صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

A road camp in settler's clearing near the Abitibi River, Township of Brower, showing poplar, white birch and spruce timber.


A field of oats on the Experimental Farm on the T. & N. O. Ry., Township of Clergue.

the timber partly burned off, south of the railway. This work was performed by day labor at an approximate cost of $630 per mile. The road crosses the Buskegow Creek in the 5th Concession where the river has a width of about 75 feet with high clay banks.

There is very little waste land along this road, although, in a few places, semi-muskegs are met with. The general character of the country, however, is rolling; the soil is a rich clay loam; the timber of the usual character, spruce predominating with poplar, Balm-of-Gilead and white birch on the high land. The lots along this road are all located and in many instances fair progress has been made by the settlers in making small clearings.

$5,650 was expended on this road.

Road No. 9.

Returning again to the Township of Glackmeyer, a road between Lots 18 and 19 across Concession 1, was cut out the full width and well graded. The balance of this road across Concessions 2 to 12 inclusive was cut out 3 years ago by the Department of Public Works, and partly graded as far as the line between Concessions 6 and 7. Across part of Concessions 9 and 10 the road was graded last season by the Department of Public Works. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Concessions there are two large semi-muskegs, one of them about 1⁄2 a mile in length which had not been corduroyed, but ditched; the other one, about 34 a mile in length had been well corduroyed but not ditched. I corduroyed the first mentioned one and deepened the ditches, and ditched the other on both sides, and re-graded and ditched parts of the balance of the road up to the 12th Concession inclusive, but owing to the wet season could not complete the work across the 12th Concession. I also cut down several steep hills on this road expending $1,400 thereon up to the north boundary of Glackmeyer.

The land along this road was the first located upon in the vicinity of Cochrane, and, with the exception of the semi-muskegs above mentioned, the land is fairly good; the soil a clay or clay loam with the exception of one sand hill. Almost every lot is settled upon; in a few instances from 20 to 40 acres have been cleared on individual lots with fairly good buildings. There are two sawmills on this road, one in the 2nd Concession and one in the 10th.

This road has also been continued north as far as the Abitibi River across Concessions 1 and 2, Township of Blount, a distance of 114 miles. The work was performed under contract for the cutting out, grubbing and burning at $650 per mile. $337.50 has already been advanced; the work has not yet been completed; it has been cut out and grubbed in the usual way but not burned off.

This road passes through a very fine country. Several years ago fire swept over a section of country along the Abitibi River in Blount and Leitch Townships and the burning off of the moss, which retains the moisture and retards drainage, has materially improved the country from an agricultural stand point. The road intersects the Abitibi River near the centre of the Long Soo Rapids, where the river is about 40 rods in width and very rapid, and it will be practically impossible, except at a very great expense, to construct a bridge at this point. An easier crossing can be made about 1⁄2 a mile down the stream where the river narrows down to about half its average width.


Cutting out a trunk road east from the town of Cochrane to the Abitibi River,

Road No. 10.

The boundary between the Townships of Glackmeyer and Blount, across part of Lot 15 and across Lots 16 to 28 inclusive, a distance of 41⁄2 miles, has been cut out the usual width of 66 feet and the centre 26 feet grubbed; the timber has not, however, been burned off. The eastern mile was let by contract to E. Pauze at $650 per mile for the cutting, grubbing and burning. $300 has been advanced on his contract. A contract for the balance of the road across Lots 19 to 28 was let to F. Nault for cutting, grubbing and burning at $650 per mile. Mr. Nault has completed his contract with the exception of burning off the timber and has been paid $1,787.50 on account.

The land along this road is very fine, well drained by the Abitibi River and small tributary streams. There are several settlers located along this road who have started small clearings.

Road No. 11.

The road between Lots 12 and 13 across the 1st to the 6th Concession in the Township of Glackmeyer, a distance of 41⁄2 miles, has been cut out the full width 66 feet-grubbed the usual width but not yet burned off. Two bridges across the Brule or Brower Creek on Concession 2 have been constructed and considerable corduroy laid.

The amount expended on this road is $3,664.34.

There is no broken or waste land along this road although part of it is flat and will require considerable ditching.

Road No. 12.

The road between Lots 24 and 25 across Concessions 1, 2 and 3 in the Township of Kennedy has been cut out the full width, grubbed and ready for grading, with the exception of the burning of the timber. It was found impracticable to construct the road along the boundary line between the Townships of Kennedy and Glackmeyer across these three Concessions, inasmuch as an expensive bridge would be required across the Abitibi River on Concession 3. It is proposed to extend this road 3/4 of a mile further north and then jog west on the line between Concessions 4 and 5 to the boundary, thence north along the boundary. This road, which has a length of 214 miles, was cut out and grubbed at a cost of $1,525.00. The road passes through a good agricultural country.

Road No. 13.

The road between Lots 8 and 9 in the Township of Lamarche, across Concessions 2 to 6 inclusive, a distance of 5 miles, has been cut out the usual width and grubbed. Across Concession 6 for one mile the road has been well graded and well ditched, and a bridge constructed across Lamarche Creek on Concession 4. A large drain was constructed on each side of the road across the 6th Concession through a large spruce and tamarac swamp. These ditches will serve to drain the town of Cochrane and a large area surrounding it. The land in part of the 6th Concession is very swampy, with, however, sufficient fall for good drainage. The balance of the road is through fairly good agricultural land until the 1st Concession is met where the land is again swampy. Every lot on this road has been located on and fair progress is being made by the locaters.

On this road there was expended $1,450.


Resident Engineers' camps on the T. C. R. at Nagagami River, 172 miles west of the town of Cochrane,

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