gently and cheerfully to perform whatever thou hast commanded, and our fear of thy displeasure withhold us from all things which thou hast forbidden. Reader and Congregation. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Reader. Let us not merely enter upon thy service, and call ourselves Christians; but grant, we pray Thee, to all who have ever heard thy word, that, through the influence of thy Holy Spirit, every gracious disposition of soul may be increased. Let the truths of thy religion be constantly heard by E them with a teachable, meek, and humble heart, be received with genuine, holy, and impartial affection, and bring forth the fruits of virtue and knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. Reader and Congregation. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Reader. Grant, O Lord, that all who have departed either from the faith or the practice of thy religion, may, by thy grace, be brought back to the knowledge and acknowledgment of the truth and into the way of thy commandments. O thou who art the good shepherd, rejoicing in the return of one sheep that was lost, may it please Thee to bring back into the narrow path which leadeth unto life, all those sheep who have wandered from it, whether through ignorance, allurement, or obstinacy, and who are now walking after others in the broad road of destruction. Reader and Congregation. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Reader. Without Thee, nothing is strong, nothing is holy. Grant unto all those who have for a long period stood firm in their christian princi ples and conduct, that they may be strengthened with all might, according to thy glorious power unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness; that they may earnestly seek and trust in thy almighty aid. Comfort by thy Spirit, and help by thy grace and providence, all those who are yet weak in faith. Say unto them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not. Let those who have begun to run the way of thy commandments, but have fallen beneath the weight of temptation, be brought through thy mercy to repentance, and renew their strength; and grant to us, that, though often tempted and often distressed, we may at length completely vanquish the Devil, the powerful and active enemy of for temporal and Spiritual blessings, in a variety of cases. Reader. Grant thy succour to all who are in seen or unseen danger; thy immediate help to all who are in any pressing necessity, and thy comfort to all, whose minds are overwhelmed by the dangers or afflictions of their condition; and as we pray to Thee on their behalf, |