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النشر الإلكتروني

Rev. C. W. Anable, D. D., Pastor | Rev. N. Fellows, A. M., Principal
First Baptist Church, Springfield, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham.
Mass., says:
Mass., says:

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"The authors of 'The Royal Path of Life' seem to have skimmed the cream of common sense from the world's best writers on the vital subjects treated therein. All who read


Rev. W. T. Perrin, Pastor M. E.
Church, Wilbraham, Mass., says:
"From an examination of 'The Royal
Path of Life,' I heartily endorse the above

'Having examined with some care the work entitled The Royal Path of Life,' I take pleasure in commending it as a highly useful and valuable book. It is not only a very sensible, but a very readable book- it will get much good, and only good from its handsomely printed and finely illustrated. Seldom does one meet with such an admirable compilation of wise and wholesome sentiments, covering the whole range of topics relating to individual and domestic well-being. Every young man and every young woman should possess it. I can honestly wish it a place in every family, where it will be read and re-read for its intrinsic value, and am thankful in these days especially, when our markets are overrun with shams, that such a work as 'The Royal Path' is brought to the notice of our community, and trust it will have a wide circulation."

Rev. S. G. Buckingham, D. D., Pastor

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Rev. M. L. Howard, Pastor Congl
Church, Wilbraham, Mass., says:
"I have examined the book and cheerfully
endorse the above commendations."

Rev. M. C. Stebbins, A. M., Principal of Springfield Collegiate Institute, Springfield, Mass., says:


The Royal Path of Life' is certainly a South Congreg'l Church, Spring-book of rare excellence. So many rich, beaufield, Mass., says: tiful, and inspiring thoughts are seldom gathered into so small a space. It is emphatically read it, and once reading it is not enough." a book for the family. Everybody should

'Having partially examined the work entitled 'The Royal Path of Life,' I find it to be a work of value, and would be a blessing in any household. It is written in the interest of Virtue, Morality and Christianity."

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Rev. J. B. Quigg, P. E., M. E. Church,
Wilmington. Del., says:

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"I have examined The Royal Path of Life,' and I think the idea of it excellent,

and the execution of it masterly. It is a book that everybody needs and should be in every family. It would be well for parents to read it aloud in the family circle, and encourage their children to read it for themselves. It is the book for the times, and its sound principles of morality and religion, its clear statements of man's duties to his fellow man and to his God, if known and understood, would go far to settle the present secular and religious unrest that threatens society, by pointing out the true 'Path' to success and happiness."

Rev. A. B. Stoner, Pastor of Trinity | Rev. S. Siegfried, Pastor of the BapReformed Church, Norristown, Pa., tist Church, Norristown, Pa., says:


"The Royal Path of Life; or, Aims and “I have carefully read your work entitled Aids to Success and Happiness,' is just what The Royal Path of Life,' and wish to ex- its title indicates. It is a book for the home, press my high appreciation of it. I regard it to be read and studied. Its articles are gems, as one of the few books that will be found at and are edifying to all the members of the once deeply interesting and highly instructhousehold-the grave and the gay will find a ive to the general reader. It is both soundly portion in season. The ambition, enlightenmetaphysical and eminently practical. Its ed and enthused by such a counselor as this style is lofty, pleasing and beautiful; its dic-book, will aspire to the chaste and beautiful tion pure and plain; its tone throughly in the royal path of life,' and will find 'hapChristian. Although its pages are made up piness' and achieve success.' I cheerfully of distinct and somewhat disconnected es- add my commendation of its merits." says, each complete in itself, it reads like a romance. But while it is thus fascinating, we have the additional satisfaction of useful knowledge, acquired at each step of our progress. We need not hasten to unravel the story, as alas! we are only too prone to do when perusing works of fiction. We may linger as long as we wish by the way; for each essay furnishes material for much solid thought and profitable meditation."

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President J. H. A. Bomberger, D. D., of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa., says:

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Although I have been unable to give The Royal Path of Life' more than a brief and cursory examination, its aim and ruling spirit have impressed me favorably. The essays are upon most important, practical subjects, written in a style attractive for most readers, and offer wholesome counsel and profitable entertainment. evening hour can be usefully and pleasantly employed in their perusal."

Many a winter

Professor George R. Thompson, Principal of the Friends' School, Wil mington, Del., says:

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'After a somewhat hasty examination of 'The Royal Path of Life,' I am impressed with the fidelity with which the authors have endeavored to further their design of 'stimulating the youth to noble thoughts and actions.' If they have not marked out the exact limits of 'the royal path of life,' they have at least set no false guide-posts by the way.

"The work treats briefly, but interestingly, of such old-fashioned topics as 'Integrity,' 'Industry,' 'Slander,' 'Vanity,' etc.-subjects well worth consideration in these days of loose moral notions. It may not appeal strongly to the tastes of the professedly intellectual class of the community, but for the people it will have solid attractions. That its contents are so varied will be a great recommendation to those who have not the means to purchase many books. But perhaps a still greater recommendation is that it contains nothing that parents need fear to have their children read, and much that will interest, instruct and guide them."

President J. T. Ward, D.D., of Western | President Lucius H. Bugbee, D.D., of Maryland College, Westminster,

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Alleghany College, Meadville, Pa., says:

"I have examined The Royal Path of Life,' and deem its selections very choice. The subjects treated are varied, and pertain to the highest interests of life. The reading of this book cannot fail to do great good. It will serve to elevate and ennoble character, and fill the mind with valuable thoughts, and stir the heart to good deeds."

"I can most heartily recommend The Royal Bishop P. T. O'Reilly, of the Roman

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Path of Life' as an excellent addition to the library of the family. If carefully perused and its suggestions followed, it will reward any one many times for the price paid for it."

Prof. R. S. Henry, A. M., Principal of the Washington Co., Md., High School, says:

"I was very much pleased and entertained with The Royal Path of Life.' The subject matter of the book is all that could be desired, and it is written in a manner that cannot fail to attract attention. No better selection for a family library could be made than this work."

Catholic Church, Springfield, Mass., says:

"I have a copy of The Royal Path of Life,' and after a very careful examination do obeerfully commend it to every household."

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Prof. Wm. Baxter Owen, Ph.D., of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., says: “An excellent book, full of prudent reflec- Rev. J. B. Keller, Pastor of the Ev. tions about life, character, and the world, which it will do young people good to read."

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Lutheran Church, Williamsport,
Ma.. says:

"Having examined The Royal Path of
Life,' I would recommend it as eminently
adapted to correct mistakes, and impress the
mind with such purposes as will make life
Its lessons cannot be
noble and virtuous.
learned without being attended with good re-

Ex-President J. M. Follansbec. of the Charleston, W. Va., Female College. says:

"The high praise given this book by such men as Drs. Allen and Summers, would be of itself amply sufficient evidence of its great merit; but a personal examination makes it very plain why they praise it. It is certainly a treasure beyond all estimate in silver and gold."

President H. B. Brown, of the Indiana | Rabbi Dr. Lilienthal, Mound Street

Normal School, says:

"The book entitled The Royal Path of Life' contains more valuable information for the money than any other bobk published. After reading, no one would regret having made the purchase. It should be in every family."

Synagogue, Cincinnati, O., says:

"It is with great pleasure that I recommend the book entitled 'The Royal Path of Life.' It is full of practical wisdom, stern, frank, excellent maxims, and reminds me of the proverbs of the Bible. The book should adorn

every family table. Young and old should read it, ponder over the excellent essays, and

Rev. J. Kelley, Pastor of St. Joseph's try to come up to the teachings. It contains Roman Catholic Church, near Wil-no sectarian doctrine. It is human in the mington, Del., says:

"I believe the book called 'The Royal Path of Life' to be highly useful, and admirably adapted to promote good manners and the practice of the moral virtues."

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Rev. James Murphy, Pastor of the
Roman Catholic Church of Toronto,
Iowa, says:

best sense of the word; and if its rules are carried out, peace and good-will among men, charity and love toward all, would be thereby largely advanced. Again I heartily and sincerely recommend this book as a standard book for every household."

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"The Royal Path of Life,' a literary work "Many books need a recommendation, but lately issued from the press, is well worth no intelligent person can examine 'The Royal reading by each, and many of our fellow Path of Life' without feeling that, like every countrymen in particular, and by persons good man, this excellent book is its own best skilled in English literature in general. Its recommendation. It gathers up and presents pages abound with original thoughts and men- in pleasing form the wisdom of the ages on tal culture, which I am certainly convinced the most homely, and so the most practical, must create for the work a vast and ready themes. It will be found a wise counsellor in circulation." every family."

President John Bascom, D. D., LL. D., | Professor S. M. Etter, Superintenof University of Wisconsin, Madison, says:

"The Royal Path of Life' seems to be a book full of moral and practical wisdom; and would be likely to help strongly the good feeling and discipline of households."

President Wm. F. Phelps, of State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis.,


"Having examined with some care the volume entitled 'The Royal Path of Life,' I can commend it with entire confidence as a work of rare merit in respect to the soundness of its teachings, its moral tone, and its pure and devoted style as a literary production. I know of no book better suited to the wants of

the people, and I trust that it may find a place in every family in the land."

President H. Gilliland, D. D., of Galesville University, Wis., says: "Royal Path of Life' is just the book for the family-for father and mother, for brothers and sisters. Its table of contents is enough to recommend it to all advocates of sound morals, domestic happiness, integrity of character, public and private virtue.

“The work should, therefore, be extensively sold, carefully read, and its teachings faithfully practiced."

President J. Esterbrook, of Michigan State Normal, Ypsilanti, says:

"I have examined with pleasure The Royal Path of Life.' The book contains a gr.at variety of well written topics, on conditions of success in life. I think it an excel

dent of Public Instruction of State, Springfield, Ill., says:

"It is with great pleasure I recommend 'Royal Path of Life.' It should find a place in every intelligent household. No one can read this beautiful written volume without instruction as well as pleasure. Few books of a purely didactic character are so attractive. It gives that hated thing advice so lovingly that one feels the presence and converse of a very dear friend."

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"I have examined carefully many seleclent work. Its circulation will do good to old tions from 'The Royal Path of Life.' There

and young. Buy it and study it."

President Charles A. Morey, of State Normal School, Winona, Minn, says: "I have examined the book entitled The Royal Path of Life,' and I am glad to commend it to the reading public. Its short, terse and strong essays upon vital topics are calculated to awaken thought and to do much good"

Leonard F. Parker, A. M., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, in the State University of Iowa, says: "The Royal Path of Life' is excellent in thought and style, and abounds in most valuable suggestions


can be but one opinion regarding the pure character and noble purpose of the work. In a simple style it impresses the important truths that lead to worthiness or tend to evil so plainly that our warped natures cannot misunderstand. I wish it might be thoughtfully read in every house."

Prof. John C. Ridpath, the Historian, Asbury University, Ind., says:

"I have made a cursory examination of The Royal Path of Life,' and find it a work of considerable interest. It is well composed in a style half familiar and half didactic. To all those who are interested - and who is not?

in the practical ethics of life, I recommend the book as well worthy of perusal."

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