صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

12.- Will you insist upon the Guardians finding temporary and honorable employment for those out of work in seasons of depression by co-operation with the Vestry, or Town or County Council, and the arrangement of the public works in such a way as to increase the employment at these periods?

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IV. THE UNDESERVING POOR. 13.-Are you in favor of

(a) The reform of the present Casual Ward system, providing for the weeding out of the habitual loafer from the genuine unemployed, and allowing the latter early egress to enable him to get work?

(6) Out-door relief to the able-bodied, except in cases of real emergency? (c) The institution of compulsory and corrective treatment of the habitual casual, vagrant or mendicant in some kind of "labor colony"?



14.-Will you insist that to all men and women employed by the Board, the Trade Union rate of wages shall be paid, and that their hours of work shall be limited to a maximum of eight per day, or forty-eight in each week?

15.-Will you in every possible case prefer the direct employment of labor by the Board to the intervention of a contractor?

16. Whenever it is found necessary to employ a contractor, will you insist upon the insertion, in all contracts for supplies as well as for works, of clauses stipulating (1) against sub-contracting or sweating, (2) for the payment of the Trade Union rate of wages, if any is fixed for that trade, (3) that the working day shall be Eight Hours only?

17.-Will you advocate the payment of a minimum wage of 6d. an hour to all adult laborers employed by the Board?

Signature of Candidate..

ment of its Rules, etc., and the following publications can be obtained from the Secretary, at the Fabian Office, 276 Strand, London, W.C.


(30th Thousand.)

Library Edition, 6/-; or, direct from the Secretary for Cash, 4/6 (postage, 4}d.). Cheap Edition, Paper cover, 1/-; plain cloth, 2/-. At all booksellers, or post free from the Secretary for 1/- and 2/- respectively.


1. Why are the Many Poor? 100th thous. Price 6 for 1d.; 1/- per 100. 5.-Facts for Socialists. A survey of the distribution of income and the condition of classes in England, gathered from official returns, and from the works of economists and statisticians. 5th edition; revised 1892. 40th thousand. 16 pp., 1d.; or 9d. per doz.

7.-Capital and Land. A similar survey of the distribution of property, with a criticism of the distinction sometimes set up between Land and Capital as instruments of production. 3rd edition; revised 1891. 15th thousand. 16 pp., 1d.; or 9d. per doz.

Practicable Land Nationalization.

56 pp., 6d.; or 4/6 per doz.

8.-Facts for Londoners. 5th thousand. 10. Figures for Londoners. 20th thous. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; 1/- per 100. 11. The Workers' Political Program. 20th thous. 20 pp., 1d.; 94. per doz. 12. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 13. What Socialism Is. 80th thous. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 14. The New Reform Bill. A draft Act of Parliament providing for Adult Suffrage, Payment of Members and their election expenses, Second Ballot, and a thorough system of Registration. 15th thous. 20 pp., 1d.; 9d. doz. 15.-English Progress towards Social Democracy. 1d.; 9d. per doz. 16.-A Plea for an Eight Hours Bill. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; 1/- per 100. 17.-Reform of the Poor Law. 20 pp., 1d.; 9d. per doz.

18.-Facts for Bristol. 16 pp., 1d.; or 9d. per doz.


19. What the Farm Laborer Wants. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. Questions for Poor Law Guardians. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. Questions for London Vestrymen. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 22. The Truth about Leasehold Enfranchisement, gives reasons why Socialists oppose the proposal. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100.



23. The Case for an Eight Hours Bill. 16 pp., 1d.; or 9d. per doz. 24. Questions for Parliamentary Candidates. 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 25.-Questions for School Board Candidates. 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. Questions for London County Councillors. 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 27.-Questions for Town Councillors. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 28.-Questions for County Councillors (Rural). 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 29.-What to Read. A List of Books for Social Reformers. Contains the best books and blue-books relating to Economics, Socialism, Labor Movements, Poverty, etc. Paper cover, 3d. each; or 2/3 per doz.

38.-A Welsh Translation of No. 1. 4 pp., 6 for 1d.; or 1/- per 100. 39.-A Democratic Budget. 16 pp., 1d.; or 9d. per doz.

40.-The Fabian Manifesto for the General Election of 1892. 16 pp., 1d. each; or 9d. per doz.

41. The Fabian Society: What it has done and how it has done it. 32 pp., 1d. each; or 9d. per doz.

42.-Christian Socialism.. By the Rev. STEWART D. HEADLAM.

each; or 9d. per doz.

43.-Vote, Vote, Vote. 2 pp. leaflet; 5/- per 1,000.


I (Tract No. 30).-The Unearned Increment.

2 (Tract No. 31).-London's Heritage in the City Guilds. 3 (Tract No. 32).-Municipalization of the Gas Supply.

4 (Tract No. 33).-Municipal Tramways.

5 (Tract No. 34).-London's Water Tribute.

6 (Tract No. 35).—Municipalization of the London Docks. 7 (Tract No. 36).-The Scandal of London's Markets.

8 (Tract No. 37).-A Labor Policy for Public Authorities.

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Each 4 pp.: the 8 in
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The set post free for 2s.; Bound in Buckram, post free for 3s. 6d.


Questions for
London Vestrymen.

In connection with your Candidature for the Office of Vestryman, I should be obliged if you would be good enough to inform me of your views on the following questions.

I am, yours faithfully,

Name of Elector......

Address of Elector.....



1. Are you in favour of the abolition of the Rating qualification for Vestrymen?

2.-Will you vote for evening meetings of the Vestry, so as to afford facilities for the attendance of Vestrymen and Ratepayers whose occupations leave them no spare time during the day?

3. Are you in favour of abolishing the custom of making the Chairmanship of the Vestry an appanage of the Church, and will you support the free choice of the Chairman by the vote of the members of the Vestry?

4.-Will you support a reform of the system under which the Vestry Elections are carried out, so that they may conform to the method adopted at Parliamentary and other elections, in respect to the exclusive use of official voting papers, proper notice of nominations, and the appointment of competent presiding officers ?



5. Are you in favour of establishing a minimum wage of 24s. a week for Vestry employees?


6.-Will you insist that in all work carried out by the Vestry the Trade Union rate of wages shall be paid, and the hours of work shall be limited to a maximum of eight per day, and 48 in each week?

7. Will you, in every possible case, prefer the direct employment of labour by the Vestry to the intervention of a contractor?

8.-Whenever it is found necessary to employ a contractor, will you insist upon the insertion, in all contracts for supplies, as well as for works, of clauses stipulating, (a) against sub-contracting or sweating; (b) for payment of Trade Union rate of wages, if any is fixed for that trade;

(c) that, whenever possible, the working day shall be eight hours only? 9.-Will you support Vestry employees in securing freedom of combination and the establishment of a union for themselves?

10. Will you insist upon the Vestry making an earnest endeavour, by co-operating with the Board of Guardians and the County Council, to find, in all periods of depression and distress, temporary useful and honourable employment for those out of work, by the arrangement of the public works in such a way as to increase employment at these periods?

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14.-Will you support an effort to reform the collection of dust, particularly in the poorer districts?

15. Are you in favour of the provision of open spaces and of tree-planting in the public streets; of the adoption of noiseless pavement; of the erection of seats and shelters for the weary; of public drinking fountains; and of public lavatory accomodation for both sexes?

16.-Will you support the exercise of the Vestry's powers for compelling the Water Companies to give a constant water supply?


17.-Will you press for the early establishment of District Councils ?

18. Are you in favour of abolishing such compulsory Church Rates as still exist in London ?

19.-Will you support the adoption of the Public Libraries Acts?

20. Are you in favour of placing the water supply under municipal control, either by purchase of the existing companies (not at monopoly price) or by the establishment of an independent supply?

21. Do you favour a similar policy in regard to the Gas Supply, the Tramways, and other practical monopolies ?

22.-Will you seek to put into operation any powers the Vestry may possess for rating unoccupied land and houses?

23. Are you in favour of the taxation of Ground Values for the relief of the occupiers ?

24.-Will you endeavour to pledge the Vestry to support the rating of Ground Values?

Signature of Candidate.......

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