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النشر الإلكتروني
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one of them, of a child's being inoculated from another with a whooping-cough, and receiving the Small-pox, but not the cough. On the other hand, he gives an account of one child's being inoculated from another under an epidemical rafh, which had the rafh, as well as the Small-pox; and from whom others, being inoculated, had the rafh alfo: but he adds, that many think fuch rafh was owing rather to its being epidemic, than to the variolous matter; which certainly feems reasonable. Some children who were inoculated in England a great many years fince have had the Meafles fupervene, when epidemical, upon the Pock by Inoculation; though the patients from whom the matter was taken had not the least symptom of the Measles. In the courfe of his answer to this query, he obferves, that more of the deceased by Inoculation loft their lives when convulsed, either about the time of the eruption, or of the fubfiding of the puftules, than by any other caufe.' Now, as very young children at the breaft are gencrally more liable to convulfions, from whatever cause, than others who are more advanced, who have got through the greater part of dentition, and are ftronger, we think this fatality by variolous convulfions, from Inoculation, ought confiderably to interdict or leffen that too popular practice of inoculating very young infants at the breaft, or under dentition, whence convulfions frequently fupervene. We find several pages in the fecond edition of the Analysis of Insculation (229 to 233) written with fuch an intention: but whether the motive that author has mentioned in the laft of thefe pages, has ftrongly contributed, as he thinks, to produce and ftill to continue the practice of inoculating very young infants, we fhall not pretend to determine.

As to the fifth query, Dr. M. ftates, and as it appears, in the most impartial manner, the informations received from his correfpondents. Several fmaller complaints or greater diforders are admitted and specified, as occurring to the Inoculated, after paffing through the difeafe. But in anfwer to the fecond part, or claufe, of this query, he afirms, his correfpondents feem all to agree, that thefe bad confequences are not near so numerous or various after Inoculation, as after the accidental Small-pox; adding verbatim― And when I affure you (i. e. the dean and delegates) that I have been fo fortunate, or perhaps timorously cautious, that not one of those whofe Inoculation l'advised, had a dangerous fymptom during the difcafe, nor a bad confequence from it, you will conclude, that I must be of the fame opinion.'

The whole of this fmall pamphlet feems to be drawn up with great impartiality, and the strictest attachment to truth; and it muft have coft Dr. M. not a little time and attention to procure fo numerous and extenfive a correfpondence on this interesting topic, It is alfo wrote in a very plain, intelligible manner, though many of the northern phrafes and idioms make it found a little uncouthly here.



The Divine Legation of Mofes demonftrated. In Nine Books. The Fourth Edition. By William, Lord Bifhop of Gloucefter. 8yo, 5 Vols. 11. 10s. Millar.

S many of the readers of the Divine Legation, we appre

A hend, will be curious to learn the merits of this new

edition of it, on account of the additions which the learned Author has made, it will naturally be expected that we should give an account of the most confiderable of thefe additions. We fhall, therefore, enter directly upon this tafk, after acquainting our Readers, that the first and fecond volumes of the third edition remain unaltered: the third and fourth are much altered, and enlarged into three volumes.

The first confiderable addition we meet with, is in the dedication to Lord Mansfield; (fee our Review for October 1758) it is a bon morceau, and we shall make no apology for inferting it.

I have detained your Lordship, (fays he) with a tedious ftory; and still I muft beg your patience a little longer. We are not yet got to the end of a bad profpect-While I, and others of my order, have been thus vainly contending pro aris with the unequal arms of reason, we had the further displeasure to find, that our rulers (who, as I obferved above, had needlefsly fuffered thofe ties of religion to be unloofed, by which, till of late, the paffions of the people had been reftrained) were truggling, almoft as unfuccefsfully, pro focis, with a corrupt and debauched community.

General history, in its records of the rife and decay of ftates, hath delivered down to us, amongst the more important of its leffons, a faithful detail of every fymptom, which is wont to forerun and to prognosticate their approaching ruin. It might be justly deemed the extravagance of folly to believe, that thofe very figns, which have conftantly preceded the fall of other ftates, fhould fignify nothing fatal or alarming to our own. On the other hand, I would not totally condemn, in fuch a dearth of religious provifion, even that fpecies of piety, which arifes from a national pride, and flatters us with being the peculiar attention of Heaven; who will avert thofe evils from his favoured people, which the natural courfe of things would otherwise make inevitable: for, indeed, we have seen (and, what is as ftrange as the bleffing itself, the little attention which is paid to -it) fomething very like fuch an extraordinary protection already exerted; which refifts, and, till now, hath arrested, the torrent just ready to overwhelm us. The circumftance, I mean, is this:that while every other part of the community feems to lie in face Romuli, the administration of public justice in Eng

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land, runs as pure as where nearest to its coeleftial fource; purer than Plato dared venture to conceive it, even in his feigned republic.

Now, whether we are not to call this, the interpofing hand of Providence; for fure I am, all history doth not afford another inftance of fo much purity and integrity in one part, coexifting with fo much decay and so many infirmities in the reft: or whether, profound politicians may not be able to dif cover fome hidden force, fome peculiar virtue in the effential parts, or in the well-adapted frame, of our excellent conftitution-in either cafe this fingular and fhining phenomenon, hath afforded a chearful confolation to thinking men, amidst all this dark afpect from our diforders and diftreffes.

But the evil genius of England would not fuffer us to enjoy it long; for as if envious of this laft fupport of government, he hath now inftigated his blackeft agents to the very extent of their malignity; who, after the moft villainous infults on all other orders and ranks in fociety, have at length proceeded to calumniate even the king's fupreme court of justice, under its ableft and most unblemished adminiftration.

After this, who will not be tempted to defpair of his country, and fay, with the good old man in the fcene,

-"Ipfa fi cupiat falus

"Servare, prorfus non poteft, hanc familiam."

Athens, indeed, fell by degenerate manners like our own: but he fell the later, and with the lefs difhonour, for having always kept inviolable that reverence which the, and indeed all Greece, had been long accustomed to pay to her auguft court of Areopagus. Of this modeft referve, amidst a general disorder, we have a ftriking inftance in the conduct of one of the principal inftruments of her ruin. The witty Ariftophanes began, as all fuch inftruments do, (whether with wit or without) by deriding virtue and religion; and this, in the brightest exemplar of both, the godlike Socrates. The libeller went on to attack all conditions of men. He calumniated the magiftrates; he turned the public affemblies into ridicule; and, with the most beastly and blafphemous abufe, outraged their priests, their altars, nay, the very eftablifhed Gods themselves.-But here he ftopped; and, unawed by all befides, whether of divine or human, he did not dare to caft fo much as one licentious trait against that venerable judicature. A circumftance, which the readers of his witty baldry, cannot but obferve with furprize and admiration; not at the poet's modefty, for he had none, but at the remaining virtue of a debauched and ruined people; who yet would not bear to fee that clear fountain of juftice defiled by the odious fpawn of buffoons and libellers.

There is fomething droll enough in the idea of an ftablished Gop.


• Nor was this the only confolation which Athens had in its calamities. Its pride was flattered in falling by apoftate wits of the first order: while the agents of public mifchief amongst us, with the hoarfe notes and blunt pens of ballad-makers, not only accelerate our ruin, but accumulate our difgraces: wretches the most contemptible for their parts, the moft infernal for their


To conclude. Great Men, my Lord, are fent for the Times; the Times are fitted for the reft, of common make. ERASMUS and the prefent CHIEF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND (what ever he may think) were fent by Providence, for the fake of humanity, to adorn two periods, when RELIGION at one time, and SOCIETY at another, moft needed their fupport; I do not say, of their great talents, but of that HEROIC MODERATION fo neceffary to allay the violence of public disorders: for to be MoDERATE amidst party-extremes, requires no common degree of patriotic courage.

Such characters rarely fail to perform much of the task for which they were fent; but never without finding their labour ill repaid, even by thofe in whose service it was employed. That glory of the Priesthood left the World, he had fo nobly benefited, with this tender complaint," Hoc tempore nihil "fcribi aut AGI poteft quod non pateat CALUMNIA; nec raro

fit, ut dum agis CIRCUMSPECTISSIME utramque Partem offendas, quum in utraque fint qui PARITER INSANIANT." A complaint, fated, alas! to be the motto of every Man who greatly ferves his country.'


Leaving our Readers to their own reflections on this precious piece of adulation, we now proceed to the work itself. fection 4th, book 4th, we have the following fhort addition, which the curious Reader will be pleased with. After speaking of what the Egyptians called their EPISTOLIC writing, and obferving that it was the firft literary writing, not the first hieroglyphical, which was invented for fecrecy, our learned Author goes

on thus:

But now it may be faid, that though the progrefs from a Picture to a fimple Mark hath been traced out, ftep by step, and may be eafily followed, till we come to that untried ground where ART takes the lead of nature, the point where real characters end and the literary begin; yet here, art seeing a precipice before her, which feems to divide the two characters to as great a distance as at first fetting out, fhe takes so immense a leap as hath been thought to exceed all human efforts: which made Tully fay, Summæ fapientiæ fuiffe fonos vocis*, qui infiniti

By fonos vocis, Cicero means words: it was impoffible he could


niti videbantur, paucis literarum notis terminare +; and many of the ancients to believe that LITERARY WRITING was an invention of the Gods.

However, if we would but reflect a little on the nature of found, and its unheeded connection with the objects of fight, we should be able to conceive how the chafm clofed, and how the paffage from a real to a literary character was begun and fmoothed out.

While the picture, or image of the thing represented, continued to be objected to the fight of the reader, it could raife no idea but of the thing itfelf. But when the picture loft its form, by being contracted into a mark or note, the view of this mark or note would, in courfe of time, as naturally raise, in the mind, the found expreffing the idea of the thing, as the idea itself. How this extenfion, from the idea to the found, in the ufe of the real character firft arofe, will be eafily conceived by those who reflect on the numerous tribe of words in all languages, which is formed on the found emitted by the thing or animalt.

"Yet the use to which this new connection might be applied, would never be thought of till the nature of human founds had been well ftudied.

But when men had once obferved, (and this they could but obferve early and eafily, by the brute and inarticulate founds which they were perpetually hearing emitted) how finall the number is of primitive founds, and how infinite the words are which may be formed by various combinations of thofe fimple founds, it would naturally and easily occur to them, that a very

ever conceive that brute and inarticulate founds were almost infinite.See what is faid on this matter below.

Long before this addition was made to the difcourfe on hieroglyphic writing, one of the ableft philofophers of this age, M. l'Abbé de Condillac, in his Eai fur l'origine des convoiffances humaines, had the candour to fay, that I had perfectly well discovered the progrefs by which men arrived to the invention of letters. Cette fection [De L'ecriture] fays he, etoit prefque achevée, quand l' Effai fur les Hieroglyphes traduit de l' Anglois de M. Warburton me tomba entre les mains: Ouvrage ou Pefprit philofophique et l'erudition régnent egalement, &c. mes propres reflections m'avoient? aufli conduit à remarquer que l'écriture n'avoit d'abord été qu' une fimpie peinture: mais je n'avois point encore tenté de découvrir par quels progrès on étoit arrivé a l'invention des lettres, et il me paroiffoit difficile d'y reuffir. La chofe a été parfaitement executée par M. Warburton, p. 178. Je partie. My own countrymen have been lefs candid and to them the above addition is owing.

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Tufc. i 25.

For example, (to ufe the words of St. Auflin) when we fay in Latin, æris tinnitum, equorum hinnitum, ovium balatum, tubarum clangorem, fridorem catenarum, perfpicis hæc verba ita fonare, ut res quæ This verbis fignificantur.'


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