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النشر الإلكتروني

in the highest terms of applaufe; and the various and peculiar excellencies of Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Cibber, and Mrs. Clive were celebrated with equal warmth and justice. Excepting Air. Garrick, there was not a fingle man, among the players of that period, who in the firit impreffion entirely efcaped the pout's fatirical lath. Thofe who were the moft eager in expreffing their anger had only the misfortune of being treated with greater feverity in fubfequent editions. in this refpect Mr. Churchill has been blamed by fome writers; and it has been faid, that the Rofciad was not always benefited by the alterations which it received. Perhaps there is little foundation for this affertion: but, however that may be, it is certain that its excellence enabled it firmly to maintain its ground againit all oppofition. Though various pamphlets and poems were published againft it in vindication of the players, they were fo poorly written, that they only ferved to fwell Mr. Churchill's triumph.

The Critical Reviewers happened to be peculiarly unfortunate in the account which they gave of the Rofciad. In fpeaking of the first impreffion of it, they afcribed it, with fome degree of confidence, to Mr. Lloyd; and though they wouldnotabfolu ely pretend to affert that it was folely written by him, they ventured to affirm, that it was the production, jointly or feparately, of the new Triumvirate of Wits, who never let an opportunity flip of finging their own praifes. The Triumvirate here referred to confified of 'Thornton, Colman, and Lloyd. The mistake, however, if it had been delivered in lefs offenfive terms, was pardonable, as the author had not fet his name to the performance. When be afferted his claim to the work, the critics acknowledged their error, but did not do it with a very good grace, or, at leaft, in fuch a manner as was fatisfactory to Mr. Churchill. Befides his not being well pleafed with the account which had been given of his poem, he withed to add fomething further on the fubject of the Rofciad, and to justify the attack he had made on the players. Accord

ingly, in a fhort time he published his "Apology; addreffed to the Critical Reviewers." Whatever reasons these gentlemen had to be diffatisfied with the poem, the players themselves were not fo much offended as they had been with the Rofciad. The author had, indeed, treated the profeffion of acting with great contempt; and had painted, in the strongest colours, the meannes and diftrefs of itinerant companies, and the unhappy fhifts to which they are occafionally reduced. But all this the London actors regarded as a trifling injury, compared with the fatire which had been directed against their perfonal faults. It was, likewife, no small confolation to them, that their maiter, the mighty Rofcius himfelf, had not wholly been fpared: for Mr. Garrick was certainly aimed at in the following lines:

"Let the vain tyrant fit amidst his guards,

His puny green-room wits, and venal bards,
Who mealy tremble at the puppet's frown,
And for a playhouse freedom lofe their own;
In spite of new-made laws, and new-made kings,
The tree-born mufe with lib'ral fpirit fings.
Bow down, ye flaves; before thefe idols fall;
Let genius itoop to them who've none at all;
Ne'er will I flatter, cringe, or bend the knee,
To thofe who, flaves to all, are flaves to me."

The manager felt all the force of thefe farcafic ftrokes, and was extremely unhappy that he fhould have provoked fo irritable and fo powerful a writer. Accordingly, he wrote a long letter to Churchill, which, befides comprehending an apology for himfelf and the players, was full of encomiums upon his uncommon vein of poetry, and contained a kind of deprecation of his future wrath. A friend, to whom Mr. Garrick fhewed the letter, entirely difapproved of it; and informed him that the author of the Kofciad, who was a man of quick difcernment and undaunted fpirit, would not think the better of him for his humiliations and flatteries.

Mr. Churchill being now become fo greatly celebrated, and having, at the fame time, procured a large number of enemies, it was natural that refearches fould be made into his fituation, connections, and character; and upon enquiry it was found that he was not remarkable

was in


confidered it as a very blameable oppo-
fition to the decencies of life, and as
likely to be hurtful to his intereft;
fince the abilities he was poffeffed of,
and the figure he made in political
contefts, would, perhaps, have recom-
mended him to fome noble patron,
from whom he might have received a
valuable benefice. I remember well,
that he dreffed his younger fon in a
Scotch plaid, like a little Highlander,
and carried him every where in that
garb. The boy being asked by a gen-
tleman with whom I
why he was cloathed in fuch a manner,
anfwered with great vivacity, "Sir,
my father hates the Scotch, and does
it to plague them?" In other respects
Mr. Churchill's conduct was more than
indifcreet. He plunged into various
irregularities, and lived no longer with
his wife; though whether his quitting
her was at this particular juncture we
are not able to determine.
people, obferves a certain writer, have
been unkind enough to say that Mrs.
Churchill gave the firft juft caufe of
feparation. But nothing can be more
falfe than this rumour; and we can
affure the public, that her conduct in
private life, and among her acquaint-
ance, was ever irreproachable." We
have our doubts concerning the truth
of what is here afferted, notwithftand-
ing the pofitivity with which it is de-
livered. It was always understood in
Weftminfier, that Mrs. Churchill's im-
prudence kept too near a pace with
that of her husband. However, we do
not hence mean in the leaft to justify his
diforderly and licentious manner of

remarkable for the regularity of hisof by his most intimate friends. They
manners, and that he particularly in-
dalged himself in fitting up very late
over a bottle. The reproaches hence
caft upon him gave occafion to his
next production, entitled "Night,
an Epittle to Robert Lloyd." The ob-
ject of this poem was to vindicate his
conduct, or rather to avow it in the
face of the public. The " Night"
was followed by the first book of "The
Ghott," a work that took its rife from
a ridiculous impofture carried on in
Cock-lane, near Weft-Smithfield, and
to which fome men of eminent abilities
and character paid too ferious an at-
tention. Neither of thefe perform-
ances being fo popular as the Rofciad
and the Apology, Mr. Churchill was
defirous of producing fomething which
fhould more strongly excite the curiofity
of the nation. In this he fucceeded,
though we must ever lament the fubject
he fixed upon, and the turn of mind
with which it is treated. Availing
himself of the difputes in politics,
which were then carried on with pe-
culiar acrimony, and influenced by
private friendship, he published his
Prophecy of Lamine; a Scots Pa-
ftoral." Of this piece Mr. Wilkes is
faid to have pronounced, before its
appearance, that he was fure it would
take, as it was at once perfonal, poet-
ical, and political. His prediction was
accomplished; for the poem had a very
rapid and extenfive fale, and Churchill
was extolled by his admirers as fu-
perior to rope. This was undoubtedly
Carrying is prafe to an undue height
of exacration. It cannot, however,
b. dena, ti at the author has difplayed
gr at force of abilities in the Prophecy
une; though the malignity which
he has fhewn int Scotland and its
inhabitants is totally inexcufeable.


Whilft the literary fame of Mr. Churchill food thus high with a large part, at lea.i, of the public, his perfonal conduct was very reprehenfible. He laid aide all the external decorums of his profeilion, diverted himfeif of his clerical habit, and appeared in the drefs of a blue coat with metal buttons, a gold-laced waistcoat, a goldlaced hat, and rules. This part of his behaviour was wholly difapproved


Mr. Churchill being now embarked as a political fatirift, from which character he derived great fame an 1 profit, next drew his pen againit a man whofe genius he admired; and with whom he and Mr. Wilkes had long been in the habits of friendship, the celebrated Hogarth. It must be acknowledged that Hogarth himfelf afforded the original caufe of offence. In a print, cailed the Times, he had attacked Lord Temple and Mr. Pitt, and foon after published a caricature of Mr. Wilkes. This, which was too much for Churchill to


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bear, gave rife to the "Epiftle to William Hogarth," wherein that eminent painter, whilft juftice is done to his extraordinary talents, is treated with all the feverity of fatire. When Hogarth had formed the defign of holding out Lord Temple, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Churchill, and Mr. Wilkes to the public, as objects of ridicule, in a feries of prints, the laft gentleman, by two of their common acquaintance, remonstrated with him against fuch a proceeding, as what would not only be unfriendly in the highest degree, but extremely injudicious. It was urged to him, that fuch a pencil ought to be univerfal and moral, to fpeak to all ages, and to all nations, not to be dipped in the dirt of the faction of a day, of an infignificant part of the country, when it might command the admiration of the whole. It would have been well for Mr. Hogarth if he had liftened to this falutary advice, as by fo doing he would have faved himself from the most extreme mortification. Churchill's fatire ftruck him to the heart, and is thought to have contributed to the acceleration of his deceafe. Mr. Hogarth's revenge against the poet terminated in vamping up an old print of a pug-dog and a bear, which he published under the title of The Bruifer C. Churchill (once the Reverend!) in the character of a Ruffian Hercules, &c." So feeble a blow at his antagonist was but a poor compenfation for the deep wound he had received. It muft ever be lamented, that men of genius, who had been intimate friends, and might have continued fuch as long as they lived, fhould have their union diffolved, and difcord fown among them, by the demon of politics and party.

The poems we have hitherto spoken of employed Mr. Churchill in 1761, 1762, and part of 1763. During the fame time he continued to publifh, at different intervals, "The Ghoft," the fourth and concluding book of which appeared in the laft of the years now mentioned. The most celebrated paffage in this work was the character of Pompofo, intended for Dr. Johnfon, and which was much extolled by that entleman's enemies. The Doctor had

offended Churchill, by declaring that his poetry had but little merit. The only reply which Dr. Johnson made to our author's fatire was, that he thought him a fhallow fellow in the beginning, and that he could fay nothing worfe of him ftill. Highly as we reverence this eminent writer's character and abilities, we muft exprefs ourselves to be of a different opinion. However inferior Churchill might be, in many refpects, to Dr. Johnfon, he certainly did not deferve the appellation of a fhallow fellow. He was undoubtedly poffeffed of a found and vigorous underftanding, though it might not always be prudently and happily applied. The contemptuous terms in which men of real genius are apt to fpeak of each other we have too often had occafion to obferve and lament. With regard to the poem of "The Ghoft," it may in general be remarked, that, befides its being compofed in verses of eight fyllables, it is written in a very defultory and digreffive manner. difficult to determine what plan and defign the author had in view, and, perhaps, he could fcarcely have explained the matter himfelf. The work, therefore, doth not, upon the whole, excite much of our approbation, though there are in it fome fhining and beautiful paffages. Even Lloyd, the great panegyrift of Churchill, hints at the flovenly nature of the compofition, in the following lines, which are, indeed, put into the mouth of the Cobler of Cripplegate:

It is

"The priest, I grant, has fomething clever, A fomething that will last for ever. Let him, in part, be made your pattern, Whose muse, now Queen, and now a flattern, Trick'd out in ROSCIAD rules the roaft, Turns trapes and trollop in the GHOST, By turns both tickles us, and warms, And, drunk or fober, has her charms." Nearly at the time when the last book of the Ghoft appeared, Mr. Churchill published "The Conference," in which he returned to his ufual measure of verfe, the heroic, being the measure wherein he most excelled; though he had lately begun to introduce into it too many profaic lines. The plan of the poem is fimilar to that of one of Pope's fatires. A dialogue is fuppofed to be carried on between the author


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and a noble Lord, who is reprefented as giving him much good worldly advice, to which he anfwers with great fpirit, and in his replies indulges his fatiric vein with no fmall degree of freedom. One of the moft ftriking paffages in the Conference is that in which he expreffes the deepest contrition for a recent action of his life, that was indeed highly to his dishonour. He had feduced and carried off the daughter of a tradefman in Weftminfter. In a little more than a fortnight his paffion fubfided, and the young woman became very forry for her crime. Accordingly, a wife and judicious friend wrote for her a letter to her father, expreffive of her penitence, and of her defire to return home. Her father, with equal tenderness and prudence, received her into his houfe; and the might have been fully restored to a virtuous conduct, had it not been for the feverity of an elder fifter, who was continually loading her with reproach


Wearied with this ufage, the applied to Churchill, offering to return to him again; which he thought himfelf bound to admit, by the ideas he entertained of gratitude and honour. The true point of virtue would have been, to have provided, as amply as he could, for the young woman's fupport, and to have had no criminal connexion with her in future.

Our author's next poem, if we miftake not, was "The Duellift," in three books, written in verfes of eight fyllables. The occafion of the work is well known, being Mr. Martin's challenge to Mr. Wilkes; and it is not furprifing that Churchill's mufe fhould be awakened in the caufe of his friend. The Duellift has many poetical beauties. It is more concife than the Ghoft, more correct, more directly to the purpofe; though one principal object of it was to fatirize other perfons, befides Mr. Martin.

Mr. Churchill's laft publication in 1763 feems to have been "The Author," and it is one of the moft pleafing of his productions. The former part of it is not remarkably fatirical; but, towards the conclufion, the poet is extremely fevere againft certain wri


ters of the time, efpecially fome political writers. The character of Kidgell, the informer, is drawn in a maiterly manner. The opinion of the Monthly Reviewers concerning this poem was, that it was the moft agreeable and the most unexceptionable of all Mr. Churchill's performances, whether they confidered the tendency of the subject, or the execution. "The interefts (fay they) of genius and learning are cordially efpoufed, and powerfully fupported, while the contempt of profeffed ignorance, and the fhallownefs of pretenders to fcience, are juftly expofed, and lafhed by the blameless rod of general fatire." Even with regard to the fatirical ftrokes of a private nature, the critics add, that if the cenfure be juft they fcarcely know how to blame it. The Critical Reviewers, though they had been involved in a conteft with our bard, gave a like teftimony on this occafion. "It is but juftice (they obferve) to Mr. Churchill, to acknowledge that his reputation as a poet feems to rife and increafe with every performance. The Conference' was much fuperior to the Ghoft,' and the Author' is, in our opinion, a better poem than the 'Conference.' The fentiments throughout are, for the moft part, noble and manly, the fatire finely pointed, the expreffion ftrong and nervous."

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Churchill's poetical career for 1764 began with the first book of his "Gotham," which was confidered by the generality of readers as fo ftrange and irregular a production, that they could not tell what judgement to form of the writer's intention. As he proceeded in the work, he appeared to greater advantage; and it became manifeft, from the fecond and third books, that it was his chief defign, under the idea of his being proclaimed King of Gotham, to reprefent the real duty of a monarch; in which view much good inftruction is conveyed. This performance is lefs fatirical than most of our author's pieces. Upon the whole, Gotham is not one of the pleasanteft of his poems, though it contains a number of beautiful paffages.

Churchill's next production was "The

Candidate," which took its title from the conteft that had been carried on between the Earl of Hardwicke and the Earl of Sandwich for the highftewardship of the Univerfity of Cambridge. The beginning of the poem is very fpirited; and the words "Come, PANEGYRIC," introduce one of the fevereft fatires which the pen of man ever wrote, againft a nobleman who has, indeed, often been the fubject of fatire; perhaps fo much as to be indifferent and carelefs about the attacks that are made on his character. "The Candidate" was fucceeded by "The Farewell," wherein the poet is reprefented as having formed a defign to quit his native land, from which his friend endeavours to diffuade him. Though there is much good fenfe in this performance, and feveral excellent obfervations on philofophy, and the love of our country, it cannot be confidered as one of our author's chief works. It is deficient in poetical fire, and many of the lines are feeble and profaic. Partly from a confidence in the good opinion of his admirers, and partly from the ncceffity of obtaining frequent pecuniary fupplies, Mr. Churchill now became too negligent and rapid in his publications. In his fuccceding production, entitled "The Times," he difplays his ufual vigour and fpirit. The characters of Faber and Apicius, whoever were intended by them, are drawn with equal strength and feverity. The fatire of the poem is principally directed against an unnatural vice, which is expofed with an energy and indignation that cannot poffibly be exceeded. The matter is, indeed, carried to the very height of extravagance; but this extravagance fhews, at the fame time, the wonderful powers of the author's mind, and his juft and boundless deteflation of the crime against which his poetry is levelled.

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Churchill's next publication was Independence," a poem which does not, in every part of it, difplay the vigour of imagination that is apparent in fome of his performances; and it is, alfo, chargeable with the fault we have more than once had occafion to touch


upon, the fault of carelefs verfification. It contains, however, feveral hining paffages; and a strong vein of good fenfe runs through the whole. Much is faid in it of poets and patrons; perhaps as much as the fubject will well bear. The author hath admirably reprefented the ftriking contrast between an effeminate lord and himfelf; and hath drawn his own picture with great humour. Independence" was followed by "The Journey," a fhort poem, which reflects no difgrace on our author's abilities. The advice of his friends, and his answer to it, are well conducted. Towards the conclufion, he indulges himfelf in fatirizing feveral contemporary poets. Mr. Churchill's laft poetical production was the dedication of his Sermons to Bifhop Warburton, which is written with his ufual feverity against that eminent prelate. Some parts of it are very spirited, and efpecially thofe paffages which begin with, "Health to great Gloiter." If the fame vigour is not maintained through the whole, it may be observed, that, as the poem was left unfinished, in confequence of the author's decease, we cannot tell to what height the grave irony of the fatire might have been carried. With refpect to the Sermons, which are ten in number, two upon the nature of prayer in general, and eight upon our Lord's Frayer, there certainly could be no other reafon for publishing them than to obtain the benefit of a large fubfcription. The prefent biographer, that he might be able to form an exact judgement, hath, with exemplary patience, read them all; and he is obliged to pronounce concerning them, that they are written with an uniform mediocrity; and if he were to add dullnefs, he would not be far from the truth. There is no animation in the difcourfes; nor could a fingle paffage be felected from them, which difplays the fire of genius, or the force of imagination. The fentiments are practical, and not ufually to be found fault with; but there is not a thought that is new, or which indicates any peculiar ftrength of conception. The tyle is perfpicuous, without the leaft pretenfions to elegance.

The re

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