صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

indoctrinate the public on all imaginable subjects, | are called the duties to ourselves and to society, all whether of art, science, or general literature. Nay, emanate from, and are imperatively enjoined by this more, that should any person dare publicly to question same christianity, under a penalty too, of everlasting their high behests, however modestly it may be done, misery in the world to come, for an habitual violation they are bound in duty to their own dignity, to treat of them. And lastly, education should be, to impress on such offenders with unmeasurable severity. Formerly the youthful heart and mind, in characters as distinct too, what was called "the liberty of the press," was and durable as if cut in brass or marble, that, duty to never imagined, even by its wildest asserters, to be ourselves, consists in bringing to their highest state of nearly synonymous, as it now is, with the liberty of attainable perfection, all our powers both of mind and tearing to pieces private character, for no better cause, body; that the great object of our ever beneficent than political hostility; or indeed, for any cause other maker in bestowing them, was, to enable us to insure than notorious, well ascertained criminality. Now, our own happiness in both worlds, by rendering these this tearing and rending has not only become the con- powers as conducive as we possibly could, to the eter stant business of hundreds of our newspaper popes, nal as well as temporal happiness of the whole human but he who sets up a paper, and will neither take a race; and that man's highest honor here, as well as his hand at the game himself, nor suffer others to do it sole chance of felicity hereafter, are utterly unattainable therein, is very soon compelled to shut up shop, or to by any other conceivable means. Let such be the apply all his powers to eclipse every other competitor basis, the sure foundation of youthful education, and in the lacerating process. Here, again, I call for a fair the teaching of every useful art, science, language, and trial and judgment between the old and the new fashion. desirable accomplishment, will then become a work of My last contrast shall be a few remarks, which, I comparative ease-nay, of indescribable pleasure and find, that I have omitted, in regard to the physical enjoyment-which, that it may soon be, is the daily training of children in the two periods. Formerly it wish, the nightly dream, the constant prayer of your was universally believed, that the best way to procure | old fashioned friend for our children sound minds, was first to give them, if possible, sound bodies. Hence the constant, instinctive desire manifested by them for locomotion, was freely indulged, at all times, by suffering them generally to choose and to take their own gambols in the open air, at every season, and frequently every day. Many times have I seen the little urchins playing barefoot, even in the snow. These gambols they called, and felt to be, sport; for they were all voluntary. In these times they must even play, if allowed to do it at all, by rule and measure; for instead of being allowed to harden and invigorate their bodies by the promptings of nature, they, especially the poor girls, are cooped up like chickens under the fattening process, until their constitutions in thousands of instances are irretrievably ruined; or, in cases wherein the destruction has not been quite completed, they are sent to be patched up by the compulsory gymnastics, callisthenics, and various other "nicks" and "sticks" of modern invention-the bare names of which I have neither Latin nor Greek enough to remember, and still less to understand.

Fearing that your patience is, by this time quite exhausted, I hasten to apprise you that my "odds and ends" are all run out, except the few brief remarks with which I promised to conclude relative to what education should be. If then, an old man who has had much to do with the education of both sexes, may be permitted to offer an opinion, without too great hazard of incurring another newspaper anathema for being too old fashioned, I will say that education should be, first and above all, to teach, not only by words, but by the most exemplary practice, one ounce of which is worth a ton of mere precept, both in parents and other instructers, that the truths of christianity are quite as demonstrable as mathematical truth; that it is a duty most sacred, most indispensable, not only to prize the knowledge of it, very far above all other knowledge, but to love it, or rather its divine author, with all our heart, and mind and soul and strength. Secondly, it should be, thoroughly to convince the young aspirants, that what

Essex, June 11th, 1839,



(To the Editor of the Southern Literary Messenger.) Departure from Valetta; Citta Vecchia; Beggars; Catacombe; St. Paul's Cave; Statue of St. Paul; Hand of St. John; Aneedote of Bonaparte; Turkish history; Bajazet; Zemes; the Grand Master D'Aubusson.

At an early hour on the morning after our arrival at Valetta, we had a cicerone at our doors, to accompany us to Citta Vecchia. These idle fellows will at all hours be found in these southern countries, in the im mediate vicinities of the best hotels, to offer their services to strangers, and to gain a couple of shillings by their attendance. The wind was at the west, which in this climate is saying that the weather was mild and beautiful. Getting into our one-horse carriage, which from its fashion, we thought might, like a "landed property," have descended from father to son, for the last two hundred years, we were driven at a rate of five miles the hour, to the foot of the hill, on the summit of which the ancient city was built. The driver never for a moment was seated, but was at all times visible, running alongside of our horse, with his right hand on the shaft and a small cord in his left, with which he guided the animal, until we had arrived at the end of our jaunt, which had been, according to our watches, of an hour and a half's duration.

The moment a stranger is observed from the neighboring heights to be approaching the catacombs, it would appear from the number of miserable objects who congregate around the entrance, as if all the inmates of the hospitals, and alms houses, both within and without the walls, had been let loose to annoy him. We here noticed among the crowd those who were lame, blind, and dumb; while a little apart from the others, and in a more conspicuous situation were seated two

wretched beings, who, more than any of their fellows, | ing a wish to place his name on this curious tablet, I served to excite our commiseration, and claim that pittance, which we had carried solely for the objects of charity. The one was a boy afflicted with leprosy, and the other a maniac, who required the utmost attention of his keepers to prevent his escape, and who was retained by them, as we were informed, as a sort of show-they, doubtless, appropriating the alms, which were intended by the donors for him whom they had in custody, for their own private benefit and support.by-gone ages the altar of the Saracens, in the catacombs With shame be it told, that this nuisance was permitted by the authorities; nothing being allowed to those who have charge of the insane, for their attention and expense, save only what they could procure by exciting the pity and consequently trusting to the generosity of those who might chance to visit the place. After passing through several clean and narrow lanes, we were stopped by our guide opposite to a small door, through which, when opened, we descended some nine or ten steps; the walls on either side being damp, and covered with ivy, when we landed on a platform, on which, standing for a time, to enable a person to light our torches, we had exposed to our view a low entry, at the end of which the excavations were commenced. The wind, which was blowing freshly, the moment we entered was unheard; the light from the sun could only be seen at different distances, through the small apertures which had evidently been cut through the stone to serve as chimnies, having been made directly over those places which had been used for the baking of bread and the cooking of food.

could not but be amused to see how readily our clerical companion scraped a clean place, most clearly solving the question which had been but the moment before asked, why all the names and visits were of so modern a date. Surely, therefore, no one can expect to be immortalized by penning a line, the subject of which, doubtless, would be his own name, with the day and year of his visit, and placing the same on what was in

of Citta Vecchia. It is an idle and useless practice, and one in which no foreigner, save the English and Americans, are ever found to indulge. We observed that the stone was so soft, that with our penknives we could easily penetrate it the whole length of the blade, and so porous that the water was continually dropping upon us, caused by the heavy rains of the few previous days. In different places and at different distances small tunnels were to be seen, which had evidently been used in former times to carry the water without the cells of this once extended and populous subterranean city.

Our guide was particular in pointing out one pathway, which had, by order of the English governor been recently blocked up. Report says, that some years since a Sicilian schoolmaster entered, with his scholars, this narrow passage. Every precaution was taken at the time, for their safe return; each one of the party having been furnished with a rope, a torch, and a lantern. No one, however, of those who went in at that time, ever returned; and it remains to this day unexplained in what manner this party, to a person, perishThe silence in these cells remains uninterrupted ed. Within the recollection of the present inhabitants, throughout the year, save only when broken by the a Maltese family was lost in these intricate windings, voices of those who wander through the different aisles and for some days after their disappearance, persons and cells to witness the singularities of the place. As were accustomed to enter with torches and drums, we continued our way, the utmost care was required, hoping by the light to discover their remains, or by the being one moment where the passage was five feet high, sound to hear their moans in return; but all to no purand the next where we were obliged almost to creep on pose their fate is veiled in mystery. There is no our hands and knees, to avoid bringing our heads in doubt that many have lost their lives in these places, contact with the craggy ceiling above. The priest who who have incautiously ventured too far; and it was has served for years as a guide in these catacombs, was very right that a necessary precaution should have been very anxious to explain for what purposes he supposed, taken, to prevent the too curious traveller from entering during the time of the Saracens, the different cells were those parts from which he would have found it diffiused. One place, and that immediately on our entrance, cult to have extricated himself, even with the assistance appeared to have been adapted for those who had been of a lantern or a guide. There is a tradition which I engaged in the active duties of life. Here was the oil have heard from good authority, that a drove of pigs press, the ovens, and the seats of the workmen; while was once driven into these passages as far as the driver a little farther onward, was the church, the pillars of dared to venture; that after the lapse of several days, which, to the present day, are in a good state of preser- and very much to the surprise of the good inhabitants vation. The altar, at the northern part, is somewhat of Burgo, these same animals came grunting from a small defaced; having been broken at different times, as we hole at the edge of the water, and at a distance of a thought, either to gratify the wish of some distant friend, couple of leagues from where they were so cruelly imor to be placed in the cabinet of some curious traveller. mured. It is said, and I think with some truth, that The whole front was covered with the pencillings of these catacombs extend for miles, and indeed in making those who have visited and scribbled upon it. In a some excavations, a short time since at Pieta, an aveplace far distant from the writings of others, we observ-nue was discovered which it was thought might have ed the name of "Byron"-whether this was placed had some connection with these subterranean passages there by the noble lord himself, or was the idle act of from Medina, or the ancient city. The farther onward another, which we were the more inclined to believe, we went, the more narrow and intricate the several we had not the means of knowing-certain, however, it windings appeared, while the confined state of the air, is, that the name of this British peer and distinguished rendered the more oppressive and unhealthy from the prepoet, has been in that place for years, and will probably valence of a sirocco, the wind having changed, caused, remain undisturbed for a long period yet to come, with some of our companions, a nauseous and fainting serving as it does a double purpose-to interest the sensation, which obliged us to return hastily to the door stranger and reward the guide. On a friend's express- from which we had entered. Retracing our steps by a

different path, we saw the long, low ranges of tombs, | the fingers of which had been recently broken off by some of which were for single persons, some for groups some inebriated young officer of Her Majesty's navy. of children, while others served for families. Some of This circumstance was much to be regretted by the these inclosures remain to this day unopened, and from Maltese, who, from various associations and traditions, not having been exposed to the weather, the appearance almost venerated the image, and by all others for its of them was, as if the persons who had slept there for antiquity, and as a good specimen of ancient sculpture. ages, had been entombed but yesterday. Several writers It is a curious fact, that the priests have persuaded have remarked, but more particularly Boisgelin, whose the inhabitants of Citta Vecchia to believe, that let the words I quote: "That the stone from which those cata- quantity of stone be as large as it may, which the nucombs are dug, is of so soft a nature that vegetables merous yearly visiters may carry with them from this and shrubs grow in them; the roots of many of the place, yet that the grotto will never be enlarged—that latter, in the upper surface, have pierced through the the stone increases as fast as it may be removed. The rock without splitting it; these appear to grow natu- dust of this place is thought to be very efficacious in all rally, even to the height of twelve or fourteen feet, and febrile complaints; and at various times crowds of peoare two, three, and sometimes more, lines in diameter.ple have been seen to congregate around the entrance, It is remarkable that the roots of the shrubs thus to ask permission to gather a little, as the last and growing in the heart of the rock, should be as large surest remedy for a sick relative who may be lying ill as if exposed to the open air; for it is natural to in a distant casal. This request is never refused; and, suppose that so confined a situation would impede their frequently in a stormy night, a priest has entered with growth." the applicant, thinking that should he refuse, and the ill man die before the morning, his death would be on his hands. Much indeed there is in faith, and it often happens that when the sick recover, it is considered a miracle; and when not, it is said to have been God's

Indeed it would be most remarkable were it true, as is above stated, that shrubs would take root on these catacombs, and shoot up a height of twelve or fifteen feet. Never as yet have I been able to discover, in the vicinity of these excavations, a shrub which would live at all—will it should prove otherwise. Therefore, let the reand certainly in a place where there is not a sufficient soil for a weed to exist, you will not be very apt to find a countryman collecting his crops of potatoes, peas, or corn, in their season. Often have I visited the spot above mentioned, both alone and with friends, and cannot at this day find any thing of the kind; neither do the inhabitants, who are well acquainted with Boisgelin, recollect the circumstance, and who, when informed of this assertion, say, that on this subject, if no other, the ideas of the worthy knight were vague and erroneous. It is true that trees will jut out where there is a soil between two rocks, and as the roots increase, they will imbed themselves in the stone. This is found to occur in all parts of Malta; the rock being of the same softness throughout. The Maltese are inclined to believe any thing which might occur in the vicinity of the residence of St. Paul, but this statement carries with it too much of the marvellous, and is pronounced by them, without hesitation, as being most singularly incorrect; or, indeed, that it is an assertion for which there never has or never can be the least foundation.

At the moment of our leaving the catacombs, we were fortunate in meeting the Canonico Grech, who had for fifty years been performing divine service in the small but ancient chapel which covers the entrance of the grotto of St. Paul. It chanced to be on the afternoon of the grand festa of the saint after whom the cave was named, and of all seasons of the year the best adapted for a stranger's visit. This small place was beautifully decorated; the whole walls being lined with tapestry of the richest and most splendid description. The numerous priests were seated around the altar, each one being clad in his best garments, and decorated with a gold chain, on which was suspended a crucifix, with the image of our Saviour engraven upon it. To enter the grotto of St. Paul, we descended some twenty stone steps, proceeded a few yards to the right, and entered a cave, which might contain some forty persons, in the centre of which stands a statue of the apostle, in white marble, and as large as life, with one hand extended,

sult be as it may, it cannot be other than right—a most sure and pleasing way of reasoning to the ignorant and bigotted applicant. This small place is one of the most interesting spots on the island, from the fact of its having been used by the primitive christians as a chapel in which to worship, and also from its having afforded to St. Paul a temporary shelter, when persecuted for preaching the cause of Christ. This cave is also noted for having been, about the year fifteen hundred, the residence of a celebrated Sicilian hermit, who, from his austere method of living, and oratorical powers, drew around him crowds of people from all parts of Malta, and even from the neighboring islands of Sicily and Gozo. It has also served, in times past, for the refuge of criminals, who, when they had committed murder, and fled for safety to this grotto, could never be removed for trial and punishment. It was only necessary to fast such a number of days, and oftentimes to ask forgiveness on their bended knees, at the statue, to be acquitted of any crime, in its nature however revolting, in its termination however diabolical. With shame be it told, and with disgrace be it recorded, that during the whole period of the administration of the knights, and indeed until very recently, this was the only place which would afford such villains protection against the laws which they had violated, and the murders they had committed. The revered Howard, on his visit to the principal hall of the hospital (de St. Jean de Jerusalem) at Malta, in April, 1786, wrote as follows: "The number of patients was from five hundred and ten to five hundred and thirty-two. These were served by the most ragged, dirty and unfeeling persons, I ever saw. I once found eight or nine of them highly inte rested with a delirious dying patient. The governor told me that they had only twenty-two servants, and that many of them were debtors and felons, who had fled thither for refuge. Even a murderer cannot be taken if found in this hall. Every church in Malts, where the sacrament is administered, is a sanctuary for debtors and felons; in that of the Dominicans, and

also of the Augustines, there were one or two persons." What protection was there for a man's life, if an assassin had only to remain on the steps of a church to commit a fiend-like deed? What consolation was it to an aged father, when following the remains of his murdered son, to know that the murderer lived? Or what temptation could there be to pray in a church, the altar of which was stained by the blood from an assassin's hand? Very recently, during the time of Sir Thomas Maitland, a man who had committed murder in a distant casal, fled to the altar for protection; he was, however, by the command of the spirited governor, quickly removed, carried to prison, after a few days tried, found guilty, condemned, and executed. This is the last instance which has ever occurred, or which it is to be hoped ever will occur, where a criminal will be found so ignorant as to expect to find safety in a sacred place, when his deserts should be his death. On the same platform with the entrance of this grotto, and in a small recess in the wall, stands a wooden image of our Saviour, which from the circumstance of its having been brought from Rhodes by the knights, at the time of their removal, is worthy of a passing notice. One of the arms is wanting, the feet are mostly decayed, and the legs and body are, by time alone, of a spongy nature; in their appearance resembling a honeycomb. It is indeed a most precious relic of antiquity, and as such highly prized; often have large sums been offered for it, and as often been refused. Retracing our steps a few feet, we observed an iron railing, serving as a door-way, through which we passed, and entered into a small apartment, in which there was an altar, and on which stood, amidst vases of freshly plucked flowers, another and truly beautiful statue of St. Paul, the work of Gaffa, a Maltese sculptor, who flourished at Rome in the fifteenth century. This is also of white marble, and nearly as large as life; the face, arms and fingers are perfect, and decidedly, without exception, the finest specimen of sculpture on the island. With common care, this statue will remain for ages, as a lasting memento of the talent displayed by a native in the line of his profession, so honorable to himself and so creditable to his countrymen. The grand master, when this statue was received, gave orders that prayers should be returned in the church for so valuable a pre-presented so valuable a token to the grand master of a sent; and on the anniversary of the decease of the sculptor, it was decreed that a mass should be observed as a requiem for his soul. It is not at all surprising, when it is known that Gaffa is the only Maltese who has ever distinguished himself in this art, that the citizens of his native village should have yearly subscribed a small sum, to have his name handed down to posterity, serving a double purpose, of testifying their respect for his memory, and also to induce others to cultivate their talent in a profession which is, of all in the old world, the most admired by the better class, and, if I may use the word, adored by the ignorant.

and companion, the Canonico Grech, on my expressing a wish, removed the hand from the altar, and with the assistance of a small wax candle, with which all visiters are furnished, I was enabled to see enclosed within, a bone, said to be the remains of the hand of the apostle; and also to observe, in the small glass case in which the same is placed, the insignia of the duke of Mantua, whose property and gift it was. Respecting the modern history of another hand, that of St. John, which was far more prized by the order, I would state an anecdote, which occurred at the time Bonaparte was passing through the island on his way to Egypt. It was customary also, at that period, on St. John's day, to expose this hand to the gaze and admiration of the people, on a finger of which was a valuable ring, with a large diamond in the centre, the gift of one of the order: by touching a spring this brilliant would open, and present a decapitated image of the apostle to the view of the beholder. It may be unnecessary to add, that the first consul was much pleased with the ingenuity which had been shown in the mechanism of the ring, and placing it on his own finger, pointedly remarked, that it could not be of any possible service to let it remain for ages to come, as it had for centuries past, to be concealed amidst the treasures of the church; but to him, who was on his way to conquer the Egyptians, and introduce christianity among the wandering tribes of Arabs in Africa, it might be of the utmost service, as he doubted not but that the influence of the apostle, or in other words, that the charm which the ring possessed, would preserve him from dangers to which otherwise he would have been necessarily exposed. The French officers were pleased with the reasoning, and admired the wit of their general, while the canons in attendance gave their consent only in their silence, deeming it most politic, as it certainly was most prudent, to yield the ring without murmuring, than, by complaining, to have it followed by the golden hand, and the precious bones therein contained.

Previous to my taking leave of this place, I must not neglect to mention respecting the golden hand and arm of St. Paul, which was also on the altar--and which is but once during the year; and that it is on the anniversary of the day when the apostle converted the inhabitants of the island from being the worshippers of idols, to be the followers of Christ, that this valuable relic is exposed to the public gaze. My worthy friend

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It will to the reader doubtless appear a most curious circumstance, that one of the Ottoman emperors, who obtained possession of this relic at the conquest of Constantinople, and who, during his long reign, distinguished himself for his enmity to the christians, should have

band of soldiers, who styled themselves as the bulwark of christendom, and on whose admittance as one of the order, it was necessary an oath should be taken, testifying their eternal hostility to the followers of Mahommed, and signifying their readiness at any time to sacrifice their lives in defence of their religion. This mystery is, however, explained in the Turkish history of that period, into which I shall enter most fully. On the death of “Mahomet the Great,” at Genisen, a city of Bythinia, Anno Domini fourteen hundred and eighty one, his two sons, Bajaret the elder, and Zirimus, made pretensions to the Ottoman throne, the former by right of birth, which the latter disputed, stating that although being the younger, he was born when his father was reigning over the Ottoman empire, a plea his brother could not make, and which was a sufficient reason, in his opinion, to authorise his making any attempt to claim his rightful succession; and stating also, that he was supported in his demands by many of the most powerful chiefs in the Turkish dominions. After vari

ous intrigues and skirmishes, with as various success to thereunto by thy injurious declining, and the dangerous each of the contending parties, the matter of dispute practices which thou incessantly attemptest against was terminated, by the result of which it was proved, me, yea even in my extreme misery. But this assured after a hard fought battle, and with great slaughter on hope I carry with me, that the time will come, when both sides, that the fortune of Bajaret, conducted by thou, the author of so great wrong, or thy children, the policy of Achmetes, who was the best general in shall receive the just guerdon of this thy present ty the Turkish army, and who was greatly beloved by ranny against thy brother." The sultan, not wishing the soldiers, had prevailed against Zirimus—he having that his brother should remain on so friendly terms been compelled to fly first to Iconium, and afterwards with such a distinguished band of warriors, sent amto Cairo, where he begged the protection of Caytheins,bassadors laden with presents, and among others with who was at that period the powerful sultan of Syria this identical hand of the apostle, and a large sum of and Egypt. On coming before the emperor, Zirimus, money, to request that Zemes might be delivered into or as he was more generally known, Zemes, made one their hands; this being refused, a treaty was formed, of the most pathetic and powerful speeches narrated in by which it was stipulated that the Turkish prince the page of Ottoman history,-wherein, after describ- should remain in honorable captivity; that he should ing his ill-fortune, and stating that his brother would not be permitted to league with the powers of Europe, rather have him his enemy than his friend-would against his lawful sovereign; and for this consideration, rather drive him into exile than make him a partaker on the first of August, a yearly sum of thirty thousand in his counsels-he desired the sultan to send ambas- ducats "was to be paid into the treasury of the Rhosadors to Bajaret, to request him to grant his brother a dian_knights." Zemes, after a long captivity at small portion of his dominions to rule over, and which Rhodes, was delivered into the hands of Innocentius, request, he said, if refused, to quote his own words, he Bishop of Rome, A. D. 1488. For this political ser"would go with fire, sword and slaughter, by secret vice, the grand master was made a cardinal, receiving and open force, by right and wrong, and hatred, will all the honors and emoluments consonant with such a vex my hateful brother by all manner of mischief, title. On the death of Innocentius, Alexander, his by all manner of revenge. Neither will I make an successor, fearing the power of Philip VIII, who had end of confounding of all, until I either be received invaded Italy with a large army, leagued with Alphonso into a part of the empire, or else, together with my of Naples, against whom the French king had declared life, will leave those desperate and lost things for him war; and, sending ambassadors to Constantinople, alone to enjoy. For I deem it much better quickly to asked the assistance of the sultan. Bajaret, by his die, than, with disgrace and infamy, to protract a lin- minister, Dautius, intimated that on certain consideragering, loathed life." tions he would grant all the relief in his power-sending at the same time a letter written in Greek, in which he desired Innocentius to poison his brother, saying that he was of a different religion from him, and adding, that Zemes might escape from his confinement and cause much trouble in his empire. "For the per formance of this request, he promised faithfully to pay unto the bishop, two hundred thousand ducats, and never after, as long as he lived, to take up arms against the christians."

By permission of the sultan, Zemes employed the period which must elapse for the conclusion of this embassy, in making a pilgrimage into Arabia, for the purpose of worshipping in the temple of Mahomet at Mecca, and visiting the place of his sepulture at Medina. It was all, however, to no purpose, as on his return to Cairo, he found that the answer which had been received from Constantinople, was any thing but agreeable to his wishes or favorable to his designs. The king of Caramania having been made acquainted with the result of this embassy, and conceiving it a favorable opportunity to attempt a recovery of a portion of his dominions, which had been seized upon by Mahomet the Great, made proposals to Zemes to join his forces, and to declare war against Bajaret. The terms were readily accepted, and their respective armies united. Bajaret having collected a force of two hundred thousand men, soon scattered his enemies, and compelled his brother to fly to the coast of Silicia, where he embarked in a Turkish galley, and sailed for Rhodes: arriving safely at that island, he was well received by D'Aubusson, who was at that time the grand master-was promised the protection of the order, and a favorable mention of his cause to the other great kings and princes of christendom.

Zemes, at the moment of his departure from Silicia, shot an arrow on shore, to which the following note was attached, and which on its receipt by the emperor, caused to him much fear and uneasiness, when in after life 'trouble bent him to the earth. "Thou knowest, most unkind and cruel brother, that I fly not unto the christians—the mortal enemies of the Ottoman familyfor no hatred of my religion or nation; but enforced

Well may the christian blush, when he is informed that this Roman prelate, not only gave his consent to this base proposition, but did, with his own hands, poison this Turkish prince, with a white powder of a pleasant taste, which was by the bishop mixed with the sugar which Zemes was accustomed to mingle with "the water which he commonly drank!" This occurred in the year 1495, and on the seventh year of his confinement at Rome.

Many historians have condemned, and we think justly, the conduct of D'Aubusson for having received this Turkish fugitive, if he could not protect him. He should certainly have permitted him to have left, as unshackled by his Rhodian prison, as freely as he came to its gates--and not, for the hand of St. Paul, and a yearly stipend, have consented to act as a jailer to the sultan, which, as has been remarked, "is the foulest stain which lies upon the fame of the order." For his delivery of Zemes, one writer observes, that the grand master lost all the renown he had won in that memo rable siege, in which he proved the victor, and in which he so lavishly shed his blood, by the mercenary policy which induced him to violate the rights of hospitality, and consign the wanderer to a cruel durance. Some

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