make a land a land of romance; that Red Rover, showed clearly that America was the war of the revolution rivalled, in romantic inte- the empire, as well as the birthplace, of Mr. rest, the wars of the crusades; that the Indian war- Cooper's genius.

work; and, many thought, with equal jealousy, that Mr. Cooper should have exhausted American subjects before he resorted to the hackneyed themes of Italian story. There may, perhaps, be some foundation in a wholesome national pride for these prejudices. They materially affected his popularity in the United States, although his fame was too firmly established to be sensibly moved by it. It has been accurately remarked by Sir Walter Scott, that the reputation of an author is neither gained nor lost by a single production.

rior equally with the turbaned Saracen, was the The thirteenth novel of the "Author of the theme of the romancer; and that heroes need not Spy," and his fourteenth work, was published always to be clad in iron mail, nor heroines have in 1834. It is entitled "The Headsman of Berne.”

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With the Water Witch, Mr. Cooper appears what reserved, but his address is courteous and to have bidden adieu to the American soil as pleasing. He is at present a resident of New a novelist, and to have left the field to the nu-York, and will doubtless yield to the renewed merous aspirants for his fame, who now began inspiration of the native American muse, and to occupy the arena. The scenes of this novel are entwine himself for many succeeding years around laid in Switzerland. Its appearance revived in a our hearts; for we are reluctant to believe, that measure the waning popularity of its author in he has yet filled up the measure of his country's the United States, although his countrymen were honor. not pleased that their most distinguished novelist should expatriate both himself and his novels. The Headsman is marked with all the beauties of Mr. Cooper's best and most popular compositions. We believe it was previous to the publication of this romance, that the author received the appointment of Charge d'Affaires for the United States at Paris. "The Monikins," Mr. Cooper's fourteenth and last novel, followed the Headsman. It bore few traces of our author's manner, and was limited in its popularity.


Comes blandly through the blind! The fragrancy
A summer morning! How the balmy air
Is borne upon its wings, and it hath stirred
Of myriad flowers and fields of budding grain,
The leaves of yonder tree whose shade I love.
Is it their rustling, or the murmured hum
Of tiny wings, sporting upon the rays
Of the warm sun, which bids the ear to mark,
But not to weary, of the silentness?
It whispers peace; it hints of melody,
As when the memory of a favorite air
Dwells in the soul, its tones, its cadences,
All save its soothing harmony, forgot.

In such an hour--so still, and yet not dull,
So resonant of life, and yet so calm-
How am I prone to think upon her love
Whose spirit's elements are the radiancy,
The loveliness and freshness of the morn;
And from my weariness lured a little way,
By the mild beauty of the Sabbath time,
To yield my soul to fond imaginings.

Hark! from the shadows of that leafy grove,
Tones of exulting music, half subdued
By distance, rouse my lately listless ear.
Sweet songster, born of a mysterious race!
How oft upon thy fellows have I gazed,
And as I marked the bright intelligent eye,
Turned up to mine as if 'twould read my thought,
Or saw one hover round my lonely path,
Now perching here, and then a little on,
As if to lure me to his secret haunt,

In 1835, some political strictures appeared from the pen of Mr. Cooper, that were roughly handled by the American press. In 1836, two series of Sketches of Switzerland, by an American," and in 1837, "England, by an American," and "Gleanings in Europe," were given to the public from the press of Carey & Lea, who have uniformly, we believe, been Mr. Cooper's publishers. These works, completing his nineteenth and last book, and being his thirty-eighth volume, produced in the space of nineteen years, bear testimony that the pen of the novelist has parted with no modicum of the strength and beauty of style, with which he has clothed his description of American scenery in the pages of the Spy, Prairie and Pioneers. Mr. Cooper has suppressed many portions of the original manuscript of the Sketches of Switzerland, for reasons which he has slightly touched upon in his preface. These volumes do not relate exclusively to Switzerland: France, Germany, Italy and Holland, are included in the observations of the writer. The first volume opens at Paris in 1828, and leaves the author at Milan. The second volume also begins at Paris, and the reflections of the writer embrace some of the countries above-named. We are particularly struck with the boldness and truth of Mr. Cooper's caustic remarks in his volumes on England, in relation to Americans at home and abroad. He has herein shown himself an able, impartial and fear-To the far wandering, ne'er returning winds, less censor of the foibles and faults of his country- Or, haply to a fellow? Who hath seen These last works have been favorably re- Their air-borne flights, now piercing through the clouds, ceived, although the bold attitude the writer has Now sweeping down to earth, now skimming o'er assumed, has elicited severe and often merited The unruffled surface of the mirror lake; criticism. Mr. Cooper is now in his fiftieth year; Was on the maple leaf, by some old wood, Or who hath watched, ere yet the hectic flush his figure rather above the usual height, robust, When in their companies they disappeared and slightly inclined to portliness. His forehead In ether's mazes, and when half a year is massive, and of an intellectual shape, and his Had passed, beheld them to their ancient nests, eyes lively and expressive, denoting a thinking Greeting the earliest blossoms of the Spring, man and a close observer. His appearance is All pilotless returned, and marvelled not commanding. His manners are perhaps some-If more than instinct did not shape their flights?


Deep in the verdurous wilderness, have deemed
Their song more eloquent than simple speech,
He sought communion with me. Who hath heard
And while his sympathies answered joy for joy,
And pensiveness for sadness, hath not wished
To know each incident of the tale, thus told

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