EVERY MAN'S MONITOR; OR, THE UNIVERSAL COUNSELLOR, IN PROSE AND VERSE. BEING A COLLECTION OF SELECT SENTENCES, CHOICE MAXIMS, * SUITED BOTH YOUTH AND AGE OF EVERY SECT AND DENOMINATION, AS LONG AS TIME ENDURES, BY JOHN COLTMAN, SOUND MAXIMS ARE PRECIOUS JEWELS, TO WHICH ARE ADDED, FRUITS OF A FATHER'S LOVE ; A PLAIN AND SERIOUS ADDRESS TO THE MASTER OF A FAMILY, AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EDUCATING A FAMILY, PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR W. W. WOODWARD No. 52, SOUTH SECOND STREET. ....... Grggs & Dickinsons, Printera. THE CHARACTER GIVEN OF THIS BOOK By the Editor of the Gospel Magazine, July 1781. THESE Sentences, &c. which are classed under their different heads, having for the most part been the experience of living and dying Christians, are a valuable treasure. They comprise a great variety of subjects, most worthy the perusal of grave and contemplative persons; the graces, virtues, and duties of believers form a considerable part of them; and the rest paint, in proper colours, those, odious qualities of the mind which prevail in the unregenerate. This book is extremely well calculated to enrich the mind with pious sentiments, kindle a sacred flame of devotion, and excite serious and sincere professors of the Gospel to pursue their Christian course with vigour and alacrity; and will therefore to all such afford a very pleasing and profitable amusement. |