صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the affembly of Jamaica, in their
favour, 265. Poems in commifera-
tion of their flavery, by two very
young ladies, 554.

Nerves, their agency in producing mufcu-
lar motion denied, 246. This doctrine
proved to be falfe, 246, 247.
Newton, Sir Isaac, a new demonftration
of his first rule for the quadrature of
curves, 206.

Nicholas V. Pope, his great patronage of
learning, 230. Forms the Vatican li-
brary, ib

Nonagefimal degree, the method of finding
its altitude and longitude, 386.
Noyon, bishop, his epitaph, 642.

OBSERVATORY, at Dublin, defcribed,


Opera, Italian, anecdotes rel. to celebrated
compofers of, 657.

Orange, Prince of, his ftrong claim for
fupport in the office of Stadtholder,

Orchards, plan for improving, 481.
Ordeal, trials by, inftances of, 209.
Orpheus, account of, 134. His hymns ex-
pounded, &c. 135.

Ofcillating bodies, their force on the cen-
ter of fufpenfion, 146.
Offian, the authenticity of his poems; tefti-
mony in favour of, 511.
Ovarium, the contents of a difeafed one
defcribed, 206.

PARIAN Chronicle, its authenticity im-
peached, 351.

Parish Registers, obfervations on, 299.
Parfnis, their culture, 479.

Pafton, Mrs. her curious letter, concerning
her fon's education, 49.

Paul, Father, his treatile on the govern-
ment of Venice lately printed in Eng-
land, 698. A tranflation of it formerly
printed, ib.

Pearfon, Dr. his invention of the foda
phosphorata, 507.

Pegge, Mr. his hiftory of the asylum or
ecclefiaftical fanctuary, 298.
Pelew, illands of, inhabitants of, their
friendly behaviour to capt. Wilfon and
his crew, fhipwrecked there, 113.193.
Affecting acc. of the parting between
them and the English, 200.
Pemphigus, an uncommon difeafe, de-
scribed, 206,

Peribelion, a remarkable one defcrib. 205.
Perrault, anecdotes relating to, 644.
Petroleum, defcription of the fprings yield-
ing it, 639.

Peyroufe, M. an acc. of his voyage, 572.
Pharmacopeia, obfervations on the laft
published by the college, 463. Tranf-


lated by Healde, 21. By Monro, 205-
Errors in it pointed out, 59.
Pblogifton, obfervation on it, 326.
Place, M. de la, on the population of
France, 574. On the theory of Jupi
ter and Saturn, 575.
Planets, obfervations on, 572.
Playfair, Mr. on barometrical meafure-
ments, 32.

Pleiades, their conjunction with the moon,
571. Occultations, ib.
Peland, char, of, by the K. of Pruffia, 682,
Poffe Comitatus, explained, 330.
Potatoes, their culture, 473-477. See

alfo Curl.

Pownal, Governor, his account of Roman
antiquities, 299. 427.

Priffey, Dr. his experiments on the prin
ciple of acidity, compofition of water,
and phlogifton, 326. His doctrine of re-
fpiration mifrepresented by the French,
388. Defended, ib.

Prime numbers, fome properties of, 570.
Primero, a fashionable game at cards in Q
Elizabeth's time, 301.

Prince, Mr. his account of an air-pump of
a new construction, 391.
Printing, thoughts on its origin, 423.
Prifoxers of war, how cruelly treated in
former times, 421.

Pruffia, late K. of, vindicated with regard
to his imprisonment of Baron Trenck,
256; and in refpect to his invafion of
Silefia, 486. 683. His feizure of the
archives of Dreiden defended, 287. His
concern in the partition of Poland jus
tified, 490. His unbounded toleration
of religion, 675. His pofthum. works,
676. His character of the Emperor
Ch. VI. 679. Of Geo. II. K. of Eng.
land, 680. Of the Q. of Spain, ib. Of
the English nation, ib. Of the Dutch,
681. Of the Ruffians, 682.
own father, 683.

Of his

Purveyor to the King's houthold, his of
fice, 426.

Pyrmont, its water, and its fituation,
fcribed, 179.

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Royal Society of Ireland, its hiftory, 203.
Ruffia, produces a greater variety of ve-
getables than other countries, 634.
Measures of length there adjusted to
their agreement with English feet, 641.
Ruffians, their national character, 682.

SAL Martis, method of knowing when

it is genuine, 25.
Salt, fpontaneously formed in Crim Tar-
tary, 639.

Salt-petre, used for cooling water, 617.
Sanctuary, or afylum, of ancient times,
defcribed, 298.

Saturn, the theory cf, 575. The ele
ments of its orbit, 576.

Saxons, military eftablishments among
them, 329.

Scotland, fome parts of, characterized, 312.
Songs, &c. of the Highlanders, 313.
Edinburgh defcribed, 539.
Scots, their origin in Britain, 512.
Segrais, the poet, anecdote.of, 643.
Sejour, M. du, on the population of
France, 574

Series, infinite, their ufe in finding fl

ents, 145. How transformable, 146.
Sermons at Weftminster Abbey, charged
with infipidity, 337. Invective against
the clergy in general, on a fimilar ac-
count, ib.

Sevigné, Madame de, a continuation of
her Letters, 696.

Sewal, Mr. his magnetical obfervat. 390.
Shakespeare, his principal characters, &c.
J fine fubjects for the painter, 81.

Shenfione, Will. anecdotes relat. to, 262.
Silk-worms, breeding them not an un-
healthy employment, 484.
Slavery of the Negroes, obfervat. relating
to, 69. Abolition of, unadvifable, 70.
The abolition contended for, ib. That
fcheme oppofed, 71. Account of the
manner in which flaves are procured in
Africa, 238. One good effect from
this trade, 241.
Smith, Dr. his obfervations on the irrita.
bility of vegetables, 248.

[blocks in formation]

Stone. See Gravel.
Sugar, analysis of, 182.

Sulphur Præcipitatum, a new method of
preparing it, preferable to the old, 24.
Swallows, their torpid ftate during the
winter confirmed by facts, 391.

THEODORA, Empress, her diffolute
character, 13.

Theodoric, Emperor, flory of his guilty
confcience, and remarkable death, 13.
Tinmouth, Roman infcript. at, expl. 426.
Tithes, argum. pro and con. rel. to, 453.
Tortoises, different kinds of, defcribed, 604.
Trenck, Baron, his fufferings during a tem
years imprisonment, 257. Not unjustly
treated by the K. of Pruffia, 672.
Trooftryk, M. Van, on noxious vapours,
and the means of preventing their per-
nicious effects, 612. On the electri-
city of the atmosphere, 613.
Turnips, experiments on their culture, 47"

Meth, of preventing the fly in them, i
Turtle, a new fpecies of, defcribed, 602.
Turtles, their manner of living, 602.
Breeding, 603.

Twining, Mr. his tranflation of Ariftotle's

Poetics announced, 701.

Tyrobitt, Mr. his notes on Ariftotle's
Poetics, left in the hands of Mr. Bur-
gefs, 701.

VAN Marum, Dr. on vapours, 612.

Van Trefwyk, M. on ditto, ib. On
the electricity of the atmosphere, 613.
Vatican library, by whom fit made a va-

luable repofitory of learning, 230.
Vegetables, their irritability, 248.
Vegetation, obfervation on, 390. Its phe-

nomena better known than under-
flood, 391.

Venus, in conjunction with the moon, 570.
Occultation of, ib.

Virgil, faid to bave drawn his images, in
the 4th Eclogue, front the Hebrew pro-
phets, 305. Bishop Low h's objections
relative to fome opinions on this fubject
aníwered, 307. His neid confidered
in the light of a prophetic work, 310.
Purid, its moking oil analyzed, 576.


Voyages, difeafes of foldiers in, 179.
Usher, Dr. his account of the obfervatory
at Trinity College, Dublin, 204. Of a
lunar eclipfe, 206.

WALKER, Dr. his experiments on the
fap in trees, 31.

Walpole, Sir R. his character by the King
of Pruffia, 680.

Walton water, its analyfis, 88.

Waring, Dr. on centripetal forces, 244.
Warton, Mr. T. his edition of Milton's

fmaller poems criticifed, 4-12. Far-
ther criticifm, 97-104. Criticiíms
concluded, 351. Letter to Mr. W. on
this fubject, 380.

Water may be cooled below the freezing

point, 323. Composition of it denied,

Waters, mineral, of Walton, analyzed, 88.

Of Bath, 267. Of Cheltenham. 268.
Wedgwood, Mr. his mortars and other
vellels, recommended to apothecaries,25.
His thermometer misunderstood by the
French, 164.

employed in copying the ce-
lebrated Barberini vafe, 425, the note.
Wells, the heat of the water in them af-
certained, and thence the natural tem-
perature of the earth eftimated, 248..
Wheat, Indian, culture of, 390.
Willard, Mr. on the nonagefimal degree,

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386. His table of equations of equal
altitudes for Cambridge, ib. On the va
riation of the compaís, 390.
Williams, Mr. on the latitude of Cam-
bridge in New England, and the varia-
tion of the compaís, 386. Account of
an uncommon darkness, 388. Conjec-
tures on earthquakes, 389.
Willis, Mr. his obfervations on Roman

roads, 300. On the battles between
Ironfide and Canute, ib.
Wilfon, Captain, of the Antelope, fhip-
wrecked on the Pelew lands, 110.
What befel him and his crew while
they remained there, 111. Friendly
intercourse with the natives, 113. Build
a veffel to depart in, 118. Manners and
cuftoms of the Pelew Indians described,
119. 192. Affecting account of the
parting between Capt. W. and the chiefs
of Pelew, 200. Arrives at Macao, iba
Some objections to his conduct answer.
ed, 201.

Wilfon, Mr. his obfervations on cold and
hoar froft, 34.

Wollen Manufacture, its antiquity in Ire-
land, 512.

Wound, a remarkable gun-fhot one de-
fcribed and cured, 392.

YOUNG, Dr. on the quadrature of

curves, 206.

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