صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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. Olympia

Wm. P. Lyon
Herman Grotophorst.


Nathaniel B. Treat...
Gustav Küstermann.

Monroe ..Green Bay

Andrew G. Nelson....


Wm. P. Lyon, President..

Officers of the Board.
M. J. Tappins, Secretary...

Nathaniel B. Treat, Vice-President.....


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McCaslin, E. E., 468.

McClain, Mr., 396.

McCollester, Rev. L. S., 396.
McConkey, James G., 388.
McDougall, A. W., 278, 392.
Macfarland, Henry B. F., 37.
McLane, Miss Kate M., 54.
McLean, Francis H., 117.

McMahon, D. J., 136, 366, 420, 478.
Mann, B. P., 418, 471, 516.

Maybury, William C., 362, 536.
Merica, C. O., 433, 450.
Meyer, Dr. Alfred, 239.

Miller, Thomas C., 101.

Minns, Grace W., 129.

Mitchell, Mr., 383.

Mohler, Mr., 395.

Montgomery, John B., 415.

Moore, Mrs., 393.

Morse. F. F., 470.

Mullany, Rev. John F., 338.

Munday, John, 421.

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Abandonment of feeble-minded by parents, 157.
Aberdeen, Countess of, 212.

Acute insanity, speedy treatment for, 167.
Adaptation of societies to local conditions, 281.
Addams, Jane, 298, 358, 520.

Addresses: by Gov. Bliss, 359: by Mayor May-
berry, 362; by Prof. Henderson, 363.
"Adequate System of State Supervision," 176.
Adirondacks, hospital for tuberculosis, 81.
Adjoining towns united for support of paupers,
Connecticut, 33.

Administration, changes in public institutions in,
Illinois, 43.

Adolescents, separate rooms for, 254.
Adoption of children, 246, 247, 403, 415.
Adrian, Industrial Home for Girls, 61.

Age limit of boys in county homes, Connecticut,


Aged poor, care of, in Delaware, 37.

Agricultural colony for tuberculous, need of,

227, 507

Ainay, village for insane, 186, 198.

Alabama: report from, 27; state care of children,

244, 245.

Alaska, report from, 27.

Albany guild for care of sick poor, 205.

Albany (N.Y.) reception hospital for insane, 173.
Alcoholism and tuberculosis, 225.

Alexander, Mrs. C. B., 451.

Alienists, skilled, needed in insane hospitals, 329.
Allen, Dr. Nathan, 3, 4.

Allentown (Pa.) C. O. S. organized, 93.
Allison, James, 376.

Almshouses, children in, 8; hospital in Tewks-
bury, 525; hospital, Boston, 212; new, in Dis-
trict of Columbia, 38; in Connecticut, 34; in
Massachusetts, 58.

Alt-Scherbitz colony for insane, 171.
Ambulant consumptives, work for, 241.
Ambulant tuberculous cases, 223.
American Medical Association, 223.

American Printing House for the Blind, Louis-
ville, 51.

American School for the Deaf, 34-

American Social Science Association, 2, 4.
Amity Salvation Army farm colony, 30.
Amusement, need of good places of, 230.
Ann Arbor, psychopathic hospital, 173.
Anoka, insane asylum, 65.

Appropriations by state, Illinois, 44; to institu-
tions, Maryland, 56.

Arapahoe County detention hospital for insane, 32.
Arundel Good Government Club, 54.
"Assembly 183," New Jersey, 78.
Associated Charities of District of Columbia, 38;
Kansas City, 68; San Francisco, 29.
Association for Improvement of the Condition
of the Poor, 57.

Athletics for delinquents, 257; in English schools,
434; in reformatories, 263.
Auburn state prison, 83.
Aycock, Gov. Charles B., 85.

Babies, placing of state, 409.

Baby cottages in state homes, 246.

Baby farmers, 297.

Backward children, schools for, 494.
Bagley, Hon. John J., 3, 174, 360.
Baltimore: Instructive Visiting Nurse Associa-
tion, 206; meeting, 1890, 7; supervisors of city
charities, 54.

Baptist care of orphans in Alaska, 28.
Baruch, Dr. Simon, 481.
Basket-weaving, 438.

Beatrice (Neb.) C. O. S. disbanded, 71.
Bedford: Reformatory for Women, 82, 470; Sani-
tarium for consumptives, 240, 241.

Behavior should be taught in reformatories, 258.
Belgium: family care of insane in, 186; insane
board out in, 173.

Benevolent public, dangers to the, 132.

Berlin system of boarding out, 198; of family
care for insane, 187.

Bethlehem (Pa.) C. O. S. organized, 93.

Better housing for tuberculous poor, 225.
Bicknell, Ernest P., 376, 377-

Biggs, experiments of, 219.
Biloxi, Waifs' Home, 67.

Binghamton, asylum for chronic insane, 170.

Birmingham: Infirmary, 216; housing problem
in, 348.

Birtwell, C. W., 382, 396.

Bishop, Hon. R. M., 6.

"Bitter Cry," year of the, 303.
Blackmar, Prof., 386, 388.

Blackwell's Island Institution, 241; workhouse,

Blaine, Mrs. Emmons, 230.

Blair, Hon. James L., 68.

Blind, asylum for, at Flint, 3; care of, in Idaho,
40; Illinois, 41; Iowa, 48; Kansas, 49; Ken-
tucky, 51; Maine, 54; Maryland School for,
39; Michigan, 26; Mississippi, 67; Missouri,
69; Nebraska. 73; New Hampshire, 75; New
York, 84; North Carolina, 86; Oregon, 92;
Perkins Institution for, 35; South Dakota, 97;
Utah, 98; Institution for, in Indiana, 45.
Bliss, Gov. A. T., 359..

Blockley Almshouse, abuses in, 334.
Board of Charities, jurisdiction of, District of
Columbia, 37.

Board of Charity, homes for children, Massachu-
setts, 58.

Board of Children's Guardians, District of Co-
lumbia, 39.

Board of control, 124; disadvantages of, 127;
and foundlings' homes, 48: Iowa, 126, 133, 140,
144: Kentucky, 125; Minnesota, 64.

Board of prison commissioners, new, Massachu-
setts, 57.

Board of Public Charities, Illinois, 42, 43.
Board of State Aid and Charities, Maryland, 56.
Board of State Charities, Indiana, 44.

Board of State Charities and Corrections, Louisi-

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ments, 358.

Brooks, John Graham, 377.

Brown, James M., 383.

Brown, Miss Mary Willcox, 56.

Brown, Mrs. Philip H., memorial to, 53.

Buena Vista, state reform, 30.

Buffalo: asylum for acute insane, 170; city care
of consumptives, 223; District Nursing Asso-
ciation, 206; meeting in 1888, 7.

Buildings for reformatories, 462.

Buncombe County Children's Home, 87.
Bureau of Charitable Institutions, New York,
80; Industrial Statistics, Maryland, 54, 55;
information for charitable needs, 279.
Butler, Amos W., 129, 366, 376, 377.
Byers, Rev. A. G., 6.

California: burden of child dependence, 248; or-
ganized charity in, 295; public funds for pri-
vate charities, 130; report from, 28; State
Conference of Charities, 28.

Cambridge District Nursing Association, 206.
Camp for boys, municipal, Kansas City, 69.
"Campaign of Education" in Michigan, 235.
Canada represented at National Conference, 7.
Canadian Conference of Charities and Correc-
tions, 114.

Cañon City A. C. established in, 29; state pen-
itentiary at, 30.

Carnegie, Andrew, 230.
Carpenter, Miss Mary, 4, 5.

Catholic homes for Catholic children, 339: Or-

phanage, Spokane, 41; Protectory, New York,
42; Sisters in Iowa, 142.

Causes of destitution and delinquency, 253.
Cedar Mountain hospital for tuberculosis, 33.
Census, act relating to statistics, 367.
Central Boards of Control, 148.
Central hospital, Indiana, 44.

Central Park, 477.

Centralization, advantages of, 149; dangers of,

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Charities, 9, 174, 220, 415.

Charities' Endorsement Committee, 301; of San
Francisco, 29.

Charity: a Science, 269; becoming more demo-
cratic, 274; bill in Kansas, 49; includes relief,
266; methods of advance in, 270; Organiza-
tion movement, 265, 267; Society, Baltimore,
54, 56, 57; in small communities, 279; of New
York City, 11; spread of, 289; work, prepara-
tion for, 297.

Charleston Ladies' Benevolent Society, 206.
Charlton, T. J., resignation of, 45.

Chattel Mortgage Act, Maryland, 55.

Cherry Tree Home Orphanage, 30.
Chester (Ill.) penitentiary, 41.
Cheyenne, improvements in hospital at, 104.
Chicago: Association of Visiting Nurses, 202,
204, 205, 206; C. O. S., 304. 305; Children's in-
stitutions in, 42; Chronicle quoted, 205; Con-
ference in, 1879, 6; housing reform in, 343;
incompetent labor in, 298; juvenile court, 162;
Mecca of floating population, 345 meeting,
1893, 7; meeting of State Boards of Charity, 2;
People's Friendly Club, 275; subscriptions for
care of delinquent boys, 41; tenement reform
in, 358.

Child labor, 312, 507; forbidden in Baltimore,
54; law, 55; inspector of, Kentucky, 50; in
South Carolina, 94, 95; limitations of, in
Iowa, 48.

Child-saving in Quebec, 119.

Children: compelled to support parents in Ohio,
382; duty of state to, 131; in almshouses,
New Jersey, 78; require watchfulness at night,
254: State Home for Dependent and Neg-
lected, Colorado, 31.

Children's Aid Societies, Ontario, 115; Home
Society, Colorado, 31; Minnesota, 412; New
Jersey, 78; South Dakota, 97, 125.

Children's Institutions in Chicago, 42; seacoast
sanatoria needed in this country, 228.
Chillicothe, Girls' Reformatory, 69.
Chinese, exclusion of, 155, 163.
Christian Brothers, 467.

Chronic cases, visiting nurses for, 201.
Chronic insane, boarding out of, 168, 173.
"Church of the Divine Fragments," 365.
Cincinnati: A. C. in, go; city care of consump
tives, 223; Conference in, 1878, 5; meeting
in, 1899, 7: Prison Association at, 4.
Citizenship, higher order of, 336.

City and Suburban Homes Co., 353.
City Homes Association of Chicago, 343, 485.
Civic improvement, 343.

Civil service, improvement in, 8; in Michigan,

"Class B," Booth's classification, 309, 310.
"Class D." Booth's classification, 303, 313, 314.
Classification of insane in colonies, 171.

Clay, Dr., 67.

Clean City Club of Chicago, 486.

Cleveland: A. C. in, 90; meeting, 1880, 7.
Clinics for psychiatry, 167.

Closed sleeping rooms in reformatories, 254.
Coke, 327.

Cold bathing, 468.

Coldwater, State Public School at, 3, 415.
College of ethics, prison a, 323.
"Colleges of ethics," 530.
Colony system for insane, 169

Colorado: care of deaf and blind, 40; legislation
in, 133; report from, 29: State Board of Char-
ities and Corrections, 126; state care of chil-
dren, 244.

Colorado Springs: A. C., 207; ranch sana-
torium, 30; School for Deaf and Blind, 31.
Colored Orphan Asylum, North Carolina, 87,


Columbia: Associated Charities organized, 68;
Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 39.

Columbus: District Nursing Association, 207;
influence of A. C., go; out-door relief in, 391.
Commissioner of Charity, New York City, 154;
Education, 251; prisons abolished in Massa-
chusetts, 57-

Commitment of epileptics, 156.

Committee on Charities, Kansas, 49; on Finan-

cial Affairs, 376; on Organization, 376; on
Resolutions, 376; on Time and Place, 418.
Communicable disease, consumption a, 233, 501.
Communication of tuberculosis, 219.

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