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النشر الإلكتروني

contrast with the ruddy glow of manly health, the free, | our common country. The hour for dancing is limited

elastic step of youthful vigor, the gay smile of unpained hearts, and the loud laugh of mirth that knows not even the check of another's sufferings. At about an hour before dinner, the fashionable lounge at the fountain commences. Then also commences the playing of the musicians in the ball-room, a fine band of performers, who amuse the visitants to the Springs an hour at noon, and divide with the waters, the attention of the promenaders.

The centre or public building of the establishment, containing the dining room, stage office, post office, bar, and other public offices, is of wood, and has a long piazza running its entire length, forming the common lounge or sitting place during the day and evening. This building commands a view of almost the whole place, and makes a large part of an extensive square, ascending amphitheatrically, and bordered by rows of brick and white painted wooden cabins, with piazzas in front, facing inwards towards the centre of the square, at the lower part of which is the fountain, and the walks and alleys and green plats of which are shaded by a profusion of fine old trees, around which are commodious seats for the ease and comfort of visiters. One thousand acres of land are said to be the property of Mr. Calwell, of which the Springs are the centre, and constant improvements are annually making to the establishment, some of which are now in progress. Among these, the erection of a large and elegant brick house, forming the centre body of a block, the wings of which are to consist of several commodious cabins, is the most prominent. This house is to be for the especial occupation of Mr. Henderson, (the munificent patron of the concern, already alluded to,) whenever he is at the Springs. The domicil of the Calwell family is a plain, substantial cottage of wood, embossed by foliage, and surrounded by verdure, situated in the rear of the public offices.

to ten o'clock, and a band of music is provided by the season, for this purpose. They sometimes give concerts, which agreeably vary the amusements of the litle community assembled here. And so passes a day at White Sulphur.

No analysis of this water has ever been given to the world. Dr. Rogers of this state has prepared an imperfect one, but it is still in the possession of but few individuals; of course, I am unable to be so particular as I could wish as to its chemical qualities, and must write of its effects, by way of explaining its character. The most skilful physicians advise its use in hepatic, or liver complaints-dyspepsia, or disordered digestion-and all those diseases arising from a disordered state of the stomach, or a derangement of the system by injudicious modes of living,-while they reject its use in all pulmonary disorders, or in any affection of the lungs. The rheumatic patient is advised to drink of these waters, preparatory to, or accompanying the use of the hot and warm spring baths, and the gouty subject, if he be not too far in for it, is recommended to abstain from high living awhile, and try the White Sulphur Water.

July 25.

I have been taking a topographical view of this spot, and append a few statistical remarks, as the result of my observations.

Upon arrival, the traveller stops at the hotel, or public receiving house, where he is disencumbered of his baggage, and obtains permission from the all-powerful manager of the establishment to enter his name on the register as one of its inmates. Then he goes around and views the quarters from which his own are to be selected-for the choice is not left to the guest, but is the grand prerogative of the stern autocrat aforesaid. Proceeding due south from the landing place, you come to a line of beautiful cabins, finely shaded by the veneThere is the greatest difficulty experienced by visiters rable trees of the primeval forest, and facing northwest in getting in here. Much favoritism is shown by Mr. in the direction of the Water Fountain, between which Anderson, "the man of all work," who is somewhat and itself is a verdant lawn, also covered with trees, arbitrary in the disposal of places. A family in a and laid out in walks and alleys. Happy the favored private establishment, with two or four horses and tenant of one of these tasteful abodes: the only danservants, of course has precedence-and an old ac-ger in his case is likely to be that of exciting a deal of quaintance has the advantage of a new one. This is irksome to the inexperienced traveller, who comes a thousand miles, perhaps, at great sacrifice of time, and money, and convenience, for health. Yet it is constantly the case that he must submit his own claims (though the first on the ground,) to the wealthy fashionable, who comes after him with a greater retinue. Quarantine in some of the neighboring taverns within a few miles of the Springs, must first be performed, while at intervals the inexorable Mr. Anderson, the janitor of the Eden that all are striving to enter, must be besieged with entreaties, and propitiated by fair words. A great man is Mr. Anderson.

The breakfast hour is eight-that for dining, twoand that for the evening meal, seven. The intermission between the two first hours is passed in lounging, calling, promenading, and drinking the waters. The afternoon is spent in reading, sleeping, riding, or-lounging. After tea every evening the ball-room is lighted, and thither whoever chooses may resort to join in the mirthful meeting of the young and the gay, from every part of

envy in this little municipality. As you pass to this
row of buildings, called North Carolina Row, you go by
a neat little cabin at the foot of an old oak standing by
itself most picturesquely: it is the property of a South
Carolinian, and is always tenanted by him, when at the
Springs. At other times, it is at the disposal of the
proprietor of the estate. This is a common mode of
arranging matters here,--several cabins being, in this
way, private property. Having gone up North Caroli-
na Row, we come to Paradise, which runs rectangularly
from the upper corner, directly northwest. This is
irregularly, but handsomely built, of brick, containing
many beautiful cabins, some with and others without
piazzas, but all much more finely shaded than the other
quarters. On the northern end of this row are, in the
course of building, an elegant brick house, with several
smaller ones running out like wings from each side.
This house has already been alluded to as in the process
of building for the use of Mr. Henderson of New Or-
leans, whose elegant gift of a statue for the pavilion,
has also been mentioned. Still furthur north extends

hunts, and fox chases,-and all live like the heirs apparent to the perennial White Sulphur Spring. There is a caterer for the table, whose sleekness of face, rotundity of person, and general air of comfortable wellbeing, do great honor to the cheer he provides. The servants are numerous,—some of them civil, some saucy, and all accessible to "the soft impeachment" of ready change, by way of spiriting them to an interested


Alabama Row, a quiet, secluded, retired spot, embo- | do the agreeable to the guests,-others, conduct the deer somed in foliage, and out of the view of the spectator in any part of the great square. After some short interval, still extending to the north, are buildings appropriated to the worshippers of Chance, both as residences and temples for the performance of their secret rites. Then come the Sulphur Baths, the Stables, which are on a very extensive scale, and the Kennel for the hounds, about sixty of which, of all ages and breeds tenant this last of the quarters at White Sulphur. Re-discharge of their duties. For all this accommodation, turning southwesterly, we come to the The Wolf Row, such as it is, you are charged eight dollars per week, or where gay young men and convivial parties "most do if you stay less than a week, one dollar and fifty cents congregate;" it is pleasantly situated aloof from the per diem. And apropos of this: the other day, on premain square, on the opposite side of the road leading senting his money to pay his bill, a gentleman was surto the stables, and makes a picturesque appearance prised to learn that he was chargeable nine dollars for from the northeast. Keeping down on the same side of six days, although he could have remained the seventh, the way, we next come to the negro quarters, and after with the deduction of one dollar for the whole time! a long interval, to the private residence of Mr. Calwell, Who shall talk of Connecticut and her Yankee tricks the proprietor of the Springs. Further yet towards after this? Yet it "is so nominated in the bond," and the south, is a new row of buildings, called Baltimore" there is no law" at White Sulphur "to alter the Row, a fashionable and handsome, though sunny range of cabins, and facing the green lawn of the great square on the other side of the way. Still further south is a large carriage house for the use of the visiters to the Springs. I have not yet mentioned the Ball-room, stand-luckless visitant at this monopolizing watering-place. I ing midway between the Hotel and North Carolina Row, -a two story wooden building, with sleeping rooms above, and a long hall beneath, where the band plays daily and nightly at certain hours,--where religious services are sometimes performed on the Sabbath,where the ladies and gentlemen are fond of lounging in chilly or in intensely hot days, and where there is a good piano, a constant source of attraction and pleasure to the musically inclined. Behind the hotel, runs a row of buildings, devoted to culinary purposes, connected with a dining hall;—and, extending northwesterly is Fly Row, so called, because of the superabundance of that annoying insect, and the constant desire that is ever being expressed by its tenants to fly from its annoy-drink mineral waters for health. Venison is a common ances. In this delectable region (otherwise very comfortable) am I lodged. Beneath the dining hall are the post office, the barber's shop, and a tailor's establishment, and there is the topography of the White Sulphur, "veluti in speculum."

I had been told much to disparage the living, (I mean the cuisine,) at this place, and came prepared to find most miserable fare, most wretchedly served up, to the

thought this would not be strange, were it to turn out so ;-for a man, who owns a property like this, in the heart of an unsettled country, away from all markets, and fearless of all competition, in catering for the thousands of people who flock yearly to such quarters and such fare as he can spread before them, cannot, methought, be expected to perform miracles, for the gratification of every sense, and the indulgence of every whim of his guests. But I find that rumor has belied our good host, most grossly, in this matter. Considering the prodigious number for whom he provides, his table may be said to be even uncommonly fine: far too good, it strikes me, for invalids, who flock hither to

dish, and the best of mutton, (and very worst of beef,) is daily upon the board, while the pastry cook of the establishment would do honor to the Tremont or Astor.

The lodgings for "single gentlemen without families," To manage and carry on this extensive concern, there are just such as the casual visitant of a fashionable is first, the proprietor, James Calwell, a short, stout, watering place is willing, (because he can't help himgentlemanly man, of cheerful manners, and a dash of self,) to put up with. Two small beds, in an uncarpetthe old school in the cut of his dress, his gait, and his ed room, eight feet by ten, present rather a forbidding white queue. He lives at his ease, and reaps the fruit aspect as the neophite enters his appointed domicil, after of his good fortune in being the possessor of this lucra- two days waiting for it,-nor is an over-nice examinative spot, to the tune of several thousands of dollars tion of the texture of the bed-clothing, or the cleanliness per week, during the six spring and summer months. of the bedding, likely to add to his perfect contented. Next comes his prime minister, Mr. Anderson, to whose ness. But he gets used to it soon,--or grows desperateautocratical endowments I have alluded already. You | ly resigned to it,-and comforts himself with the assurmight as well be out of favor with the king as with the keeper of the king's conscience, and the exerciser of all the king's prerogatives. He is the setter and keeper in motion of all the complicated springs and cranks that regulate the clock-work of this extensive concern, and he most ably performs his allotted part, displaying a great development of the organs of order, constructiveness, locality, verbal and individual memory, and in no small degreee those of combativeness and secretiveness. Then come the nine sons of the proprietor,-each in his way. Some keep the accounts of the concern,-others

ance that he will enjoy the delights of what he is at present deprived of, the better on his return home, from being without them awhile: by suffering them patiently, he is in the fashion, is in the way of being healthy, and is seeing the world!

This property, the White Sulphur Springs, is said to be worth the round sum of six hundred thousand dollars. An act of incorporation, with a charter, has been obtained from the Legislature of Virginia, by a company, who had it in contemplation to purchase it at about that sum, and improve it on a liberal and extended scale.

But nothing was done about it beyond this preliminary step, and it is now held at a higher sum, or else absolutely retained, without the intention of selling, by its present proprietor. It will be a mine of wealth, properly managed, for his children, of whom he has several, and all of whom appear full well to appreciate the value of the property, by living upon it as if it were indeed to be a never failing spring of wealth to all generations. But fashion is a fickle quean, though the queen of the present high ascendant, and were fashion to remove her shrine from this favored spot, I much fear that the worshippers of Hygeia would be hardly numerous or important enough to sustain its popularity. But of this there is no immediate prospect. The Springs in this neighborhood, though all valuable, are all without the peculiar properties that render the White Sulphur a necessary resort for the invalid,—and, as the best excuse that can be given by the world for residing half the year at a watering place, is that it is salubrious, there is not much chance that my good friend Calwell's property will depreciate very rapidly.

I could wish, however, that the plan of raising a corporate company to carry on this establishment, as it should be, could have been effectual. Nature has done every thing for the locality, and it is a source of regret that Art had not followed the hints of the elder born sister a little more nearly. There is not that uniformity, that regularity, and neatness of detail, in laying out the place with reference at once to the utility, symmetry, comfort, elegance and coup d'ail, which could have been desired. A fine hill on one side the fountain, is marred by being abandoned to the most common and disagreeable uses,-another on the east is covered with houses, whereas it should have been laid out in walks; and the most beautiful part of the grounds are shut out from the view and from the use of the visitants, by being thrown entirely in the rear of the main body of the buildings, consisting of tailors' shops, stores, barbers' establishments, and groceries. There are many unsightly white-washed cabins on the premises, also coach-stands on the green lawns, and gaming houses near the most frequented parts of the square. All these things, the gradual growth of the place, coming as they have, one after the other, imperceptibly, as the property has increased in value, could be easily remedied now by an enterprising company-while, if left to the proprietors, they can hardly be anticipated to take place.

The woods in this vicinity abound in game--and one of the sons of Mr. Calwell has gained the name of Nimrod, and a reputation almost equal to that of Little-John of Sherwood forest, as a huntsman, by the skilful use he makes of a fine pack of hounds, and an unerring rifle, by the aid of which he and his associates are wont to supply the table with good venison. Would that these adjuncts of Nimrod were content with this legitimate use of their several powers! But alas! the hounds are baying the livelong night throughout, and murdering the innocent slumbers of those who are "cabined, cribbed, confined" near their quarters,—and the rifle in its turn is the common instrument of slaughter, with which our mutton is prepared for the board. But all pleasures have their drawbacks,—and the mutton is as palatable as the venison.


I love the rose when I am glad, it seems so gladsome too,-

with what a glow it meets the sun!-with what a scent the dew!
It blushes on the brow of youth as mingling in its mirth,
And decks the bride as though it bloom'd for her alone, on earth.
I love the columbine that grows upon the hill-top, wild,-
It makes me dream I'm young again-a free, a blessed child;
But youthful days, and bridal ones, just like the roses flee,
And chasten'd fancy turns from these toward the sumach tree.
The sumach ?-Why?—Its leaves are fair and beautifully green,
And fringe the brilliant stem that runs-a carmine thread-be-

[blocks in formation]


We have before us a masterly discourse on this subject, delivered on a literary anni: ersary in Rhode Island, last autumn, by Professor Goddard. We propose, by the extracts we are going to make, to save ourselves the trouble of inditing aught of our own, in praise of Libe ral Studies. Nor need we ;-as every reader, who may go through the extracts, will be satisfied that they can hardly be surpassed, in their way. The author's manner of unfolding his views, is striking and forcible. He takes the following impressive mode of showing the inordinate craving for wealth, that possesses the people of America. Many may stare at the assumption, that Germany is so far before our country in civilization, as is here supposed: and others will be equally startled at seeing New England ranked higher, for cultivated intellect, than Virginia and South Carolina. But both suppositions are true.

'Imagine an exile from intellectual Germany, nurtured amid a nation of scholars, and imbued with all the sympathies of a man of letters, to visit these shores, either for the purpose of bettering his fortunes, or of enjoying freedom of political opinion. With what emotions may we suppose him to survey the actual condition of American society; and what would be his cool, philosophical estimate of our predominant national characteristics? Should he chance, first of all, to be thrown amid the vortices of fashion, and politics, and trade, which, in our vast commercial metropolis, seem, to the eye of a stranger, to engulph all better things; how would his sensitive spirit be driven back upon itself! How would it yearn for the inartificial, and pure, and serene delights of Germany; for her ardent and almost universal veneration for Genius, and Taste, and Learning !'

* 'An Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Rhode Island, delivered Sept. 7, 1836, by Wm. G. Goddard, Professor of Belles Lettres in Brown University.' pp. 30.

How just the following remarks, upon the too prevalent misdirection of expenditure among our wealthy people!

'Penetrating into the far West, would our philosopher | social character, and introduce higher and nobler interfind his exile cheered by the voice of a more responsive ests into the whole of our social life? Would it not intelligence? By the majestic physical developments of save us from an inordinate admiration of the least enthis region of our country, he would, indeed, often be viable distinctions of wealth? Would it not impart to surprised into admiration; and he would look, with some- our manners more of variety, of grace, of dignity, and what of poetical enthusiasm, upon lakes, and rivers, repose; and to our morals, a more delicate discrimination and forests, and mountains, which, though all unsung, and a loftier tone?' are unrivalled, for sublimity, in the land from which he had wandered. But, think you, would not his enthusiasm be limited to these mute evidences of Almighty power? Among the adventurous and intrepid inhabitants of the West, would he find either sympathy or companionship? Would the hardy pioneer, who is pushing his way towards the very confines of civilization, care to know aught of the progress of exegesis, or of the achievements of antiquarians? Would the land speculator, intent upon some stupendous scheme of gain, lend a patient ear to our accomplished German, as he discussed some difficult problem in moral philosophy, or applied to a favorite author the principles of philosophical criticism?

'In the selection of those objects of embellishment which it is in the power alone of abundant wealth to command, I am not singular in contending that the decisions of a simpler and better taste ought to be regarded. Is it not a matter of just reproach, that of all the apartments in our mansion houses, the library is generally the most obscure, and often the most ill furnished; and that the fashionable upholsterer is allowed to absorb 'Directing his steps towards the South, he would find for the painter and the statuary? In all this, there is maniso much of our surplus revenue, that hardly any is left not unfrequently, among the children of the Sun, a fested a melancholy disproportion-an imperfect appregrateful response to the sympathies by which he is hension of some of the best uses to which wealth can moved: a more deeply reflective spirit; a more culti-be applied. In the spirit of an austere philosophy, it vated taste for the beautiful; powers of more delicate is not required that we should dispense with those analysis, and more comprehensive generalization. But, costly ornaments which can boast no higher merit than even here, our traveller would perhaps complain that, their beauty; but it would be hailed as a most benig in some circles, the talk is of cotton, and that this region nant reform, if, in the arrangements of our domestic of social urbanity and intellectual splendor no more economy, there could be traced a more distinct recognithan adumbrates his unforgotten home. tion of the capacities and destinies of man as an intellectual and moral being-as a being endowed with imagination and taste-with reason and with conscience. How few among us cultivate the fine arts! How few understand the principles on which they are founded-the sensitive part of our nature to which they ledge of music, which, in obedience to the authority of are addressed! To this remark, the imperfect knowfashion, is acquired at the boarding school, forms no exception. It may still be affirmed, that we have selectest pleasures; who gaze with untiring admiration among us no class who delight in music as one of their

on the miraculous triumphs of painting; who are filled with tranquil enthusiasm by the passionless and unearthly beauty of sculpture. And is not this to be lamented? Do we not thus estrange ourselves from sources of deep and quiet happiness, to which we might often resort for solace, and refreshment, and repose? To these sources of happiness there is nothing in the nature of our political institutions, or of our domestic pursuits, which sternly forbids an approach. We have, it is true, no titled aristocracy; and property does not, as in the land of our forefathers, accumulate in large masses, and descend, undivided, through a long line of expectant proprietors. But there is scarcely a city, a own, or a village in this land, where some could not tion, to acquire a genuine relish for the fine arts. be found, blessed with every requisite but the disposi

He next sojourns in New England. Adopting the popular estimate of this favored portion of our country, he anticipates that, here at least, he shall escape the pangs of unparticipated sensibility. He perceives that our territory is studded with schools, and academies, and colleges; and he fondly imagines that, like kindred institutions in Germany, they exert a transforming influence upon the general mind and manners. But, even in New England, he is destined to feel the chill of disappointed hope. He beholds, everywhere, incontes tible evidences of enterprise, and industry, and wealth; of rare practical sagacity, and uncompromising moral rectitude. Nay, more: he witnesses many decided proofs of reverence for science, for art, and for letters; and by the whole aspect of society around him, the conviction is impressed upon his mind that, nowhere eise in our country is to be found a more enlightened subjection to law, or so general a prevalence of high social refinement. Why, then, it may be asked, does not our traveller feel himself at home in New England? It would not, perhaps, be easy so to answer this question as to exempt him from the reproach of fastidiousness. He misses the pervading intellectual spirit of Germany; the enthusiasm, and exhilaration, and simple elegance of her literary circles. It saddens him to recognise, as predominant in many a face, an expression of seated care, or frigid caution, or calculating sagacity. He is repelled by the topics which well nigh engross our ordinary conversation. He is surprised to discover, that our schools, academies, and colleges exert no undivided 'Again: To few better purposes can wealth and sway over the public mind. Now, it would be most leisure be devoted, than to the acquisition of those lanunreasonable, to insist that the whole order of society guages of modern Europe which imbody some of the in this young and free country-where all is full of profoundest researches of science, and some of the enterprise, and change, and progress, should be reversed most exquisite forms of thought. And yet, except here for the accommodation of a fastidious German scholar. and there a painstaking or an enthusiastic scholar, how It would be most unreasonable to ask, that the West few comparatively of our countrymen can unlock the should intermit her speculations in land, or her emigra-treasures of any literature save their own. To this tions into the far off wilderness; that the South should be less intent upon the production of her great staples; or that the North should force herself away from her ships and her spindles. All this would be impracticable, and, if practicable, it would be full of evil. It may be well, however, to inquire, whether, in the midst of such strong provocations to excess, the spirit of accumulation is not liable to become extravagant; whether a more generous culture of a taste for liberal studies would not gratefully temper the elements of our present

cause may, in part, be attributed some of our most unworthy national prejudices, and that fondness for self-glorification which is reproachfully signalized by foreigners as one of our national characteristics. Those, who are familiar with men and manners at home and abroad, soon rid themselves of these unenviable peculiarities; but most obstinately do they cling to those who have found no substitute for foreign travel in a liberal acquaintance with the literature of Continental Europe. When this literature, so rich and characteristic, shall, in this counVOL. IV.-34

try, be more generally cultivated, it will be strange, indeed, if we do not form more intelligent estimates of other nations, and more modest estimates of our own; if, emancipating ourselves from the servitude of local and arbitrary opinions, we do not acquire a profounder sympathy with universal man, and a truer reverence for those commanding truths which are the common property of our race.'

The mischievous influence of such politics as are commonly talked by our country gentlemen and barroom babblers, is deeply to be deplored. Instead of being a patient and sober inquiry after truth, with a single-hearted wish to judge justly what is right and what wrong; what is for the country's good, and what tends to its hurt;-'talking politics' is commonly nothing more than a senseless wrangle, between partisans whose only thought is to confound each other, even though it be by noise and sophistry: a mere trial of lungs and flippancy, without a care for truth or patriotism. And political aspirants!-how utter, often, is their profligacy! how reckless their abandonment of principle! how servile their obedience to party!-Does not Mr. Goddard offer a remedy—at least a mitigantwell worth trying, for this terrible endemic?

'The value of liberal studies, in counteracting the influence of politics upon the individual and social character of our countrymen, deserves next to be considered. You surely do not require to be told that politics is with us becoming a distinct, though not very reputable trade; that the strife for power is hardly less eager than the strife for gain; that a new code of political ethics has been established, for the accommodation of pliant consciences; and that, almost without an exception, the public men of both parties, and of all parties, tired of waiting for popularity to run after them, are now eager to run after popularity. Who now so intrepid as to dare to take his stand, upon grave and well defined principles? In these days of meek condescension to the will of the people, and of affected reverence for their good sense, how few care to lead public opinion aright! how many pusillanimously follow it, when they know it to be wrong! How few, alas! will forego the vulgar trappings of office for the sustaining consciousness, that by no sacrifice of principle or of dignity, did they ever seek to win them! I would fain believe that the days of the republic are not numbered; but I am not without sad forebodings of her fate, when aspirants for popular favor are such utter strangers to the grace of an erect and manly spirit as to be solicitous rather to appropriate to themselves, at any cost, some transient distinction, than to await, with unfaltering rectitude and unforfeited self-respect, the judgments of coming times; when the man of wealth, and talent, and social consideration, outstrips the radical, in zeal for pestilent doctrines and mischievous projects; in fine, when it is incorporated into the creed of the politician, that the people are always in the right; in other words, that public opinion is not only the standard of taste, but the keeper of conscience!

'To most active spirits, the contentions of party are far from being repulsive; and elevated station seldom fails to captivate the ambitious. Thus multitudes, forsaking the round of common occupation, are seen to dash amid the tumults of the people. Thus, too, many of our most gifted men, relinquishing the pursuits of literature, or the sure rewards and the permanent fame of professional eminence, peril their independence, perchance their honor, in a doubtful controversy for some fascinating political distinction.

'Nor is this all. The agitations of politics communicate to the public mind impulses so despotic that it becomes, on all questions, intolerant of dissent. Hence it often happens, that, in matters entirely unconnected

with the contentions of the day, men are proscribed,
because they may be content to doubt where others
choose to dogmatize; or, because they may dare to
differ when the multitude have determined that all shall
agree. If this species of tyranny be not sternly resist
ed, it will banish from the walks of public and of pri-
vate life all independence of thought and action; all
calm discussion of controverted questions; all intrepid
defence of unpopular truths.

thus injurious, it surely demands counteraction. I'am
If the influence of politics, direct and indirect, be
not so visionary as to believe that the wider diffusion of
tial corrective of evils, which, deeply rooted in the very
a taste for liberal studies would prove more than a par-
nature of our government, may, to a certain extent, be
deemed inevitable. I cannot doubt, however, that it
would render politics a less absorbing game; that it
acrimony, and lead to more intelligent views of the
would banish from political controversy much of its
true interests of the people. The spirit of literature is
essentially conservative. It forms a graceful alliance
with whatever is elevated in thought or in action; it
free thought of the free soul. It is congenial to the
abhors violence; it is not rampant for change. It
tects the sacred inheritance of individual freedom; the
more retired graces of character; to elegance, to dignity,
to repose. Surely, in times like these, when a mighty
controversy is maintained with the varied forms of evil;
radicalism threatens to tear up the base of all social
when factious violence every where prevails; when
order, we need to calm our troubled spirits, and to re-
cruit our overtasked energies, amid "the still air of
delightful studies."

probes, and prescribes for, another disease rife in this
In the subjoined paragraph, Mr. Goddard well

the spirit of ultraism. This spirit, at the present day, 'In such studies may also be found an antagonist to are free. Our own country has not escaped the episeems to pervade all lands, where thought and feeling demic phrenzy. We have ultras in fashion, who deem every one a barbarian who will not adopt their conven tional standard of propriety and their elaborate style of enjoyment; who will not sacrifice health, and happiness and virtue upon the shrine of their senseless idolatries. We have ultras in politics, who either propagate wild notions, or infer, from sound principles, dangerous conclusions; who revel amid agitations, and who owe all their consequence to their skill in working mischief. We have ultras in philanthropy, who, in the impetuo sity of their zeal, sacrifice to an abstraction the substantial welfare of their fellow men; who make rash applications of admitted truth, and who seem to forget that, in carrying out one principle, however sacred, we must never trample upon other priniples which are no less obligatory upon the conscience. And, last of all, we have ultras in religion, who, forgetting the weightier matters of the law, lose themselves in the labyrinths of systematic divinity; and who, impatient of a chastised, evangelical fervor, resort to equivocal expedients to generate an effervescent zeal. intellect, and it exasperates the passions. I cannot pause fully to characterize. It dwarfs the The spirit of ultraism denunciation; it is enamored of vexed questions; it is recruited by gladiatorial strife. I do not claim for liberal It is ferocious in studies the power to operate, directly, as a corrective of this diseased state of the public mind. Some efficacy, however, may be anticipated from their reflex operation. By stimulating the intellect to an exercise of its various powers upon themes of commanding dignity and attractive elegance, they would allay the violence which limits itself to a partial reception of speculaof the passions, and rebuke that unphilosophical spirit tive truths, and to a partial view of men and manners, They would, moreover, establish among the intellectual faculties that harmony of adjustment and operation,

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