صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




America has furnished to the world the character of Washington. If our American institutions had done nothing else, that alone would have entitled them to the respect of mankind. WEBSTER

in sti tu' tion fur' nished char' ac ter re spect'

en ti' tled hu man'i ty gov' ern ment

es teem'

Write the sentences from dictation.


A council is an assembly of persons who meet for advice or dis

[blocks in formation]

Write sentences, using all the words of this lesson.


Review Lessons 1-4. Write the words in columns according to

the number of syllables.

[blocks in formation]


am bas'sa dor


dic ta' tor

comp trol' ler

com mis'sion er di rec'tor

In comptroller, the letters mp are pronounced like n.


a mend' ment proc la ma' tion de cree'

rat'i fied

[blocks in formation]

In the multitude of counselors there is safety.-THE BIBLE

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Use advice and advise, council and counsel, in sentences.

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Look up majority and plurality in the dictionary. Use them in sentences so as to make clear the difference in meaning.

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Review Lessons 11-14. Write the words in exact alphabetical order, as in the dictionary.



The usual services of the choir were managed tolerably well, the vocal parts lagging a little behind the instrumental, and some loitering fiddler now and then making up for lost time by traveling over a passage with prodigious celerity, and clearing more bars than the keenest fox-hunter to be in at the death.-IRVING

Study especially the underlined words. Study also the other words in the sentence, so that you can write it correctly from dictation.


con gre ga'tion dis course' an'them bene dic'tion prel' ude prayer rev' er ence Tes' ta ment

[blocks in formation]

ly:-like, manner: womanly, like a woman; calmly, in a calm


ous:-full of: mischievous, full of mischief.

able, ible: can be: eatable, can be eaten.

er:-one who: builder, one who builds.

ness:-state of being: illness, state of being ill.

Write ten words containing these suffixes, two for each suffix.

[blocks in formation]
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