To hold the thought it holds to man, And first and foremost has the power All nature's work to seek and scan. An idle loiterer from the track I hold their reason nought; shall then The voice of scorning bring me back? II. DARK Science holds her truths in state, But that which makes a nation great, And spreads her roots in lengthened days, That bids defiance to the waves, Which with the lightning seem to mate; To cleave and scatter all that stands, No longer sought in bygone time, A height to which each one can climb. And each shall hold their selfish part, And level to the scrambling crew A nation's pride, upheld by few, And sink the nation in the mart. III. Is Mammon then the god of peace? And raise the idol from the dust, And deem that no rude hand will break And call the nations of the earth To worship at our idol's throne, And think we hold them as our own, Our own for e'er in peaceful mirth. We do but tempt the envious eye, |