صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

the w. on our own backs...682 o Walnut-leaves of the locust..394 f Walnut-tree-w-t. over the....323 Walnuts-across the w. andt..579 Walrus-loaf of bread, the W. 166 k Waltz-endearing w. to thy..128 b take part in a waltztt.....128m w. alone-both legs and]...128 b waltz ! imported from the 1.128 d waltz's giddy mazes........ .128 j why waltz with him. ..662 g Wan-pale and w., fond lover.365 r Wand-doth a little wand.....213 g

draws with magic wand....128 f golden wand o'er the§... ..585 n ring on her wand she bore.. 434 j waved a w. of mystery o'er.479 i Wander-I love to w. away....230 g I ponder where'er I w......531 a place I wander bytt..... 38 n those that w. they know§..304 c to w. alone by the wind ..117 q wander earth around.. ...343 à wander forth the sons**. .326 c wander not near it ..618 o w. through the woodlands .545 d wander through Zamara's.221 k we wander in illusions 144 บ Wandered-I've w. east, I've..380 r w., century on century ....531 we have w. all our ways....601 v Wanderer-alone by the..............532 j a passing wanderer. ...249 p blithe w. of the wintry air.. 57 d Wanderers-dark, by w. blest.399 h Wandering-w. silently§... ..529m Wanderings-chid their w., but 38

in my wanderings far or....380 r w. in the wilderness tt......521 h w. round this world...... .307 t Wane-the year's in the wane.544 d Waned-since you have waned 3 i Want as well as w. of heart..187 r

but if thou w. it, buy it not.653 f constrained by w. come**..126 w died of utter want..

.887 j

food that scarce thy want.. 43 p for want of fighting was...470 c from the prayer of Want...487 g in want a hollow friend*...262 e is want of sense... ..389 e lonely want retir'd to die... 41 q miser is as much in want...750 much I w. that most would385 ƒ mutual w. this happiness.293 r never want rope enough...509cc no fears of future want.... 45 n nor want exasperated into. 41 t of the want of judgment...380 e only want and discontent..478 k proceeds from w. of sense..490 t some would eat that w. it. .594 p the very want of wealth....642 h up to want the rest

..625 8 w. and sorrow are the gifts 768 g w. can quench the eye's....667 i want, can separate friends.191 b want itself doth seek*.. ..652 k w. of a nail the shoe is lost. 497ee w. of decency is want of....389 e w. of figure and a small‡...484 v want of it the fellow... .670 t want of knowledge always.580 u want of thought....... ..490 t

want of wit to be undone...654m weary of all, shall w. some*499 n what want these outlaws..301 s who w. much, are always..685 g wisdom, sit in want**...... 13 7 wish, but what we want....488m Wanted-heaven had w. one..568 d immediately it is wanted...653 g when such are wanted¶....228 a Wanting-not w. what is*.....595 k w. to incomplete fortune...692 r Wants-but he wants fifty....427 c everlasting wants of men.. 426 8 express our w. as to conceal573 w he himself wants courage..686m little I ask; my wants. ....652 h man wants but little here..110 r man wants but little here..652 f man w. but little nor that..401 q mutual wants conduct to...309 i my nothingness, my wants.489 p my w. are many, and, if....652ƒ nor wants that little long ..110 r poverty wants much.. 678 i rule us by their present w..673 n their wants but few.. ..110 8 where nothing w. that *. ...652 k Wanton-joys w. in fulness*..591 x than a wanton's bird*. ...364 x w. thing is won by sighs]...662 ƒ Wanton'd-I w. with thy.....459 d Wantoning-were w. together.616 Wantonness-cloathes a w..... 23 i in a cruel w. of power......625 s wind, full of w., wooes.. .612 e Wapping-W. or the Strand..456 ƒ War-a great and lasting war.640 o and steel couch of war*. 127 p all the trade of w., no feat.635 u all things-law and war....132 d a man of peace and war....101 f a project of w., to err but..645 e as the scourge of war. 545 i brave soldiers triumph in..675 n but war's a game, which...636 j cause of a long ten years' w.658 a cause a war betwixt princes101 8 Christ went agin war an'tt.637 m dangerous in war.. 147 k dogged war bristle his*.....639k drew this gallant head of* .639 h ease after w., death after..526 q ez for w. I call it murder++.637 k first in war, first in peace.. 80 t first in war, first in peace.. 80 u forming in the ranks of w.1636 a fortune of war is always...751 e great in war, are great in ..118 8 grew the arts of war and]..542 d grim-visag'd war hath* ...639 e her slow dogs of war.......365 h he who did well in war.....635 o he who hath proved war... 6 o in a state of war by nature.640 infection and the hand of*.116 b in war a weak defense.. ...443 c in w. events of importance.681 i in war, he mounts the.

..362 g .751 d ..671


in war the olive branch is wounded, not in war*. I war not with the dead‡...637 law is silent during war....750 8 let slip the dogs of war*. ....638 w list his discourse of war*...462 n magnificent, but it is not...635 n my sentence is for open**..637 v my voice is still for war....635 k no less renowned than w.*.470_r not war with brother. ...636 k one bloody trial of sharp*..471 h one must be chief in war...534 c O war! thou son of hell*...639 n pouring w. into the bowels* 33 g prates of war or want ..751 8 prepared for w. is one of...640 p prepares for war .734 v prevent a civil war

.....751 c

proved war, storm or...... 60 purple testament of*. .639 f right of war for conquerors684 o severe war lurks under the.731 f slavery is also as ancient...560 d soldiers of the mighty war. 134 d storm of mighty war.. ..424 k sweets with sweets w. not*.330 a 'tis a principle of w. that...638 h than war or women have*..129 8 that is truly dedicate to w.*639 n the blast of War's greats...470 p the brazen throat of war**.638 b the chance of war is equal.637 e the end of w.'s uncertain*..640 c the fire-eyed maid of*. 639 u then was the tug of war....637 h then, what should war be*.639 b there is war in the skies....637 8 the spoils of war ..197 r the storm of Freedom's w..560 h the storm of w. broke out..520 d to enjoy by rage and war*.639 8 touch of Liberty's war.....512 i unsuccessful or successful.470 g used to war's alarms... ..443 i voices prophesying war....493 c war against your own*.....104 w war be so carried on that..750 r war even to the knife!......636 f war! Heaven aid the right.640 k war,

he sung, is toil and...473 8 war in men's eyes shall be..637 o w.is better than a wretched751 ƒ war is destructive of his...470m war its thousands slays... 638 k war leads to peace........781 e w.'s glorious art, and gives. 404 e w.,that mad game the world640m war, war is still the cry...636 ƒ w. will never yield but to..636 i w.with the lines of darkness415 e was a good w.or a bad peace636 we are mighty in war.... 638 where mingles war's rattle.638 q wickedness of w.are raging751 with speech of w. and woes.523 w worlds had gone to war....286 i wounds of civil war. ..750 u War-club-buried was the§....470 o War-cry-the war-cry was§....470 o Warfare-life is a warfare.. ..722 a

soldier, rest! thy warfare...443 r War-horse-soldier wake, thy.443 e War-horses-pamphlets to....353 x Wars-and the big wars* .204 t


640 g

bloody wars at first began. 635 r gold does civil wars... ..278 r heard of clashing wars. 98 1 native land in civil wars.. 638 o see her wars enroll'd‡.. series of intestine warst....638 than w. and women have*..535 the dead coal of wars*. the noise of endless wars**. 77 c the thousand wars of oldt.. 41 d the wars of elements... .315m they shall have w. and pay*640 b thousand glorious wars....287m to thunder forth her wars..750 t w. of the European powers.638 g Warble-thick w. his delicious 51 a w. his native wood-notes**..550 p w. sweet notes in the air....540 n where thou may'st warblet 43 b Warbled-notes as w. to the**.557 i Warbler-O honey-throated w. 52 h

pretty warbler wake the... 50 j the attic warbler pours her. 44 o Warbles-sweetly w. o'er its..531 b Warblest-w. at eve, when**.. 51 Warbling-w. forth her lay...248 i Warburton-Bishop W. is..... 16 a Warder-and Time the w. the warder of the brain*...381 p Ware-ill ware is never cheap 500m pleasing ware is half sold..503 j

.462 p


Warehouses-men are mere... 77m Wares-Delft with all its w.§.. 97 t Warm-and drink w. water...177 h he warm returns... 246m land's too warm for me....546 d rags, will keep me warm....110 soften'd into life, grew w.$.452 p that warm my heart.. ...260 8 to warm without heating..593 b w. from floor to ceilin' ++...319 b warm in his mother's hand. 380 a will keep me warm ...632 i Warmed-a w. up dinner was.764 f be justly w.with your own‡422 I w. both hands against the473 warmed and cooled by the*329 g Warming-warming the green241 Warms-warms in the sun‡...510 Warmth-no warmth, no......395 i the warmth of its July.....380 8 Warn-to w., to comfort, and¶661 € Warning-at the expected w..346 e a warning for the future...190 u bless'd be that warning.... 31m or come without warning..643 g sound of warning steal away, give little w....345 n the shepherd's warning....515 n token of warning, nodded..616 c w. for a thoughtless man¶.413 h | wilderness of warningtt....190m Warns-warns me not to dot..106 e Warrant-here's the warrant*316 r

....228 d

truth shall be thy warrant.572 a worth is w.for his welcome*644 c Warrior-a w. so bold, and a..359 8 but he lay like a warrior...142 c he mounts the w.'s steed..362 g like a w. taking his rest....444 8 the bleeding warrior lies...570 ! the warrior for the True...367 f the warrior's sun has set...443 1 warrior did not fly.. .443 n .444 I

w. famoused for fight*.. warrior in the heat of fight119 b Warriors-and where are w...443 8

mighty w. sweep alongs....533 h same manner as female w..660 z steel-clad warriors ride....532m stern joy which w. feel.....443 p w. she fires with animated‡ 406 t Wart-chin! many a w. is*...291 o

for a wart or a molet.. ..126 d Wary-expedient to be wary|.173 k Was-as he was he shall bet..183 p memory of what he was**..380m of what he was what is**...105 t thinks what ne'er w. nor is‡472 d what was shall live as..... 279 n Wash-go w.; and when my*. 63 a his dirty linen to wash. ..549 i joggles in ceaseless wash...213 i Pilate wash your hands*...556 r wash away your sin*. ..556 r wash her clean again* 290m w.his soiled linen in private788 c wash it white as snow*.....255 r wash them clean ...255 a

wash the river Rhine.. 978 Washed-and w. my lines..... 459 O and washed it away.. .255 d those that are so washed*..591 w. away the memory of... 592 p wash'd with morning dew.219 r w. with them, but relents*.591 k Washes-w. the roofs and the.583 r Washing-seem'd w.his hands 314 w Washington-character of W.115 h example of our W. .188m O W. thrice glorious name468 1 posterity will say of W

.484 g

where W. hath left..... .381 8 while W.'s a watchword§...468 e Washingtonian-W. dignity...154 r Wasp-where the wasp got...765 q Wasps-bottled w. upon a ...566 | Waste-barren w. his lone.. 48 g

bells that w. the moments..573 t flame can never waste......357 k flames must waste away...143 e for us to waste these times 523 y having w. ground enough*.889 h lay waste our powers ......669 t prevent waste of time.... .325 b pushes the mouldering w...541 m the prodigal should wastet.387k thinking is but an idle w. of597 v w. brings woe, and sorrow.507gg waste far, and wide and by424 n waste its sweetness on the.420 w w. of all devouring yearst.. 98 n w. of many good materials. 432 k waste their music on the...413 q waste their sweetness in the586 s w. the time which looks for*619 8 waste with wasting flame..570m ways to w. superfluous... 642 c wide w. there still is a treel.587 o with the waste of time* ....434 r Wasted-charm is w. on the..240 c for wasted days and... ...237 f should not be wasted" ...602m time w. is existence, used..604 g Wastes-sloth w. the sluggish.715 g the more the marble wastes452 i

578 p .434 i

wastes her time and me....243 s Wasting-I, w. in despaire.....661 b only thrive by wasting. 31 h Watch-and the watch thou..619 € aright being a watch*......434 0 around us watch us still.... 17 c authentic watch is shown..331 z care keeps his watch in*... 72 j cat would watch a mouse..503kk come w. with me the shaft..585 e constable of the watch*........ 84 q dreadin' what I've got to w.443 k ef you don't watch out.. enough, dear watch... eyes that w. as well as eyes561 d first watch of night is given§416 d foreman takes out his w...437 d idler is a watch that wants.313 g if, with thy watch, that too547 k I'll w. him. tame and talk*.589 o keeping w. above his own++510 ƒ keep the watch wound.....339 i lent my w. last night to one434 h men to watch the bright net144 w no eye to watch.. 293 n sentinel stars set their w. in575 o shame keeps its w., virtue.631aa she shall watch all night*..377m snores out the w. of night*.562 p some must watch while*...151 t watch o'er what they love .329 ! w.to-night pray to-morrow*384 i watch upon a bank**. ..231 b watch while in slumbers§.561 o way with more advised w.*.511 r winding up the w. of his*..653bb with thy watch, that too...521 a Watch-dog-w-d. 's honest....643 p w-d.'s voice that bay'd...........415 n w-d. guards his couch......625 r Watched-a poor man w.. ..154 w being w. that it may still*..434 o he watch'd and wept, he...450 n moment w. for by all eyes.. 16 t no flock, however w.§... .136 a w. and wept, he pray'd and.587 x watched them one by one..401 ƒ w. the sleeping earth. ..561 c while we w. he waited there 32 c Watcher-the midnight w.....254 a Watches-a ring, two watches.254 N judgments as our w... ....331 g through her silent watches.575 watches as it moves. w. from his mountaint. 46m w. of the night recalled....519 h witnesses, like watches, go.436 r Watchful-man is never w....688 n to the watchful.... ..805 r

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.246 f


Watching-w. from the dimtt. 81 h watching o'er the dewy....187 g Watch-man-w. to my heart..190 8 Watch-tower-his w-t. in the** 49 a Watch-word-the w. recall....214m w-w. "Evolution" heret....188 ƒ while Washington's a w....468 e Watch-worn-w-w. and weary.142 a Water-and drink warm water177 h as water in a sieve*... . 7p as w. is corrupted unless...715 g blood is thicker than water.496m bubbles, as the water has*..669 e business will never hold w.441 t but limns the water.. .345 j cast the water of my land*.441 conscious w. saw its God...649 b constant dropping of w.. ..746 j deeds shall be in w. writ...146 ₫ drink the w. of mine eyes*..592 j faint black water jets......236 a fall away like water*. ....262 m false as air as w. wind*.. .101 y fire was not by water to be.757 i fire when thrown into w. is.682 r give a cup of water.... ... 87 e glass of brandy and water..649 h honest w., which ne'er left*641 k how does the water...... .641 T in imperceptible water. ...314 w inspir'd cold w. with the...649 e in water seen by night*.....193 k jars by means of the water.179 j love in a hut, with water...359 o made the black water......240 c makes water wine; turns..112 miller sees not all the w....505 p modest w. saw its God and.648 p more w. glideth by the*....641 i much water with their ink..783 1 oh, milk and water....... pleasure in pure water.....745 p rushes lean over the water.459 ́l scalded dog fears cold w....506 ď sipped brandy and water...162 e sky and water and forest§..585 n smoothest, the w. is deepest.508ff smooth runs the w. where*.608 p sweet w. from affection's....201 g take a drop in water........440 a tempest in a tumbler of w..790 that should w. this sorrow*.592 g that travel by land or by w.607 o that w. which falls from...785 u thee in our w. yet appear...550 t then she shook the holy w..592 ƒ the water in the ocean*... 58 1 the w. nectar and the rocks*645 q thou water turn'st to wine.386 q 'tis the still water faileth...339 ↑ to give a cup of water......641m to their chins in water.. .228 i turns wine to w. back again 386 q vein of w. flowing hidden...818 u virtues we write in water*.. 84 c w. cannot wash away your* 556 r w. is the mother of the vine.641 e w. its living strength first..641 e w., put nought in in malice.649 k water, water, everywhere..641 b w. which they beat to*.....552 b what good water's worth..641 a whose name was writ in w. 183 h whose name was writ in w..409 e with the water that is past.505 q "written in w."swiftly.....455 p Water-breaks-down thy w-b.571 J Water-drops-trembling w-d..545 j women's weapons, w-d.*... 17 Waterfall-the w. nigh... ..230 j Waterfalls-and to waterfalls.410 t Water-flies-let the w-f. blow*.104 z Water-gruel-w-g, without....422 a Watering-w. the length of....531 1 Water-lilies-broad w-l. lay...250 g floating water-lilies, broad.228 j Water-lily-slender w-l........250 e


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

water-lily starts and+....... .250 j wild water-lily restore... Waterloo-meets his W. at last 151 k 250 d Water-men-w-m. who advance 63 7 Water-plants-slime on w-p.. 114 n Waters-a murmur as of w....542 h and roaring waters*. ....827

and the w. murmuring**...562 breast of w. broadly swells 532 a by me upon the waters*....407 t deep waters noyselesse are.572 v drink sweet w., and dream.607 f dusky w. shudder as they..395 f fearing the waters of Lethe.179 n finger on all flowing w.....546 b fish in troubled waters..... 18 g gentle winds and waters...186 p great ship asks deep waters 494 w its w. returning back to§.. o'er the waters blue.. 86 oh, is it from the waters...647 k .249 oil on troubled waters......502ee once more upon the waters 459 e over the waste of waters..624 h rising world of w. dark**...641 ƒ silent waters heaven is seen.191 p smoothly the w. kisst**..... still waters run deep.. .647 p ..742 d take heed of still waters...504 g the bright waters meet.....411 t the pleasant waters..

Britannia, rule the waves..116 d
but came the waves...
dubious w. of error toss'd..185
..255 d
even the little w., beaten...515
eyes that watch the wavest 92 8
foam-crested waves........
223 b
green waves on the sea.....610 f
he ploughs the waves......796 n
listen to the hissing waves. 63 j
o'er the w. on their stormy. 57 a
on the waves built a city... 99 d
sea! whose waves are years603
smooth flow the waves....674 t
sound of the surging waves613 b
the little w., with their soft§598 u
the raging waves of ocean .397 n
the sea rolls its waves...
the waves of the mysterious638
..559 r
the wild waves reach their. 56 n
the woods and the waves§.. 50 i
though waves are changing347 k
thy w. are old companions.530 g
thy waves as they dimple..532
to women, or to waves.....
washed by the waves
..657 x
waves and mountains§.
258 €
waves are brightly glowing459
118 g
waves were dead; the tides [130
w. bound beneath me as aj.459 e
waves clasp one another...460 k
waves come to behold.....
w.lash the frightened shores577
36 a
waves of emerald and gold. 423 q
w. show their teeth in the..408
what are the wild w. saying459 i
when the w. went high he..129m
when waves were rough....157 e
whilst breezy w. toss up....459 r
white waves break tether..391 i
winds and waves are always445 e
with over-matching waves* 58 k
ye waves in silence sleep...470 i
Wax-even as a form of wax*.139 k
ye waves that o'er th'.
......459 a
moulds the world like soft .668 a
the moon will w., the moon§605 d
wax to receive]
.296 o
why he's a man of wax*....372 t
Way-a dim and perilous w.¶.486 d
Waxing-w. so fast from night397 r

....531 a

the still-closing waters*....207m the waters and the wind....151 the waters will heal.

.627 i

turbid waters shining.

237 9 327 k ..394

walks the w. like a thing..551 p waters of wide Agony.. waters run too slow.. where the rushing w. gleam 230 where the scattered w. rave 460 i where these pure w. rise... 16 i whose silver waters show .615 ƒ whose waters of deep woe.603 7 wide as the waters be......530 d words writ in waters.......664 g Water-side-over the w-s. Watery-leaves his watery nest 48 n .322 n Wave-a break of the wave...490 w a wave of the ocean.. base of the w. to the billow's 57 a ..297 b battles of wave and blast...359 d breast the wave of life.....135 e bursts as a w., that from‡..577 r dies a wave along the shore 132 f every wave in every brook.. 51 i every w. with dimpled face.577 i freshen'd from the wave...531 c furious as the sweeping w. 69 k hail'd them o'er the wave. .630 z instant death on every w‡..577 r I saw from out the wavel.. 99 a life on the ocean wave.... .460 i message to him every wave 190 p of aspen leaves that wave..612 d of moonlit w, and willowy..381 y on the w. reflected lustres..585 q Rhine with younger wave..532 € ripple of w. and hiss of.....598 q spangling the w. with lights 475 v succeeds a woe as wave a w. 72 c the foam itself, the wave... 47 j the wave is deeper blue...186 p triumph shall wave........214 i walk over the western w...417 q w. and whirlwind wrestle§.551 u w. came rolling high and...459 o w. in the tempestuous...... 23 j w., Munich all thy.. wave o' th' sea, that you*..129 h .636 g w.succeeding wave they go.529 1 Waved-it waved on high.....214 g

waved her lily hand........204 7 Wavelets-her bows the w..... 63 n how its wavelets drown one 1917 Waves-along the w. dost thou 42 breaking w. dashed high...459 breaks the wild w., and....613 h


one heart, one way..

on her charm'd way..


.799 j ...540 p

..242 l ...186 8 57 n

only pretty Fanny's way...373 8 only w. of setting the will..646 h our headlong way.... plods his weary way. point us out the way. prudence points the way...465 o ready for the w. of life or*.525 g rises dark o'er the way.....349 f royal, took her own way*...583 e self-same w. with more*...511 r something given that way.504 ƒ surest w. to hit a woman's. 662 n that starts i' the w. before*.145 w that way going to*. that way she came..

[ocr errors]

.594 h

..248 i

the better way is hidden....348 a the way to wickedness......695 j the w.until the peacock led 53m thorny way to heaven*.....451 j though lone the w. as that. 85m to find the w. to heaven*...309 n to strew its short but weary.658 d way already opened.... way himself will choose*. ...751 a way of all flesh 7 n w. of the Sacramentarians..521 j .207 t way that seems the best.... 91 v way through the world.....373 1 way to kill a wife with*... 377m way to seem the shorter....498 p went her unremembering w.465 e were like a better way*.....190 x which way the wind is.....647 v which, working out its w...571 j who would not, finding w.** 91 u Way-farers-meet other w-f..643 t worlds, and led the way. Ways-all w. do lie open.... .188 n and by what abject ways‡..486 t .390 e and smiling are thy ways..543 and ways be foul*. appear in other ways than*.644 ƒ 546 h are the winding ways.. best of all w. to lengthen...416 22 k cheerful w. of men cut.**..149m direct his ways by plain....654 h Heaven's w. are Heaven's..767 b he of their wicked ways**..451 b just are the w. of God**....332 o justify the w. of God to**..510 h ranged its silvan ways.....229 ƒ sins the newest kind of w.* 556 i that for w. that are dark...144 l the many thousand ways§..359 u the rugged ways...... vindicate the ways of God‡.373 t .245 k ways and means of.. w. are offered to our willtt.101 o ...173 d ways of God to man‡.......510 j ways to waste superfluous.642 c we have wandered all our..601 v word ten thousand ways....664m Wayward-tetchy and w. was*619 j Waysides-w. scorched with..245 k w. is this foolish love*.. Weak-admiration only of**... 35 o w. sisters, depart in peace.282 w 363 h and delicately weakt.... concessions of the w. are...641 o ..658 f defect and delicately w.... 82 r fallen and the weak++.. for the fallen and the w.tt.559 o ..209 d how w. a thing the heart*..658 w lest thou shouldst be w.....212 mortality's too w. to bear..329 t not weak of soul. .212 one so w. to venture his....479 p person's weak points.. protest of the w. against...338 u ..208 b soft to the w. and noble....345 h so w. thou art, that fools...365 w the mortal race is far too w.795 b though I am w., yet God...488 b to be weak is miserable **..641 w waken their free naturett..588 g

adorns and cheers our way.307 8
along a way he knows not..606 v
and led the way.
Ann hath a way*.
203 w
ask of the Learn'd the way‡342 j
a way so to control*
bad and indirect way..
203 w
bent their way
...519 p
cheerfully hold on thy way.667 z
227 k
conversing I forget the way113 n
do bold things in a quiet w.656 e
find that better way......489 b
flowers, lost its way..
follow when we lead the w.4188 q
......392 d
furthest from his way..
groping our way along the.592m
guide my lonely way.
had his ain way..
......300 €
have her w. or have her fits 375 j
.537 a
he his w. tugs she t'other..375 j
he hit upon a way
held the tenor of his way... 11 c
....129 f
his sordid way he wends...643 b
how carve way i' the life...466 ƒ
I find no way, from deep**.105 u
1 knew there was but one*.138 l
imagine it to lie that way*.315 f
instinct of the one true w...793 h
led the way to heaven...
long is the way and hard** 299 i
85 k
love soon found the way...362 c
making the hard w. sweet*574 o
measures back his way.....606 v
mind my compass and my.445 f
multitude a way to peace..488 j
next w. home's the farthest505 w
noiseless tenour of their w.347 t


weak head with strongest‡.491 c weak is man, so ignorant...488 8 weak soul, within itself....641 r we must have a weak spot. 80 d whom he loves is w. and...358 c Weaken-w. whatever we.....795 a Weakens-being able, w. the..742 q

friendship weakens love...599 € Weaker-either stronger or w.716 c Weakest-by the w. minister*331 o conceit in weakest bodies* .103 q reed, the weakest in nature 597 g weakest goes to the wall...744 7 w., however strong, who...157 k w. saint upon his knees....487 8 Weakness-all thy nature's w.343 h all wickedness is w.** .641 v amiable weakness .641 p amiable w. of human......641 q and shows its weakness....605 t be it a weakness, it deserves672 d be wroth with weaknesst...642 b boast, O child of weakness.594 o by its w. overcomestt......402 c fame is the last weakness..697 e gives in your weakness*...210 f if weakness may excuse** .641 v in the greater weakness§...318 v man's love of life, his w....512 q means of weakness and*... 12 a of your own weakness..

.473 C thy very w. hath brought§.359 v till one man's w. grows the‡642 a w. of a virtuous mind......309 o w. of mind is the only......507hh weakness on both sides is..513 8 w. subservient to our....... 15 h w. than from our strength.465 n weakness to be wroth with+642 b weakness to lament*. . ...119 u weapon of her w. she can..590 e wrong because of weakness 33 o Weal-plunge for the‡... ..... 47 h publick w. requires that a..482 b purg'd the gentle weal*....403 q Wealth-all her w. upon her..644 z all the wealth I had*.. ..271m all this [w.] excludes but...484 8 any means get wealth and‡.642 r as men of w. may venture. 25 t barr'd from every use of w.642 ƒ be possessed of wealth.....803ƒƒ but for his wealth. .329 e

by wisdom wealth is won...651 r can w. give happiness......643 ƒ deprived of honours or of..354 a discontented even wealth is111 i dropped, her wealth. .....241 r employ their wealth.


684 g excess of wealth is cause of120 u for wealth, for pow'r......638 o for w., without contentment642 i get place and wealth, ift...642 r get riches first, get w. ** gets an equal amount of w.642 g great is Wealth.. 287 O hazard not your w. on a....754 g home the w. of the Indies..607 a if we our wealth obey.....389 o lack of w. is easily repaired784 b let w. and commerce, laws.418 little wealth to lose*....... 76 long as all the increased w.492 g loss of wealth is loss.... may match in wealth+t... 228 e mental friends and mental.642 d much wealth, g

293 g

old sack is our wealth......649 passion for wealth.. .....740 c pay for the w. that you get 72 h place of departed wealth...726 possession of family w. and 15 h private credit is wealth....123 h riches, ignorance of w.....314 g sake of accumulating w....387 g seal and guerdon of wealth235 q shade that follows wealth..264 m

some in their wealth* .273 f some seek wealth and ease.526 7 some wit, some wealth.....256 c sources of w. be boundless.389 b than all their largest w....539 k the poor man's w., the.....563 g the very want of wealth....642 h the wealth of seas. ...197 r


thrive in wealth amain**.. 13 l time is lord of thee: thy w.601 o 'twixt a miser and his w.*.471 c type of all the wealth.. .229 n using all their wealth.. .445 a virtue after wealth.. .728 a ways to waste superfluous.642 c wealth and freedom reign..111 a w. is a great means of.....642 p w. is attended by care......739 o wealth lies buried wealth of her lord.

.......216 f .578 g w. of Indian provinces.....114 q wealth of the Czar......... 22 w. preferring to eternal‡...642 w. that ne'er encumbers...631 x wealth that sinews bought.559 e wealth when there's such..375 u w. ye find another keeps...152 when w. is lost nothing.. .....354 n where w. accumulates and. 143 g worldly wealth consumeth.262 a worth, unless united with..739 p wretched man outlive his*.485 b Wealthy-w. in my friends*..262 d Weapon-satire's my w., but‡537 t thought's a w. stronger.. 267 O

w. of her weakness she can 590 €

weapon of the lord... .182 e w. that comes down as still. 482 t Weaponless-w, himself**. .579 Weapons-buried were all§...470 o hurt with the same w*. 329 g supplies them with w. 677 t too, have hurled weapons..800 a w.holy saws of sacred writ*303 e we grasp the weapons he...579 p women's w. water-drops*. .591 w Wear-being loth to w. it out.652 better to w. out than to rust 4 h get that I wear* ..111 t I'll w. them for your sake*. 24 d in the wide world to wear.. 22 r may not wear them*. 24 f might w. out life like thee..647 a nature seems to wear one. .410 v nothing wear but frieze**..593 i the rankling thorn to wear.351 r the worse for wear... .432 8 used to w. a long brown coat 23 h used to wear an old drab... 23 o w. him in my heart's core* 372 h wear in your shining hair..227 f wear out than to rust out...500bb w. them like his raiment*..628 n which we need not wear....654m with nothing to wear....... 22 q women wear the breeches..374 Wearer-merit of the wearer*.383 h w. knows where the shoe..506 Wearers-there are no crown.619 १ Wearing-not linen you're w.126 g Wears-fashion w. out more*.205

he w. his faith but as the*..433 b him who wears the regal**.534 | she w. that body but as one660 v so wears she to him*.... .377 e Wearied-can be wearied out.597 d lie not down 'neath.....339

Weariness art thou pale for. 399 makes weariness forget....€48m opiate of idle w. the mindes 68 o weariness can snore upon*.526 o wearinesse may tosse him..280 d wisdom won with w .356 d Weary-all knees were weary 488 w by thee, I weary thee*.....6.52 j days of absence, I am w.... 3 c fingers weary and worn... 339 c

for w. feet, the gift of rest.526 from a weary night... .136 j heaven upon earth to the w. 38 g I am so w. of toil and of... 8 n I am weary, and am§. .561 p I'm weary aften whiles....803 o infirm and wearys. 10 Z

I sae weary, fu' o' care.....530m through many a w. year...380 c to put on when you're w...666 e w. grows the unclouded. .236 d weary Him with my**. .....488 n weary of a golden.. .223 1 w. of all, shall want some* 499 n weary of breath.. .388 f weary of solid firmness*...207 i weary, stale, flat and*. ...669 c w. with disasters tugg'd*..350 t welcome to the w. and the§536 Weasel-w. nor wildcat will.. 55 k Weather-bald pate from the.180

bright or cloudy weather..236 p come the wild weather.....212 i endure wind and weather*.507 j fate's serenest weather... 207 q foul weather proceeds and.776 s get the weather stain.... .231 8 in fierce March weather....391 i makes cold weather*. ..660 b prove fair weather. ..108 u

scaped the wind and w....456 j through cloudy weather....345 n thoughts and sunny w... .544 í through wind and weather. 20 g w.without, sheltered about615 j window in stormy weather.877& winter and rough weather 610 d Weather-cock-Autumn is a..544m Weathered-pilot that w. the.444 z Weathers-color in all w.tt...197 € shield you in all sorts of w.458 j weathers every sky..... Weather-wise-some are w-w.504 d Weave-I can weave no more..597 i what a tangled web we w..144 z Weaved-ill-w. ambition*.... 13 z Weaver-here the weaver sat.237 d Weavers-w.of long tales.....578

227 P

Moorland w.boast Pindaric 454 Weaving-pattern which was.345 p Web-in her web's centre.....324 h or a spider's w. adorning¶..309 e pluck one thread and the..152 p stain'd w. that whitens... 88 b 'tis a thin web which. ..201 h w. from their own entrails.587 s web of Fate we spin......207 u web of our life is of a*. . .350 w web which spreadeth wide.324 j what a tangled w.we weave144 Webs-w. were spread of more579 d Wed-December when they*. .377 f if she deny to wed, I'll....376 u must love, and wed... ..392 p thought leapt out to wedt..598 a 'tis best to wed..... .223 8 too much haste to wed. 238 b wed her for a mine of gold*208 k wed itself with speecht....598 a wed nothing short of. ..875 ! wed one sweet woman and.607 f wed or cease to woo........662 j wed raw Haste, half sister+605 q woo honour, but to wed it*306 t Wedded-blasted were their..374 h hail, w, love, mysterious**.376 b our ring of wedded love....375 8 soul is wedded unto mine..333 s wedded to calamity*.. 8 g widowed wife and w. maid.376 7 you wedded all the world*.659 i Wedding-in all the w. cake..307 y never wedding, ever wooing662 j our w. cheer to a sad*.. 752 Wedding-coat-a bright black. 43 h Wedding-day-barefoot on*...877 ! weep upon his w-d.*. .384 c


Wedding-dresses-w-d. ready1.374m Wedding-garlands-to decay..546 c Wedding-garment-ours is her526 x Wedding-gown-about a w-g.. 23 1 Wedding-ring-circle of a w-r.375 a Wedding-song-hear the w-s...568 k like a w-s. all-melting. Wede-are a' wede 51 C Wedges-cleft with wedges...251 b away .217 8 Wedlock-but in w. wake....663 d honest w. is a glorious....876 h wedlock indeed hath oft....875 d w.'s a lane where there is..376 g Weds-boast if she weds......578 g Wednesday-he that died o**..306 y Wee-baloo, baloo my w., wee 31 d she is a winsome w. thing..644 r this sweet w. wife o' mine..644 r th' expectant wee things...303 i Weed-basest w. out-braves*..643 o beneath some pleasant w...823 o flower is only a weeds.. frail snowy weed.. ..160 g from a mistress than a w...456 n ..238 gather honey from a weed.650 h Ŏ Jupiter, try the weed.....457 g ought law to weed it out...528 g pernicious weed: whose...456 secret of a w.'s plain heart+1643 k tobacco, an outlandish w...456 i weed flung from the rock].150 weed of every clime........319m woman, in this scale, the...457 g Weeds-bittern booming in....268 o call us not weeds, we are.. 643 h her winter weeds outworn. 669 i idle w. are fast in growth*.289 8 ill weeds on to the surface .619m I noted in tattered weeds* .441 e like weeds uplifted.........391 i memory, in widow's weeds 881 w noxious weeds he sips......321m plucking up the w. of sin...667 n root away the noisome w.*.643 smell far worse than w.*...643 o we are weeds without it....343 p weeds are shallow-rooted*.643 n weeds do grow apace*. weeds make haste*. 289 q .289 q weeds of glorious feature..412 q whether to weeds or flowers371 Week-and the week is gone..507 c days that's in the week.....536 k for a week escape a great*.490 n keep a week away*.. one meal a week will serve. 606 p ..365 b wrecked with a w. of teen*.569 8 Week-day-his w-d. meal.....167 r Weeks-been fou for weeks...100 o spent six consecutive w..... 23 a Weep-a man may w. upon*..384 c and unapt to weep* and women must weep.....666 v .444 h as make the angels weep*..491 g as well as eyes that weep...561 d calm for those who weep...285 i cannot weep for them......288 z deed, than weep it done....187 v doe ye weep, sweet babes...239 n eyes that wake to weep.....561 i fair daffadills, we weep....226 k foolish ones shall weep.....141 c I am about to weep; but*..591 o I cannot w.; for all my*....591 p if you wish me to weep.

.728 j

I might not weep for thee..142 d it is some relief to weep....745m laugh, the laugher weep*..606 h leaves the wretch to weep..264m let us weep in our darkness403 j long-leaved flowers weept..412 t men weep over may be....284m more, because I weep in....590 my bier ye come to weep...590 c Р nature loves to weep... no, I'll not weep*. ..153 w ...591 y old women weep for joy....483 e

tears which stars weep...
that he should w. for her*..423m
.153 x
thing to weep for..
.255 C
'tis that I may not weepl...340 l
to w., to sleep, and weep....349 w
to weep, yet scarce know..155 n
weep and you weep alone..669 r
w. no more, lady, weep no.466
weep not for him...
w. not for those whom the.136 v
.403 j
w. on; and, as thy sorrows.569m
weep that trust and that...620 e
weep to record, and blush..555 8
weep, weep-and the watch619 e
w. with them that weep*...570 g
were cause indeed to weep. 74 d
what we should weep for.. 744 q
will weep on Sunday....
words that w. and tears....590 7
.775 g
ye who weep only! If, as...590 d
you desire him to weep....177 d
Weeper-to make the weeper*606 h
Weeping-April stops at last..392 e
for you will have weeping. 32m
hear the children weeping. 88 v
I have full cause of w.*.
let us go weeping....
591 y
.133 i
long years of weeping. ..874 a
smile, but your weeping.... 32m
thine eyes red with w.......537 e
thy weeping is in vaine.....138 e
Weeps-and the widow w.*....381m
w. at the feet and head.....181 v
April w. while these are so.392 d
comic stage deserted w.....714 o
hero weeps, he is grown....309 o
mercy w. them out again...831 f
w. like a tired child who...392 d
Weigh-bar to w. true worth..330 8
white rose w. "She is latet 366 r
weigh less than a singlett.. 5 c
w. not the thin ore where]..389 7
Weigh'd-hast thou ever w. a. 592 t
weigh the man, not his title373 g
Weigh'st-w. thy words*..
Weighing-in equal scale w.*..145m
665 q
Weighs-Jove w. affairs oft...277 b
weighs upon the heart*.
....441 c
who duly weighs an hour.. 354 u
Weight-falling with soft**...562 a
who weighs his burdens....701 p
for our offense by weight*. 30 c
less of weight it bore.... ..588 t
the w. of seventy years... 12m
thrice their weight in gold. 22 f
too great weight and.
unendurable its weight.
.246 e
weight from off my head*.. 1 c
..268 i
w. of any misery, before it. 22 d
what w. your shoulders [...427 j
with too great a weight....555 d
Weights-a noise of fallingt... 25
Weke-w.! so cries a pig*.
sink with their own w...
Welcome-a table full of w...644 a
652 p
bay deep-mouth'd w. as....643 p
bear welcome in your eye*.482 c
bid that w. which comes*...644 b
coming with w. at ourtt....136 c
freely welcome to my cup..323 e
hail with welcome sweet... 16
is w. to my soul......
kisses and w. you'll find....643 q
one more, most welcome*..211
say, "Welcome friend". 73
small cheer and great w.*..644 g
society the sweeter w.*.
so welcome a guest that....704 n
565 p
sweet will thy welcome and 48 o
the hostess say "W."*.
unclouded w. of a wife
.644 e
..646 b
very w. to our house*
warmest w., at an inn.
.644 f
welcome as a friend¶
433 k
welcome ever smiles*
.245 i
..644 i


[blocks in formation]

welcome merry Christmas. 95 e welcome, my old friends...643 8 w. my return at night.. .... 87 g w. peaceful evening in .. .186 q welcome the coming+ 289 v w. thee, and wish thee**...893 e welcome thy entering ..390 o w. to a foreign fireside§....643 8 welcome to our table.......168 k welcome to the north again 43 l' w. to the weary and the§...536 q welcome to your gory bed. 635 q without a welcome... ...566 worth is warrant for his*...644 c yet art thou welcome¶. .245 i yet I pick'd a welcome*. ....644 h your welcome dear*. ..644 d Welcomes-deeds, hollow w.*. 73 b seem full of welcoines§.. 643 r w. and farewells been said.394m welcomes every changing..227 p Welcomest-w.when they are*290 d w. in the shivering pair....474 a Well-all is not well; I doubt*586 p all's well that ends well*...495 d' another is wise, yet I am*..659 o another virtuous, yet I am*659 o be digging a well.. ......745 g but to live well.

.722 €

...603 k

have ye done well.... his drink the crystal well..567 j if we do w. here we shall do347 j in the bottom of a well.....623 z in the heart's deep well....574 e it is not done well; but you 450 p looking w. can't move her..365 r may be he is not well*......295 q must fast till he is well....451 & my Cornish friends be well.586 i not so deep as a well, nor*.112 g oft we mar what's well*...527 j one woman is fair, yet I am*659 o speak sometimes merely w. 179 q stream from wisdom's well651 8 the burden which is w......701 the devil was w., the devil..153 the last drop in the well...604 'tis not so deep as a w.,nor*671 h walnut-tree over the well..323 q we all, when we are well...676 d well of English undefyled. 480 p w. to be off with the old love360 q what's well begun, is half..679 cwhere truth is-in a well]..641 a who well lives, long lives..599 c Well-bred-and well-bred man120 d

[ocr errors]

courteous and well-bred... 120 g. Well-done-servant of God**.549 a sensible, and w-b. man.....373m Well-endowed-a w-e. girl ..779 o Well-filled-a little house w-f.494bb Well-made-is a w-m, man....145 o Well-reputed-a woman w-r.*659 Well-meaning-w-m. dunce.t+402m Well-read-respect for a w-r..516 e Wells-into empty wells


Well-spent-as rare as a w-s..346 purest wells of English....340 h Well-spring-a well-spring of. 32 n

Well-timed-when love's w-t..355 b friend, my well-spring... .260 i kWelkin-amaze the w. with*..639 a stars have lit the welkin...214 e Welsh-devil understands W.*310 z Wench-a most sweet wench*.659 a wooed his w. with a pair...663 e Wenches-tongues of*... ....537 x Went-know she came and++..634 h Wener-of W. or of Wetter...440 a made a finer end and w.*...138 where she w., the flowers..657 e Wept-behold who ever wept.591 f eye that w. essential love..382 i he watch'd and wept, he... ...450 n I wept for memory.. .381 CI w. thy absence-o'er and. 3 a men o'er him wept........403 c

w. in every clime as breath.120 ƒ
welcome make the rest.....289 u


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