The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments: and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America: Together with the Psalter, Or Psalms of DavidProtestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1858 - 728 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 41
الصفحة 13
... Heaven , when we remember that some of the language which we employ has conveyed consolation to the hearts of Apostles and holy men ; some has expressed the de- 5 The people echo out amen , like a thunder - clap , says St. Jerome . And ...
... Heaven , when we remember that some of the language which we employ has conveyed consolation to the hearts of Apostles and holy men ; some has expressed the de- 5 The people echo out amen , like a thunder - clap , says St. Jerome . And ...
الصفحة 239
... heaven , and so shall be unto the latter day , when he shall come again in glory accom- panied with the angels of heaven , to judge both the quick and the dead . And the same natural substance of the very body and blood of Christ ...
... heaven , and so shall be unto the latter day , when he shall come again in glory accom- panied with the angels of heaven , to judge both the quick and the dead . And the same natural substance of the very body and blood of Christ ...
الصفحة 240
... heaven , and is present by grace . Lest even this expres- sion should be misunderstood , it is explained to be " the gift of life . " Unless we are prepared to contend that the light of the sun on earth is the sun which is in heaven ...
... heaven , and is present by grace . Lest even this expres- sion should be misunderstood , it is explained to be " the gift of life . " Unless we are prepared to contend that the light of the sun on earth is the sun which is in heaven ...
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