صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"is only a zephyr which rustles the leaves, but will become soon a hurricane." Daily the dragon seed natures.


And so has come about an unhappy situation industrialism and religion divorced from each other. They were meant to be mates. Industrialism needs the spiritual note, to impart to it conscience, zest, imagination the qualities which make handicraftsmen into artists. Religion needs likewise the industrial note, to give to its airy visions a body and local habitation, lest its dreamings, vague and vapourish, become sickly fermentations of the brain. But a rupture in the marital relations of these two has taken place. Meant for each other, each incomplete without the other, they have got into a state of mutual incompatibility. In place of confidence there is distrust, coldness, crimination. There is being taken out between them a bill of divorcement.

Loving his Church with a bitter love, The Carpenter on the cross sees only this, after the passion of two thousand years.

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